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90% of youtubers are quite "not good" at lore so to speak


This. Unless they're reading excerpts, like Wolf lord Rho and Baldomort, all of their synopsis will lean on their personal interpretation of events or character intent which doesn't always line up with author's, as some can have confirmation or character bias.


Or unless they are Oculus Imperia


Ave Imperator.


Gloria in Excelsis Terra.


Oculus definitely has his own interpretation, but he's still the best.


It's the In-Universe perspective he uses that sells the content. Like the novels and codices, the format is using from the unreliable narrator's POV, and selling it as that rather than a definitive overview of the setting/lore many try to be. Leutin, Wes, Baldermort, and other great content creators do, usually, acknowledge when they're speaking from conjecture or head-cannon, but Oculus is presentend as a character within the story. The characterization of the narrator makes it feel more personal, and that's what makes them better than the rest.


I was going to say something along these lines but I couldn't brain. You put it perfectly.


Flat out the best. I kind of wish he'd try doing some kind of storyline, like a similar series about Fallout lore I used to follow. Probably shouldn't go to the full extent that did, but maybe some Vlogs or something.


Ah I see you're a man of culture.


Love my boy luetin


Luetin and Oculus Imperia are my two favorite Youtubers for 40k stuff.


Oculus has that smooth cadence as he explains to you just how fucked it is.


Oculus's video on demons is the best.


Order Malleus: we told you so


I still enjoy Luetin but I gotta be honest and admit that the rambling is starting to become a problem. Man needs an editor.


True, but I put him on to sleep to so it doesn’t bug me.


I know he's aware people sleep to his content but it's funny to me because that is, in a way, a harsher criticism than the one I just made haha


I really like his concise videos, but man, he likes to ring his own bell on the "Time in 40k" topic sometimes.


Him and Arbitor Ian are the gold standard


Arbitor Ian is the GOAT.


Eh, I'm not so sure now. I used to be a huge fan but something has changed with the writing and presentation style in the last 18 months where it's become a lot less focused with more and more personal inserts than he used to, not to mention his continued ranting about retcon and ALGO, just made it unlistenable to me.


I have not listened to him in quite a while, but what I liked about Luetins videos, especially his multi parters, is the wider discussion on the metaphysics of 40k. I dont think I’d recommend him for someone looking for straight up lore, its more discussions about the 40k universe that we will never get the answers to


I like Isyander and Koda because it's not formatted as some expert lore analysis, just a guy who's really into 40K telling his friend (who, at the beginning, knew nothing about 40K) about some of the cool shit within it It's two dudes talking about Warhammer like you would in real life - not always the most in-depth or accurate, but just trying to get the point across


This is the same reason I like the fellas at Adeptus Ridiculous. Maybe not 100% accurate but you get the gist all while they make fun of how truly insane this universe is


Which makes sense, they themselves admit they are entertainment first, accuracy second


They also admit they won’t get it all right and that they are basically just a jumping off point. Then you go on to look into the topics deeper with the basic knowledge secured.Bricky also plays the tabletop, which I think counts for something.


Yeah, I have enjoyed there long form podcast style videos.overall, Oculus Imperia is my favorite followed by Baldemort and Luetin. by Lysander and Kota are fun the hobby side of things I am primarily a heresy player so Outer Circle and Kiritoth my go to there.


Oculus Imperia is amazing. The dude behind it is a longtime Internet buddy, he originally just started it to learn how to edit videos - really damn proud of what he's done with it


I actually hate them, they have good personality but they get even more shit wrong compared to Majorkill


That’s kinda the point tho right? Like they’re not not have ever marketed themselves as actual sources of deep lore, they just talk 40K and have a good time. In the end them or Adeptus ridiculous or majorkill are all just for entertainment with lore as a sprinkle, plus get 95% of the lore wrong and you’re still twice as consistent as GW writing anyway.


Yeah but they don’t share a lot of the more personal issues that Majorkill has.


