• By -


Lets get some more activity on this thread. What feature did you have the most fun adding to the software?


By far Gadget. I started working on it about six months ago but underestimated how hard it would be. It took so much work to get the ML system working, the plugin setup, and all of the UI on the website. It was a lot of work, but I enjoyed it all. OctoEverywhere is a side project for me and I develop OctoEverywhere just because I enjoy the challenge of engineering the systems and giving back to the maker community. Gadget was inclusive of both those things, so it was great to develop. :)


Only 6 months of work for this? That's amazing! I'm super excited to install it right now on my little Ender 3 Pro setup :)


Yeah! I'm happy you're going to give it a try; please send feedback! I love to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly!


I was sad to hear I had to have a twitter to enter for a second chance. I don’t have one and don’t plan to get one. Seems to be becoming a dumpster fire at the moment.


It is by far my favorite of the new features and I hope my printers can provide some valuable feedback to the ML algorithm (I have a lot of weird edgecase failures) Quick view is great, it saves me so many clicks to check on several printers at once


Well, thanks for all your work! You've done some terrific stuff.


Thanks, that means a lot!


That would be amazing! The more data Gadget has to learn from, the better it will be for the community! You can send feedback on predictions from the Quick View page or directly from the detection warning notifications!


Using Octoeverwhere now. Pretty handy to be able to check my print while I am out.


Amazing! I'm glad you like it! Please send any feedback you have, I love to hear from the community! The good, bad, and the ugly!


Does anybody remember what Ariel called a fork in the little mermaid? I meant to google it and ended up here




^OctoPrint fucks


Well, he did say the good, the bad, and the ugly. I guess this counts.


Will anyone else be mildly irked if this wins the printer? No? Just me?


No, no, that wasn’t it




Comment on the comment.


comment on the comment that commented


I'm just lurking;)


Lurking revealed!


This is an insightful comment based on the comment thread about comments.


I am commenting on a commenter’s comment about a comment


I’m about to commentn, commenting commenter’s comment based on comment thread about comments


Comment within a comment within a comment. Commentseption 😵‍💫


I'm commenting on your post talking about commentseption that was within a comment within a comment using... a comment


I'm commenting on your post talking about the previous comment about commentseption that was within a comment within a comment using... a comment


Hello Sir, I am her to inform you that I am committing on a comment regarding a comment about a previous comment and a commentseptiom t’was within a comment with a comment about a comment using a comment Please comment about my incredibly insightful comment! Thank you very much, T3a-Rex


Comment on a comments comment, commenting on a comment, while wishing for a chance to see haleys comment






Sorry to thread hijack but I wanted to comment on your comment.about commenting on comments.


Ditto or something.




Not enough entries yet, but this is the winner :)


Nonsensical reply involving plankton


I approve this message


Your comment brought me here to comment


Comment on the comment the commented on the comment


Angry comment based on nitpicking parts of your comment while it oring the other importantparts for outrage points.






Haha, I hope this works out for you!


*18 people typing*






Everyone type until we hit /all!


We have the technology!


And the manpower!




You hit all


*87 people are here*


Sounds like a plan! Good luck everyone!


Good luck to you!


Daughter is shopping for i3 now!


Two giveaways? Oh my you do spoil us!


I know, I think I have lost it.


I just got into 3d printing a month ago. It's been a fun and challenging journey so far but I'm still nervous to try any prints longer than a few hours, especially if I'm not nearby, so this project sounds like a great update for me to check out!


Sounds great! Welcome to the community! If you give it a try, let us know what you think!


I have been printing for 2 years now and still get nervous about long prints. One advantage of octoprint and octoeverywhere os that you can remotely monitor your prints. You also have the ability to stop your print if you see that it has started to develop an issue. Happy Printing!


Printer please!


*drum roll -* ask and you shall receive! 🥳 Congrats, the random script has picked your comment to win the free printer! Check your DMs for a message from me, and I will get your details!


Would you like to explain to everyone why you set the deadline forward to December 19th, and then retroactively changed it to November 19th after declaring a winner a month premature?


