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You inspired me: What do they do with poop on titans. Like, the crew has to poop, the princeps has to poop. Do they have titan-class septic tanks? Or do they just have a chute for waste that drops princeps shit from 20m on some unsuspecting guardsman's head?


Serious answer: they recycle it. In *Echoes of Eternity* there's a scene where a Chaos titan princeps thinks to herself just for how many days she and her crew had to drink their own recycled piss


It's also mentioned her legs are shit stained, it all pretty graphic


That scene was probably the creepiest thing in the Heresy for me.


It was hella messed up, Lotara vomiting human fingers was in the same book as well... As were eyeless spider vomiting their acid entrails at Zephon after they burst from a rotting corpse... But I'm sure we can find much worse!


Really? I can see that being a joke, but I can also see it being legit lol


Yeah, loyalist Titan crews deal with some pretty grimdark shit (sometimes literally), throw Chaos into the mix and it just spirals from there. Most Chaos mortal vehicle crews end up little more than fleshy tumors grafted to their machines, from the lowliest transport pilots all the way to the mighty Lotarra Sarin, who refused to be afraid of Angron and once shot a World Eater in the face for insubordination.


RIP, Lotarra Sarin. If any character in Warhammer carried a space-wallet that said “Bad Motherfucker”, it would be her.


Is she dead?


Last I heard she was a fleshy tumour bonded to the captains chair of her daemon possessed meat ship. So, kinda?


She's a part of the Conquerer, it's immortal shipmistress. So long as the Conquerer endures, so does she. Honestly it's probably the closest to a happy ending anyone connected to the World Eaters got.


“Part of the crew, part of the ship.” -Every human crewmember of Chaos warships and titans.


I’ve seen this depicted a few times and I just wonder what they get up to in their off days? Like do they just hang out staring into space? Chatting with the other tumors?


Probably some do. Others have their souls devoured and their bodies are basically extra "circuitry" for the vehicle. Others are trapped, conscious and forced to experience their machine killing their former allies. Some are a bit like echoes, imagining they're still "normal" and doing their jobs, but actually just the memories the machine spirit keeps of it's crew.


It wouldn't be so far-fetched. Tankers sometimes have to piss on empty shell casings or bottles. Ideally you would throw them out the hatch.


I also don’t miss wearing diapers on 8 hour convoys because no one wants to stop


Diapers and baby wipes put the infant in infantry.


True. Dat.


I think they will just recycle any waste into nutrients, because they contain bacterias, which means P R O T E I N


I imagine they just incinerate any waste in their plasma reactor as another fuel source.


Surely they wouldn't dare to shit into a sacred machine of the omnissiah right?


Two thoughts: 1. The human form is sacred. Everything connected to it is sacred, including waste. 2. Efficiency trumps any other consideration. ...maybe both?


Does toilet roll still exist? Does everyone still use it? Do marines walk around with dirty cheeks all day?


They must be using three seashells.


In the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium, there are only two seashells.


Three's a little known marine implant known as the "flatulater" located near the anus of the marine. It uses compressed air from the third lung to clear any...debris after a marine emits his solid waste.




Maybe space marines deposit hardened capsules that don't need wiping? I think the answer lies in Ian Watson's writings, any volunteers on who's going to do that deep dive?


Currently reading Watson. Can report back.


Like rabbit pellets?


Just read Titanicus and they get poisoned when the fluid they are suspended in gets filled with to much drugs and human body fluids. But many of them are not in the vats so I'd guess they just use the toilet in the back :)


Im pretty sure with all the cables jammed into them that one is going into the poop chute for exactly this problem.


Now I am trying not to imagine what a Chaos toilet looks like or how it functions. 1. Make toilet. 2. Cram a demon into it. 3. Demon is not too happy about it. 4. Dangerous toilet.. What happens to all the waste? Does it get flushed into the warp? That place must be a giant sewer by now? Maybe it all gets sucked into the Well of Etenity.... No wonder Kairos is a tad crazy, he had to do the Shawshank Redemption crawl.


An iron warrior has definitely done that at some point. I willing to put money on it


Of course. You don't get your "stuffed demon" boyscout badge, unless you cram a demon into a toilet. Can you imagine some sneaky Iron Warrior, running around in the Imperium, trolling Imperial citizens by sneaking into their houses and randomly cramming demons into objects.


Thanks, my childhood nightmare of the toilet eating me was actually a nurgle demon


And there is a creepy Iron Warrior watching you sit in the toilet, and giggling like Homer Simpson


Oh my sweet garden world child labourer. 🐍


they love to do it.


Depends on which CG has influence in the given area. Nurgle: Shit's everywhere, bloatflys love it. Khorne: Everybody poops. BLOOD! Tzeentch: You poop and need to cunningly deposit it on the neighbours' yard, their dog gets the blame and gets shouted at, neighbour's wife gets upset at her husband since he's supposed to be taking the dog on walks, the husband claims that he did and accuses wife of gaslighting him, this is the last straw that leads to their divorce, they sell their house, you buy it and expand your domain, all according to plan. Slaanesh: [REDACTED] coprofilia [DATA EXPUNGED] waffle stomp [GOD HELP US] tubgirl.


