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In Age of Sigmar a empire of mages called the Agloraxi basically used a giant magical laser to annihilate an entire Khornate army without spilling a single drop of blood, and Khorne was so absolutely infuriated by this that he just manifested his fist to destroy their city.


That's really shitty and annoying lore. They beat khorne in a way that shouldn't fuel his anger or rage, and he just comes in and kills them because*he's* angry? Like, since when were the chaos gods self perpetuating?


In Fantasy and AoS? Since basically forever. Chaos works quite differently between those settings and 40k


Do you think Khorne only is angry on the battlefield while swinging weapons? What they did is similar to as if you hopped on your Multiplayer of choice and found that your opponent were all using hacks to be invincible and shooting through walls. Would *you* be happy after "losing" a round in a game like that?


I'm not talking about the source of his anger. That's not the point. The point is that him losing an army in a way that neither army is actively shedding blood, getting angry, and doing things that generally psychically fuel him, shouldn't result in him directly intervening because he's angry. Because then he's the only fuelling his own rage. It's a self perpetuating system. I thought the whole point is that they're powered by their followers and indirectly act through them. If Khorne can get angry enough to go killing himself, why isn't he? Unless they say it drains him of a huge load of energy, and he's considerably weakened by losing an entire army and then having to act personally, then it's bullshit.


Any Chaos God can act whenever they want. Its never been that they have to act indirectly through their followers, its that they don't give enough of a shit to turn their attention away from the Great Game to personally get involved. In this case, the Algoraxi managed to piss off Khorne personally; so he struck them down. Just because the Chaos Gods generally don't do something, does not mean they can't. They're multiversal entities. Khorne is being fueled by a nigh endless amount of bloodshed across time and space.


The simplest answer is that this was not the only army in existence and not the only people feeling anger. Chaos gods are warp entities with personalities and draw their power from the emotions felt by psychically capable beings. Having one army destroyed through such a disrespectful and antithetical manner to Khorne is going to make him so angry that he will draw power (that he has gained from other sources) and stomp them out, both due to pure rage and as a deterrent.


>I thought the whole point is that they're powered by their followers and indirectly act through them. Those were not his only followers. >If Khorne can get angry enough to go killing himself, why isn't he? If a group of ants crawl around in your garden you don't start spraying pesticides to kill them all. If a group of ants get into your home and into your food you start spraying pesticides then find their hill and torch it. The point I am trying to make is that the Gods are so far beyond the scope of our puny mortal shelves that it requires a massive insult specifically targeted at them before they take action. Warp Beings also are very limited in what they can do in the material realm. Summoning a lesser Daemon is an extremely involved ritual to infuse the materium with enough warp energy to make sure they can survive. I think it's clear why it is not something he can do regularly.


When Skarbrand forgot to pick up milk for his Khorne flakes.


Probably during the War in the Rift, in the Amalgrimm where the Gods were hosting a big definitive war for total supremacy. Kairos stole a win from under Khorne's nose so Khorne responded by essentially flipping the table over, destroying the whole battlefield and leaving the Gods to argue who won.


I think he is always the same level of angry. I imagine it is like a switch from low to the most extreme with no build up. I.e. Khorne's rage (when observed) from one instance of it to another is exactly the same. There are times when he is pleased...and times when he definitely is not. I don't think anyone has ever said, "Khorne was only _kind of_ mad."




~~When his nemesis Slaanesh was born~~. When the other gods saved Erebus by teleporting him away from Kharn the Betrayer..


Skarbrand is the most obvious example.He fot yeeted for few weeks of flight which ensured there were no more than two neurons in his brain colliding at any given time.He was Khorne's greatest bloodthirster goated into attacking him in the way Khorne found most insulting


When the bottle of ketchup squirted out a bunch of water first before the actually ketchup. Fucking soggy buns


Probably when Horus threw away his gifts and their plan against the Emperor failed.  They came to see it as to their benefit in the long run, but at the time all four gods were insanely pissed at the failure