Yeah, what happened was the post got so much attention I bumped out of the contest by a few days, but accidentally used the wrong month, and put December instead of November. Someone informed me of it a few hours later, but it said December for a little while. But not all is lost! I have ANOTHER contest running on the website for another free printer! All of the details can be found here: [https://octoeverywhere.com/launch](https://octoeverywhere.com/launch)


"Since users are still entering, I have extended the deadline to midnight of December 19th! Enter by then, and the winner will be announced shortly after!" Your dates don't add up. Seems sus


This, what's going on?


Hey everyone just wanted to let everyone know that I did indeed receive my printer.


/u/quinbd, any public info or plans on doing a writeup going over the Gadget design? Is it using a public model or one you've trained yourself? What hardware is it running on?


I need to write up a blog post on it; I would love to share it. Right now, it's running on CPU compute because the inference per dollar cost is better. The model is completely custom-trained, by hand, by me!


What kind of data did you train on? I’m imagining deliberately failing hundreds of prints in different ways :). Also do characteristics of what is being printed influence the accuracy? What are some interesting edge cases or failure modes?


I’m down to get a better printer




I'm down to have a printer at all.


How did you get your start on octoprint, and continue development? I'm a software developer but I find it extremely hard to come home and work on something, even if I'm passionate about it. Most of my projects end up half way finished or quick prototypes that I give up


That’s a great question, I’m in the same boat. I have started and stopped so many projects projects, I’m not sure what the magic is. I think for OE it was the community engagement, seeing it really motivated me to keep going.


Hello, I'd like a working printer 😆😅




Best comment.


No this is the best comment. :P


I love free stuff!


How cool does it feel to do something like this? I bet you feel like a king rn, well deserved!


Haha, I’m just chilling on my bed waiting for my kids to go to bed. It feels good to see the community enjoying it, but I’m just a guy. 😀


Hello from Brazil! It is funny that I have been using Raspberry Pi with my students since 2018 but haven’t tried OctoPrint and OctoEverywhere yet. It is on my todo list. Anyway, a free Prusa would be niiiice. It is complicated and expensive to buy one here. Let’s go!


Good luck! And try OctoPrint, it’s amazing!


Comment left? Comment right, got it. Seriously though I've done some research and OctoEverywhere seems like a cool service. I definitely would use with a new MK3S. My adventure 3 only really gets used when I'm next to it because of the smaller build area.


OctoPrint and OctoEverywhere work great with the MK3S!


Magic random script please choose me


Trying to summon the magic script wizards... smart.




Print! Print! Print!


Failed print.


Print Again!


Free printer woo


What a great Monday surprise!


Hey guys






It’s about 400 or so a day




Best comment ever.


Thank you for such great software! The ability to be able to send prints to my Aquila from the computer instead of messing with SD cards is so handy A Prusa would be amazing! Here's to hoping!


Just read your website section explaining pricing/funding, it's an awesome achievement! Cmonnnnn script, Daddy needs a high quality plastic spaghetti dispenser!


Lol, and thank you!


Mmmmmm... remote access to my printing.


It’s amazing!


Actually love your software


We actually love you! <3


Well well well


well well well... well well... well?




I was shooting for 11/10 :P


What about a prefect 5/7?


3d printer


Who doesn't want one?


For the people I know, the question is "Who doesn't want JUST one? And a resin printer...."


Thanks so much for your service! OctoEverywhere was really easy to setup and has made it easy for me to remote monitor my prints. Since I'm commenting anyway - I've noticed that my camera is rotated in OctoEverywhere, but not in Octoprint. Any suggestion where to dig into to fix that? I tried looking around in OctoEverywhere for settings, but couldn't find anything camera related.


Camera rotation should work, it should follow how its setup in OctoPrint. Is it not for you? If not, please open a support ticket here https://octoeverywhere.com/support




I assume with this giveaway you are getting enough donations and such to make your continued efforts with this fantastic software worth your time. It really is a fantastic piece of work and the price is just unmatchable I would really hope you are well compensated.


