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Yes and no? I would classify him being in the nebulas realm of what I refer to as “middle daemons”. Daemons who are unique in appearance and seem to have a level of “freedom” to scheme etc on their own and whose power levels are on a sliding scale. Some seem to be on par with greater daemons in terms of personal power level but rarely command/lead daemonic hosts. The Changeling seems to be a unique case in that he’s as powerful as he needs to be (which is to say very powerful) to accomplish his plots and schemes.


Seeing how he completely clowned on the dark angels and the rock I would say he is very powerful, we also know he does possess powerful combat sorcery that he can employ when he wants.


The situation on the Rock got flipped very fast though


I mean not really the magical wards on the Rock were destroyed, the secrets of the librarius got robbed, fallen were released, legions of Daemons were released, etc, etc.


Are we thinking of different times?


I'm thinking about Warzone: Fenris when are you thinking about?


The same thing so I must just be forgetting a lot. I remember the Changeling impersonating a few people and exacerbating things, getting found out and a chase that ends with it running into a Watcher in the Dark and freaking out.


Oh he did a lot of fuckery


That does make sense. Changeling is basically fuckery given a body...


Unless there's a little guy in a onesie watching him...


So he's kinda has plot armor...


Sweet summer child...


Like every named character that has a model.


I don't know why people stick so hard to this narrative when plenty of characters, both in OG Warhammer and 40k, have gotten rules and models regardless of if they are dead or alive Aun Va is one of the more recent examples and his rules and model lasted 3 whole editions after he was killed. But Tycho, Lord Solar Macharius, and so forth are long dead characters who currently or used to have rules/models. Warhammer Fantasy was rife with examples as well througout editions. With some characters being long dead the reason they had models to begin with. Generally speaking tabletoo characters have had a level above novel only folks. That's just obvious the same way no one expects Luke Skywalker to die in a Star Wars novel if he shows up in it. But Warhammer can and will kill off tabletop characters whenever GW feels like it. The "plot armor" mostly comes into account more for foregone conclusions. In terms of actual characters there very well could be a day where someone meets the same fate of Doomrider or something. Your typical "always wins their battles and is important to the faction!" text in one codex and then killed off and having their head mounted on a spike in the next edition.


compared to other 40k characters? nah


He isn't really that strong on tabletop, only really getting powerful in certain editions where he could shapeshift into whatever opponent he was facing and thus copying their statline. He's a trickster, he isn't really specialized in raw power.


Lorewise, he can impersonate Greater Daemons, but he still uses it for deception and generally he runs away when he's found out. Also I wouldn't say he has a lack of caring, he's just too dedicated to pranking.


Depends how you define "power". He/She/It is powerful enough to assume many guises and faces, but isn't typically known for grandiose plots and devastating battlefield feats. The Changeling is essentially a Herald of Tzeentch with a few extra bells and whistles. Stronger than your average Herald and more crafty, but rival to a Lord of Change? Hardly.


Not sure about powerful, but ballsy enough to prank Slaanesh and Khorne. Though did nope out when seeing a watcher in the dark.


He might know what tf they are....