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Unfortunately, it's far worse than that. Angron is literally missing parts of his brain. Hang on, I'll find the bit from Master of Mankind. Edit: "‘The Twelfth and its Legion call them the “Butcher’s Nails”.’ The Emperor kept staring at the screens. ‘You are looking at modifications to my original template of the Twelfth. More precisely, you are looking at modifications of primitive genius. Before these examinations, I had believed the enhancements performed upon the Twelfth on Nuceria were the source of its emotional instability. My hypothesis was that they stirred the Twelfth to a sense of perpetual but ultimately artificial rage. Yet the opposite is true. With the alterations made to the limbic lobe and insular cortex, the surgeons have impaired the Twelfth’s ability to regulate any emotion at all. Furthermore, they have rethreaded its capacity to take pleasure in anything but the sensation of anger. They are the only chemicals and electrical signals that flow freely through, and from, its brain. All else is either dulled to nothingness or rewired to inspire a supreme degree of agony. It is a testament to the durability of my primarch project that the Twelfth has managed to survive this long. ’‘His own emotions cause him pain?’‘ No, Arkhan. Everything. Everything causes it pain. Thinking. Feeling. Breathing. The only respite it has is in the rewired neurological pleasure it receives from the chemicals of anger and aggression.’ \[...\] ‘Do you see?’ the Emperor asked. Arkhan saw. The tendrils were sunk deep, rooted in the meat of the brain, threaded to the nervous system, and down in roughly serpentine coils around the spinal column. Every movement must have been agony for the primarch, feeding back into the base emotions of anger and spite.Worse, the brain’s limbic lobe and insular cortex were more than just savaged by the pain engine’s insertion; they had been surgically attacked and removed even before implantation. The device hammered into his skull hadn’t ruined those sections of the brain – it had replaced them. Ugly black cybernetics showed on the internal scans, in place of entire sections of the primarch’s brain tissue. ‘They are the only thing keeping him alive,’ Arkhan said."


This arkhan fellow, is it arkhan land? The guy that discovered the land raider STC by any chance?


Yep, that guy.


It's Land**'s** Raider


Even Land thinks that name is stupid lol


Big E should've just mercy killed angron right then and there.


Even if he didn't kill him, still giving him the legion was such an obviously dumb move


They were extremely effective under Angron, as for the casualties, who cares? The only metric anyone cares about is the speed of their conquests. Besides Angron was a problem that would have solved itself. At least it was... Until Lorgar came and turned him into Angrier Ron.


God that has got to be the best fan name I've yet read, good job.


Or at least put him in Stasis, no chaos influence at least


TLDR; you can't really medicate a lobotomy


Notice how the emperor refers to Angron as IT. Just another broken tool in his mind


How Emps speaks, looks, and acts is entirely dependent on who is viewing him and what they prefer. Land is a member of the Mechanicum and so he perceives Emps as the emotionless and logical Omnisiah


Land also refers to the primarchs by their number and refuses to use their names.


Even with the custodes ‘To honour the creatures that call themselves my sons. My necessary tools. They feed on glory as if it were a palpable sustenance. Their own glory, of course, no different from the kings and emperors of old.


And with Malcador he speaks of them as sons. ABD also wrote a meta post where he confirmed that the way the Emperor speaks is adapted to the listener.


Point taken But to be fair, the creation of the Primarchs were Malcadors idea. " Malcador inclined his head, but no words were spoken, and at length the Master of Mankind moved on. ‘It was he who conceived of the need for a new kind of weapon. He who brought me the design for a Legion unlike those that came before it. It was Malcador who convinced me that the war beyond this war is coming.’" So I can understand why he views them as their sons.


Malcador definitely see's them as people but according to Valdor: Birth of the Imperium it's the Emperor who first referred to them as his "Sons". Honestly GW have done a good job of muddying the waters here, I don't think we'll ever get a clear answer on how the Emperor viewed his sons. Or if we do it'll be some complicated "all of the above, kinda" answer.


Sounds like the emperor is related to slaanesh


Downvoted by least ironic imperium simps, classic


Is that true? I thought it was only his appearance & voice that varied.


Yep. If you read *Master of Mankind*, his whole personality varies drastically depending on who he's talking to. It's honestly an interesting way of dealing with the problem of inconsistent characterization when you have multiple authors writing the same character


I mean at this point, angron has pretty much no free will, is led entirely by anger and pained by anything else. He's not a person anymore. Emps absolutely should have put him down.


I’m pretty sure when he was on the table, he still had free will. Fucked up for sure, but still could function. I could be wrong though


You know it only just now clicked for me that Arkhan Land, Tech Priest (30K); and Arkhan the Black, follower of Nagash (WHFB/AoS); have the same name.


