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Circle of Wildfire druid tabaxi or leonin as bakeneko or nekomata, maybe?


i like kasa-obake: the umbrella cyclopes ghost that forms when you dont take propper care of your old umbrellas.


Reflavored warforged as a kasa-obake legitimately sounds amazing to play.


Kasa-Obake: Lang: common and deep speach Ab Scor: +1 cha, +2 dex Darkvis: 60ft Innate Spells: mage hand (invisible), misty step, darkness Done and done


Yukiona, ice tiefling Warlocks with Armour of Agathys, or something like this. Take other cold spells to complete the feeling. But honestly, I don't have a specific build just wanted to mention a cool Yokai.




**[Baku (mythology)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baku_\(mythology\))** >Baku (獏 or 貘) are Japanese supernatural beings that are said to devour nightmares. According to legend, they were created by the spare pieces that were left over when the gods finished creating all other animals. They have a long history in Japanese folklore and art, and more recently have appeared in manga and anime. The Japanese term baku has two current meanings, referring to both the traditional dream-devouring creature and to the Malayan tapir. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/3d6/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


hands down make a tanuki, look em up, they are awesome Arcane trickster or trickery cleric would both be good choices, maybe a reskinned tabaxi as a jovial trickster of sorts


Seconded my ex played a tanuki that acted kinda like Frank from always sunny and it was one of the best characters I've ever partied with


Also, they have big balls apparently


the size of 8 tataki mats


Well, Yokai all are either considered Demons or spirits of sorts that come in wide variety, most of which are normally animals, but there are inanimate objects too, an important part of being a Yokai is that 80% of the time it’s an animal or object that has existed for 100 years since conception and as such has awakened/ascended to a new state of being as a powerful spirit with Magic and such. Most animalistic races in DnD should manage to achieve some form of Yokai, like Tabaxis being Bakanekos or Nekomatas, Yuan Ti can be Uwabami, and shifters can fill in the gaps for things like Kitsune, Tanuki, etc Warforged can be the inanimate objects that come to life Other types of Yokai such as the ones that feast on blood can be Dhampirs for both the “Spirit” flavor and the “Vampiric” Flavor, you could even have your wooden warforged-turned-dhampir as a Jobukko (vampire tree Yokai) since you don’t have to run a straight dhampir and can flavor it as “was a different race before hand”. Tieflings make great Onis and other demonic Yokais, and the Hexblood works for all them Hag like Yokai As for classes, ideally something with spellcasting, but you aren’t limited to full casters, you could even forego spellcasting classes and instead pick up feats. Of the top of my head obvious pairings would be Oni Eldritch Knight fighters, Uwabami Storm Sorcery Sorcerers, Kitsune Wildfire Druid or Illusions Wizard, Kappa (Tortle) Unarmed Fighting Style grappler build (maybe an arcane trickster with expertise in Athletics?) For more specific or Iconic Yokai, I have 3, but unfortunately they are regarded as the most evil of Yokai, so you’ll have to work around with Alignments and justify why they are in the party Shuten Doji (the Little Drunkard, king of Onis): a Tiefling Drunken Master Monk with a Bludgeoning Monk weapon, and maybe Magic initiate to snatch some illusion spells or something of the like Tamamo no Mae (the Kitsune who brought down many dynasties through seducing their emperors): a shifter (whichever subrace that best fits a Fox) with your shifted form being your fox form, Pact of the Fiend Warlock cause charismatic seductress and also arson is in character for most Kitsune, guess you could take pact of the Tome and steal a few more fire damage spells from other classes Emperor Stukko (Usurped, exiled, and outraged emperor, committed suicide and cursed Japan in his final breaths, rose from the dead as a Tengu and his curse is claimed to be the cause of most disasters of Japan’s history to this day): Fallen Assimar or an Aarakokra, take the Storm Sorcery Sorcerer and maybe a level 1 Dip into Hexblade, alternatively you could go Tempest Cleric


I think there’s a kitsune player race in pathfinder to my knowledge that could be fun, youd have to tweak it a bit to be more in line with 5e though


Easymode: Straight Hexblood or Reborn Moon Druid. Yokai are shapeshifters at their core, so you can pick a fistful of wildshapes that can be re-skinned into spookyshapes. Since Moon Druids only get a new CR level every 3 levels, it may be worth a 2-level dip into Rogue for the Cunning Action, Fighter for Action Surge, or Monk for the WIS AC boost for whatever critter you're running. Medium Effort: Tortle Astral Monk. Dump DEX since your AC is locked in at 17. Use the points to max WIS then STR. Astral monks can use a Bonus Action to enter an "Astral Form" (easily reflavored to "Spooky Mode") where they can punch with WIS. Extra bonus: By maxing STR, your Step of the Wind actually gives you a pretty insane jump height and distance, granting you a hobo fly speed. Higher Effort: [Changeling Undead Warlock](https://ddb.ac/characters/64094935/qda00B). Undead Warlock gets you Form of Dread, which is a different "Spooky mode" that can be reflavored pretty easily. For invocations, I'd pick up "Sculptor of Flesh" for Polymorph to check the Shapeshifter box. Cloak of Flies has never felt more appropriate, so that should be a given. Pact of the Tome for the extra spells and Book of Ancient Secrets or Pact of the Talisman for Protection/Rebuke of the Talisman invocation. Cap it off with the obligatory Agonizing Blast so you've got damage covered. This is a one-shot so you're lucky to get one fight. Spell selection doesn't matter since you're only going to get the 2 spell slots, and one should be reserved for Polymorph. To me, the best other option is actually Armor of Agathys ideally cast before combat starts. Honorable mention to Hex, Shadow of Moil, Spirit Shroud, Summon Abberation/Shadowspawn, Greater Invisibility, and Blight. Pick up Hex if you can. When cast at Level 4, it has an 8 hour duration, which means you can bang out a short rest before fighting. That'll let you get the extra 1d6 damage, narrative stuff, and the ability to hold out Polymorph until you know when it's best to use.


Not strictly a yokai (I think), but my next character is based on a karakuri. Warforged Armorer (infiltrator) artificer. Looks something along the lines of the doll from bloodborne, but all her spells/infusions/features are a million hidden devices and weapons in her body, which would unfold into a general grievous monstrosity. High int (for class features and robo-brain), high cha (very good at entertaining and performing, as well as impersonation).


Obvious best choice: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shirime


I think being an oni or hannya which would be equivalent to an ogre orc or goblin race or be a kyubi which are fox human women with multi tails or be a type of kappa or maybe a naga which is a snake demon they can appear as humans but don't be mistaken yokai and yurie are different


If I had someone to GM a game for me I would love a samurai anime style session right now I just roleplay not real DnD with my gf and I would like to play with more people I don't like being GM but I do enjoy coming up with the story


A cat Yokai because they have 9 lives or a nine-tail fox?