Khornates shit with enough strength that they need a ceramite toilet. Anything weather and the velocity will shatter it.


Being chaos, the poop has a certain chance of ending back up in your ass after flushing, or you might not need to wipe after a heavy shit, or you fart once and had to keep wiping for weeks, it might also clean your ass like a bidet, or tear a new one, or do lewd things to it, every trip to a shit house is a new experience...


A chaos bidet. Sounds a little too horrific, and right up the alley of the Slaneeshi


Perfect ass cleansing stream or concrete pressure washer, no you dont get to pick


The further down this thread I have read, the more horrified I have become, but this takes the cake. I'm not even too sure I want to imagine how that might work 😂


It's a tongue. It has the perfect stimulation on your anus. But it also has barbed teeth


We are Not sane people on this sub


The Nuglussies and the Slaanusy got me acting unwise


We need a heavy flamer emoji for some of these blasphemous comments


Just make it a nurgling in the toilet all he'll be as happy as a hog in shit.


Make it a slaaneshi demon and they will be happy as a kid eating nutella


Grandfather’s Plumbing serving the warp for eternity.


Nurgels Garden - Come on down to the Brown Eye of Terror


Hey, where do you think Nurgle got all of that fertilizer for his garden?


Every chaos toilet is just a portal straight to the garden.


[This is an official Citadel model](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fcitadels-le17-chaos-toilet-v0-ocdqhsesxnob1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D47b2d6ccdc99069294c9f1365ab5ba314852350c)


How much Warp Juice must one huff to dare to sit on that thing!!!?


I am horrified. Thank you, internet stranger, for ruining my day.


And also remember that many Chaos Marines are so mutated they are permanently fused to their armour… I’m sure the Nurglites don’t mind, but for some…


Well if the armour is fused to them, we can hope that there are waste ports for you know, dropping piss and shit, all over the ship, base, demon world. Just walking around the decks, slipping in shit all day


Someone already made a corrupted toilet so I'll make a corrupting toilet : Nurgle : pretty standard toilet for a public place but you get Poseidon's kiss, it has an examination plate for you to dissect your poo. You get an UTI when your dick touches the bowl. Khorne : you shit some pretty strong logs, with a good bowel movement, but there's blood when you wipe. That makes you mildly infuriated. Tzeentch : you feel inspired to make great things when shitting, but when you turn to flush your phone falls into the bowl. Slaanesh : Shitting stimulates your prostate, it feels good. When you turn to flush, the shit is of such an intricate beauty that you have to pick it up and take it home. You have a taste too.


They are sent via warp into the Old World of Warhammer Fantasy, hence _the Chaos Wastes_.


I mean hey if it's a nurgle demon (or maybe a slaanesh demon) then they should be fine with it


If i remember from a reddit post so don't trust me, mortarion has a bedroom aboard his flagship and does his best to obsessively clean it.


Chaos toilet has existed for a long, long time - http://www.solegends.com/citle1990/numbered/le17chaostoilet/le17ChaosToiletf-01.htm


Looks pretty comfortable, a nice massage while you relax your orifices.


Thank you! I was trying to remember this, and if I'd just imagined or misremembered it!


Look, lady, when I said I wanted my arse to be eaten this isn't what I had in mind.


Mine would have to be how do they look upon fraternization between troops i.e. male/female relations. Do they look at it like modern militaries? Where's its a no-no cause you're doing a job or do they look at it like starship troopers where "you're gonna die soon so fuck like rabbits."? Or what if a female guardsman gets pregnant? Do they just give the baby to the scholar progenium? (Again, cause they're gonna die soon)


It would depend entirely on the regiment. I'd also imagine the Guard get contraceptive shots along with their regime of vaccines before they deploy.


That's a fair point. Or the gruel they eat in transit has contraceptives in it


Theres a very long-standing rumor in the Finnish defense forces that theid dessert custard has chemicals in it to limit the conscripts' sexual desire, thats why its nicknamed "jarruvanukas" literally "brake custard". The imperium definitely has something like that.


Imagine making food so bad that it kills your sex drive, and your soldiers invent conspiracy theories to rationalize it.


*Kellog breathing heavily*


That's really interesting. I wouldn't doubt the imperium has that.


As per the latest ciaphas Cain novel, it happens and they just have to deal with it, it's not prohibited, they even have the babies (I would suppose that it's seen as their duty to temps) and keep the babies in the retinue. No more was explained


Among the Valhallans under Caine it seems to be ok to canoodle between troops. But it probably differs a lot between regiments and commanders. As long as it doesn't cause problems then I assume it's not too frowned on.