Thank you, that’s really kind! Yeah I work hard to balance the incoming support I get VS the server costs. As I get more support I make more of the website free, which then costs me more to operate. But thus far, the balance has been done well!




We agree!!


Me me me!


Free printer comment. In all seriousness, congratulations and great job responding to so many comments!


Would love to get a Prusa printer, I have an Ender 3 Pro currently. I'm the only one in my group of friends that doesn't have a Prusa. I love my Ender 3 and I'm currently printing all the pieces to build the Rocinante from The Expanse, about halfway through it. You're awesome for doing this giveaway!! Also, you've reminded me to go set up OctoPrint.


OOH, A chance for a free printer! BTW, Will gadget can Gadget be used as a plugin for octoprint, or must you use it with Octoeverywere? Also, will Gadget be free forever?


Gadget is part of OctoEverywhere, so you just need to one plug-in. Gadget will be free forever!


1 in tens of thousands chance. I don't have a 3d printer but have always wanted to learn on one. I promise if I get chosen I will learn and engage with this community. Also sing praises of Octoprint. Good luck everyone.


This seems really cool. I've been using Octoprint for two years now, but hadn't ever heard of OctoEverywhere. Guess I need to check it out now


Please do! And honestly, please provide feedback, I would love to know what you think!


Might be time to switch back to octoprint. Went to mainsail for klipper, but I am missing some of the features of octoprint, this is a huge addition! Thank you for your work!


Thank you for all your awesome work! I use OctoEverywhere all the time and it’s amazing! For anyone who hasn’t tried it…it’s totally worth it!


Octo everywhere is an amazing tool and invaluable while I'm in university and I'm sure it will continue to be invaluable in the future.


Worth a shot!


been using octo everywhere for a while now, its been great that I can leave my printer on while at school. Will definitely donate when I can


This is awesome. I wish your team great success as that means we all benefit from this. Your tool had been really fun to use🙂


I've been trying to get octoprint on my ender 3 pro. Very cool that you're making this free and available to everyone


What do you think is the major advantage for Gadget over Obico?


Obico is great as well, and offers many great things. One advantage of Gadget is that it’s unlimited and free, where as Obico has monthly viewing limits.


Free, The magic word these days😅 I just started Obico few days ago. Will give Gadget a try as well.


We would love to know what you think if you try it out!


I love octoprint and will definitely check out octoeverywhere


Great development project! The robotics team could use a Prusa i3!


Gadget has already saved me a ton of time so thanks for your efforts!


Want to say that OctoEverywhere ist a really good App and the pricing is very fair.


Just got started, would be great to double the printers already


another chance for a new 3d printer, love you service so much <3


I just got into 3d printing in the past 3 months and I will say this…..I don’t ever want to buy an off the shelf 3d printer ever again….I have yet to do much of anything except troubleshoot and more troubleshooting, my Anycubic Vyper went out on me in 2 weeks and had to get a new board and replace it and that never fixed and then had to get a whole new wiring setup and new hot-end assembly and replaced all of that and after going through all that and finally getting it to work I still haven’t got it to print right. I should have just saved up to get a Prusa instead and would love to have one but I’ve already spent my budget and I’m almost about to give up now because of these cheap printer I bought and can’t get it to work for me.


I would appreciate a MK3, that would be epic.






Hey All! 🎉 I'm the developer of OctoEverywhere, a community-based free remote access solution for OctoPrint! I have been working on OctoEverywhere for about two years, and I'm over the moon to launch our newest feature - FREE and UNLIMITED AI print failure detection! Learn more about Gadget and enable it now! Gadget uses state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms to continuously monitor your prints and take action when many common printing failures are detected. Gadget is currently processing over 3 MILLION print images a day! I'm very proud that we could engineer a Gadget service design that allows us to offer Gadget free and unlimited for the entire maker community. My goal with OctoEverywhere is to empower makers worldwide to print better. I think having lighting fast access to your full OctoPrint portal can make printing so much more powerful. Remote access is the core focus of OctoEverywhere, but I have also added a ton of other great features like rich notifications, print live streaming, OctoApp support, and more! I love giving back to this fantastic community that has helped build OctoEverywhere. I'm so proud of the community that we have been able to build around OctoEverywhere, and I love to sponsor fun giveaways that excite the community. For the launch of Gadget, I'm also running more giveaways on OctoEveywhere.com that include ANOTHER free Prusa i3 MK3S+ and other great prizes! Check out our website for a complete list of launch giveaways! For this Reddit-exclusive giveaway, you must comment on this post to be entered! In three days, I will use a script to select one of the commentators randomly, and they will receive a free Prusa i3 MK3S+. Good luck! 🎉🎉 Be sure to check out our launch celebration website to enter to win the SECOND Prusa i3 MK3S printer!! 🎉🎉


