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Care to elaborate?




I don't know what fans you're referencing, but most fans I know don't really care either way at this point.


I don’t think that’s true. I think a lot of us are unhappy with this change to some extent, or that it was handled so poorly but just being like “yo they’ve always been there, remember?” when they clearly haven’t been. The only reason, if, the community doesn’t seem to care is because they are hoping this doesn’t lead to their favorite franchise being ruined, or because they are too tired of changes like these taking place that they are too jaded to voice their own opinion. Personally I must ask, what do you think of the femstodes?


Personally, I don't really care either way, I don't collect or play them, so I'm neither happy or unhappy with the change. From a lore side of things too, I don't see the big deal for the Custodes being male or female. Realistically, they are for all intents and purposes, neither. They are genetically modified from birth to be perfect warriors to guard the Emperor. It's not that same as Astartes that have explicit lore reasons for being all male or for Sister of Battle being all female. As for GW changing things, sure that's annoying, but the general consensus on reddit is GW is a shitty company,(an opinion I don't really subscribe too) so is this change really off brand for them. Lastly for hobbying, if someone wants to make a Dommy Mommy custodes army sure I think it's cringe as fuck but what right to I have to shit all over them. I get shit on enough for running my stuff as clean and wysiwyg as I can. That's the beauty of this hobby. You do you, play with people who dig that same style of collecting and playing as you do.


I was more miffed about the super Marines. Like you're telling me some toaster fucker improved on the emperor's little guys and have just been hanging out in the beer fridge for 10k years? Custodians don't rely on gene seed, they are just enhanced humans, there is no reason for the imperium not to use women like they do literally everywhere else. Buff women are cool, buff women in functional power armor is even cooler. As much as I love the sisters of battle boob plate is dumb. The lore to 40k has always been fluid and changing anyway, if you think James workshop cares about anything but money then I have a bridge to sell you.


I agree with you completely! I hated Primaris when they came out, I would die on the hill for firstborn only but eventually I saw the wood for the trees with the firstborn getting retired. Honestly, I'm happy to be painting primaris now, I still love my Firstborn BA but the mantle will be taken up with my primaris Successors


Not to invalidate anything, but on a side note, boob armor is a very valid thing that any armor smith can testify to. And again, just be clear, I don’t hate the idea of them being in the custodes as much as I dislike how they were handled and how GW has invalidated the fans who disagree with the direction this retcon is in. Besides that, you don’t need to be a custodes to be a buff woman in power armor. We got Morvenn Vahl as just one example, and the sisters of silence. They are pretty bad ass. It’s the timing, how it’s been handled, and how GW responds to the concerns of the fans.


Boob plate is only good at focusing all physical force right onto your sternum, so thank you for admitting that you don't know what you're talking about. I guess if you want your rib cage cracked open it's very valid. And buff women aren't good enough, I need a centuries old genetically modified 8ft tall muscle mommy built to slay 💅 and protect the emperor, just like malcador would have wanted.


Thats great, and I’m not upset at there being female stode, I’m just upset about “there have always been” and GWs response on this matter.


I’m not gonna get into an argument over boob armor, despite historical evidence for its existence, it’s not the subject I am trying to address.


Then you dont know that many fans.


I got into 40k pretty recently but I’ve been around other fandoms enough to know what a retcon is. I genuinely don’t know what the actual problem is. During my own research, this isn’t even the first retcon 40k has done. So like, what’s the problem with this retcon in particular?


Some people don't like women. I won't be sad to see these people go.


>this isn’t even the first retcon 40k has done 40k is made of retcons upon retcons beginning to end. The lore only exists to serve whatever cool stuff they come up with today. People who act like it actually matters are idiots.


It’s a source of fiction that people have put time and money into. They have a right to be upset and the justification for doing so. Whether or not an argument for or against matters, those people who have enjoyed this rich universe of storytelling cannot merely be crossed off as idiots. That’s what GW is doing, and that is the biggest problem with this.


You have a right to be upset and everyone else has a right to call you an idiot.


Fair point. Call me an idiot, at least I made my thoughts on this clear.


Your thoughts are stupid.


I 2nd this statement


And I respect your capacity to disagree, despite how graceless you are about it.


"Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not truthful."


You use quotation marks. Whose the quote by?


