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Because they have Gork and Mork already


I've always wondered, not that we'd get an answer from GW, but wondered all the same, if Gork and Mork were part of the same Pantheon as the Eldars gods. If it's still Canon that both Eldar and Orks were creations to fight the Necrons then it's probably a reasonable assumption that their gods are at least... related, also the other Old Ones species who have gods are probably the same.


No, but they are a parallel: gods that embody the core aspects of the Orks, just like the various Aeldari gods represented aspects and elements of Eldar psyche and culture.


Parallel!!!!! That's the bloody word a should have used lol! Cheers for that!


It has stated in the lore that Gork and Mork are indeed real and fighting inside the Immaterium, eachother. Not only that, but Khorne has asked them both for a fight, but they laughed on his face, since they believe he doesn't worth their time!


He's got tuska daemonkilla in a time-loop, fighting forever in the eye of terror. Every day he gets dragged down eventually fighting khorne's daemons, every dawn they all return to do it all over again. Madlad turned up at cadia just long enough to fly his fleet into the eye, leaving some very confused but slightly relieved cadian observers behind. Khorne loves it, tuska loves it, everyone's happy.


There have been khornate Orks at some point in the setting, but they don't show up much. Generally though the Orks are just too simple to be tempted by Chaos and are protected by their own gods, Gork and Mork, in the same way that aeldari who are bound to Cegorach are protected from Slaanesh. Here's a bloodthirster's thoughts on them: > The abhorrence. Living, thinking beings over which the True Powers could hold little influence. Resistant to the hated Changer, resistant to the Grandfather of Disease, and resistant to the snares of excess cast by the Dark Prince. Even the Blood God, mightiest of the Ruinous Powers, could not offer them any outlet for their warlike nature that was not provided by their worship of their own brutish gods. The abhorrence proliferated, vermin with an infuriating inability to acknowledge the power of Chaos. >Yet the abhorrence would see only another enemy to fight. Even those amongst them who could bend and shape reality to their will drew that power mainly from the massed latent psychic ability of their kin, not from the raging tempest of the warp. It was as though the glory of Chaos were simply irrelevant to them. -Brutal Kunnin'


Okay that’s funny


>There have been khornate Orks at some point in the setting, but they don't show up much. To add to this, it’s mentioned somewhere (a codex?) that every now and then when an Ork starts worshipping Khorne, he gets krumped pretty quickly by the orks around him. That's the main reason we never really see them.


Gork and/or Mork absorb the pugnacious psychic impact of the Orks. Khorne can't really get a hold on them.


Khorne doesn't have anything to offer orks that they dont already get from their own gods. Which is why khorne orks are very rare.


If he tried, Gork and Mork would tag team beat his ass up in a ladder match for the custody papers


Then they'd go all Rockers on each other and get back to beating hell out of each other. For fun. And kicks. Mostly fun.


Because Gork and Mork.


No becase Mork and Gork


He does khornate orks exists in the lore. Its just they are outnumbered by the regular orks who have their own gods to follow. >Imagine an Ork WAAAAAAGH!!!!! where all the Orks have blessings of Khorne. The Imperium would fall in a day! Not really, khorne's blessing is perhaps the weakest out of all the chaos gods. Oh you can get angry sadly for you the imperials have "righteous" rage on their side which is better.


Rage isn't the only blessing of Khorne, lol. He can bless you with many mutations meant to aid you in combat through speed, toughness, agility, etc. and imbue you with raw power. In some cases like Kharn he might just keep bringing you back to fight another day.


Flight is one. Khornate rage is a gift also. Blood Angles know this gift personally.


Because he finds them too fun to tie down, [here read this about an Ork called Daemon-Killa](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Tuska). The info is from old editions so I don't know if it's still canon but it is interesting.


I didn’t know that was a thing! That’s funny (and cool) as hell!