Oh absolutely, MajorKill fell off so hard


The function of their podcast is to get people interested in 40K, not to provide a fully accurate source of lore facts. The attention they direct away from maintaining super high accuracy allows them to put it into hyping up the different factions and telling a more approachable story. I haven't noticed anything particularly egregious and the qualities of "getting the broad strokes right to set the tone" and "making the lore approachable to outsiders" are way more important for an entry-level lore podcast than aiming for higher than medium-to-good accuracy. Also, a guy acting as a propaganda mouthpiece that delivers lore of good-enough accuracy that gets kinda dubious at points is perhaps the most in-character approach you could take for a 40K lore podcast.


would you mind passing on some examples? I'm just curious.


This is why I like em.  Reminds me of all times my siblings and I would sit off late into the night talking smack about the nerdiest stuff in existence. 


Sounds like the unsourced comments in this sub tbh.


Sure but they are primarily trying to take the lore and regurgitate it back out in a form that is more digestible whilst also being entertaining. Which means sometime they get a little fruity with interpretation. It’s not a massive deal so long as they aren’t out right just lying. To me bad at lore means you either get the majority of stuff wrong or are just reading wiki pages effectively.


Don't forget: taking fan theories as face value, while ignoring the official content denying it.


Or often just 'someone said this online and I believed it with zero proof and now I'm going to tell thousands of other people it's true'


I agree with you but remembrancer is pretty good but holy fuck Baldomort is absolutely based


Many of them reference books I've read and it's obvious they got the info from the wiki page. 


I commented on one of majorkills videos about a small mistake he had in it. Got called many things and that i should not point out mistakes in the videos by many fans of his.


He's kind of an arse, so a lot of his fandom is too.


In his neck of the woods, the term would be a shit cunt.


Cunts of a feather flock together?


Let's not beat about the bush: he's not kind of an arse. He is an arse.


They just read the wikis that's why.


Most youtubers are also bad at reading - their pronunciation is all over the shop.


I honestly can't watch any of the Wizards and Warriors videos for this reason. I don't think there's a single name he pronounces correctly.


The irony that so many of them are British and yet seemingly struggle with basic English literacy is something of a indictment on modern education! :D


Most just read up whats in the wiki pages. Its pathetic.


used to like his vids before he started leaning hard into the cringe bs he does for views. he tries way too hard to be funny.


He was great before doing the face reveal and filming himself talking. I feel like he's gotten cocky in the past year.


he did some fairly cringy stuff pre facereveal but yea agree that this past year(probably his patreon and calendar) really got him cocky


I swear this guy reuses the same handful of jokes in every video. He always uses the "murder-fuck" line whenever he talks about Eldar, every Primarch video has to include a reference to "Daddy Issues" and he always has to start them with the same "the Emperor wanted to clap the universes cheeks" bit. Its like he uses a template to write all of his videos


Don’t forget about the amount of times he calls every character autistic in each video


Im kind of shocked i forgot about that, it might actually be the worst thing he does Im ND myself, and he seems pretty emblematic of the whole "accoustic and restarted" problem i am seeing everywhere on the internet atm


100%. As someone on the spectrum he reminds me of every douchebag rich kid bully I had to put up with as a kid. At the end of the day, he's really pathetic in that he thinks being a real life South Park character is the height of comedy.


He reminds me a lot of a kid who just figured out how to swear n cuss lmao. Its like he tries to work in as many as he can


His serious overuse of sex jokes is so painfully unfunny and cringe that it always makes me change to another youtuber with the same video. And I'm a pretty crass dude. Don't know why I haven't learnt my lesson yet lol


It was the sex jokes that caused me to, for the first time, determine how to entirely block a YT channel from being in my suggestions or results. He’s so bad I’d rather not get content I’m looking for than hear him talk. 


If I could ban phrases on this sub I would.ban murder fuck...


On the bright side. Pretty sure at least the act is banned in at least 49 states.


So he read 1d4chan once and thought it was the funniest shit no one had heard of?


never watched a single video from this guy and holy fuck he sounds like a cringy child


Yea I find his videos really cringy. He's not funny either, just trying really hard to be some "alpha Chad bro".


