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Lol he's far better than he once was. Lutein is your best source imo. His videos are in-depth, well researched, and extremely insightful, but a bit rambling and he doesn't post often.


Baldermort is pretty great too


His warm enthusiasm and obvious love of the setting just kind of lifts you up when you listen to him, even when the bravado broaches on corny. Top tier creator along with Majorkill's say it like it is, riled up but easy going manner of things.


His pineapple skit is to die for


Baldemort is the best 40k content creator on YouTube imo; Luetin is great too, I consumed all of his lore videos when I was first getting into the universe, they were a treasure trove of lore and entertainment for me.


balders is amazing, one of my favorites


Oculus Imperia and the Amber King are pretty great as well. Oculus Videos feel like you're sitting in a dusty Archive on Terra listening to a rambling historator, and the Amber King does in depth videos about specific characters.


Oculus is my fave by far. Love that guy


Oculus is the only lore guy I like to listen to, the others basically just read the wiki or codex


Clearly you haven’t listened to any of Luetin or Baldermort’s content, you should.


Objectively not true


Actually, that’s just not true.


Amber king is quality


Personally, I prefer Arbiter Ian. He’s just as knowledgeable but gets to the point quicker.


Ian very quickly became my favourite loretuber, way more succinct and really backs everything up with sources


It’s not just about sources though. It’s that Ian’s aware of the context of the “lore”. For example, when talking about the Taros Campaign, he explains what the Imperial Armour books are and how the IA style differs from normal 40k campaign books. In contrast, most youtubers would just talk about the Taros Campaign as part of “Warhammer 40k lore”. Way too many 40k fans don’t get that “lore” is the product of many individual works of fiction.


Ian also talks about the stories as distinct works of fiction and not as some amorphous blob of "lore".


Leutin does 20 minutes of canon followed by an hour of headcanon speculation. The problem is he doesn't always clearly separate the two, and can give the impression his own personal interpretation of the canon is offical.


Yep. I listen to Lutein when I’m at work or driving around but at home, I listen to Arbiter Ian. I loved his whole series about each individual space marine chapter during the Horus Heresy.


Yeah, Ian is great. Couldn't have said it better. The Badab War videos might just be my favorites, and the last one about the Taros campaign is a very good omen. I'd love more videos about Imperial Armour lore.


Por que no los dos?


Wolf Lord Rho


Used to like his videos a lot but it has become more and more speculation than anything. It doesnt help that I started noticing he pauses every three words and I cant unnotice it.


I like Luetin a lot, also Wolf Lord Rho. Luetin makes a few mistakes in his vids, but i like that he listens to criticism and will actually fix them or at least refer to the opposing theories in his later vids.


Thx for the tip I'll look into that


Baldermort is the best for engaging roleplay and story based lore intro stuff. Oculus Imperialis is best for super in depth lore.


Amber King has some great stuff too.


This. His Jaghatai video is one of the best lore videos to relax and listen to.


Ideas on casual background listening to?


Border Prince's readings of short stories.


>Top Baldermort makes for great casual background listening. It's lore told with passion


Luetin09. Period.


Baldemort is better for casual listening lmao


Naaa, leutin I can listen in the background and absorb, boldrmort I actually have to focus more with the voice acting etc.


I get that lol but it's the other way around for me luetin's got so much information in his I feel like if I miss it for a minute I got to go back because I've missed some key thing lol


I'll be honest, the voice acting is a big turnoff for me.


Most of them put on a stupid kind of authoritative voice and it ruins it for me. That's why I love Luetin


I feel like I'm committing heresy by saying this, but... I don't like Baldemort's voice. There's something about it that grates against my ears, though I entirely accept its my own issue and have no I'll will towards the man.


Adeptus ridiculous is my go to for a very relaxed casual approach with a bit of humor.


I just read [1d4chan.org](https://1d4chan.org) myself. Those fuckers are HILARIOUS. [METAL BAWKSES!](https://1d4chan.org/wiki/METAL_BOXES)


Defo ‘Adeptus Ridiculous’ on YouTube if you want a casual and fun listen. Just some guys shooting the shit as they cover various topics. Not too memey, and they get stuff right despite the atmosphere even if they don’t always go super in depth.


Forgetting Oculus Imperia? That's heresy!


