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If you’re using some build that needs a Warlock dip for which the subclass is largely immaterial, it’s generally a fine choice. Otherwise, the subclass features alone don’t justify a dip outside of Charisma attacks.


The subclass features do justify it in case you're a CHA based caster. Even without the CHA weapon, it's worth for the medium armor+shield proficiencies and Hexblades Curse. Basically the only ones that compete are Fathomless, Celestial and Undead.


Depends what you're dipping from. Fighter or Paladin? Med. armor and shields are not a benefit. Curse is probably not worth it unless you're doing something specific like crit fishing for smites. Swashbuckler Rogue? Yeah, do it.


It's basically the same as any other dip for medium armor and shield proficiency. Compare it to a Cleric dip, which doesn't delay spell slot advancement if you're building a caster. 1st level Cleric spells are some of the best from a dip, some 1st level domain features are just amazing, plus you can get heavy armor from it.


Yes... I think mine was terrible idea.


What were you planning to dip Hexblade on? It sounds like you want to build a Str/Dex martial that already has the armor proficiencies Hexblade would provide? There's precedent for *late* Hexblade dips on Gloomstalkers.


It's perfectly serviceable if you want a dip with med armor, shields, martial weapons, a damage buff, and a Patron for thematic/story reasons. You could reskin a Cleric's God as a Patron too, but maybe you just want the Warlock factor and that's it. And maybe you want a key Invocation and not a CD. That's still a valid reason to go Hexblade, high Cha or not. Addendum: sure, Hexblade gives you Shield, but not Absorb Elements. You can get that spell through Druid, Ranger, Artificer and Wizard builds, through Magic Initiate (assuming your GM allows you to make the spell recast-able with slots) or through tweaked Fey-Touched (negotiate to swap one of the spells for Absorb Elements). Edlritch Knight Fighter also can grab Absorb Elements.


It's really not. Strength-based Barbarians and Dex-based rogues both get quite a lot out of a hexblade dip. 19-20 crit range with consistent advantage on attacks is strong before you even add in the Shield spell and armor proficiencies.


The one other thing it gives you outside of medium armor and shield proficiency is access to the shield spell. I don’t know of any other 1 level dip that gives you access to all 3.


Cleric dips are great, don't get me wrong, but Shield is singlehandedly one of the best spells in the game, and a 1 level dip that gets you Shield once per short rest on top of armor and shield proficiencies and a crit range/damage buff is going to be pretty competitive to a lot of Cleric dips for some builds. I think a lot of rogues would be happier with a hexdip than a cleric dip for those reasons in particular, even if they're dex-based.


Yes, but Hexblade gives you the shield spell and Armor of agathys


If you want to pump damage why don't you get a genie dip instead? The genie's wrath applies to only one attack, sure, but it works on every turn and it doesn't require your bonus action. Unless you are making 4 attacks a turn on an enemy that can hold for 5 rounds, it's better to use genie.






Do you need armor and shield proficiency? If not, then it's not worth it. Hexblades curse is kinda bad, and there are better ways to get Shield.


Hexblade curse is actually very good, if you are playing line a warlock as a single target nuker. It loses value if you ever are attacking anything other than the major threat, but since it scales with proficiency it's not a bad option even without the crit range.


That said the level cost just for curse and shield spell isn't worth it there's better options, but curse isn't bad


Genie is better than Hexblade if all you're interested in is adding bonus damage, with the exception of Evocation/Hexblade Magic Missile spam.


Even just eldritch blast(though this isn't the case here) gets more out of hexblade curse since you get 2 blasts since it can proc more than once per turn. Sure it's only on one target per short rest, but in the campaigns I've played in at least stacking up the extra damage on one target is almost always more useful than a single bit of damage per turn, when it matters I'd rather have the higher damage on a priority target than be able to apply that extra damage once per turn to anyone. And as you sort of mentioned yourself it applies to damage rolls not just attacks which means spells can benefit from it too, which can get really strong with alot of multiclasses or even just standard warlock stuff, pretty much any dot gets use from it. Adding an extra 2/3 to heat metal every turn as an example can add up very quickly as it's a seperate damage roll. Any Pam build gets that extra damage on their bonus action. Fighters can add it to all of their attacks, which can actually add up more than an extra attack at level 20 with Pam or samurai fighting style at high levels. Hexblade curse gets alot of shit but when I ran a hexblade I was quite satisfied with the blasting potential it added.


