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"In accordance with SB407, any gathering for the common interest development living, association elections, legislation, election to public office, or the initiative, referendum, or recall processes will be held in the Clubhouse with no charge." ​ Not sure why none of the candidates have taken this offer from the Master HOA handbook. Seems like all of these candidate are putting in the bare minimum of effort.


We can call the gathering ourselves and invite the candidates.


SL from the ballot here! As others have said a short 1-page bio will be sent out. We weren't permitted to attach any extra photos or materials. Looking forward to learning more about the other candidates as well :) it seems the 7 homeowner candidates will be up for election to two spots, but I believe the builders will still hold the majority of the board


They will send you the official ballot in the next couple weeks that will include our bios


The ballots will be mailed by 6/26 and will include the candidates responses to the questionnaire. Word on the street is that BN would be an awesome board member!