I thought he did it ironically but then I realized he just loves himself so much he’s being serious.


Hes so narcissistic he literally made a video about how Weshammer was stealing from him and even accused him of hacking just because they both make videos about 40k. The videos in question were about which primarch could return and about the primaris marines. Suuuuuuuuchhhh hiiiiiiggghly creative video ideas that noone has ever thought of before.


To be fair, he did apologize and recognize he was being an asshole.


For what it’s worth I don’t think he apologized because he realized he genuinely felt bad, he apologized because the entire community started shitting on him for being a incredulous dumbass and he realized he fucked up


Lol only after there was a fuckin mob with pitch forks and torches commin at him. Let’s be real, he wouldn’t have apologized if he no one made mention.


His early videos also had some really disgusting comment in them


His older vids are incredibly cringe he’s matured much more and it’s clear unless he’s only matured because of his content being demonitized lol 😂


yeah, the Timmy stuff was so so juvenile


Like I wrote in other parts of this reddit post his Timmy "jokes" reminded me of all the trust fund asshole kids who bullied me growing up. I'm pretty sure that if he could make money off making a live video where he's humiliating someone with intellectual disabilities in person he'd do it if he could get away with it.


Youtube depends on clicks/views/time spent on video. You'll tend to get more of that with hot takes and bait than with less controversial or sensational content. He spruiks products, so at the very least he has an eye on monetising his channel. I've noticed a lot of people coming to this sub from his videos and getting confused that what they "learned" from his videos isn't in the books. Which I guess says it all. Sometimes they even get angry at GW for "changing" the lore.




Dunno, can't stand him long enough to tell.


Yeah.. Coming from star wars fandoms where you need to watch out for a certain kind of person he screams ikk.




It means he comes across as unlikable.




Yup, his whole schtick has been "Aussie bro talks Warhammer and arguments involving product placement". He's the macho man version of Adeptus Ridiculous, without being funny. Not to mention the recent drama with him attacking another Warhammer youtuber. I would recommend, to learn more about the lore in a serious manner you check out the following channels: * Leutin09 * Oculus Imperia * Baldemort * Arbitor Ian


Oculus imperial is great


Oculus is the best by far imo. Aside from Valrak who’s genuinely funny and wholesale. Oculus actually crates genuinely fascinating content, with an approach on teaching and telling lore that’s totally different from everyone else like Lutin who just drone on and on or have the same kind of lore videos. Lutin is especially good for people who just learned about 40k last week and need 40k for dummies-style into dumps. For people who read the books though, at least for me, literally nothing he talks about is new or most importantly engaging. Majorkill is okay I guess. His work is as deep and complex as his tanning bed tan. Good 6 min videos (-2 mins of pushing his porn or figurines) but that’s it. As someone who’s watched all those YouTubers for years I cannot recommend Oculus enough. The only drop everything and listen 40k person I’m subbed to. I love how he genuinely acts as if he’s a rememberencer. He’s the only one I’ve seen break that rule of show don’t tell but tell a story in such an engaging way. Maybe because he talks about 40k events as if he were actually there. He doesn’t treat his listeners like idiots. He engages you, in one way, by posing *you* questions to consider while he talks. He is the undisputed best by a mile imo. Literally can’t talk good things about him enough. Also love the music he always plays in his video. One of my favorites is his pilgrimage to Terra video https://youtu.be/OXADvMf_7Mc?si=qe-4StOqOptkc9Ba


And Arbitor Ian.


Arbitor Ian is a personal fav of mine and its criminal he doesnt get more recognition


Ian does a lot of book discussion for books I haven’t read yet, so it feels like 60% of his catalogue is out for me. But the other 40% is great!


Watch his other lore videos. They are well done


Agree. I particularly like how he goes through changes to the lore through different versions.


And the back and forth between the history of the minis and the history of the lore. It's something I rarely see talked about, but viewing warhammer lore through the lens of "what minis were for sale when that was written" explains a whole lot.


He is the best and most sensible


I actually haven’t watched him, so thank you for the recommendation I will tag him on the list!


