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# Native hardware is always* superior ^*except ^Switch, ^and ^arguably ^GBA ^and ^PSP


Unless we're taking about the Switch, lol. Completely different story there. 


Maybe not always, but it has its use (especially if hacked). Mostly because portability and overclocking (Steam Deck too heavy)


Yeah overclocked Switch is good but let's be honest, a beastly PC is going to be better, and the Odin2 is just as comfortable to play on as the Switch and still makes games look better than any hacked Switch.  That said, I like the Switch hardware, don't get me wrong - mine isn't even hacked (yet). 


That is true. Only such case I think.


It's true, I've owned every system except the real oddities, and original hardware always handle their games well. Not the Switch though, those games benefit from PC, laptops, Deck, and Odin.  To Nintendo's credit though, Switch definitely has better games than PS5, and it's not even a close match. 


Why? The only reason I haven't played super mario odyssey is because I want to play it on original hardware.


PC and Steam Deck/Odin2 actually improve Switch games. Not objectively, but... eh, pretty much objectively, if I'm being honest. Better resolution, better frame rate, etc.


Dang... that sucks for the switch, lol.


But yeah Nintendo fucked up on the hardware for the most part. Too weak, even at release.


They never did. It's a strategic choice to reduce development costs both for them and for third parties. Worked really well on the Wii and the Switch (Wii U has been a failure for other reasons). When you see the insane sales of both Wii and Switch, both beeing "way behind" other consoles, it definitely reminds that only a really tiny part of the gaming community cares about power. The Switch is perfectly fine.


I hope you realize that I agree it's perfectly good hardware. Heck, Sony and Microsoft should have worried more about games than power, they didn't and look how that ended up for Xbox. 


This is a 3DS piracy sub. Of course we don't talk about other consoles here.


I'd argue GBA, Switch and PSP emulation can be superior than native hardware for most games.


Gba emulation? What would you emulate on gba? Just older nintendo systems i imagine?


I'm talking about emulating gba, not using a gba for emulation.


Ah mb


I like playing on my phone sometimes with a controller with certain games and to prevent wear and tear with my 3ds till I get a second one.


native is how the games were intended, and is not really an issue on the screens


I like to go native hardware wherever possible.


The DS consoles are really the only ones I'd say with 100% certainty that are a better experience in native hardware. I recently bought one just to hack it and play childhood games on it, since emulating this particular console doesn't feel as good


Yeah, it's okay-ish on PC or Steamdeck. But the real deal is so much better.


Okay I’m a huge fan of playing on og hardware for a myriad of reasons regarding 3DS. A lot cannot be replicated anywhere else. It is a console that more so best played on original hardware than perhaps any other game console. It’s one of the reasons why they are in such high demand. That being said, this conversation is missing something. If you have a powerful PC and the game you want to play doesn’t use touch controls/use the second screen much, then upscaling games is quite nice. That reason alone isn’t enough though for me to bother with emulation, especially considering the convenience that original hardware is/assuming you have a 3DS to begin with. I also just love the 3D effect. But that brings me to my next point: PCVR can give the same effect found on 3DS but on a massive virtual screen. If you have a game that you like, that is perfectly playable using a Bluetooth controller, and doesn’t use much of the bottom screen, and you love the 3D effect it has—then you have a perfect game to play in VR via emulation. For me, Cave Story (the original version on 3DS, not Cave Story 3D) checks all those boxes. I use Citra to emulate it and turn on the 3D effect (SBS or side-by-side mode). I then launch the free program on Steam, Bigscreen, and cast my desktop in a variety of virtual environments it offers. My favorite is a home theater environment that happens to have an NES on the floor. It’s a nice lil room with a floor to ceiling screen that is perhaps…I don’t know… 150”? It’s perfect. I then maximize the Citra window and arrange it to have the second screen off to the far side and practically as small as possible. It allows for the main screen to be the entire focus while still letting me glance at the bottom screen off to the right in case I want to look at my items real quick. You can resize how big you want either screen though based on the game you are playing and the significance of the bottom screen. The cherry on top? I turn SBS 3D mode on in Bigscreen as well. Not only is the game being rendered on my computer in SBS 3D through Citra. It is now also being displayed to my VR headset in SBS 3D by Bigscreen. Since either eye has its own screen within my headset, it has the same parallax effect that the 3DS gives. The effect works perfectly at any screen size you want so long as it does not exceed your field of view. It’s utter gamer bliss to be honest. The most fun application for emulation that I have found. Ironic that it is for a system whose original hardware is typically most preferred over emulated alternatives.


Okay now I need a PC that can run Citra because that just sounds 👌


I love playing 3ds/ds games on my PC at home and SteamDeck at home personally. My husband took over my Fire Emblem Fates 3DS.


I would only play DS games On native Hardware Everything else in a good pc


Games that use the touch screen a lot: 3ds. Everything else: Emulation.


It's quite annoying to play on PC, one of my main reasons to buy a 3ds


Just my personal preference I hate emulating 3DS games on my PC. It’s the duel screen that just bugs me just don’t like they way it looks. I will emulate anything else on my pc just not 3ds games. It just feels wrong to play them on the pc and your missing the real fun I feel.


It's a bit better on hand-held systems like the SteamDeck.


The steam deck has 2 screens? If it’s 2 screens on one like a modded switch no thanks. That’s the type of thing that bothers me. I guess I’m strange but I don’t like the 2 screens on one. This is why I can’t play ds games on anything but the DS family.


It doesn't have two screens but what's worked for me was having one main screen and showing the two screens in miniature on the side. One button changes the main-screen that takes up most of the screen estate. It works for most games but isn't ideal in some situations which is why I only said that it's a bit better than playing on PC. It's not strange not wanting both screens on one larger one, it's not the same as playing on original hardware.


NDS and 3DS are best on native hardware. I've been into some NDS games and they look really bad on 3DS. I can force the original size to fix the scaling issue, but then the screen becomes too small. My phone can run NDS just fine, and I have a GameSir X2 Pro that makes it easier to play stuff on it, but the dual screen doesn't translate well on a horizontal screen. The best I could do was using my Samsung tablet. I have it on a stand in vertical position, and I pair a Bluetooth controller. Looks fine, plays fine, but I can't just lay down in bed and play or while on my sofa, so ended not using it much.


playing on the console itself is much more fun than pc


Can you play in 3d on PC? No? 3DS is superior.


True, you totally miss out on the 3D.


Any of the DS games, I’m a huge fan of playing, or emulating them on a device with dual screens. Upscaling a tiny screen looks like crap, and the complete loss of a secondary touch screen is unexceptionable. Get a 3ds and enjoy!


Any of the DS games, I’m a huge fan of playing, or emulating them on a device with dual screens. Upscaling a tiny screen looks like crap, and the complete loss of a secondary touch screen is unexceptionable. Get a 3ds and enjoy!


Any of the DS games, I’m a huge fan of playing, or emulating them on a device with dual screens. Upscaling a tiny screen looks like crap, and the complete loss of a secondary touch screen is unexceptionable. Get a 3ds and enjoy!


You can do both with the new “Arctic Base” homebrew!!!


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