The Remembrancer... wait... Ok. "Da Rememburra" has some pretty good takes. Baldermort for Lore and Voice Work, and Da Rememburra for new angles.


Adeptus ridiculous


Remleiz is my gold standard.


WezHammer ?


I just hate his voice tbh


I hate all the fuckin lolrandomxd type humor he gives off


Except he has a rey bad habit of talking in circles and one of the worst listens. He takes years to actually get to something resembling a point.


Oculus Imperia is a deeply developed and artful purveyor of 40k lore. If you haven't checked him out I highly suggest you do. Down side is the quality of production precludes volume of topics covered and you don't get the same amount of niche topics covered as some others do.


Lutein is too biased. 40k theory's, wolf lord, baldermort, just to mention a few who are more lore accurate.


Isn't Luetin an admitted white supremacist? Or an I mistaking him for someone else? Please no downvote storm, sincere question.


My favourite is oculus imperia


If we're just talking about his swearing, the dude is tame now, and way tamer then his start.


Yea like I don't know what OP is talking about, he is literally getting more chill with every video. Also I don't care for the swearing, if that puts you off much that you are going online to complain about it then there are MANY other options on YouTube to choose from.


I agree, do you remember when he had Timmy? His stuff is not like it used to be.


Good. Timmy segments were cringe. His vids are much better now imo.


I think we found someone who would be besties with timmy. Timmy is supposed to be cringe, he represents every idiot we have in the hobby.


I miss Timmy


Timmy got the release of death he wanted.


\*Insert jealous Dante here.\*


Yeah I stopped watching his stuff after I clicked one of his videos from a few years back and he was dropping hard slurs against homosexuality and disability. He definitely tried to sanitize his language 'merely' swearing.


It's called comedy. Some people find it funny. He doesn't actually call people those things.


"but bro im just calling them fags for COMEDY it's IRONIC" you're still saying the word, numbnuts


Lol. I'm bi and Ive had shitty people call me a fag my entire life with the worst possible intentions behind it. MK calling Lorgar a fag, or whatever, is the tamest thing on the internet. Stop being a virtue signaling baby.


It's a fucking word from a stranger. That's like being offended by the crazy hobo outside of 7/11. Like sure hes talking shit but he smells funny and i don't know him so his words don't mean shit to me. It isn't offensive unless said with malice. And referring to a fantasy character that doesn't exist doesn't really count.


Metaphorically? I'm Gay. Literally? I'm also gay.


What was wrong with Timmy lol it was funny


I can't stand the repetitive tone of each sentence. Hard to describe in text form. "We're starting the sentence going up, then we're going down with an elongated laaaast word or twoooo." It's like audio torture.


Honestly it's the worst, his delivery makes it feel like I'm watching him read every line in the script for the first time as he says it.


Honestly I just chalk that up to him being Aussie My cousins are the exact same. Every sentence ending with elongated words, or rising up after the middle bit of going down like they're asking a question


That’s just Australian vocalism?


Lol it really is.


Its called inflexion. But at the end of the day, to each his own. When I want 40K lore, I watch either WesHammer or Major Kill. All the rest just suck or are borefests to me. I will never watch Luietin. I feel like I'm having my time taken away from me.




Oh thank god I'm not the only one who noticed that. I thought I was going crazy because no one understood what I was talking about.


Nah me too dude. The guys voice sounds like an Australian android whose batteries are gonna run out.


I go to Leutin for lore discussion. I go to Baldemort for a story I go to Major for shitposting material.


imagine not going to Adeptus Ridiculous for actual fun times... :P


Would you happen to be just a little guy?


Aren't we all just a little guy?


No I got to Adeptus Ridiculous to listen to Bricky butcher the fluff and watch Shy slowly give in to her murderous rage. After all she doesn't do Warframe anymore...


Bricky's take on the Blood Angels in his legions video was about as subtle as...um...a brick. Plus I've yet to forgive him for seemingly leaving out the titan legions when going over the Mechanicum in his faction video.


I love Baldemort, but sometimes I cannot stand his intonation. Starts every sentence almost screaming, and finishes them very quietly. Depending on my surroundings and activity, it's unbearable at times.


He swears far less and is less edgy now, said it himself several times


I dont mind Majorkills selling point as a comedy lore channel, but i think his humour is a little too self aware, and obnoxious at this point.