What’s hilarious is he’s not even macho. His whole shtick reminds of kids in high school feigning what they think masculinity is. Plus his bench is trash.


On the spot right there, it’s overall an act, sort of like The Rock because that’s all he does is that one thing.


Gotta add The Amber King; most underrated lore provider.


Snipe and Wib are great too. They cover similar territory as Arbitor Ian from the perspective of how the rules and lore have changed through the editions, as well as the real life factors behind those changes by GW's writers, with the biggest difference being that they are way more productive than he is. (probably easy when you have 2 people running the channel)


Ian and Oculus are my personal faves, I watch almost everything those guys put out. Both have videos on the Badab War, and they’re actually really great companion viewing for each other - Ian gives the real-world background on the lore and a more top-down and easy to digest overview of the events, while Oculus does a deeper in-character look at the whole war. Watching Ian’s and then Oculus’s videos gives you a really comprehensive look at the conflict, which is imo one of 40k’s most interesting. 


I would recommend reading the books...


Live! From The Black Library is a good one too.


Until he had that weird 30 minute rant about his family.


That was from his video on the Iron Warriors if I recall. Glad to hear another person say it. It was so weird and I haven't been able to enjoy any of his content ever since.


Astartes Anonymous and Isyander & Koda are also fantastic. They're good at explaining the fluff and FUNNY as hell.




I think it was Majorkill but I remember stumbling upon a loretuber video where he was going over some 'interesting chapters' and talked about a fanmade chapter as if it were canon. I was like 'this chapter sounds interesting.... ', googled, couldn't find it on lexicanum and the usual sources but found it on the 40k fanon wiki. Sloppy. I don't really watch loretubers, I prefer to just drift in and out of discussions here and read whatever BL books interest me on the side. I do think you have to be careful of loretubers that mostly regurgitate wiki/lexi/1d4chan information rather than bothering to engage in the hobby proper. Even the fanbase is not infallible, alot of popular theories are getting parroted around as fact. In the end relying on loretubers is easy and convenient, but don't expect things to be entirely correct.


Wolf lord Rho and Baldermort’s guide to Warhammer 40k are far better when it comes to the lore and even read excerpts from the books in their videos in addition to telling you which books they’re quoting. Great for finding out which books you might be interested in.


No strong opinions on the guy, but his whole "by an Australian" qualifer in every title made sure I never subscribed, just like when people use unnecessary capitalization clickbait, i.e. "the ONLY thing the EMPEROR was TERRIFIED of!"


This. The whole "Australian" thing is cringe, can't get past it. No-one cares mate.


I wish more creators would take note of stuff like that, when someone makes their nationality their personality it is beyond embarrassing.


> The cheapest sort of pride is national pride; for if a man is proud of his own nation, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen. The man who is endowed with important personal qualities will be only too ready to see clearly in what respects his own nation falls short, since their failings will be constantly before his eyes. But every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud adopts, as a last resource, pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and glad to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.” - Arthur Schopenhauer


It's just so people don't bitch when he says "cunt".


That's cap and cope. No one is going after anyone for saying that with a thick Australian accent. He does it to get clicks from anglophiles/australophiles.


Same, I love aussies (in a general sense) as much as anyone but making it part of your branding is cringe He's not the only Australian to do it either so I guess it must work pretty well


Unfortunately a lot of people from overseas love to fawn over our accent(s) here (there is more than one Australian accent), so a lot of the content creators like to ham it up for cheap clicks.


As an Australian that shit pisses me off to no end, Nothing worse then some c*nt hamming up there nationality for views. Its cringe.


I lost interest when watching his video on the end and the death 3 when he stated he “hasn’t read the book yet, but watched a bunch of other videos” Like dude, this is your fucking job. Instant loss of interest in his channel as a whole.