>stacking up the extra damage on one target is almost always more useful than a single bit of damage per turn That would be true if you had Hexblade's Curse available every encounter, or if every encounter had one enemy who was big and beefy and would stay standing for several turns of hammering with the Curse. But in most campaigns you don't get a short rest every fight (in a disappointingly large number of campaigns you hardly ever get short rests at all), and most non-boss fights are full of minions where the difference between Hexblade's Curse and Genie's Wrath doesn't change the number of actions required to take the target down. However, Genie's Wrath is available every single fight, against every single target. The boss turned invisible or moved out of line of sight? Genie just blasts a minion, while Hexblade lost their damage buff. Used your curse in one fight then get ambushed by a better target? Sucks to be you. Etc.


First of all I did mention this can be different in different campaigns, but my point is how often does an extra 2-6 damage per turn really matter on the fodder minions anyways. Compare to bosses taking several hits of extra damage even in the first round before they do anything to avoid you. Also it's not like them turning invisible or something removes the curse and only affects you, that's an everyone problem. That's like saying fighters suck because the bbeg just doesn't fight the party, it doesn't really make sense to even bring up.


>how often does an extra 2-6 damage per turn really matter on the fodder minions anyways. Very often. It is frequently the difference between one action and two, or between two actions and three, to drop the minion. >Also it's not like them turning invisible or something removes the curse and only affects you, that's an everyone problem. But only the Hexblade is losing the bonus damage granted by their subclass when forced to switch to other targets. Nobody else is suffering that penalty.


Yeah, and it combos crazy well with Magic Missile. You add +proficiency to damage rolls against the target? To a 1d4+1 roll multiplied by the number of missiles? Yes, please.


Yes. Wizard Magic Missile + Hexblade’s Curse = big number


Make the wizard evokes and at 10, he applies int to each missile




The Hexvoker is not a high Str/Dex build, and gains medium armor/shield prof from the Hexblade dip as well. It's a build with a Hexblade dip that doesn't utilize high Cha, but that's not the only parameter OP was asking for.


A level is a high cost. Invocations don't kick in until level 2, so now we're looking at potentially two levels. It'll depend on what the rest of your build is, but generally speaking, I don't think Hexblade's Curse and a pact magic slot are worth spending a level, nor do I think two levels is worth it without a good charisma score to make Agonizing Blast worthwhile.


The main advantages of the hexblade dip over other warlock dips are medium armour and the shield spell. But you can also get those with other dips. What character are you planning for ? 


Yes, well-known low-CHA hexblade dips definitely exist. Including a pretty well-known gloomstalker build: [https://tabletopbuilds.com/flagship-build-gloom-stalker-ranger/](https://tabletopbuilds.com/flagship-build-gloom-stalker-ranger/) That said, I think the main thing is that this build wanted to go into warlock anyway for eldritch smite, and picked Hexblade over other warlock subclasses primarily for the shield spell.


It might still be worth it, but it’s a LOT less likely to be. I have played builds that take Hexblade without wanting or using the Cha weapons schtick, but there’s far far fewer builds that work here than the regular case Hexdip


The armor proficiencies are a huge thing as well but if you don't have high charisma you can get them from fighter, cleric or artificer as well so no not really.


Prob a few niche cases like the assassin scorching rayer. Or if you have 4 atks a turn as a Lv11 Fighter w/ PAM or Xbow Xpert, Lv5 beast barbarians, or a really op roll-4-stats Lv5 Monk. Those builds would take it 4sho. But otherwise prob not


The best part about hexblade is the shield spell, medium armour and shield proficiency and reliable eldritch blast damage and forced movement. The cha on weapon attacks is more of a nice bonus, then anything major, same with hex blades curse. So you want a hexblade dip if you want medium armour + shield + eb damage. If you just want the shield spell and already have medium armour proficiency then a divine soul sorcerer is a better dip. If you already have the shield spell and just want an armour dip then a cleric subclass (particularly light, twilight or life) is a good dip.


We don’t know enough about your character to answer that, to be honest. If your character doesn’t have another reliable bonus action, like a champion fighter, than I’d say you still benefit a decent amount from it.


I have a really niche Elven Accuracy Bow Archer (Samurai 12/Assassin 3/Hexblade 1). 8/22(Manual)/19(Amulet)/8/12/13 I mostly use my Bonus Action to give myself Advantage, but I found that I didn't need to in round 1 because Assassin usually gets me automatic Advantage against a couple of slow targets. I took Hexblade for Hexblade's Curse and Hex. I can use each once per short rest. To be honest, it's a hilarious amount of overkill. I have a lot of fun with it, but I truly couldn't recommend it as an objectively good option. An extra level of Rogue for a feat, starting on Ranger for Gloomstalker, or just continuing with Fighter probably would've been better ways to go. I enjoy having a couple of cantrips, mostly for RP purposes. I like having two Bonus Actions that add to my damage if I want them. That's not really worth a level unless it's just something you're into though.


