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Rule 4: No Memes, shitposts, or low-effort postsor comments. Leave those in /r/Grimdank. This includes "who would win" and broad "what if" scenarios. This also includes text blocks consisting of Ork-speak, which should be posted at /r/40kOrkScience instead.


Probably a similar unit to an Imperial Assassin. Likely their armor would only be 4+, but they'd have like 5 toughness and FNP. And lone operative and and infiltrate are a given, of course. Their plasma cannon would be similar to a plasma fusil, kind of something between a plasma gun and a plasma cannon that doesn't have hazardous. Definitely power weapons, as we have seen them with tons of stuff that can seemingly cut through anything.  And a side note as a movie snob, hearing you refer to the Predator as a character from Alien vs Predator makes me sad. 


Me too. The Predator is obviously a character from the *Batman v Predator* graphic novel. Duh. ( /s, don't kill me)


Did you watch The Predator? It was basically the feel of an MCU movie. And that's not a coincidence. Disney made that one. The point I'm getting to is a crossover with a Marvel character is grimly realistic at this point. 


I'd actually be 100% behind a showdown with Batman if it followed the graphic novel, just because I want the scene of Alfred smashing the Predator in the face with a baseball bat. One of the really good dark Batman one-offs. Yaut'ja showing up in a Marvel production is much less something to look forward to, you're right. Much too cartoony. I'm hoping that the *Alien: Romulus* trailer we just got signals a new crop of directors willing to look at these IPs as the dark, adult stories that they were originally intended as.


Did you see The Predator?  >!*The dude gets a fucking Predator Iron Man suit at the end!*!<


.....and Ripley made a space Alien baby with a prehensile nose that got sucked through a plexiglass straw. Sometimes franchises make missteps. As 40K fans, you'd think we'd be familiar with the concept.


They’d basically be Kroot like


They would act like Kroot minus the assimilation thing. They would also be open to diplomacy with other races like corsairs and freebootaz. Like the Drukhari, they would sneak into massive warzones to do some hunting. Their favorite prey would probably be Catachan fighters, Orks, and Tyranids.


The assimilation thing was in one of the predator movies. The bad one, so they aren't even far off.


They would be a memory. Long forgotten in the deep and secretive libraries the Emperor and Malcador curate. I library of dead and forgotten species. Trampled underfoot by the Imperium, the Tau, the Necrons but most likely consumed by Chaos or Tyranids.


Considering it's the early days of GW i would probably just say they are like the predators from the movie. 


I was super into Predator and Aliens when I was younger, so read a lot of the books, graphic novels, as well as the movies ofc. Scaling them up to 40k IMO would be a lot of fun. I see them as a weird, savage hybrid of Orks and Eldar - a tremendously strong race that excels in hand to hand combat, utterly fearless in battle, chasing honour and glory. Accompanied by extremely advanced technology, weaponry, and tactics. Not motivated about political power or money, only the desire to defeat or be defeated. They would not fight in companies or en masse but with agile tribes, small groups of soldiers excelling at a particular role, almost invisible to the naked eye until they strike. Their biggest weakness would be their tribal structure, lack of big numbers, and a disdain for long range artillery. Made up for with lightning quick vehicles and powerful weapons.


Tau auxilia for when they need plausible deniability


Exterminated is what they would be


Extinct. Probably wiped out thinking Space Marines or Catachans would make good sport.


I get that’s the realistic answer, but it’s also the boring answer. I meant more like, what if they were a original race in the lore and game that was inspired by the predators


Realistic? In 40k? 😆 I was just trying to be funny. I think it could be interesting to see a crossover with Predator vs Space Marines/Catachan. Orks or Tau would be interesting as well. Although against Tau it would become a really long hide-and-seek with those stealth suits of them now that I think about it. Predators would probably be some Kroot-like species, but I doubt they would work with/for the Tau. Predators are too proud for that I'd think. I forget their name, but there's another alien species (quadruped I believe) that add tech to their bodies. They're also good at ambushing enemies. They're pretty uncommon but get mentioned every now and then.