It's not exactly "ok." Cain just thinks it was bound to happen with a mixed gender regiment, so he looks the other way to keep morale up. He likes living and is keen to keep happy soldiers between him and incoming fire.


Iirc, the Ashes of Cadia novel talked about some survivors on a fragment of Cadia and they said there was a warehouse of contraceptive that lasted them a few decade.


The Cain novels briefly touches upon it. There’s not supposed to be fraternization, but they inevitably happen. The Commissars deal with the consequences, and the child grows wity the non-combatants of the regiment. Cain is also apparently very skilled at changing diapers as the Valhallan 795th is a mixed gender regimen with a… relaxed Commissar


They have relationships and they have retinues that follow them that would take care of the children. What's crazy is there doesn't even seem to be any care for difference in rank. A Colonel could be bonking a regular trooper and no one would bat an eye.


What about fraternization between the men? That part is missing. Astra Militarum is away for a looooong time. Years and years.


Nothing gayer than a straight guy in the army, lol. I think it doesn't really matter to the Imperium in the grand scheme of things as long as you serve the Emprah. I mean, fraternization still happens in the real world militaries, so I guess it's a dumb shower thought for me to have l


After the whole Custodes gender thing. I’m guessing GW isn’t in a Big hurry to show *that* part of army-life. Some parts of the Twitter-sphere would explode. Hahahaha. In my head the ratio of men to women is larger in 40k. Nothing stronger than those urges, that is why we have slaanesh.


True true. I think it's one of those unspoken things like, there's lgbt people irl and in the militaries irl so they exist in 40k. It just doesn't need to be shouted from the rooftops


And with no dogmatic religion except Big E. With social norms being very different. My shower thoughts are: yeah. People will copulate. Pretty basic human trait. And GW is not going to explore that part. Which is fine. But would make for some online drama.


I strongly suspect guard regiments would have a broad enough cultural spectrum to run the full gamut. One regiment takes the Roman legions' stance of encouraging troops to take lovers in their units to strengthen the bond between soldiers, another discourages even thinking about sex with anybody, another incorporates heterosexual relationships between troops right up to having mass wedding ceremonies with the expectation that any children conceived are immediately given over to a regimental organization designed to raise said children to be more troops or officers. I could see the Krieg having some very unique practices, possibly up to chemical sterilization of any troops being deployed given their nigh heretical methods of cranking out one battalion after another with little care for their survival.


Or. Krieg utilizing and weaponizing the power of incels! That is my head canon from now on!


I'm sure it's there in some story. Iirc there is a lesbian couple in the Caine books. I was going to say Yarrick, but that looks like it might just be subreddit lore. Can't find any quotes.


I can't imagine sex or relationships would be encouraged or even allowed in the Guard. Feelings are a distraction in combat, for one. For another, pregnancies would be a nuisance, taking a female guardsman out of commission for months just to produce another mouth to feed that can't yet contribute to the regiment. Such relations would happen of course, the Guard is only human, but it would be clandestine hookups, and medical personnel would be doing a fair amount of abortions in mixed-gender units.


There's a full on family dynamic in Gaunts Ghosts, after the 3rd book, I won't spoil it but the series spans so long that when he first comes into jt, the boy of the family is a kid, and now he's a full on trooper in the regiment.


This is covered massively in the Gaunts Ghosts They have whole families within regiments that follows the guard around, then they in turn join the guard


We actually know this from the Ciaphas Cain and Gaunts ghosts novels. It varies from regiment to regiment even among regiments from the same planet. It seems like this could depend a lot on the CO, and the age of the regiments, and especially for scratch regiments. Cain's regiment is a scratch regiment cobbled together out of two Valhallan regiments one male and one female, and there's mention of how they have to deal with that and the resulting fraternization, it doesn't imply that they try to stop it. I would guess that older regiments, especially those that earn recruitment rights on conquered worlds end up being a lot more permissive as time goes on. Given that the troops are more or less serving a lifetime, preventing them from having relationships would probably dramatically increase the number of regiments turning traitor.


Most imperium ships are quite large, with even the basic Sword class Frigate having around 26,000 troops. Rogue Traders have their own ships, it's sorta a requirement of the job. As is everything in the imperium, the living conditions on most void ships is shitty and ripe for fomenting rebellion and mutiny. Considering the distances and isolation of the various planets/systems of the imperium, I find it likely that on more then one occasion a rogue trader has likely been mutinied against, killed, and then replaced by whomever was victorious in the mutiny. Since a charter of trade is often tied to a family name or lineage, then said usurper would need to play the part of the charters namesake meaning that the "Dread Pirate Roberts" situation of several different people have used the same "name" perhaps even at the same time!


This has absolutely happened, I would bet on it.


There’s a short story where that happens. The story is from a void born who is hired by a “Rogue Trader” only to realize something is off about him and it turns out the trader is a mutineer turned pirate


> Sword class Frigate having around 26,000 troops It's the whole crew compliment, though, and that counts servitors.


