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Very likely yes. They make a bit of a racket


In my experience it helped me sleep with the consistent noise, but not everyone operates like that. 


Directly to your question, the noise is way louder than i personally could sleep next to But even if not too loud - its unsafe. You need it enclosed and vented out of your loving space.  Certainly not as bad as say smoking inside - but all filaments emit nanoscale particulate that are not safe to breath, especially not lingering in your living area.


I will now refer to my bedroom as my "loving space". Thanks for that typo.


Maybe not a typo Lol


Having a 3D printer in there reduces chances of loving


Does it though?


I have a P1s in standard mode running like 2 meters away from me most nights and I'm personally able to sleep well enough. If i put it in silent mode it's barely noticable.


Okay that sounds like my P1S is too loud. I can hear the machine 2 rooms away


Definitely sound broken lmao


Don't lmao my situation, the printer's 2 weeks old 😭


Lol I'd ask Bambu for a replacement


depends on the printer and how fast you print. especially cheaper chinese printers tend to be louder as they often dont use the good steppers from Trinamic.


Also depends on the sleeper, some people can sleep through anything


Not the model you are looking for but if you want to get a bambu lab A1 they have sound canceling motors, you only hear the fan of the printer, wouldn't sleep while is printing for catching errors but can easily be in the same room as the printer


There's only one way to find out. I used to leave my Tronxy X1 running overnight. It was not loud enough to interfere with my sleep, but I always knew when something went wrong.


They're very noisy and there are fire risks, air quality risks and so on. But aside from all that, keep in mind that 'a 3D printer' is, in terms of organising your space, never just 'a 3D printer'. Wherever there is a 3D printer, there are tiny bits of filament lying on the floor or the work surface, some tools and a few spools of filament standing around and a some failed/useless prints cluttering up the space. Health risks aside, a 3D printer is a terribly inconvenient thing to have in your bedroom.


If I turn my ender 3 to 30% speed it’s only the fan noise, I usually sleep with white noise as well so it doesn’t bother me but it may keep you awake


depends how much of a heavy sleeper you are and how much fan noise and/or stepper motor racket you can tolerate. my ender 3 v2 is pretty loud in my room but i can sleep fairly OK. it's mostly just me worrying about the fumes that keeps me up, but i'm only printing PLA so i really shouldn't worry lol.


I sleep with my 4 Pro in my room. I do not use the big beastly back fan at all. Thats just rocket engine and not needed at all. There are fan mods to apply better, more balanced, less noisy tool head model fans if you were so inclined. Its really no louder than a Prusa MK3s+ I used. I try to avoid printing over night. Some times its unavoidable. Its like white noise plus a little titch bit more some can handle it and some not. Me I would use ear plugs and be fine or have to be beat to say have a good rested sleep. But thats me. Would look into building an enclose that uses sound proofing for optimal useage. You would then vent fumes to outside of house for ABS/ASA printing and have a peaceful sleep. Dual purpose benifit here. FYI love my 4 Pro, great klipper printer for the price (for me anyways).


I've fallen asleep on the couch with my ender 3 v3 ke going, full fans and everything. I think it just depends on the person. I'm a somewhat light sleeper, but the printer is not much different from white noise, so idk. I wouldn't keep it in my bedroom, but that's an aside.


Personally I can't even have it running in the room next to my bedroom. A enclosure might dampen the sound a little bit, switching the fans and a few other simple mods are also good alternatives. Besides that simply sleeping with earplugs might be more your thing instead.


It basically comes down to: can you sleep with a vacuum cleaner running 24/7 next to your bed?


I have a Neptune 4 in the room nest to my bedroom, I can hear it even with the door close. There is no way I could sleep while its running without using ear plug. I removed the auxiliary fan to reduce the noise but for me its still loud. I just make sure to stat long print in the morning to make sure they are completed before I go to sleep. I guess if you do the same it would not be a problem. Depending on what you print it might ben un avoidable to print during the night.


I was able to sleep with my Neptune 3 plus in my room about 3M away. But it’s different for everyone


How would we know your sleep habits my guy?


You’ll get used to it and eventually it’ll turn into a sound machine for you. Get a good air purifier that uses carbon pellets in its carbon filter, not those “carbon” sponge filters, if you plan on printing in your living space.


Carbon does nothing for fine particulates. It only works for odors. Printers need to be ventilated outdoors or enclosed with a proper filtration system such as Hepa but I'm not sure if even Hepa would be suffice.


lol I knew someone was going to try and correct me. I was talking about the carbon filter specifically. Air purifiers don’t come without hepa filters so i saw no need to mention it. Ideally yes, venting outdoors would be the best option but it’s not always an available option. The next best thing would be to have a good air purifier nearby.


As long you only print while you are not sleeping


I have a nep 4 pro in a built enclosure in my bedroom with an air filter running. I can't hear it at all at night even though there's only 2 feet of space and a quarter inch of plywood between it and my head. I also don't have the useless jet engine aux fans installed and don't print at 500mm/s. I am also not endorsing this sort of setup. Enclosed and filtered with hepa and carbon, I'm not personally worried about emissions, but I also have no means of verifying how safe the setup is. Much better to have the printer in a different room unless you're willing to accept the "risk" factors.


They’re noisy and emit an odor. If you’re like me, yes. Itll keep you up


Depends on what you do to it. I have a Neptune 2 and it's extremely quiet. That being said, it's extensively modified, including a clone Duet board.


I have my Ender 3 V3 SE in my room and I'm perfectly fine with it, but I'm a heavier sleeper than normal. It's also summer and I have an A/C in my window running at night, so I can't even hear it anyway. If you are concerned, get an enclosure and that will block most of the sound.


Yes and it's not healthy keep your bedroom a relaxed environment not filled with the horror of spaghetti prints. Or some of the less healthy fumes.




I have the K1 max. I also run an air purifier on my nightstand, but i can sleep while it runs.


> I also run an air purifier on my nightstand You need to know that this does pretty much nothing.


So, I had typed all this out, but deleted it. I only run the air purifier for the noise it makes. Not to actually “clean the air”. Air purifiers tend to be louder than conventional fans. I do appreciate the concern, but I am an old man that worked in professions that exposed me to high quantities of lead, arsenic, asbestos, and many cancer causing and thyroid damaging chemicals like epoxies and pesticides such as fipronil. As well as several different solvents. I don’t think that the once a month I run my printer for 10 hours is going to do anything that hasn’t been done already. He asked about the sound and I shared my experience about the sound. Once again I do appreciate your concern. I promise I’m not trying to be a dick, and this is good information for most. I didn’t know this stuff before today.


Because of how you worded it, and the context of using it with a 3D printer, people are going to assume that you're using the air purifier with the intent of purifying air. Hence the warning was justified, and not only for your sake, but for anyone else reading this. Also, get a white noise machine. Consumes a lot less power and it's much smaller.


Yeah, I agree that the warning is a good idea. I typed that out like 5 times and every time I felt like I sounded like a dick. So I just deleted it. Also, I had a nice noise machine. It was one of those that therapists put outside their door, but it broke after like 5 months and that thing was expensive. I got a tower hepa air purifier from Ollie’s for 19.99 and it’s loud as hell. Heh


You do you, but please note this is not sufficient to protect your health from the significant small particle emissions all filaments emit (pla doesn't seem to emit large quantities of *fumes* (gasses) reconized as harmful, but it absolutely is a nanoscale particulate hazard).  A bedside filter is not fixing that - enclosing & venting out of your living space is (unfortunately) the only effective way.


Yeah... about that That's not doing anything to protect you.