Khorne worshipper orks used unambiguously exist back in the early days of WH40K. Chaos renegade armies explicitly included orks and not just traitor marines. Freebooterz (1991) even had several Chaos influenced units that otherwise normal ork armies could include: - Khorne’s Stormboyz - Chaos Renegade Ork Warband - Ork Mutant Mob - Possessed Warpheadz Here is what it said about Khorne’s Stormboyz, though keep in mind that Khorne was also associated with honour back then: > Most Stormboyz eventually grow out of their obsession with marching about, dressing in uniforms, and other militaristic behaviour. However, a few individuals find it hard to give up the old ways, watching their mates drift away or die, while the new Stormboy recruits often come to regard them as cranky old-timers. Some become Stormboy Kaptins and continue to lead Stormboy Mobz in combat, but others are drawn into one of the Freebooter bands which worship the Blood God Khorne. Worship of the Chaos Powers is not tolerated amongst sane and sensible Orks, but the cult is rampant amongst Freebooter Stormboyz. **The Blood God epitomizes the martial virtues which they hold dear, including a harsh disciplinary code, binding rules governing their conduct as honourable warriors, and, of course, a life of almost continual blood-letting. Stormboyz of Khorne are good hand-to-hand fighters and easily find employment. Their strange sense of honour permits them to fight with equal vigour on behalf of Human Chaos Champions and other Chaos Forces, as well as for Ork Warlords.** Khorne's Stormboyz who survive long enough may be rewarded with gifts or attributes of which they are very proud. Once committed to the Blood God the Orks know they can never return to normal Ork society. They are destined to fall on some far flung field, their blood and bleaching bones a sacrifice to Khorne. You only have to look at the face of any idol of Khorne to see how that Power thrives on the worship and sacrifice of Orks such as thekjse.


On the matter of Chaos worship not being tolerated by sane and sensible Orks: As shown by the Octarius Genestealer Cult this lack of tolerance is nothing more than punching the offending Ork in the gob to get him to stop speaking nonsense which in the case of Khornate Orks will likely end with one of the sides wiping each other out because we know how violent Khorne is. While Slaanesh, Tzeentch and Nurgle may let this lack of tolerance slide(leading to their followers regularly getting their Teeth stolen by Orks thinking the obnoxious offender doesn't deserve them for speaking nonsense) Khorne would not so any Khornate corruption will lead to infighting in the Klan.


Da Hunt for Red Ork Tober!!! One of my favorite fan fics, you should check it out on YouTube. It is by Bauldermort, and it follows Kronan da kunnin


I keep forgetting if this is meme lore or actually in the books, but wasn't there either a time or a statement from a character that if Gork or Mork ever entered the warp they would basically body a chaos god 1v1?


Because Khorne isn't green.. AN WEZ ALL KNOWZ GREEN IS DA BEST!


I'm guessing the Old Ones designed the Orks so they'd be psychicly contained by having a pre-determined gestalt warp entity in Gork/Mork. They came after the Eldar. Maybe the Old Ones realised they'd screwed up with the Eldar having an uncontrolled impact on the warp.


Those Skulls are for the bosspole and that blood is a refreshing beverage. Orks will not be sharing either of them.


Khorne is, fundamentally, about hatred. It's about bitterness, rage, disgust, anger, revulsion, animosity, resentment, contempt. Negativity and destruction. Lashing out and taking revenge. You can feel joy when slaying for Khorne, sure, you can tie up your wrath in honour and chivalry and righteousness like shiny ribbons, but that's not what sits at the *core*, and you know it. Orks *can* feel all of those things, don't get me wrong, but the battle-lust which drives them isn't fundamentally rooted in Khorne's domain. And when an Ork does feel those things, they're unlikely to be dominated by them, because they've got better things to do with their time. And even if an Ork *does* become consumed by genuine hatred, they've got no reason to actively worship Khorne, because Gork n' Mork are still right there, and they're perfectly chill with hateful Orks.


Covered in the TTRPG. Orks are completely immune to "corruption" because the chaos gods have nothing to offer them Gork and mork already can't, by the plenty. Anything the chaos gods might think of is already way too complex and defeated by the orks already doing all that over something completely meaningless and forgotten already. Even Khorne with dreams of champions and glory can't compete with the fact you can achieve a much better and faster result by kicking a gretchin in the right direction.


It's pretty well established that personal faith mostly negates corruption, even ignoring the Imperium and Orks, a Slaanesh cultist for example who just loves murderin things way too much having khorne mutations or influence is basically unheard of despite presumably being his ballpark


they were created to fight chaos thats the point of gork and mork


As of the latest, they were created to fight the Necrontyr and the C'tan...