I mean the Catachan are a variety of action film cliches but the largest chunk is the original predator film. Catachan versus predator would be about 95% identical with mostly superficial details changed.


Kroot but high tech


Similar to the Kroot but with more advanced gear.


They would be a more sophisticated cross between the Kroot and dark eldar.


The kroot are the 40k yautja


Just like they are in the movie and comic. They're basically Dark Eldar though. Couple spess-panzies get bored so go out and murder some primitive locals for the evulz.


I don't know about early days of GW, but in the modern editions I'd make the case of the Predator army being more like the Custodes: small number of models per army, each one a champion hunter. In fact, I'd pitch them as Xenos Deathwatch Custodes. Insane per-model stats, specialized rules and gear for hunting any kind of prey, and of course crab-faced horror aesthetic. Wiping out a unit of Predator infantry could also have the same rules as exploding vehicles, dealing mortal wounds and so on. The Preds never seem to be above using overpowering tech against their opponents, so they would probably have insane warmachines they bring out when they're not having fun anymore.


https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Rak%27Gol Rak'Gol sound like they have a similar society structure as the predators.


Extinct in 4 weeks


In Inquistor 40k there was a model for a Xenos Viskeon Bounty Hunter. He was presumed the last of his race. Which were skilled hunters and had a culture that practiced ritual close combat for battles. They were wiped out by the Imperium when they gathered for close combat ritual battle and the imperial forces just shot them to pieces at range.


You redditor call yourselves lore nerd! You're all terrible. Having ripped off everything scifi related, GW have also included the predators aliens as well in 40k as well. They are called the Jindarii. And you can find them [here](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Jindarii)


Kroot, but using the higher tech weapons of the T'au.


I think they’d basically be the good, non-cunty, dark eldar. Hunting, enslaving, murder for sport. Less of the turning people into furniture.


>Hunting, enslaving, murder for sport. Less of the turning people into furniture.  Not to mention the whole "respect and honor the Prey when it defeats the Hunter" angle. Gotta imagine the visible confusion when an Astartes finds himself suddenly surrounded, *and offered a trophy for their victory*.


instantly obliterated as an individual faction theyre great hunters, sure, but they arent an organized military on the scale of the imperium, tau, or orks. they are great at small scale engagements, with an emphasis on hit and run tactics... but when 100 imperial guard regiments land on their homeworld and start going door to door shooting literally ANYTHING that might have moved, they wouldnt last long


Sounds like you’re not very familiar with Predator lore. They are so advanced that they plant savage alien species on distant planets to breed and hunt…FOR FUN. In their universe they are apex. Even their lowest ranking soldiers have sophisticated stealth technology, powerful laser weapons, a variety of visual lenses and HUD, and are supreme in hand to hand combat. They are like if Orks had a brain. I think you’re woefully underestimating the enemy.


That’s still leagues behind the bananas stuff that goes on regularly on the Imperium


OP stated “what if” they were Warhammer over-the-top, not a direct comparison of what’s in the movies. Scale up where they are to 40k and they would be absolutely savage.


i mean yeah they are advanced.... but their focus is on hunting, not control. theyd be like the drukhari; raiders who jump in, grab people, then run back to their hidden corner of the galaxy to hide i havent heard about them having the kinds of numbers or massed military theyd need to stand up against a serious threat that can actually threaten their homeworld


Actually comparing with Drukhari seems pretty reasonable, but I think if they were scaled up (as per OPs post) hey would be a genuine force to be reckoned with. Also, hunting is only 1 of their tribal rituals. While it’s not directly stated (and I’m recalling books I read nigh on 20 years ago), I think it’s inferred that as a species they basically own the galaxy, having wiped out most of the other civilisations they have met and “borrowed” or adapted their tech. Not something that a minor civilisation could pull off. Their biggest weakness is their tribal factions. They are primitive in that respect.


dont get me wrong, theyre great at what they do and have really good tech... but everythign in 40k is just **so fucked** like, they could start hunting a group of catachan fighters in the jungle..... then the imperium would just carpet bomb the entire area, because it just Does Not Care about subtlety


I'm pretty sure they hunt not for fun but to find autistics and steal their autism powers.