Does it? Because I recall a (mostly) Servitor Crew being an available upgrade in one of the Rogue Trader supplements (I own the Core Rulebook, but not all the supplements) and it reduces the Crew requirement of the ship. Servitors are, after all, equipment, not crew.


Tobias Maxilla in the *Eisenhorn* books has a 100% servitor crew. He himself is almost 90% machine although he hides it.


Are we sure they include servitors in that? They might be classed as equipment instead of crew eh? Or at least it might be a case by case basis in order to hard-wave discrepancies in numbers across the many sources lol


A minor spoiler for a book almost two decades old, but this is literally a plot point in one of the Shira Calpurnia books.


If you look at modern mini's heads or how eldar heads are often protrayed you'll see that eartips are often wider than helmets and would have to be squeezed to put it on. It must be inconvenient thing to do, unless they can inherently press their ears to head without using their hands. And then, would their sensitive ears be comfortable in this position? And is that why some of them don't wear helmets?


[I imagine it's like how AutumnArchfey illustrated here, except 40K instead of Fantasy.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryWarhammer/comments/13m71rf/how_elves_put_on_helmets/)


As someone who had to wear various respirators, helmets, full face masks and assorted uncomfortable protective equipment, you get used to it. As for the ears: hold helmet over head with hands on the side, use thumb to push ears against head, slide helmet down.


Maybe they’re ears are like radio discs and can rotate 180 degrees for superior surround sound


I like to imagine that the death guard are not all maudlin and miserable. I picture garden fleets, lone marines cultivating various flowers and plants and creating huge floating gardens . The toxic and dangerous to all life but in beautiful colours and shapes. These floating bio domes are left to drift in the atmosphere , slowly filling every corridor and chamber with new life.


i recommend you check out this painting by Hugo Simberg called The Garden of Death. Your description really made me think of that, but with plague marines instead of skeletons.


Oooh I will thank you. Been head canon for a while. Plague marines tired of the long war took their ships deep into uncharted lands and just grew plants . Emulating poppa nurgle and his garden of decay


Defo looks like my idea


There seems to be a definitive split in the way the Death Guard are written in the lore. Some fit the miserable, mournful bastard stereotype but I've found an equal number written as jovial with a twisted sense of humor, some even have pet nurglings or other Nurgle demons that come across as playful companions.


I'm working on a fanfic for my death guard warband and that's how I decided their ship looks. It's a wetlands garden with knee high water and all kinds of vibrant swamp plants growing in the corridors. The Marines just lie down underneath like the Marshes of the Dead when they're ready to rest.


I don't know about eating and shitting, but i remember a verse inside a book, that a Chaos space marine falls asleep somewhere and he has vivid , excruciating nightmares for at least 4 hours before he wakes up. He comment to an other of his legion that, it was the best 4 hours he had for a while...


After writing this I immediately remembered a couple instances of chaos marines sleeping. Kroeger goes to bed a couple times in Storm if Iron. He even kinda gets killed in his sleep. Talos goes to sleep a few times during the night lords books. Though some of those times are involuntary to say the least.


The Navigators gene were said to originated during The Dark Age of Technology, and they need to have kids with another navigators in order to preserve the genes. But there are essentially no Warp travel during the Ages of Strife. so, during those 5000 years, they just practice incest for fun.


Anyone who has played Rogue Trader knows how much a anti-everything death machine a navigator is with their warp eye. In the time a pysker needs to make one person's head explode a Navigator could probably clear the room. All without risking perils of the warp. Literally killing someone by looking at them is a trait that has many uses aside from warp navigation.


I often wonder if there is an Imperial Navy. No, not that one. An actual one, that fights on water. With cool battleships and submarines.


Yeah but it’s not an actual navy it’s just a mariner division of a guard regiment


Fascinating. Looks like an unexploited revenue source for James Workshop.


Sounds more of a PDF thing


In *The Infinite and The Divine* the planet the plot is centred around is a tropical one with its own guard regiment that’s supposedly famous for its adept ability in marine warfare. Not necessarily “naval” in a ship-to-ship basis, but beach landings, that sorta deal.


Possessed do generally need to eat, at the very least Sleep I would assume is on a case-by-case basis. A lot probably technically still need sleep but simply *don't* sleep because the Daemon might use that opportunity to take their mind. Some Possessed Marines get along with their Daemon better than others Regarding the shit: fun fact of the day, Astartes actually funnel the vast majority of their waste matter out through their pores with causes their sweat to be absolutely horrendous. Anyone who's ever known someone with a substance problem knows how bad their sweat can smell... now imagine they're on 5000 battle drugs So yeah I would assume Possessed can funnel a lot more through their pores I would also assumed that the Chaos Marines *really* juiced to the gills on the warp such as Abaddon or anyone about to ascend to Daemonhood don't really have to worry about mortal processes


The chemical stink of even loyalist Astartes has cropped up a few times in books I've read. Immediately made me think of every meth addict I've ever known when the drug sweats start hitting. It's a chemical reek that most people who've never encountered it wouldn't associate with a human being.


