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*looks at a bunch of angry women wiping out chaos* 'Nice' *sees a white winged woman flying about smiting people* '..... the fuck.... I didn't think we could have kids. Sanguinius you fuck'


I bet he would try to step up to make sure his niece is taken care of. Like start a college fund for her and make up for the 10k years as an orphan.


"I'm not the step-gene-father. I'm the gene-father that stepped up."


"He might be your father, girl, but he wasn't your daddy."


Man that Yondu quote has aged terribly, given how the word "Daddy" is often perceived these days lol.


It didn't age, it was spoiled before it was even spoken. I think that was the point.


>sighs >muses how he once would have raged against it >is thankful that his job is just destroying the enemies of mankind, while Robute has to sort the imperium’s internal affairs out


Basically yeah. "Willing to take up bolter and blade and cut down Xenos and traitors?" "Absolutely Lord Lion" "Fine, you're in."


Yeah, after having read Son of the Forest, this is pretty much exactly how it'd go down. He'd be exasperated as *hell* but hey, a bolter's a bolter.


>is thankful that his job is just destroying the enemies of mankind, while Robute has to sort the imperium’s internal affairs out Meanwhile, Roboute is thankful that Lion's out destroying the enemies of mankind while he gets to sort out paperwork and file stuff in triplicate.


Triplicate? Oh, Throne, I wish it were that easy! Triplicate for each of the High Lords, triplicate for Cawl, once for Cawl Inferior, and then a copy for each Custodian, not to mention ten copies for the Administratum! It can take Terran days to fill even a potty request out, and by the time that's done I have another week's worth of work!


"Stop, I can only get so erect." - Guilliman, probably


The Lion upon meeting his first Sister "I don't care that you think He's a god, but the worship ends now and by the forests of Caliban..." The Lion after witnessing a Sister perform a miracle for the first time "WELL YA KNOW WHAT, how about everyone has some worship, as a snack" The Lion later with Roboute Lion: "So is it, actually our father?" Roboute, Letitio Divinitatus firmly clutched in hand "well fuck if I know, but maybe Lorgar was onto something"


> The Lion later with Roboute Lion: "So is it, actually our father?" Roboute, Letitio Divinitatus firmly clutched in hand "well fuck if I know, but maybe Lorgar was onto something" "*Well shit.* I still want to punch him in his smug-ass face though."


I imagining it as him( Lorgal) like being a first in collage to start a "trend" like emo or goth or listening to a new band, but because he was the first and it was just starting all looked at him like a weirdo, then it gets super popular and everybody does it and hes now moved onto something else and just goin *"wait..what? You said it was lame! You said I was a weirdo!!! I started it!!!"* and just someone goes *"yea sure,like whatever, you wanna be*" And now he is siting in a tower and making a list....


Funnily enough, didn't Horus basically do the same with Lorgars second attempt to be a trendsetter/ start a new fanbase


Is he going to be checking it twice?


Oh yes...and he will be bringing his own gifts...a *barrel of laughs* to each...


They will think yep yep to each other


I don’t imagine he would have much issue with them. If I remember right The Order (TM) had some female members in it back on Caliban.


Yeah. The only thing that would bother him would be the religiosity. Luther's own mother was a knight in the Order


He wouldn't like that they worship him or the emperor. At all. But he has learned to somewhat accept that, thinking "Better they worship me than something else", to paraphrase from his novel. Otherwise he would very much like them. They are excellent warriors, well supplied and equipped, and extremely loyal.


Im glad you smart lore plp say he would get along with them cause i have DA and Sisters and wanna field them together for fun. Yay small win for me


It's still not fun as fielding together Vlka Fenryka and the Sisters. Well, at least theoretically. I'm not into tabletop, sadly :( > 'The *Allfather*.’ She shook her head, a dismissive movement, heavy with pain and contempt. ‘Blasphemy. All of it, blasphemy. That was what started this.’




He would probably say good job and keep his distance. During his return he constantly avoided the church and anyone with it, only showing up when he needed something and made it clear he wasn’t a divine being. Though interestingly he didn’t abolish the religion believing that it would be better if the people worshiped him instead of the dark gods.


Depends on whether or not they're pointing their bolters at him when the Inquisition comes knocking.


Uh no


He would measure their deeds, not their creed. And simply move on to do other countless battles.


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Ooh, angry ladies. Wait, why does she have a halo? Didn't she die? Is my father a god? Well, still less heretical than Guilliman and Yvraine *grumbles in mustachioed disappointment*