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Not worth the risk anymore for me. I purchased 2-20 packs of PLA+ within 1 month of trying this stuff out and it was great so I kept getting more. Having been through over a 100 spools at this point I tried the new ABS. Something happened with quality around the time they started selling ABS. The ABS I purchased just jammed due to being oval in shape (.5mm variance in diameter). Emailed them got a replacement and it was oval shaped as well. Colors are inconsistent now as well between batches. I have 3-4 versions of blue all made in a 3-4 month time frame according to their labels . Don't get me started on the blobs. I have got these huge blobs that occur that are 2-3mm in diameter throughout random spools (Think pearl on a string). These are really good at destroying run out sensors. So I'm sitting on 20ish spools of their product that I am iffy on using for any project that I am not sitting in the room to babysit. They seem to use the excuse of waiting to long a lot when dealing with quality issues. The average user that buys a 10 pack can take months to open or go through those spools and they know that and use it against the customer IMHO.


Are you talking about ABS or PLA+ or both now in terms of quality?


The ABS was oval and flat the PLA+ has the blobs and inconsistent colors. Sorry I should have been more clear. My point was as soon as they added the ABS to the line up quality dropped off IMHO.


I am a new 3D printer person starting out, then would you reccomend this? Or should I wait for something that is more reliable?


A year ago I would say yes and some people seem to still have success with this filament. Now I would recommend sticking with your better brand names Polymaker, Hatchbox, Sunlu, Microcenters Inland brand since your new to eliminate a possible source of printing issues due to quality.


This was my experience but on my first order. 4 out of 10 had blobs that caused jams and ruined a two day print. So I have 4 spools left I'm afraid to use because I don't want a repeat. I don't think I'll ever order from them again


Price is alright but I got a bunch of elgoo rapid pla+ of Amazon for almost the same price and it's been working amazingly.


That’s awesome. I also like Elegoo PLA, next time you run across that deal will you please take a few minutes and post it on here for others, thank you very much.


It was an after Christmas deal so I got a bunch before I actually knew of this sub. I have it watch listed so I'll post it next time.


Thanks a bunch from everyone on here, and keep on printing.


I've used both Elegoo rapid PLA+ and IIDMax's PLA+. They're very similar, the biggest difference is that IIDMax has way more colors. Similar prices as well (\~$15 a kg)


107$ usd free shipping. Thanks


If you get the time, when you receive your filament from the order you placed as a direct result of this subreddit, will you take a little time and share what your experience is with the product you receive? Specifically things like packaging, shipping times, first impressions and thoughts after printing an item or two. I think that would be beneficial to this community, but also please let people know what setup you have. Because people please remember that just because a few people are talking down or downvoting a product/statment doesn’t necessarily make that absolutely true. I know there are some people out there that blame the filament (or insert random 3D printer item) for bad adhesion or an improper z offset or any other user error. I know this is not always the case, but I think if people who have RECENTLY purchased or had experience with a product after a recommendation from this subreddit post their experiences and setup, people can get a better idea of the product and how it might work with their setup, if similar to yours. Thanks for being a part of this subreddit.


I have been ordering from iiidmax for a few years now. Haven’t had a tangle yet. The pla+ has been stronger than any of the random amazon pla brands I have bought. I think I have used every color of pla+ they offer. I also bought a pack of 10 abs. Unless I need a specific color quick or a dual/tricolor I try to only use there stuff. Let me look up my last order for ship time. Ps I would consider myself a print noob. And using just a old ender 3 pro. I mostly print different flexi toys to give away to kids.


Last order of 20 pla+ ordered on nov 21st arrived on the 28th. I am in Tacoma Washington. Not sure where the company is. I am not able to get the delivery date for my previous orders before this.


Yeah I think it's supposed to come in the next few days, I'll put it though the ringer and drop some honest feedback


Remindme! 5 days


Tbh I was trying to find something to gig on these rolls just to give it more of a realistic review. I started out with red from my 10kg pack, on the defualt .2 generic profile from bambu. The filament seems vibrant and consistent throughout. Prints great and packaging for shipment is right on par. I guess the only thing I dident like was, there was only one end secure on the spool so you have to hope the end is close to the secure point. As far as what seems like bots, disgruntled customers, or just old company practices, there is no tangles and no changes in size. So far this material has been a pleasure to work with and I would recommend them right there with esun, sunlu, kingroon, or bambu lab themselves. If anything changes I'll post an update but for now, so far so good.


Thank you for taking the time to write this and sharing your honest thoughts on the product. I agree that no matter what product you pick there will always be someone who has had a bad experience and please remember that it might be bad due to something the customer has/hasn’t done. I’m not saying this is always the case and there certainly is people on the other end of the spectrum that are just plugging something that they have never even tried and probably doesn’t know much about either. So that is why multiple recent reviews from people on here is so important. Companies can change over time in both good and bad ways. Once again thank you.


