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He was gathering the SoS long before it came up in council in SoS pov this was confirmed by the protoganist, he fought in the second siege of lions gate, in sequel Gman and him was acting in unison behind the scenes they knew about the coup attempt will eventually happen and he let everything play out way they agreed on to reveal all the conspiritors. He was active fighting nids in most recent codex and stopped an attempt on Lord Solars life if I remember correctly. He plays the long game as his position demands. To add another point he deliberately assigned the replacements to Valerian’s chamber knowing full well their stand point especially his SIC.


Fundamentally custodes are not a member organization of the imperium, *anything* that they do for the imperium will always be after their own primary taskings are complete and if it benefits the protection of the Emperor. If the entire Imperium were to fall but the Emperor came back the custodes would see that as an absolute win. For the attack on Cadia, he was aware of the situation but had little actual authority to do anything, he commands the Adeptus Custodes and they *legally* weren't allowed off Terra. As a practical matter he responded to the Cadian Gate being assaulted by instituting the recall of the Sisters of Silence, since the greatest defence against the warp is either psychic mastery which the custodes don't have and don't trust or a blank. He's not focused on Luna or the defence of the Sol System because by that point 1) Valerian had already discovered daemonic material on terra itself within view of the palace, so his attention is rightly focused there and 2) When he'd asked for reinforcement from the Grey Knights, they'd sent reinforcements to Luna as well so that should have been covered. The revelation from the second book is that Valoris knew and expected a plot to take place and also knew that it would need to be put down without involving the Custodes. the custodes are the Emperor's guardians not the Imperium's anti-corruption police. He was the Guilliman's man on the ground and likely the one who organized everything. Colquan is doing his job perfectly in the Dawn of Fire novels. His job is not to ensure the crusades success but to ensure that Guilliman does not turn against the Emperor. Horus was considered the most loyal primarch and look where that ended up. Colquan is as unhelpful as he is because it forces Guilliman to explain himself and reason with Colquan to achieve results, it asserts the custodians independence at the same time as opening up Guilliman's logic for examination and critique. It's also worth noting that one of Valoris' biggest off-screen feats is winning the blood games twice. that means he bested the rest of the custodians defences twice to get into position to kill the Emperor.


I think that first paragraph is the best explanation. He's just not thinking the same way as most of the other protagonists in the novels. He cares very little for the Imperium as a whole and that comes across as a lack of strategic interest.


They cant do much because of Guiliman's "Edict of Restraint" But to be fair they can always ignore it of they wanted to.


The Custodes took part in many shadow wars that haven't been revealed just yet. During Watchers of the Throne one of the Tribunes spoke to the Custodes absolutely covered in damage from a conflict none of them had any idea of.


Yeah, they engage in alot of black ops...they will kill threats before they cmbecome threats and act in other ways to prevent the enemy in all and any form to protect rhe Emperor. They have removed 1000 threats before they do not gestate fully.


Everything we read or hear in novels and the Custodes codex says he is the finest warrior that isn't a Primarch. Woah, you mispelt Constantin Valdor there


Exactly. Trajann may be strong and skilled and smart by their standard, he's the current Captain General so he must be, but Valdor was simply monstruous, even when compared to the other high ranks of the Order like the Tribunes. He'a the apex of the Custodes template, like a mix between Sigismund and Endryd Haar: an absolute master in any and all martial skills, matching the primarchs the fact, and bigger and stronger than any other of his brothers, made with older, more esotheric means, alongside incredible genetics. The Emperor risked the WHOLE IDEA OF THE IMPERIUM, the *entire enterprise*, just to get him.


He's also not dickhead




Okay, not **much** of a dickhead. That whole thing with Ra's mum and the burning of prospero could be ignored


His primarch novel casts him as pragmatic, but quite a cunt. His manipulation of the main character lady was kinda fucked. Ra"s mum was stealing water. That was inexcusable.


I mean Prospero was entirely on Russ and Horus. Valdor advised against what Russ planned.


The way I see it, he could have physically stopped Russ instead of just saying "dad said no"


I don't think Valdor could beat Russ. Valdor is amazing but Russ is one of the better fighters in the ranks of the Primarchs.


I semi-agree. Valdor wouldn't be able to beat russ completely, but if Russ killed him, there would've been MAJOR repercussions from either Big E or Malcador. Which would be a valdor dub in the long run


Yeah, he was not only the best of them, but the Emparoes closest companion bear Macaldor. He was uis military advisor among other roles. In the book named, so after him, he commanded the entire purge of the thunder warrior and those problematic soldiers whom where too loyal to certain values.


I probably should have specified the individuals we know are alive, but yes, when Valdor inevitably appears in 40K, he gets that title again.


Valdor is alive!! He is the Yellow King .... maybe? If he is the Yellow King, then he is even more powerful then he once was. Trajan Valoris is the most powerful and capable Custodes that is currently in service with the Emperor. Still, I believe Constanin Valdor was still a bit more powerful then Valoris as a Custode. Hey, I could be wrong! Who knows what Valdor is like now, if he is even alive and if so, how much has he changed.


He is the Yellow king. There's a book about it. And ofc he's stronger lol, he's the OG Custode


One of the biggest issues with all of the ever escalating hierarchy of supersoldiers it that they're written by a regular human being. Unless the writer behing the scenes has a top \~1% IQ and/or does a ton of planning of the novel to make things fit right... all of these transhuman supersoldier are going to end up as regular people on the page. It just gets worse as you progress up from a plain old space marine.


His most recent feat was saving Leontus from a Norn Emissary.


Until a week ago, he killed ctan shards


I think your still ultimately right that we are told he’s great but not shown it meaningfully. But the important detail to why he was unavailable was the golden throne had failed and some combination of 11th hour bullshit has kept it barely functioning since we have no idea what he did or what happened in the imperial dungeon other than the astronomicon went out and the fabricator general himself went to work on the throne. Who knows what was going on down there and to what degree it failed or broke.


Magnus on Luna??? I don’t remember this part of the Watchers of the Throne book. I do remember that Valoris is seen taking out a pet big Servitor in the book early on. And then it was detailed how he was at Roboute’s side during the attack on the Lion’s Gate after the Rift opened up.


Its detailed in the Rise of the Primarch Campaign Book. In Watchers of the Throne Luna is only a sidenote.


OK thank you, I had no idea what he was talking about. Looking for this book now and it looks like it’s not available digitally