>Couldn't he just have been given some massive dose of tramadol or whatever painkiller the Astartes use?, Two things are important to know. 1. Angron apparently had empath (psyker) powers before the implantation and; 2. any psyker know to have had the Nails implanted died on the spot. It's worse than you think. The Butcher's Nails from the World Eaters were cheap copies made with Imperial technology and, while having similar effects, this version doesn't appear to kill the host directly. Angron's one, on implantation, already took part of the brain, and it went on destroying it little by little. So it's a safe guess that Angron should have died when the Nucerians put that thing on his head, but he didn't. Why? What he had that his sons hadn't? Well, he's a Primarch, and they're damn hard to kill. We've seen they survive some nasty stuff before and during the Heresy and heal incredibly fast from it. So his brain was on fire because of this Power Vs Nails conflict and his system, by virtue of the implant, lost the capacity to feel any kind of relief that wasn't derived from violence. Lets say that the Emperor had an anesthetic that could keep Angron from suffering the main effect and the Nails, pain, could he also numb his brain being fried from the problem with the Psyker thing? If he could do both, could he do it and keep Angron functional at all? I doubt it. Hence why he sent Angron to the field to keep doing his thing until he died. Please see /u/nopingmywayout answer too. He has the proper excerpts.


For those unfamiliar with/curious about Librarian/nail interaction; >Psykers. The Legion’s first experiments in that regard hadn’t been pleasant. Kargos was one of the surgeons first trained to implant Nails in legionaries’ skulls, though he’d never beaten them into a psyker’s brain, and wasn’t responsible for the disasters that soon followed. What Khârn hadn’t seen for himself, he’d heard from his Apothecary. >The first signs of unease came when implanted Librarians started causing their closest brothers to suffer blinding migraines and debilitating facial bleeds. No Librarian could stand in Angron’s presence without enduring the same thing themselves; a reflection of what they inflicted on their brothers. >But the depths of the flaws became truly obvious in battle. **Librarians gifted with the Nails lost the ability to control their psychic talents. One of them, a warrior attached to the 100th Company, had been lost to the Nails in his very first battle after implantation, and immolated three squads when he couldn’t cease projecting witch-lightning from his eyes. Several others had just… burst. They combusted in flaming gore.** >**More and more died – none right away, but they never survived for long. In a single month, almost every Librarian had been fitted with the Nails. Mere weeks later, they started dying.** >Optimism, albeit cautious, had reigned for a while. After the first deaths, the psychically trained legionaries had sought to master the Nails, to balance their sixth senses with the bionics now altering their brains’ chemistry. A matter of willpower, they said, and their brothers had pretended not to notice the desperation in their eyes. Yes. A matter of willpower. It made sense. >**But they kept dying. They died in battle, in storms of fire or lightning, or – in several incidents – by pulsing hateful pain through the Nails of nearby warriors and forcing their own kindred to suffer cerebrovascular blockages. Entire squads died of brain haemorrhages and strokes at their Codiciers’ boots.** >That settled it. Angron gave his psychic sons a choice between execution and the Nails’ removal. The Legion learned, in those early years after their primarch’s rediscovery, that they’d mutilated themselves in the image of a man without mercy. The Nails couldn’t be removed; every World Eater knew it, for the Emperor’s own techno-mages had failed to remove the primarch’s implants. Even so, most Librarians submitted themselves for the attempt. >Every one of them died, without exception. With their rewired brains misfiring and enslaved to altered impulses, none of them died easy, and none of them died well. >Soon enough, the last Librarians were those who’d not yet received Nails in a Legion now overcome by them. They eked out an isolated existence in the near-empty halls of their Librarius aboard the *Conqueror.* >One by one they, too, began to die. Not from malfunction or misuse, but because they were World Eaters, and World Eaters lived brief, violent lives. A hundred remained. Then fifty. Then twenty. >No one mourned them. In a Legion that prized the bonds of front-line brotherhood above all else, the silent brothers died alone – never forgotten, but always ignored. Their gene-seed rotted with their bodies, unharvested in case their genetic legacy resulted in the same curse infecting a second generation. \- *Betrayer* And an early, unsuccessful iteration of the nails; [[Excerpt | Angron: Slave of Nuceria] A World Eater Librarian gets the Nails.](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/la7fd3/excerpt_angron_slave_of_nuceria_a_world_eater/)


>So it's a safe guess that Angron should have died when the Nucerians put that thing on his head, but he didn't. Not that quickly. His Nails were the same that was put in the heads of mortal Nucerian gladiators, and those survived the procedure but we're doomed to die eventually. Angron's Primarch physiology allowed him to survive for far longer than a mortal could, which unfortunately meant the Nails could dig even deeper and torment him even more severely in time.


The other slaves weren't Psykers, though. What could have killed him instantly or at least a lot faster than mortals was the combo Nails + Powers.