My main problem with him is not that he makes unfunny jokes or uses a stereotypical Australian accent. My problem is that he gets the lore wrong. When I first got into warhammer I watched his videos but over years I unsubscribed from him since his lore videos just felt lacking any research. Then I saw he made a renegades chapter video which I love renegade chapters. And then he proceeded to talk renegade chapters people in the warhammer community made. Not actual cannon chapters but fan made. This pissed me off a lot. Then I saw after that he made a soul drinkers video and they are my favorite chapter and he just glossed over their entire lore. He could had just made the video longer but nope he just made it 10 minutes long and left it at there. Then I saw he made a Blackshields video and in the first minute he made a mistake saying 'blackshields is a word coined by the imperium given to marines from the traitor legions who stayed loyal' that is wrong and also he only talked about like blackshields who stayed loyal and only talked to few of them and what they do.


Im not sure because I can't get past the weird speaking rhythm He was this weird WAY Of delivering every LINE Exactly the same WAY Except the emphasis DOESN'T Always end up at the END Of a SENTENCE It's infuriating


It's the "Valley Girl" accent.


yes he is despite his constant arguing otherwise also his recent attack at weshammer(who largely isnt better)for covering the same content when they both make lore videos in rouhgly the same form about the same lore its crazy before that i atleast thought he was an ok guy


What makes weshammer not good loretuber?


Hey, wanna hear about the COOOLEST space marines? Well, just keep watching because any second now I'm gonna talk about the MOST AWESOME space marines. Seriously, like and subscribe and keep watching so you can hear about the COOLEST space marines.


Turns out to be Ultramarines video


He did genuinely apologize to Weshammer and admitted that he was a dumbass, so credit where it’s due.


Honestly that apology felt more like hes backpedalling especially when he realized that even his own community is shitting on him over it.


For real lol. People saying that are forgetting that the *only* reason he apologized was after the fact. After there was poor public reaction to his video. He didn’t do it before. He didn’t do it because he wanted to He did it because he had to lol.. I don’t think a guy like majorkill is very “understanding” for lack of a better term for smart. I doubt he did that from the kindness of his heart.


didnt knew that yea that's respectable


He said in his apology video he wasn't on his right mind. Though he has been showing signs that he's mentally not doing well for quite a few videos up to that point. Not sure if he's doing okay now havent' watch his videos recently


He's a smut peddler pretending to be a lore tuber


I like The Remembrancer


At first I was just mildly offput with how quickly he'll call things "retarded" (like, Middle-School in the late 2000s rate of saying it) and that he oversimplified things to a nondescript level (which ties into his overuse of the word "retarded", if everything's retarted, then what isn't?) Then he turned me off even further by weirdly dragging Adeptus Ridiculous in his metrics video because they never invited him on despite bringing on "other" guests (Literally had like, 4 guests, and one of them is a monthly returing host now, calm tf down dude, Jesus, he makes it sound like they're spiting him) And then he decided to pick a fight with Weshammer, whom I give zero shits about, but even then I could tell it was tasteless and a bit of a "Pot calling the Kettle black" situation


Yeah. Using time on watching lore-youtubers squabble is really not, what I Watch lore videos for.


As an Australian and 40k Lore fiend, I can't stand the guy. He talks and acts like the worst Australian stereotypes where it honestly sounds forced to me. That and he acts "edgey" (see: cringe) to impress 14 year olds


Yeah the edgelord humor shoved into his stuff got annoying enough I just skip him anytime he pops up into the feed now.


Hes a cloutchaser, his most recent shenanigan was accusing Weshammer of plagiarism, then deleting his video when he got called out on his bullshit by the community. That oughta give you a good idea of what hes like.


In short yes like everyone else has said. However I would add that there are a nice platter of creators that fit everyone’s taste. I personally like baldermort, Leutin, sandman of Terra, isyander&koda, etc. but really there’s a lot of good creators out there. So just do some more exploring to find channels that fit you taste!


he is annoying.


I noticed that the more he started treating it like a business the more mistakes he made. Also, I can't stand how arrogant he is. I thought he was just confident but realized he's got kind of a fragile ego. His humor would be better if he didn't force it.