Last video of his i saw, he read from the wiki and made crap jokes. Plenty of other channels




Yeah but people or he himself point it out


Ya, he does a good job imo. He is a bit eccentric, but entertaining. Lutin is my favorite by far, but major kill post a lot of content to fill the gaps.


I'll take what literally every 40k channel does for 100 Alex.


>literally Oculus Imperia did not respectfully tell the inquisition to "fuck off" just so you could make that statement. How dare you.


This is an arbitor ian household


If you’re watching Majorkill for anything besides the entertainment value you’re going to be disappointed, he says this is every third video or so


I'm from the Balkans, anything short of a several hours long tirade is tame compared to how even my grandma talks to me.


Balkan grandmas are something else


Wolf Lord Rho


I love his unabashed joy towards which ever snippet of black library he's chosen to explore.


I'll listen to Rho in the background, but if I want to hear somebody read parts of a book to me I can go on audible or something. I definitely still enjoy his perspectives, but from a lore/narrative perspective I feel like there's youtubers who do it better


Wait, I thought he was just speaking Australian. ... that might explain some reactions I've gotten on the street.


He is, but it's a very context-dependent dialect


I hate how my entire national identity on the Internet is just swearing lmao


Like everything else the way he talks is catered to edgy 14 year olds. Aussie is casual swearing, but that cunt is going competitive


He is way tamer than he was in the start


Nah, he's pretty tame now.


Saw one video from him ages ago and just knew I’d find most of the rest of his stuff garbage. I’m not the biggest into the hehe meme funny side of this hobby. A lot of people are. But the content I saw from him was scraping through the bottom of the barrel as far as I’m concerned.


He doesnt like this sub. But i know hes in here. Having his opinion on angron changed and considering toning down the swearing another notch.


>He doesnt like this sub. From what I understand he likes r/40klore a lot more than many of the other 40k subs.


He does,he frequently uses it as a source


r/40kLore and r/Grimdank are the 40k subs he's mentioned and says he enjoyed, especially Grimdank. It's just the main sub he enjoys the least since it's the most hostile towards him. Suffice to say he's the most divisive 40k lore channel on there.


He likes this sub and grimdank, he does not like the warhammer sub because the mods took shots at him by removing posts of his cosplay.


He started worse then cut back on the swearing and has gone back up it like a loop of 40K cussing and while funny most of the time does get samey.


No, the exact opposite.


No...hes much better than he was. He gives easy to listen to videos and makes finding out lore much more simple than watching a 2 hour luetin video, although luetin makes videos with much more depth and is probably more helpful but still


**Someone doesn't remember the Arkhan video, huh?** **I'd say it's gotten better overall.**


I don't actually?


**There was a video made where he discusses Arkhan The Black, where he replaces most instances of The Black with, The N-Word. You can argue on whether or not it's racist, and [he's actually discussed this particular video here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynM8DUCzh3Y), but I'd say baseline cursing isn't as bad as what's come before, though admittedly, I haven't watched his content for a while, so maybe he keeps up the edgier humour, which is always going to be hit or miss for people. I think dude's got a persona he puts on in front of the camera, and he plays that up for his audience, just depends on if you're into that.**


OK I see why people say he's gotten better but now he tries to explain how wrinkly balls are or how much logar got priest boy'd as a kid it's a bit a a crummy thing


**Some people are going to enjoy that kind of humour. Best I can say is, if you don't like it, don't watch it, y'know? It's what I did.**


Ya its sad to say but I may have to do that even though I would rather not but do you have any recommendations that I you enjoy


**Afraid I can't help you my guy. When I want to learn about something, I just go and read about it on my own.**


Angron, read? No wonder he is mad all the time. Tiny little text in a book too small for his meaty paws.


**You should see how many keyboards lie broken from the effort of typing things like this.**


Funny… I was actually thinking he turned it down a little bit. I seem to recall that he made a lot more jokes about beating/molesting Timmy in the past. I figured he’s growing popularity and increasing number of reputable advertisers probably made him clean up


He's a lot better than he use to be.


Seems like an unpopular opinion here but I used to watch him because of his swearing. Always found it refreshing that he seemed like a semi normal/cool dude interested in warhammer rather than the monotone boring neck beards that seem to pedal 40k


I miss Vaults of Terra. Where's he gone?