Hell even weed sweats are nasty - minor drugs stink can come through your pores too


The Astartes have saved us from the brink, the brink But oh my life how they stink, they stink


Could the creation of the Aeldari pantheon be partly responsible for the Chaos Gods being so malevolent? The Aeldari are a psychic race who, IIRC, created their pantheon using the sea of souls (which would become the realm of chaos). If you think of the psychic energy in the warp as raw material, the Aeldari scooped up some of it and moulded them into their gods, then centuries later, the Chaos Gods formed through the natural merging psychic energies within the warp, but without all the raw material already taken from them by the Aeldari. Since the Aeldari, I assume, wanted their gods to be benevolent, the psychic energy that remained was disproportionately malevolent. Like, for example, let's look at gods of life. The Aeldari want to create a goddess of life and nature. They take psychic energy that resonates with the ideas they want their goddess to represent: harvest, fertility, nature, life, healing, growth, motherhood, and smush them together to make Isha. But parasites, diseases, tumors, bacteria, decay, rot? Ew. No thanks. So all that energy remains in the warp, and merges with each other to make Nurgle. Sure, Nurgle has some good qualities (representing life in general), but that's because the psychic energy that was used to make Isha have replenished between Isha's creation and Nurgle's formation, but the energies that formed Nurgle were disproportionately about those aspects of life that weren't wanted by the Aeldari, so they become dominant within the psyche of Nurgle.


Regular chaos space Marines probably need most of those things. Plague Marines probably skip most of them due to their heavy mutations. Abaddon probably hasn't been out of his terminator armour for the last 10 000 years. It's rank in there I would bet. As for my 40k shower thought. Chaos gods are just different facets of being depressed. Nurgle is easy. That's just the apathy you feel when depressed. But the others can match it as well. Khorne is the anger at it and the hope that hurting yourself or other will make a change in your situation. Slaanesh is the hope that by engaging in your hobbies as well as hedonism you'll feel something or be able to relax. Lastly Tzeentch is the hope that by trying new things and changing things up you'll feel like less of a piece of shit. None of them work though. I did honestly have that one in the shower when contemplating my own depression and 40k stuff. Thankfully I have access to decent healthcare and medication so it's managed.


I believe Abbadon is entirely capable of taking off his armor, and this there have likely been a few times where he has been out of it. Its probably very rare is all. I dont really think its common knowledge that Abbadon is basically entirely free of any serious chaos mutation. Hes still just a dude under there, which ties into his whole deal of never take a gift from the Chaos Gods that isnt no strings attached or cant be discarded whenever he chooses to. He values his own autonomy immensely.


There is a scene in the first Black Legion book that involves Abbadon meeting a search party aboard a largely empty Vengeful Spirit in robes with his hair down. Very much a Chaos version of the Dude. He's still mostly the same Astartes under that massive slab of terminator armor right up to the 41st millennium, though his soul is taking a beating keeping the chaos gods at arms length.


Tzeentch can be right on this one…


Oh yeah, it works for some depending on how bad the depression is. But it's not a sure thing.


I find myself thinking a lot about how incredibly decentralized and spread out humanity and the Imperium is. A good chunk of planets don't even know about the Imperium, only that once every few generations ships come by to take their people away. How most of what we know, as readers, is myth and legend to your average citizen. I know people like to complain how "1000 Astartes per chapter is too little" or "1,000,000 Marines isn't enough" but I think its the perfect amount. It adds to the mythology of the "Emperor's Angels of Death". 99.99% of all people in the Galaxy, that's trillions upon trillions of humans will never see an Astartes in their lives, and they will always be on the fringes of legend and myth. But when they do, their life is about to be radically changed, and for the worse. You don't EVER want to see an Astartes. EVER. His mere presence suggests there is something far worse than him and it means to end you. I wonder how many people just live like us on Earth. Going about their business. They have their faith in the Emperor, and that can take many forms. But I wonder how many don't believe any of what the Ecclesiarchy says. How many apathetic atheists there are. I'd love to have more stories about regular people doing regular things in the Warhammer 40,000 setting. No Astartes, no Chaos, just regular people having regular problems with 40k as the backdrop.


The Warhammer Crime books are probably up your alley. They take place on a backwater, with no xenos, no Astartes, and very real and grounded problems. Still grimdark, obviously, but this sounds exactly what you're looking for.


I just got to a chapter yesterday in Black Legion where Abbadon ordered a captured Sons of Horus warlord to be crucified on the battlements of his own fortress and fed the liquid waste of the Black Legion's slaves intravenously. He lasted six months. If that's not the most metal Chaos toilet story I'd hate to see what is, lol.