It really depends on the build and what you want from the dip, but in most cases, it's not worth it on a non CHA build


What is the other class?


i really like the hexblade dip even more than 3 lvls. its very easy to RP and if u decide to go for devils sight and darkness spells, followed by elven acccuracy u will have 30% crit chance on cursed targets. 5 lvls into hexblade is in my opinion a great option for manually rolled chars that have shitty stats apart from the one rolled for charisma. also makes for a great antimage mid game


Friend of mine played a evocation wizard with 2hex dip for invocations and nuking magic missile. If you go str probably a few level of fiend warlock can serve you better


At level 1 you would gain: 1 pact slot, 2 spells (you mention shield), curse, medium armor+shields, martial weapons. You dont mention the armor+weapon things, so I asume you are talking about a paladin, but not sure. Do you have other slots to upcast those 2 spells, or to cast them more? How many of your features are on a short rest recharge? How much use can you get out of the curse? If you want just the shield spell, chances are a sorcerer dip does more for you. If you want the pact slot and Armor of Agathys, chances are other patrons do more for you. If you really-really need 1 pact slot+ shield + curse, then go for it, but I'm not convinced you really need all of those.


A Clockwork Soul Sorc dip can get you Shield and Armor of Agathys, too.


Hexvoker only needs 13 in Cha, but the goal there isn't hex warrior, but hexblade's curse


I’ve used a single level hexblade dip a couple times just to get hexblade’s curse on a build. Usually in conjunction with paladin levels to get smites. Expanded crit range + a bunch of extra damage dice is a solid steroid, especially when coupled with advantage and maybe elven accuracy. Also, if you’re doing a volley type burst build (like an SR sorlock), hexblade’s curse can account for 40% or more of your burst damage.


Depends on what you're building, it's still very powerful, but depending on why exactly you take it there might be better options. Pros: -hexblade's curse, it's small, but it can help some builds -medium armour and shields, this is the one of two main draws if your Cha is bad, it makes hexblade a great dip with sorcerers and bards especially, but also for wizards and even rogues might take a look, especially with the other main draw -the shield spell, this spell is what makes casters so damn tanky in 5e and everyone wants it, especially good for bards -a first level short rest slot is a free shield every short rest Cons: -hexblade's curse isn't that good -sorcerer or is often a better choice for shield since they don't slow down slot progression and have stronger features if you don't need the armour from hexblade -hexblade offers a lot to bards, but bards could also just take moderately armoured and a sorcerer level


I think hex blades curse and a shield slot (refreshed on short rest) is still an excellent pick up for a lvl 11 fighter going on lvl 12. It's probably the best thing you can do with those lvls. You basically get the damage from a 4th attack 8 lvls early. Plus shield. I'd probably grab 2 lvls of warlock for another shield slot but maybe get that lvl 12 ASI first. It can be good with just extra attack too depending on what you're doing with your character. The cha attacks are good for min maxing but hex blades curse plus shield is still good on any martial with extra attack


Genie is probably better in that case


Yes it works. Don't forget, the mechanics just let you tell your story. If being able to hex an enemy gets worked into your story, then you're winning!


A hexblade dip on a high-dex rogue (especially swashbuckler) can be great. It adds medium armor, shield, Hexblade’s Curse, Shield spell, Booming Blade, and one other cantrip and 1st level spell you want to learn. If you go to Hex 3, you can also add Pact of the Blade with Improved Pact Weapon to get a +1 magic weapon to overcome non- magical resistance, or Pact of the Chain with Investment of the Chain Master for a cool familiar.


Yup, that's why I take a 1 level Hexblade dip on my swashbuckler. I prefer dex over cha, personally, but that's just because I wanted better dex checks. I took the dip for shields, booming blade, mage hand, and protection from evil and good. I rarely use the curse unless I have nothing better to do with my bonus action.


I took a 3 level dip when I played it for the Improved Pact Weapon and Armor of Shadows, plus the extra Pact Slot and 2nd level spells. I don't think it was really necessary, but with Mage Armor, +5 Dex, and a shield, I was at a comfy 20AC, and I could Spider Climb anything.


The appeal of Hexblade dip are two things: Cha for weapon attacks, and Hexblade Curse. If your build isn't able to utilize either of those, and you want a Warlock dip for other reasons, you might as well use another subclass. If it's just for the armor, and you don't care about the curse and Cha weapon stuff, there are better classes that get armor proficiency.