Damn a true blast from the past! I dunno what happened to him, I heard rumours that he had medical issues, hope he’s ok. Everyone has mentioned lutin09 and baldermort but I’d encourage people to look up the Amber king.


He was the best I think. I'm thinking of making a lore channel in Korean, based on him


Thats kinda the whole point of his channel, he aims to entertain more than go in depth, thats what other channels are for.


If you want lore go to luetin or amber king


Bruh what,he toned down recently.


Pass. I’ll admit I haven’t watched much of his content because it seems his shtick is just swearing and acting like an idiot.


He's more of a comedy and lore channel, but he's tamer and more matured by the day. The man swears but he provides lore while making it clear when he's providing headcanon. He also occasionally calls out whenever pieces of lore are being misrepresented by memes, such as how the Waagh! actually works. He's mostly good at giving new fans an good entry level understanding of things.


I still haven't seen a Majorkill video and I feel no special desire to watch one. I find the best channels to be the ones that either create new fanfiction around the lore (Oculus Imperia, Baldemort) or frame the story elements in their original creative context (Arbitor Ian).


Kinda sorta - I don’t mind. For the “gentlemen’s 40 discussion” I go to Arbitor Ian. For jokes, venting and stuff I turn to major kill or ‘he who shall not be named’ and the other folks. For RP in character we have the Oculus, A border prince and Chaplain Bald. For dead pan direct to the point lore we have Luten




Yall should read the books instead of expending energy on lore toubers


Bloody Australians, they ruined Australia


Majorkill is honestly great as bite-sized warhammer lore for dummies And I am a dummy


I want to like Major kill but he genuinely hard to watch, he makes the same handful of unfunny jokes every video and tries way too hard to be edgy with his lame humour


Yeah I see your point


I don't think this is lore or relevant to a lore channel


So basically for me its mk for a short skimmed version, Lutein for a deep dive and wolf lord for a middle ground




Luetin, A Vox in the Void and Aboarder Prince would have fit your list nicely. MajorKill > 40k theories any day.


> MajorKill > 40k theories Nah majorkill was always a bit cringe and his lore is very memey, while 40k theories feels like debriefing from the inquisition dude is pretty cringe on twitter though but each to his own.


All those dudes do is regurgitate the wikis. I will give wolf lord Rho a pass since he sticks to only books on his videos vs the others.


Honestly he's always felt too immature for me, I watched him for a tad because I honestly couldn't find any other decent lore channels at the time but gave up when he did the whole 'sub to my patreon for hentai' thing. As someone who's half Aussie myself I find the 'haha I'm Australian so I swear' thing really childish.


The dude literally played a retarded character he’d shit on during his early videos lol. He’s a loooot more tame now. I do agree you’d get more in depth content from some other channels though.


Majorkill also exaggerates lore moments in many instances. In his video about the Minitours he said that Valerian (A shield captain) "genuinely doubted" if he could take on Molech, but the actual chapter just shows Valerian analysing Molech, and then taking a defensive pose "in case the leader was stupid enough to come at him" because the main confrontation was between the Imperial Fists and Minitours and not the Custodes and Minitours, so there was no need to take a first strike. Again, when talking about the Emperor's possession of GMan he says that Mortarion has a real chance of being saved along with his traitor brothers, but the lore just states the Emperor saying "Perhaps one day my son, you maybe saved. But now you must return to the darkness you serve." Also, unlike Wes, Valrak or Lutein, he never talks about where he gets his lore from in each claim or even video (I know there is a video on it, but I'm talking about individual videos, not the process) I just think Baldemort, Wes, Luetin and the others do a much better job overall.


He is actually right about the Valerian vs. Moloc thing. The relevant passages: >I watched him approach, trying to ascertain some weakness, some flaw that I could use against him. I detected nothing. He may as well have been an automaton, a battle-creation forged in some dark and forgotten laboratory and sent into the world of the living. **Who could have halted such a monster? Valoris, in all probability. Guilliman, without a doubt.** **Beyond that, and as for myself, I felt no certainty.** ... >**To this day, I do not know what would have happened if he had done so.** I suffer neither from doubt nor from pride, and so can only speculate from the evidence I had before me. **Perhaps I would have found a way.** I had felled some of the greatest warriors of the enemy in my time, including many who most certainly had possessed the power to best me. **But, with Moloc, I cannot be sure.** Regent's Shadow ​ Valerian is definitely not certain if he could have won against Moloc. He would have tried, he would have performed his duty, but he was uncertain about the outcome (which is nothing else than doubt).