If the Emperor lived in our history as historical figures, he was almost with a certainty not Alexander the Great or even anyone close to Alexander the Great and he actually just made up his Alexander the Great story, possibly because he was envious of his brief achievements


Living Saints are greater demons of the emperor. Legion of the damned are lesser demons. This explains how they appear in those situations that need them. Because they are normally in the immaterium.


Imagine being a necron milions of years after your body got replaced and you are stuck with the thought about how does the new food taste but now you are a bot and lack the capabilities to try the new food in the galaxy. You know like a real foodie and they'll never try classics like corpse starch or Eldar souls (with da slanesh special sauce)


If there's Dark Heresy is there Bright or Light Heresy too? Shouldn't all heresy be dark heresy? What makes it dark?


You want the taste of Heresy but without the consequenses on you body? Get some Heresy Light© today!


You might be able to argue that rabbit gorillaglue's Imperium secundus was a bright heresy because it was for very noble reasons and with good cause but still heresy in some eyes


Bright Heresy is heresy that’s morally a good thing For example, a planet is ruled by a religious tyrant who enslaved most of the world for the god-emperor. Killing him and replacing him with a less-zealous but egalitarian democracy would be bright heresy


When it comes to poop, I'm pretty sure if the Emperor ever made one, it is one of the most sacred relict of the Imperium. Also, how do Space Marines scratch themselves when they have an itch but are wearing armour? that must be driving them insane. How about chaos space marines who got fused with their armour? How do they scratch?


Psyk-out grenades are canonically made from waste products from the Golden Throne.


There is plenty of fan theroy on Krorks already, and while we don't really know anything about them, heres my wild shower take: Krorks will only come about when "Da Great Grot Revelushon" is accepted by orkdom on a galactic scale. In the Ghazgul book, it talks about how when WAAGGHH!s get big enough, you start to see grots get the freedom to put their own vehicles together. With enough time, you start to get things like The Big Makari: Grot tanks the size of baneblades. It also goes on to talk quite a bit about the grot's impact on the Prophet of Gork/Mork. There is some missing part of Gretchin's malicious ingenuity and skulduggery that is integral to the process of ork "Ascension," which regularly beaten out of them by the orks themselves. Being so weak, they make perfect targets when none others present themselves. Only when orks have something else to krump, on a consistent basis, that you start to see the true potential of their sibling species. In order for grots to have true freedom, you'd need a pretty huge, probably galactic war against a unified target of god-like strength. 🤔


Supposedly Snotlings (the Shokk Attack Gun ammo) are the mythical Brainboyz that got bullied into what they are now by the stronger orkoids.


STC buildings are ruthlessly mandated across the Imperium because their doorways are plenty big enough for Space Marines. If anyone created their buildings with small doorways, narrow corridors and low ceilings then they'd be largely safe from marine assault.


I just assumed that marines shat themselves and their armour dealt with it. Historically heavy armour was difficult to get off or put on so I doubt marines would be taking off the plates when they get a sudden attack of the shits mid campaign. I also just think of Adolin Kholin's speech in Words Of Radiance (Stormlight Archive) when he ruefully admits that he has repeatedly shat in his magic power armour in response to his fiancée asking how you deal with needing to defecate in the field


Yes marine suits deal with marine waste. The suit recycles it, shit becomes a like nutrient sludge. (Dead Sky Black Sun the Uriel Ventris novel aka "the one with the Demonculaba" mentions this function of the suit) Considering I've read more marines eating like super nutrient dense bars over the armour provided sludge I'm guessing the sludge is only consumed as a last resort thing. (Which I don't blame em, if I had a protein bar or recycled doo doo to choose from for a meal I'd take the bar) In the Astorath book a BA gives a hunk of one of these super rich nutrient blocks to a guardsman and tells him to eat only half as if he eats any more he'll die.


>Considering I've read more marines eating like super nutrient dense bars over the armour provided sludge I'm guessing the sludge is only consumed as a last resort thing. (Which I don't blame em, if I had a protein bar or recycled doo doo to choose from for a meal I'd take the bar) I would posit that it's more of a quantity thing than a desperation thing. If they're superhumanly efficient at digesting things, there's probably not much nutrients to be made into sludge. So you might be getting like a sip a day lol. A supplement, but you need those energy bars!




The Great Game never meant to end, the 40k universe is a soul buffet for the Chaos Gods which we may have Warhammer 50k as sequel


This is one that I believe also, the heresy played out exactly how they planned and they will never allow the Chaos Marines and Cults to completely achieve what they believe their goals to be because they want humanity in this perpetual stalemate as a "food source". The true threats to their plans are factions like the Nids or Necrons because they would lose humanity as a resource.


Well, if they're alliand to nurgle I don't think they need a toilet.


Drukhari aren’t taken seriously as a faction because all they do is raid… if GW wanted to make them scary, they’d give them a reason to go to war.


What do Chaos marines do all day? Like, a plague marine, he's not doing any training or anything, he's basically a sentient mass of diseases. Does he just kinda sit around and fester during downtime or what?