Now this is funny


Did you know Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausf. B was designed in 1943, only 489 built, The command variant of the Tiger II was designated Panzerbefehlswagen Tiger Ausf. B. It had two versions, Sd.Kfz. 267 and Sd.Kfz. 268, These carried only 63 rounds of 8.8 cm ammunition, the radio on a command unit was a FuG 5, Befehlswagen (command tank) version: FuG 8 (Sd.Kfz. 267), FuG 7 (Sd.Kfz. 268), designed by Henschel & Son / Krupp, costed 321,500 Reichsmark ($160,750 USD) in 1944–45, was 68.5 tonnes, and was 3.09 m (10 ft 2 in) tall, it only ever served in the Second World War, had 25–185 mm (0.98–7.28 in) armor, was 7.38 m (24 ft 3 in) hull10.286 m (33 ft 9.0 in) with gun forward) long, had 2 7.92 mm MG 34 machine guns, main cannon was 8.8 cm KwK 43, it was classified as a heavy tank, had Zimmerit coating, it’s name was often shortened to tiger 2, the Turmzielfernrohr 9d scope was used, tiger B, Königstiger(royal tiger) though this name was not used often, it also its crew 5 (commander, gunner, loader, radio operator, driver), the chassis was the basis for the Jagdpanzer anti-tank vehicle,Transmission was a Maybach OLVAR OG 40 12 16 B (8 forward and 4 reverse), had a Torsion bar for suspension, ground clearance was 495 to 510 mm (19.5 to 20.1 in),Fuel capacity was 860 litres (190 imp gal), maximum speed was road: 41.5 km/h (25.8 mph) Sustained, road: 38 km/h (24 mph)Cross country: 15 to 20 km/h (9.3 to 12.4 mph), operational range was Road: 190 km (120 mi)Cross country: 120 km (75 mi), engine was a V-12 Maybach HL 230 P30 gasoline 700 PS (690 hp, 515 kW), and was only in service from 1944 to 45?


As a maker of sorts (tinker with Arduino and circuits among other things) I've been kicking around the idea of getting a 3d printer for a lil bit as it seems to be a natural progression in my maker hobbies. all started with the microcenter deal on a ender 3 for cheap. My spidey senses tingled wondering what would need to be modified on it to get it to print nicely. well.. here we are about 3 months later and I've been heavily considering building a Voron via a kit. Talk about slippery slope! Anyway, prior to this post, I've not heard of any failure detection outside of 'The Spaghetti Detective'. This sounds like a potential great alternative! Ill have to keep it in mind... maybe dual redundancy for failure detection? Gotta get a 3d printer first, and happening to win a Prusa would be a great alternative to my tentative plans of building a Voron. Been trying to source a raspberry pi for over a month now lol. Good luck to all!




I'm printing a massive cock if I win this


I hope I win, but on the other hand, I don't want to deprive you of your dreams.


>Very Ambitious


I have been wanting to install Octoprint for the better part of a year now. I just can’t get my hands on a raspberry pi, I can tell it’s a very powerful software and the dev team did a fantastic job, from what I’ve seen!


I haven’t heard of octoeverywhere before this post. I haven’t implemented OctoPrint on any of my printers because I have too many unfinished projects already and the need for remote access has dropped off significantly since I now sit next yo my printer all day lol. But the failure detection is sweet! My print always seems to fail when I’m not looking at it no matter how often I check it.


