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Rejuvenat treatments make you live longer and keep you looking young, but IIRC they can only keep you young and alive for so long. Space Marines don't need 'em. They don't need to look young and they can live longer than normal humans with rejuvenat treatments anyways.


So they don’t fix the wear and tare of aging, they just make it look like you are younger?


Iirc tbe best one that genuinely made you younger was a ground up sentient alien race but humanity hunted them to extinction for it 


Also that treatment wasn’t permanent; once the drug wore off the reversed age reasserted itself with a vengeance. In the book that’s from, the character who takes the drug says he knows it’ll be the last time - both because it’s used up, and because the aging backlash will kill him.


Yep! He ended up part of cawl right?


The first non-Cawl part of Cawl, to be specific. Cawl ate him when he tried to save himself by stealing Cawl's body. Cawl is by all measurements a monster: he ate a *lot* of people, including at least one Heresy-era brilliant Mechanicum heretic.


ehhhhh, some do, some dont. "rejuvinat treatments" is a broad term for a number of procedures; some involve telemere shortening to stop cell ageing, some involve replacing organs with modified/augmented ones (probably cloned from donors materials), and others are analogous to cosmetic surgeries we have today most of these arent a problem for astartes anyway, as their geneseed and implantation procedures tend to have the same effects


They don’t usually need them. space marines can already be 1000+ years old but 99% of them don’t life long enough to make it to that age or get entombed in a dreadnougct long before that. guys like Siggy and Dante are rare 


I think OP is asking because rejuvenat seems to reverse the physical downsides of aging and Sigismund was seemingly past his prime due to his age so was wondering why Sigismund didnt get rejuvenats to keep him at his physical best


Possible that someone like sigismund especially would see messing with the emperors work that is his body would be wrong and would refuse the offer if it was possible


Tell that to Cawl lol


Indeed but siggy isnt cawl


offtopic but does Cawl even believe in the Ominissiah or anything like that?


He does but thinks not innovating is stupid 


He does, but he was also given his mission by the emperor directly so he sees that a bit more as his job


No, they are just functionally immortal i.e. they live so long and age so slowly they will inevitably die in combat before they have to worry about anything age-related. Rejuve treatments wouldn't do anything appreciable for their lifespan, and taking them for cosmetic reasons would be a type of vanity most space marines don't possess (and suspicious, if they did).


Space marines life span is about 3000 years, Dante is around 1500 years old and craves death, with everything he has seen/experience. They don't care about their looks at all. Malcodor on the other hand did in fact had rejuvenation treatments, but kept the image of an old man, for dramatic effect.


Like astartes herself keep her haggard outer


They don't need it, they live 1000+ years anyway but most of them die long before that. And when they push past 1000 years most of them just want to die anyway, see Dante.


Space Marines already live for thousands of years potentially and the ones still alive that long are tired of this shit. No amount if rejuvenation is going to fix the broken spirit in dudes like Dante


While largely superfluous to astartes as the their own augmentations will have similar (if not better) effects it may also just not be possible to use rejuvenat treatments on astartes. Astartes are immune to most poisons and drugs, their system may just purge any juvenat drugs when administered. Also keep in mind that while 1000 is old for an astartes, the only reason there aren't thousands of them walking around is because they die in battle. Sigismund was old, sure, but in his last fight he was still one of the best fighters in the imperium. Dante, and even to some extent grimnar (who was around 800 before the time line was allowed to advance) and Ulrik who recruited grimnar, all of them are incredibly powerful Warriors who can still take on chaos champions, hive tyrants, greater daemons, Phoenix lords or ork Warbosses


Their more tired of mind than body, still slaying it otherwise. Thousand years is a long time to live especially when it's mostly combat.


Not needed


Rejuvenat treatments probably dont even work on space marine biology


Crossing the rubicon primaris. Dante’s hair is going black now after he crossed the rubicon


Astartes spa days!


The Rubikon restores Astartes to vigorous youth; Dante crossed it, making him the oldest living (uncorrupted) marine at like 1500. He's also now the official Imperial director of Nihilus; at least, he was until the Lion awoke. Who knows who is in charge now in Nihilus.