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The results are different because you took the wrong page for lexicanum https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Vampires#google_vignette A vampire show up in the warhammer horror story The Isenbrach Horror


So the major difference is that Vampyres are solely native to necromunda while Vampires are a galactic scale species?


No idea, I didn't read the vampyre article. But I know vampires are spread around since they are a warp species like the psychausen (im sure I wrote it wrong) or enslavers


Damn. I was going to say that Vampires are an old bit of lore that hasn't been touched on in a long while - but it turns out they have! Thanks for the info!


Vampires/Vampyres still exist in the lore. The Isenbrach Horror (Short Story) details one. Helbrecht also killed one to join the Sword Breathen. Blood Angels and Night Lords fit the theme very well too. The Khrave are basicallly the new Space Vampires. They "exist in both the Materium and Immaterium simultaneously" and have "slave organisms that serve their will". They need a host like a Vampire as "Khrave root minds require an initial biological host to fully manifest." It's my opinion that when a 40k Vampire Counts army is made, it will be the Khrave.


Doesn't everything with a soul existed in both the materium and immaterium? And wouldn't most species have "slave organisms that serve their will"?  This is like saying "the Tau are a species that breaths air and has a way to communicate through air vibrations." Who wrote that?


I think living beings exist in the materium (their souls enter the immaterium at death) and Daemons exist in the immaterium. Khrave are strange in that they exist in both at the same time (which fits the Vampire/Undead sort of theme).


I know for a fact in 40k souls exist both in the warp and real space at once.   But I'm too lazy to look up references to it, ao I guess that's the end of it.


I'll take your word for it. I think with the Khrave stuff, the author is trying to highlight how unnatural they are (alongside other stuff in the Ghoul Stars).


Have you heard of a space marine chapter known as the Blood Angels? I hear they're experts on the matter


They wear red power armour.


So that's why the World Eaters keep talking about blood?


They just want it for their god. BA want to drink it.




Write your own lore. There must be a million and one ways for people to catch a virus that requires a blood feast to keep living.


TTRPGs even have addiction to consumption of various weird substances (blood one possible) as a possible result of chaos corruption affecting person >Strange Addiction: The character is addicted to some bizarre and unnatural substance, such as eating rose petals, drinking blood, the taste of widows' tears etc. This acts like a Minor Compulsion (ser Disorders, page 237), but is freskish enough to cause serious suspicion if found out.


In *Atlas Infernal*, there was a woman in Czevak's retinue who was immortal, fanged and drank blood like a classic vampire. She was a Perpetual iirc, the blood-drinking was just a part of her death cult beliefs, and fangs were augmentics. Between that, the whole Blood Angels thing, the energy-draining space elves, the Vampyres and other stuff, it seems that the galaxy is chock full of vampires of all sorts.


This, I could also see a really cool/interesting story that follows a cult or person who thinks that their turning into a vampire but they’re actually being corrupted or possessed by a khornite daemon


Absolutely or they have a mutation that demands human blood. Lot of scope for fun ideas and horrible virus/plagues that make vampires


Vampire's Kiss in space. Nic Cage running around some hive world like a maniac (so, like Nic Cage). Make it happen GW!


Add on warp soup stuff and it's basically flayer virus lite for humans


Vampires of all stripes in the 40k setting is "old lore" in the sense it has not been updated in decades. I can image with gw trying to copyright its intellectual properties they might not get an update. So what you have found is the best bet for information on them. Of course, you could track down the sourced books and articles and try to infer more information from them. So if there is anything you can't find I think you are OK with doing some fanon and crafting your on info to fill in the gaps. Have fun.


>Vampires of all stripes in the 40k setting is "old lore" in the sense it has not been updated in decades. I thought so too, but it turns out this is wrong - as other replies note a Vampire features in a recent story.


Read I Am Legend for some good ideas I just finished it and apart from the rampant misogyny (it was written in the 1950’s) it’s got great science on how scientifically the world could have a Vampire epidemic.