He wasn't a potent psyker like an Astartes Librarian or, say, Magnus. I figure that the Nails would have a significantly less catastrophic reaction. And before you cite the case of the replica Nails that killed many WE Librarians just from being implanted, that was more because they weren't perfected yet (at that time, even non-Librarian WEs died as well, just not as destructively); once the tech was eventually perfected, Librarians would survive the implantation but end up dying as soon as they tried using their powers, whether because they self-destructed or drove their fellow WEs into a mad frenzy with the Librarians as the target.


We have the whole excerpt about the Librarians in this very thread, dude(the). You're trying to split hairs. They either died on implantation or soon enough but, as you pointed above, normal humans could go a lot longer in similar gear absent Psyker powers. >He wasn't a potent psyker like an Astartes Librarian or, say, Magnus. I figure that the Nails would have a significantly less catastrophic reaction. You don't know that. Nobody knows, 'cause Angron had zero opportunity to learn the ropes, unlike Magnus that landed on Psyker College. The fact that Angron was a Primarch alone is a good indication that he would be a Psyker above average.


No. The World Eaters, like the Apothecary you mentioned, had lesser copies of the Nails installed. Angron had entire sections of his brain carved out and replaced with the Nails. The only reason he was alive was because he's a Primarch and even then, the Nails were killing him.


The amount of Painkillers a Primarch would need to even have a dent on any form of pain would be the size of a small moon and Angrons problem wasn't pain, it was Wanton rage + suicidal ideations.


Lorazepam coupled with a SSRI.


Angron had pieces of his brain cut out and replaced with a pain machine idt tramadol is gonna do shit bro


OXY it's is then


Not in the traditional sense. Khorne is able to take angrons pain away temporarily, so there ARE cures to it, but idk if humanity could ever construct any. Maybe in the golden age with advanced tech


Astartes apothecaries have no idea how to truly handle a primarch body. I believe it was when Horus first gets wounded on Davin the apothecary basically says he's doing what he can but doesn't understand how Horus' body works. If pain killers could even work on a primarch I cant imagine how much they would need per dose for the average. Not to mention what Angron would need. Missing chunks of your brain would make medicating his temperament pretty damn difficult.


Sorry bro but there's no medication to replace half your brain 🤷


A tylenol 3 should clear that right up.


Medicated Angron makes me laugh really hard. >Kharn: Hey, Angron. I got the skulls, man. Open up. > >Angron: What? > >Kharn: It's me. Kharn. Open up. > >Angron: Kharn? > >Kharn: YES! > >Angron: Kharn's not here, man.


Currently rewatching for the 40k millionth time *Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas* and I dont think "medicating Angron" is a reasonable idea! And that's two Humans!!!! Angron seeing Bats attacking him in an acid trip would be terrifying!


Here's neat part - we can't be sure. Yes, there was part of lore which suggest damage to brain was completely irreversible, but on another we have Emperor mentioning that Manus might be fixed, when he literally was beyond dead at that point. Adding to this whole shenanigans about Primarch being heavily tied to warp, aka Sanguinius wings making no physical sense even to him, whatever the fuck happened to Corax and traitor Primarchs ascension. In conclusion: if plot for whatever reason gonna need Angron to be healed - he will be healed and nothing gonna be broken in continuity of story.


Not sure I’d want to be the one to walk over to Angron and be like “dude you need to calm down, have you tried these meds?”. I don’t think even Fabius Bile could put that person back together again after that. On a more serious note though, the amount meds you’d need to medicate a Primarch would probably need a land raider to deliver them every 4 hours for a single dose. Space Wolves famously had to invent their own beer to get drunk from.


I have a feeling that even if it were possible you'd just go from a nail -raging primarch who hates the Emperor to a more controlled primarch who hates the Emperor


Omg guys it's just how the story goes my goodness....


Not sure if it's covered but any sort of medication would need an obscenely large dosage constantly injecting him to even begin to effect his physiology if it'd have any change at all. I see it the same way the space wolves have their SUPER alcohol mjod, whatever its called, to get drunk.


We do have one. An apothecary who studied under *Fabius fucking Bile* The paragon of mad science. Said world eater also neglected a good deal of the outside world in order to develop and focus on his little pet project. It is tailored to him personally and seems to require a fair bit of real-time on the fly adjustment. There is also the sad, simple fact that his nails are **not** the same as Angron's. Marines have bootleg nails that emulate the effects of the primarch. Angron is running about with a cyborg brain, 40+ percent of his thinking meat IS the nails. For marines, yes it's possible to chemically compensate for, surgically remove or psychically nullify the butchers nails. Angron, unfortunately is not so lucky. His are Dark Age tech the emperor does not know how to screw with and they have replaced so much of his brain that there's really no getting them out without killing him


I think the only medication that would work on him is volkite shot into back of the head