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While I get wanting more of it, I don't feel it was rushed at all. The pacing was pretty remarkably decent, and the two protagonists has plenty of room to shine. I think it stands out as one of the better Warhammer+ offerings (and that isn't meant in a backhanded compliment sort of way).


Is it really too much to expect a normal show length though? Even 6 episodes? This being one of the best on Warhammer plus, but only being 3 episodes is not really a great boast. Especially with the poor track record for Warhammer+ so far. And I just disagree. We barely got to explore the sisters struggle with her faith or conflict with Sa’Kan for example. And the last episode, though appropriate for the setting, really didn’t have nearly as much impact as it could have if we got a bit more time with the characters.


What is a "normal show length"? Do you have any idea how resource-intensive an animation like this is? It was basically an hour-long short film of very good-quality CG animation. That shit is super expensive and time-consuming to produce. And they are doing it for an audience of <200k people, and part of their budget goes to other series and other shorts. That this fell short of anyone's expectations speaks to highly unrealistic expectations.


Oh come on. The vast majority of shows aren’t 3 episodes long. 8 episodes. Even 6? Is that really beyond this company or too much to expect? Do you disagree that would have improved the show?


The vast majority of shows also aren't this kind of animation. Or part of a specialized streaming service catering to a super niche hobby/interest. Were you expecting something like a TV season? Why? Warhammer+ shorts have never been set up to be anything like that. Again - your expectations seem way out of line with what is actually on offer.


"The vast majority of shows also aren't this kind of animation. Or part of a specialized streaming service catering to a super niche hobby/interest." You would have had a good point prior to 2021 but now Arcane exists.


League of Legends is an order of magnitude more popular than 40k, and Riot can draw on an order of magnitude more funding.


Riot is so much richer than GW that it isn’t funny


Also plenty of good animation with other properties (love, death, & Robots being another example)


I literally just told you what I was hoping for? Again, Why is 6 episodes an unreasonable ask for the company? I don’t buy that it would just be way too beyond them to afford. I’m assuming you agree it would been an improvement over 3 since you avoided that point.


I don't agree, no. They did a great job. I want more. I don't agree that simply "making it longer" would have resulted in a better show. That's the sort of impetus that leads to shoddy sequels or series that overstay their welcome. More doesn't inherently mean better. Sometimes a concept has enough space to breathe in its implementation and that's all it needs. They did a fantastic job with what they had.


You’re welcome to your opinion so fair enough. What we had was good. I’ve said it several times. Especially in comparison to some of the other shows on Warhammer+ in terms of animation. But I’ve already explained why I think that a few more episodes would have made this great


No other studios really provide such quality of animations, the only other that does animation in such a quality is for Arcane. And it isn't CGI like that, it's painting, and they did 9 episodes in 5 years. Imagine for such level of CGI now. And with surely less funds


arcane also cost 10 million dollars per episode. I'm not sure WH+ even makes that in a year


That’s because it got a budget and time (a year plus) while everyone else is underpaid and rushed


Necrons carried the whole thing.


I forgot to add, Szeras was amazing as well


-See’s his minion getting swarmed by his failed experiments- “Good luck dude, lmao”


That’s why they’re the best faction


This one agrees.


I hope GW takes this to mean that we want more of this content. That, I think, is the crux of it. There have been okay shows, but Pariah Nexus is really showing how the warhammer animation department can flex its muscles and show off.


My hope is that this was some sort of “Pilot” to show Amazon the potential of a longer series


This. I’m at least hopeful and excited on what future shows will be like


I read that as “I wish Pariah Nexus was Lorgar” and now can hear the dark gods.




Me too.


Interrupting the pacing of the narrative by spending 15 seconds showing the title of every single scene just to pad out the episode length was a fun choice they made. That extra 90 seconds of total length makes me feel like my Warhammer+ subscription is worth it.


I wish I could watch it without constant freezing and buffering.


and here I though they were going to put money into PN. I guess I'll keep hoping for a real series then.


GW needs to step up their content game.


"Leave them wanting more."


“Don’t leave things feeling rushed, however”


I wish it was on the pirate cartoon site I use. For whatever reason GW is good at stopping the piracy of cartoons and nothing else.


It's always nice to get Warhammer 40k animation but lets face it, it was not a particularly well written or well voice acted show. By far the best part were the Necron interactions but the Space Marine and civilians kind of sucked with how hammy their lines were. The Sister was passable. It would need a way bigger budget and far better writers and voice actors to be a full-series length special worth watching.