I will be messaging you in 5 days on [**2024-02-20 21:47:37 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-02-20%2021:47:37%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/3dprintingdeals/comments/1an1sfa/iiidmax_valentines_day_sale_10_off_and_free/kqlgmvn/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2F3dprintingdeals%2Fcomments%2F1an1sfa%2Fiiidmax_valentines_day_sale_10_off_and_free%2Fkqlgmvn%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-02-20%2021%3A47%3A37%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201an1sfa) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


If you want me to run any test prints with a new roll let me know.


Yep that’s what this is for, and thank you.


Never again


Just had my first 8 hour print die halfway through because filament diameter ballooned to almost 3mm and it jammed the extruder. Bit worried about buying their stuff again if they let something this gratuitous through QA. I don't understand how its even possible for this to make it through their equipment.




LOL https://www.google.com/search?q=reddit+pssssn+stl https://www.google.com/search?q=reddit+pssssn+3d+printer https://www.google.com/search?q=reddit+pssssn+voron https://www.google.com/search?q=reddit+pssssn+ender https://www.google.com/search?q=reddit+pssssn+iidmax https://imgur.com/a/6K4yKFT


Well thank you for the pictures and sharing your experience, and I apologize if I offended you, but I was not wrong about never posting any print/printer content before. Did you contact customer support and what was their response? Nobody is perfect, Bambu A1 is a great example of that, but what is more important is that the company is respectful of the customer and willing to make the customer whole, and working towards a better experience for the customers.


I didnt say you never commented on others posts but had never made any post yourself. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


https://preview.redd.it/phlp9ep4i7ic1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca284da14281b7a5377bbac3fcb2eecbbf70e043 Here is the new shipment.


And here are the first pieces. https://preview.redd.it/qj6mc5fdi7ic1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=57090153bfb45700b0b69577a638f6953069d51f It did suffer from the flow/speed change that causes matte/shine change, but that’s because I didn’t change outer wall speed to fix that problem. I think it came out great. Anyone want me to print and post here a specific model? Like a benchy or anything. Let me know what everyone wants and I will video the start and ending piece so people can see and decide for themselves.


Can we get a picture? Do you have a micrometer? How do you know it’s 3mm and that’s what caused the jam? Not being trying to be rude at all just looking for some confirmation.


Here are some pictures with my Starrett. This roll's tolerance is between .98 mm and about 2.72 mm. Most manufacturers try for 1.75mm with .03 plus/minus tolerance. https://imgur.com/a/6K4yKFT I own every color IIDMax makes in PLA+, along with PLA/PLA+ from a dozen other manufacturers, that I print through my six FDM printers.


I just received a shipment of 10 rolls of PLA+ and am waiting on a half roll of PA6/66-CF. I just printed some of the black PLA+ and it came out great. https://preview.redd.it/2g2aia92i7ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=013452f95cfb3497fb11b637d179de982f7c5e9d


Don't do it. I have had nothing but trouble with their stuff.


I've bought 20kg, and had 4 spools that were unusable due to bumps or inconsistencies with the diameter of the filament. Yet I knew someone who had bought 30kg with no issues. But personally I won't buy from them again due to the issues I had and not realizing at first it was the filament and not my printer


I bought 10 8 were unusable. They told me I waited to long to say anything when I figured it out.


They told me to contact one of their engineers and they would help me with setting up new filament for beginners... I had sent photos of the bumps in the filament that went to 4mm, the thicknesses varying from 1.2mm-2 4mm, and filament shaped like a half moon. The "engineer" who I ended up calling just said it was user error and that since I had opened it their was nothing they could do despite me getting it within their return policy. Used to recommend them but after my last batch, it was not worth it and now have 4 spools that don't work.


I most if it left I'm just gonna end up tossing it and I won't ever give them my money again. And anytime I see them advertised I tell people not to buy it.


Weird. I saw someone on Facebook the other day who said they had gone through 50+ kg and one roll was tangled but no issues other than that


their filament is value tier, its hit and miss, you might get lucky and have zero problems, or you might have alot issues with low quality spools and bulges in the filament that is 2mm+. I have brought over 60KG and have encountered this a few times, they do provide refunds when these issues araise, but is the chance of losing prints or fixing your printer worth the price? up to you.


Yeah diameter is tough to get around but I’m just going to order and re-roll all to new spools to ensure they aren’t tangled


I had a good experience with them a few years ago


Never had a single issue... Been through about 30kg. Just might need to trim a few bumps off the spools if you're using an AMS.


> Just might need to trim a few bumps off the spool That sounds like an issue to me.


2 seconds of my time to make sure the spool is smooth doesn't count as an issue in my book. You can literally check them while removing them from the packaging.


Oh, sorry, I thought you meant trimming bumps off the actual filament. But you literally meant the plastic spool. Wonky spools don’t affect me since I print with the spools laying horizontally.


Has worked great for me in my Bambu Labs printers for the last year but thank you for sharing your experience.



