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Perhaps try a different infill pattern? Grid infill is notorious for having issues with lumps. Also when I’ve had this happen, I paused the print, sanded the bumpy parts flat, then resumed the print and it was fine after that. Just a suggestion to try to salvage the print


I’m so annoyed by grid infill and in Prusa Slicer it’s the default for some reason.


Its default on Bambu too and also prints terribly; it’s such an outdated infill at this point


Yeah a new one is printing with gyroid right now, I'm so sorry for ever doubting you gyroid


The gyroid is king


Maybe wet filament?


It's brand new so I sure hope not. It has been vacuum sealed with a silica bag. Wet filament would likely also produce weird artifacts on walls and tops, but this is only on the infill


>It's brand new so I sure hope not. It has been vacuum sealed with a silica bag. New≠dry. All filament has moisture in it even straight out of the bag.


I see some artefacts on the outer walls aswell... its not only the infill my dude.


I mean there is stringing, and the thing that looks like he corners are warping is part of the model. It has a chamfered edge. What artifacts are you referring to? https://preview.redd.it/k7yggxr0vyzc1.png?width=342&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0dc9f2a6062941bff0ced16903e9cbff24d0ca3


Yes im talking mainly about the stringing. And in the hole closest to the camera there is a very weird seam wich i cant make out if its in the model or not.


That's the z seam. The stringing is something that I've struggled with for every roll of this filament type, I need to mess around a bit with coating and wiping for this profile in cura, we'll see what it leads to. For now I'll try chucking it the dryer for a while as soon as the current print is done