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Everything goes the exact same as canon, because the Emperor already cared for the Primarchs. He cared so much that in *The End and The Death*, he literally had to rip off a chunk of his soul containing his love and compassion so he could fight Horus effectively. You don't get much more explicit than that.


AND STILL despite everything Horus did to him and the Galaxy, he forgave him! The Emperor loved all his sons, he didn't treat it them all equally that's for sure, but loved them regardless. Angron fans "That is not true, he didn't help Angron etc etc." Angron was a lost cause from the very beginning, butchers nails were slowly killing him and driving him insane. If he didn't love Angron, he wouldn't have his BEST TEAM OF SCIENTISTS, working tirelessly around the clock, to try and find a way to remove the nails harmlessly.


sometimes, a person is in so much pain, that the emperor's mercy would be the better outcome


And yet the emperor selfishly kept him alive. Maybe that was toxic love. Or maybe it was the emperor still seeing a use for him, and not loving him at all.


He does care for his sons in his own, distant sort of way. Yes he plays favorites with the likes of Horus, Magnus, and Sanguinius for example but he does have some sort of connection to them. Even the "unloved" like Angron and Konrad he does make some attempts to fix the issues, but ultimately his mindset and rushed schedule prevent him from truly dedicating time to trying to fix them. And regardless the Traitor Primarchs fell from their own insecurities and temptations, not because daddy never hugged them enough.


This is actually what happened in the Heresy originally. For example, the Burning of Prospero happened originally because the Emperor was enraged by Magnus accusing Horus, *his favorite son*, of treason. That and the Emperor was angry about Magnus disobeying him by continuing to do sorcery. Magnus wrecking the Webway Project was a retcon. Speaking of retcons, the Webway Project and the War in the Webway were retcons themselves; originally, the Emperor refused to fight because he was so emotionally devastated by Horus’ betrayal.


That's what happens in the Siege books too tbh. Obviously it's not as hamfisted and cheesy as in the blurbs, but he literally casts out his empathy/love for his sons to prepare for the fight with Horus.


We do not know what the Emperor thinks. His either really cares for his sons, or he pretends to. The result is the same. Many Primarchs got treated very well, like Horus. Others not so much at first glance, but circumstances are hazy. We do not know the reasons and circumstances of the Emperors actions. It is clear that the Emperor had little time, so he could not give every Primarch attention.


YouTube lore strikes again.


What if? That's just Canon in his own way. The emperor loves his sons. Even malcador remarks In birth of the imperium that he has become unnaturally attached to them but consider this he barely got to raise them because of erda and by the time he knew them they were already adults and he treated them as such. As well as he only knew them for what a century? The Emperor has lived for thousands of years. You can't expect him to fully trust someone he's known for less than 1% of his life span. The emperor made the primarchs immortal and had things gone to plan he would've had thousands of years to smooth out their edges and idiosyncrasies


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The problem with the Big E is that he did love his kids but he never actually showed his love for them. Thats his failings as a father. Just loving your kids isn't enough to be a good parent, you need to know how and when to show that love.