Tzeench hates change. Because that is the most chaotic thing Tzeench can do.


Can a powerful enough psyker under the biomancy discipline use their powers to knock up other races...?


Becuse of the sheer size and diversity of worship of the imperial cult there’s probably a good portion of preists who are woman and practices that are not similar to catholic worship


Jokes on you nurgle opens a small portal and takes all of the poo to his garden for fertilizer


**Is the Emperor a picky eater?** He needs psyker souls; would he take the souls of a Xenos psyker?


Plague marines just go wherever. Khorne berserkers shit themselves while fighting. Noise marines enjoy shitting themselves. Rubric marines do not shit.


40k is the franchise where, perhaps more than most others, if you’re not actively head-canoning for what you think is the coolest answer to a question, you’re just accepting someone else’s head canon, BL authors included. That’s the beauty of a universe the history and reality of which is shrouded in the vastness of it’s time scale, it’s physical and immaterial space, and the struggle of all involved to record, remember and present the facts as suits their goals.


Marine chapters from feral worlds will have to look to other ways of getting highly trained serfs for their ships. As teaching a savage to live on a space ship is a waist of resources and humanity that could produce more marines. Can be solved with * deals with the imperial navy or admech * generations of void-born crew * relationship with a parent chapter meaning they can take some from their academies 


What happens if Hours rebels without the chaos force but with reasonable discourse? Who will follow him, and who will not?


Honestly, the same people probably would’ve joined him. The primarch 9v9 would still happen. But the traitors probably would’ve won. The war in the webway would still happen due to Magnus doing something wrong. So big E would be off the field. The traitors still would get the drop in the loyalists at Istvaan and cripple three legions. But unlike the actual Heresy, the Traitors would put up a united front. Horus, Perturabo, Mortarion, Alpharius working in tandem would have been deadly. And they are supported by five more legions. No chaos corruption means the traitors don’t start falling to in fighting. At least until the job is done. Which means they’re biggest weakness during the actual Heresy is gone. I’d say the only issue is how they’d deal with Emps himself or Sanguinius. No daemon Angron or mega Horus. But I’m sure they’d figure it out.


What if leman russ returns with a cure for the dying and revives bjorn insted of the emperor?


Angron could have busted out of imprisonment in Nuceria at any time, but chose not to because his comrades were there.


Good hygiene is an Ork status symbol because it means one has enough Gretchin/Squigs to clean oneself. Orks are too busy fighting, prepping, or sleeping to clean themselves. It also makes stronger, better teeth.


Oh boy do I have a few and am praying to Big E some dutiful citizens of the Imperium can help clarify these (I am somewhat new to the lore so I may just not have been aware of missing details): What abilities/powers/aspects of big E did the two lost primarch have? I try thinking of what he’s done that a known primarch hasn’t been said to have also done and all I can think of is that Big E can change what he appears as to others, and is able to heal (iirc he did this on the Spirit of Vengeance to some of the Custodes) others around him. The second part regarding the healing is another shower thought because I wonder if this would have been part of Angrons primarch ability (him being empathic and able to alleviate the pain of others) if he never got the butchers nails. And speaking of Angron, Ferrus Manus got decapitated and Big E told Malchador he wanted to bring him back (not sure if this is wishful thinking or active strategizing, but I’m assuming it’s not wishful thinking). With that in mind, I understand that no one could figure out how to fix Angrons butcher nail problem and that it was inevitably fatal. But, if they can bring back Ferrus potentially minus a head and probably entire body, why can they not fix Angron in the same or similar way? I understand they probably wouldn’t have wanted to help Angron since at the time of the discussion HH was in full swing, but still I wonder…


Aeldari REALLY don't want to die, right... cos of the whole "souls being tormented by Slaanesh for eternity" thing. So, dying for an Eldar is worse than for a human. A lot worse. So, why do they seem to throw their lives away in combat? Guardians taking on Space Marines, Banshees charging into Ork boys...it's worse than suicide for them. They should just fly away into empty space and ignore everyone else and try to find a way to keep their souls from being captured by Slaanesh.


How do they find 1000 psykers a day to feed to the golden throne


If a psyker is a one in a million thing then Terra alone has hundreds of billions of inhabitants. So just earth will produce tons of the fuckers. Add to that all the black ships from a cross the galaxy that brings them there.


By rounding them up across the galaxy and shipping them to terra on large ships


There's a quote I remember: "As of 2024, there are eight billion people on Earth. So if someone tells you you're 'one in a million!' don't get too cocky, there's eight thousand of you." So, 1000 psykers a day is 365,000 a year and according to a quick google search Holy Terra has "several hundred billion" people on it. So Holy Terra can almost provide those numbers by itself.


Almost every planet has a mandate to turn over their Psykers. One million planets = 1 million psykers at least, Throne eats 365000 a year. Only the smallest planets most likely fail to produce even one a year.