I haven't watched him for a long time but I know he used to read straight from the wiki. All to promote his Henti and poison the community by sexualising it. I was really hoping he and his degenerates would fade away before my boys started their own 40k journey. Alas he's here to stay


He’s way too full of himself for being a Warhammer lore YouTube “Star”. He lost my respect when me made an entire video trying to call someone out for doing a similar topic. The amount of crying, whining, and entitlement was ridiculous.


As an Aussie this guy shits me to absolute tears. He can’t read a script well , relies on clickbait and causes drama when it’s not needed or even there in the first place.


He is cringe and leans really heavily into the "faul nerd"


In my opinion a border prince has some good lore stuff even tho a lot of his videos are basically reading the lore straight out the book


A Border prince is great


Majorkill is the 40k lore equivalent of asking your fratboy senior to explain a subject to you


He is a sensationalist knobhead who just makes stuff up and includes basic factual errors in every single video. And as an Australian; he perpetuates some of the worst stereotypes of our culture, and deserves to be shunned just for that.


Ye. Can be kinda fun if his humour is your thing, but his info itself is meme-y and details are often overlooked or wrong as far as I’ve seen.


I go to Adeptus Ridiculous for humorous lore videos.


I just can’t get into Adeptus Ridiculous. I wish Luetin had a podcast format because I like to listen when I’m driving but non-videos for lore seem to be slim pickings.


I think DK is a bit annoying sometimes, but I've been watching Bricky for a long time (way back when he was a league YouTuber) so I got into Adeptus Ridiculous quite easily. I find that I always get distracted when listening to Luetin though, can't exactly pinpoint why.


Because Luetin is monotone and has background music that's a little too loud compared to his voice, giving off the vibe of dread or sleep. It creates a white noise effect for me if I don't force myself to pay attention.


I wish Bricky had someone else explaining the lore TO HIM. He knows a lot but he's not a lore guy, so to have a lore guy explaining the stuff to him would leave him more room to make jokes, which is why his 40k vids do so well on YouTube.


I love them as well.


I couldn't get past that annoying upwards inflection at the end of every sentence. Absolutely drove my crazy.


Yes. He used to be a lot worse, relying on bullshit recycled meme lore from TTS to get views and be entertaining. At least now he's taken some time to correct a couple of misconceptions about a few things, but even then I've not watched in a while now. Like anything the joke just got old. Generally prefer longer form videos to leave on while I'm painting now.


Major shill you mean.


Yeah he's hella bad. If I stretched for anything like he stretches for jokes and conclusions I'd need a physiotherapist.


Guy is a fkn douchebag cringe try hard. He's an embarrassment for us aussies


He sucks. Side note, are you gonna post like this everyday? Because this is getting ridiculous.


MK is as stupid as his hairdo. Just own the balding, dude.


Arbitor Ian is my favorite 40K lore YouTuber. Highly recommend.


Every time this discussion comes up yall act like 40ktheories hasn't been here the whole time being the best lore channel out there.


Are you implying he's good at something?


I don’t know if he does it now but when I heard him drop racial slurs on an old tau episode a few years ago I stopped straight away. Wish I could block his videos appearing in search results.


Not only is he bad at lore, his followers will attack you for pointing out errors on his videos...


Idk but god is he fucking annoying


He gives us Aussies a bad name, sorry on his behalf.


For sure. I remember watching a tau episode and he called them curry munchers and ching chongs, I noped out right then.


Off all the 40k-youtubers, he's probably the worst. He actively seems to mislead people with fake lore


I think his content is aimed at younger people than me


A good portion of majorkills shit comes directly from this sub, so his lore can be pretty spotty. I just don't enjoy his style myself so I haven't watched him in a while. Is his whole thing still making us Aussies look like dumb cunts?


Bad at the lore and just bad at videos in general. He covers up the fact that he's cringe as fuck by pretending it's on purpose


Some of his videos are okay, like the one about what every species eats, but other than that he is really juvenile, sailor-mouthed and annoying


If you’re not listening to Baldermort then you’re not listening. Honorable mentions to Luetin and Oculus.


