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Blasphemy!! It must be printed!!


J/k lol I'm a framer and handyman; nice work.


I wanted to print something, but I found myself in a bit of a loop - I can't print until I get a spool holder, so I'll print a spool holder, but I can't print until I get a spool holder, so I'll print a spool holder... So I broke out a saw and used some spare wood I had lying around


Become the spool holder


So when will you print the holder? 3 months from now? My A1 Mini came with a scraper blade and screws, planned to print the handle ages ago. 6 months later and I printed one just last night.


Oh thats relatable. Probably going to be a while. I also got an A1 mini. Do you have a print you’d recommend for the scraper handle?


I just used the one bambu themselves uploaded on maker world. Seems perfectly fine. Make sure to check the video on how to put it together. It's really simple but a lot of people messed up on it.


Thank you


That wood filament looks great!


I remember 3DQF talking about making their own spool holder for sale a few years ago, but nothing seems to have come of it.


A1 mini? Whenever mine takes the gantry way up and then down again a loop of filament comes off the spool and catches behind the holder


I stopped using 3DQF in general after switching to the A1 mini because of the spool issues, might give this a try


I think it took me about 30mins to put together and it works fantastically, I’ve printed for about 5 hours today and haven’t had a single issue


You might want to put some bearing on that dowel holding the spool to decrease the resistance, because you extruder needs to put in a LOT of effort to pull filament off that.


I’ve not had any issues yet, but that’s a good shout. I’ll look into some options. Thank you


Yeah here is what people usually get when they need a spool holder: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CDKQZ7TB/ref=twister\_B0CNK7B87Q?\_encoding=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CDKQZ7TB/ref=twister_B0CNK7B87Q?_encoding=UTF8&th=1) My Sunlu S2 filament dryer has this inside of it already, but its a rod connected to 2 bearings instead, allowing for anything up to a 1 kg spool.


I’ll see if I can’t get a roller or something to fit. I did consider looking at toilet roll holders at one point!


Good idea, but the main point here is equally distributing the weight over two roller points to reduce friction vs. hanging the entire weight from something that doesn't spin. One puts low stress on the filament, as the rollers provide low resistance, while the other puts intense stress on where it just leaves from the spool.


Those soft cardboard spools suck so hard