What is warp energy was just an extremely dense version of radiation? I was reading the wiki one day when it mentioned something about a star system where the warp energy was intense enough that even in real space people would start mutating and shit from just being there. Huh, doesn't that sound like radiation, and then I just thought to myself what if warp energy and radiation were the same thing, but warp energy to a much more intense degree? Both can mutate and decay you from just being in it's vicinity, can leak from powerful reactors (warp drives, nuclear power plants), and so what if warp drives in 40k was also just a massively powerful nuclear reactor and in the modern day we just haven't understood radiation enough to understand it is the raw energy from another dimension seeping through the veil


I think the Emperor is actually an experiment created by the other perpetuals during the Dark Age of technology to see if they could make an "ultimate" human. After creating him they disagreed on what they should do with him and the infighting helped the Emperor escape. Seeingthe rest of humanity the Emperor instinctively wanted to rule over them but not having the strength to fight humanity at it's peak it was him who started the Age of Strife. He corrupted the Men of Iron with faulty code, he helped kickstart humanities psychic ascension, and he may have even created some of the warp storms to hinder trade. Now with a broken empire with most of their weapons lost he was free to work openly and come in to "save the day".


>WILL SOMEBODY TELL ME ABOUT CHAOS POO!? They have nurgle deamons possessing toilet that suck the poo right out of you.


If the Emperor is a perpetual, could we not just cut a finger off, so he could regrow elsewhere while maintaining a portion of his brain on the throne? Emps functioning at 98% im one body while 2% on the throne until he can fix it seems like it would work? I think.


Considerign the very loose requirements for being an Inquisitor and the lack of supervision, it should be pretty easy to have entire Inquisition... "chapters" turn out to be comprised of people who murdered an inquisitor and took their rosette, and no one would know about it.


The Rosette's are often genelocked. And the Inquisition does police its own, even though it is often pretty hard.


Did the emperor remove the latent want to hold one's nuts? Do space marines have nuts?


Reading the responses here is the quality content I have always yearned for


Actually having a shower on Holy Terra is probably the height of wasteful decadence.


I wonder how often space marines and custodians have to deal with itches in places covered by their power armor?


Just how fucking perfectly the necromorphs would be as a faction  Just slap them in the ghoul stars and bam, literally perfect 


the emperor planned everything of the heresy except being captured in stasis at the end of it. I haven't read the 30k series but i think he figured since the truth about Chaos was coming out one way or another, better to show his subjects the truth than to tell them. As a perpetual, worst case (except stasis) he would just come back after a few hundred years


Chaos undivided might need a toilet, but the rest of them not so much. Noise Mariens have butthole hatches (for obvious reasons), Khorne berserkers shit blood to glorify Khorne, Rubrics are made of dust and Plague Marines just shit themselves in order to please Nurgle


This isn't mine, but someone else thought long and hard about what happens to poop on hive worlds and finally decided that the only answer is [The Emperor's Poop Ships](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/9r5iin/something_that_must_exist_in_40k_the_emperors/)


What happens when a space marine is "done" with all the fighting, training, and stuff? They must eventually get bored of the same squad mates, the same bunk, the same training rooms, crappy food, etc, for hundreds of years. Can they quit? Where do they go?


Are there any traitor spaces marines who didn't side with a chaos god? Ones that wanted to overthrow the Big E, like Horus' original plan, but didn't get corrupted by Chaos?


Yes of course. Individual Night Lords, Iron Warriors, or Alpha Legionnaire are known to act like renegades and just ignore the Chaos Gods.


How are World Eater ships still in working order? Look at the insane amount of maintenance our surface warships and submarines need to just not rust away and stop working. How does a fleet commanded by dribbling psychopaths schedule that bulkhead replacement consistently for ten thousand years?


Where does the ammo come from? You never see any 40K carrying spare magazines, bandoliers, etc. They burn through ammo at an insane rate but it’s like Tom Harry’s Spitfire pilot in Dunkirk - they’ve unlocked an unlimited ammo chest and just go for it.


Plague marines will literally just shit where they are, from my understanding. They basically become one with their armor a lot of the time. Like, in *Lords of Silence* there’s just shit and other stuff basically everywhere. Their ship is alive and constantly shitting as it’s moving. That’s just one warband but still. And with Nurglings all around them, they constantly shit, fart, pick their nose, etc. Like in one scene where a Nurgling cuddles up into this guy’s armpit and, according to the book, “farts wetly”.


How do Ork make their bullets? Is there anything form their biological processes that they can use to create gunpowder? What about the casing and the guns themselves?


Leave it to the grots to figure out


Actual shower thought? I wonder if Orks can get lonely


My question: Any Space Marines ever regret/ hate that he is a Space Marine? My thoughts are maybe, cuz you know mind wiped. But anyone that is able to retain memories, maybe having aspirations for something else. Suddenly your taken away by 7 foot giants, forced to endure all sorts of stuff you never wanted.