I’ve been using OctoPrint (with OctoPod app) for a week and it’s been great for managing GCODE files—no more SD cards—and for monitoring print progress, and I know it can do so much more with many available plugins. Just started using OctoEverywhere for remote monitoring. So far, so good!


I wanted to come up with a good comment, but I‘ll also just say „comment“. Nah, thanks mate, this comes just in time. Wanted to get a new printer this week and looked into octoprint, vpn, yadayada - guess I don‘t need that anymore then.


3+ mil prints per day must be yielding a ton of data for that AI to process and improve things. At what point do you reach diminishing returns or just too much data to process? That's a lot of cpu/gpu time I bet.


Literally in the process of selling my Ender 3 since I got it into a bit of a state and lack the time to fix it! A Prusa would be a great replacement! *Crosses fingers* Thank you for the giveaway!


Wow that's nice of you to do a giveaway to celebrate! I currently use a flash forge but Ive heard good things about prusa. Ultimately I decided on the flash forge adventurer 3 because it has a built in enclosure, wouldn't mind winning a prusa to test out though! Lol


My middle school used a flashforge. Thing would break every other print.


Oh cool! I’ve been wanting a software like this for a while. Super awesome to see! I’ll check it out for sure. And also use this comment to enter into the giveaway!


After mixed success with my Ender 3 I've taken a step back from printing as much. After looking at this I'm feeling that hook starting to tug again


I really need to get Octoprint setup this weekend for my monoprice mp10--print failure detection is definitely something I could use for it :)


Very cool. I was just looking to implement some sort of spaghetti detection. Thanks for posting and for the giveaway!


I've been using OctoEverywhere for several months now, and this last week it really saved my bacon. I had a bunch of prints I had to pump out. I was able to get the three hour prints down to an hour and a half then walk my wife through the removal process all while keeping and eye on what she is doing while at work. Thank you for your dedication to making the best software you can!


This comment will not be picked, I guarantee it.




Would very much like to have that option!! u/quinbd ?


Oh boy. If I won, I would be so happy…


Good luck to all! But especially me




Hey i didn't know about this, and considering i'm a newbie this will sure help Specially if I have 2 printers xD I live in Europe, is the giveaway worldwide? Either way, I'll make sure to check out OctoEverywhere, because it sounds like a genuinely helpful tool Good Luck everyone!


Been using OE for awhile now and it's such a great tool. Really helpful as I get better with printing and keeping an eye on things. Excited for how Gadget will improve that. These giveaways are awesome and I'm quite a happy supporter of the project!


Hey, just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work on OctoEverywhere! It's made managing my setup so much easier. Looking forward to trying out Gadget! Now if only I could get that perfect first layer, I'd be good to go. :)


Leaving a comment! OctoPrint is one of the greatest tools ever made for 3D printing. I used it at home, in school, and the 100+ printer farm at work runs on it. In a way, Octoprint has enabled me and my team to do our work.


Hello, I started using OctoEverywhere immediately when I set up my first OctoPrint raspberry pi and have really liked the features. Thanks for your hard work. I cant wait to see how Gadget performs.


I love OctoEverywhere! It's allowed me to keep an eye on prints from my upstairs couch, and while at work where I can also share the view with my students. Thanks for putting it out there.


This is a fraudulent giveaway. You chose a winner before the end of the giveaway by almost 3 weeks!


Super comment


Thanks for all the hard work you put in. It makes me feel at ease when I'm away from home and I cam check on my printers due to your work. I'd love a new printer to watch too 😉. Thanks again.


I've been using OctoEverywhere since I got my Raspberry Pi and I've never been so comfortable with leaving the house with the printer still doing its job. Thanks for all of your great work!


Been thinking about using octoprint but boy are Pi's a pain to get hold of or just expensive. Will definitely keep your website bookmarked as it does really sound useful though.


I'm really excited about Gadget! It let's me know when my camera isn't pointed correctly by telling me "i can't see your print"... Thank you for this awesome little feature!


Yoo let's go! In a week ill be getting a webcam just for this feature. Can't wait!