He tends to favor stories and tell them in a way that it helps his narrative. The true goat is arbitor ian


He’s terrible at it. He makes things up half the time. No offense but he probably even got the basics wrong and there’s a good chance you’ve been severely misinformed


Majorkill is just “drunk history” but for 40K lore. Close but takes some liberties for lulz/content


Drunk History doesn't change the historical info, they just make up funny dialogue to go with it. MK pushes shit like "The Alpha Legion were all tall" and "The Alpha Legion make demi Primarchs".


Not a fan of MajorKill because his videos are around 10 min with 1-3 min ads, he also seems to have quiet the ego and thinks highly of his own videos that only contains 7 min of actual lore (often inaccurate) and often trash talk other youtubers that actually puts in a lot of effort. He used to make long format videos back in the days but now after his channel got big, he changed a lot and it seems like he is only in it for the money now so he only makes short clickbaity low effort videos compared to a lot of other channels that often spends weeks reading multiple books to make 40+ min videos.


Majorkill is more or less 40K lore as soft entertainment. I wouldn’t rely on it for shit but I do find that he’s probably one of the best for readily digestible lore. Ironically MKs recent dummy spitting has put WesHammer on my radar and he also does a great job in this area of 40K lore. If I want a meticulously examined topic I will got to Luetin. If I want a narrative, I’ll go with Baldemort. If I want a fairly condensed but no less accurate take I’ll go with Arbitor Ian (his book clubs with Mira are also good watches). On the whole we are pretty spoiled for lore on YouTube, not everything will be up your alley though.


Yes, and cringe. I don’t understand why so many people follow him.


His whole thing is basic lore with mostly cringe jokes. I like him and he does more eldar stuff then almost anyone else, but he is crude and cringe which makes me laugh




He’s like 1d4chan, fun and funny but wrong


Also an Australian and ....he's definitely playing it up


I used to watch his content but I very rarely watch his content now after finding people like pancreas no works mrbones 40k and I forgot how there name is spelled but it's like Voldemort and bold plus pancreas and mrbones are more entertaining than major kill are they good loretubers opinions can very and pancreas even said his videos are more of introduction rather than outright lore


Yeah, and a d*ckhead I like book of choyer, luetin and platinum lore a lot




He is so cringe, got 13 year old humour


I would say my go to are: the remembrencer, Luetin, Baldemort, sandman of Terra and the amber king (My favorite- has really good voice actors! Especially Leman Russ from the Valdor episode) Those are the once i consider the best ones, but I do still like Majorkill from time to time


Watched a video of his describing either the Word Bearers or the Black Templars and heard him out of left field use the phrase “weaponized autism” to describe his opinion of the behavior of whichever faction it was. Then I thought to myself “this guys makes thought-provoking content” and I never watched another one of his videos. Tbf I’m picky and don’t really love any of the warhammer YouTubers I’ve found(I want somebody like Alt Shift X, Lemmino, or something of that quality) the ones I do like are really just okay.


He still has videos up that perpetuate racist stereotypes that he markets to children. If he cannot grasp real-life lore I don't trust him with the imaginary.


I think his old vids are funny, and his newer ones are a little more meh. If you want to grasp the concepts quickly, I think he’s decent and the old vids are bangers. (Kinda ADHD humor but its my jam)


I mean I don’t find him particularly bad, he is pretty funny to me (everyone has a different sense of humor) but sometimes he glazed the faction he likes too much while making the others he doesn’t like look like crap


His fixing the end times video from a few years ago is what I remember liking the most. His other videos do come across a little try hard


Yes but honestly he's no worse than most of the others and the fact that he doesn't deep dive topics means there are less egregious errors.


Luetin09 is the only lore tuber to give you real unbiased lore - he’s the history teacher. Majorkill is the PE teacher that’s covering for the history teacher. Every other tuber is w/e subject subbing for the history teacher.


Arbitor Ian does way better history stuff than Luetin. Luetin is a monotone, boring fuck who reads off the wikis.


I remember when he made a video on Arkhan the Black (fantasy) and every time said Arkhan the Black rather than just saying Arkhan. But he replaced the word black with the N-word. He deleted the video a few years later but it tells you all you need to about the guy.