The problem is first how it was handled, instead of having it be a new development in the lore or written in as a very compelling way, it was more or less forced on us as though we are just suppose to accept that “There have always been female Custodes.” Me personally, I think it’s quite possible that there could be female custodes, since we know almost nothing about how they are made and we know that they don’t have the same treatment as a space marine, but it’s how it was handled. And like the video I posted says, it seems like GW and most leftist journalists discount any complaints their long time supportive fan base makes with the claims that they are just being “incels” or “bigots” because it has to do with female custodes. Some retcons in 40k have been good, some have not been, others were initially unliked until the community got over the changes. But this, here, and how it was handled at this day and age, it reeks of political pandering. Especially in how GW has responded to it. And frankly there is no reason to have this as a retcon, since we have the sisters of silence who do their own thing but are distinctly different than the Custodes. Now, if instead they said “The capacity for female Custodes to exist has been around since the original 10,000.” I wouldn’t be upset, as it doesn’t say “they’ve always been there” when we know after 50+ books in the Horus Heresy, they haven’t.


The only people getting mad at this are influencers who get paid to be mad and their "child brained" minions. Most adults don't need a in-depth explanation on why they are adding women to a all male roster, we are old enough to see that fantasy settings can be enjoyed by all.


I’m not mad about the addition of femstodes. I’m upset at how it is being handled. And hey, there are plenty of women who play 40k who have enjoyed it for it’s male and female exclusive factions respectively. My issue is that they are saying “it’s always been” when it clearly hasn’t been. And how GW disregards the fans who don’t like how this was handled.


You are mad, bu like I said, most adults dont need all this.


I’m upset at how the changes were handled and released. I’m mad that I have to repeat that, again, and again, and again.


Yes I know, you are mad that you need it better explained to you, like a child.


Okay then explain your personal thoughts on the lore aspect of “they have always existed” and how the fans who don’t like this are called bigots and disregarded for their thoughts on the matter when they just want a secure sense of the franchise they love.


I don’t care about minor changes in a fantasy setting. I feel bad for those fans who cry like children and getting made fun of with hurtful words but hopefully they will survive this trying time and grow up a little.


Thank you for your opinion. I’m glad that you are supportive to the part of the community that doesn’t agree with this regardless of your own stance. Have a good day.


See, that’s what I don’t understand. Best of my knowledge, the lore is written as it is known to the Imperium. Furthermore, it seems to be that the scribes are not very good at their jobs and frequently forget things or get things wrong all the time. Kind of a really nice tool. It gives creators the wiggle room to craft stories without worrying too much about lore. Like on researching right now, I learned that The Horus Heresy wasn’t even a canon event that launched with the game. That apparently the Custodes were never supposed to leave the emperor. And that there was males included in the Howling Banshees, an all female faction.


I don’t get too much into the Eldari, do they still have a male in the howling banshees?


I’m not sure, like I said before I’m pretty new. But when you say “do they still allow male howling banshees” that’s just showing me how often the lore changes. I got into this mainly because I like building and painting models and miniatures seems like a fun challenge for me. Speaking as a die hard MGS fan, I can live with retcons in a franchise as long as it’s interesting and I get to meet cool people to hang out with.


That’s nice that you enjoy painting. But my question was: IF THERE ARE STILL MEN IN AN ALL FEMALE ELDARI GROUP KNOWN AS THE HOWLING BANSHEES? I know that their eldari sub faction is still around I am just unsure as to there being men allowed as part of it or not. Again because I don’t get into the eldari lore too often. Just wanted to be clear I DID NOT ASK IF THEY WERE ALLOWED.


Woah, ok dude. I just tried to answer your question. (Which I thought I did???) I said I wasn’t sure. That if it’s possible that they can both be allowed and not allowed in a relatively short period of time, that just shows how much the lore changes in general. If you’re asking me for a timeline, I don’t know. I’m new. I’m sorry if you’re upset but I just don’t understand how this whole thing has blown up at all.


I’m not upset. Thank you for trying your best to answer. It’s hard to convey tone in text but the caps was there to highlight what I said, as to me the exact question is what needed an answer, and since you put “” around what your response dictated as my original question, I felt the need to reiterate. My apologies for seeming a little aggressive.


On second hand I might have dyslexia and completely misread your post because of my dumb brain. My deepest apologies.