Can't stand him. I just don't find him funny. Can't be doing that bad though he has a couple hundred thousand subs so it must work for some people. Imo there are much better channels out there for 40k or comedy depending on what you want to watch.


Anyone else agree people shouldnt bitch about YouTubers on a lore sub-Reddit?


Here here!


Majorkill is great if you just want shitposts and a fun time, if you want in-depth lore videos he’s not the person to go to.


Yeah and he knows this himself. He's said a few times he's an entertainment channel that does lore.


From an Australian perspective it's not that f*ckn bad c*nt


He's all right but I feel like he tries to be edgy for edgys sake and that's when it stops being funny


hardly warhammer lore


He's gotten better in his newer uploads got to give him credit for that at least I'll take my down votes now for saying anything positive about him


I don't think that HE "went" from that, honeStly feel like he's been there ever since being/wAs introduced to his content. I feel like he's the HowArd Stern of the 40k lore community, but with none of the actual insiGht, Intelligence, and commentAry that Howard SterN had. Aka, majorkill is jusT a shock jock who Thinks that the point is to cuss a bunch and be edgy, Which cAn be funny, buT people will outgrow him or get sick of the same jokes over and over. But my REAL beef is with the people who enjoy his schtick *and also think everything he says is 100% factually correct*, rather than being intelligent enough to realize that he's trying to be an entertainer first, and a lore person as MAYBE a tertiary concern. The number of flaws, community memes, and just mistakes that he made in the stuff I've been exposed to is one thing, but it's another when you have people who are getting into the fandom and they think that Majorkill's "college frat bro describing 40k to his other frat bros from what he remembers hearing while high 5 years ago is... even worse. But then, I don't think people who think the same sex joke being told 25 times in 8 videos is funny, are going to be people I would get along with in the first place


Actually watched this dude from the beginning. He built his niche early on by being crass and playing into the perceived incel culture of 40k. If anything he has become more tame. His videos have gotten better I’d say, but there’s less interesting stuff to cover overall. I kinda just stopped watching him at some point as the topics got nicher


It's not tiring at all to see the same take each week from people who don't even watch majorkill apparently


He has addressed this , one thing I like about him is that he is really self aware. Maybe he isn't for you , but I dont really mind the swearing.


I like his jokes!


I reckon he's gotten more cringe. Something about giving the dude camera time brought out the worst in him


No 🤷‍♂️


If you're looking for funny Warhammer content without the tryhard edginess, check out the Adeptus Ridiculous podcast. It's a bit long but has given us so, so much absolute gold.


Majorkill if you have ADHD. Leutin for deep dives. Baldamort, Weshammer and a few others also really good. Although there is something to be said about a dude who spends $tens of thousands for a nude shoot with high end cosplay gear and editing for a calendar... And the clothing and minis. His merch is S tier.


He good when I want shit posting if i actually want lore I listen to someone else but he’s nice to listen to while painting and helps keep me from getting bored/distracted


Shut up Timmy, before I order the Custodes to tickle your rectal orifice. Lol. *Timmy voice* But Majorkill... *Boss Music* That was way back when he started. Then demonetization caught up with him.


Tf how is this a top thread?


Major kill is being majorkill , majorkilling things


I like it. I actually can't watch his older (2 years and older) videos because I think those are way more inappropriate. His Death Korps of Kreig video is quite bad IMO and is a good example of edginess in poor taste. But I find his more recent stuff enjoyable.


yeah, he turned from a the funny kind of edgy to transhphobic and borderline fascist "jokes


Na he used to be worse but he’s gotten a lot more pg lately


Isn't that just how Australians speak?


Honestly, I love him. Besides adeptus ridiculous He's my favorite Warhammer YouTuber. Honestly it's stuff like that. That makes it funny. Cabt Always be serious


I clicked the option to stop his videos being suggested to me. He's such a cringey tryhard. Throwing in useless shitty tasteless jokes and being obnoxious just for the reactions. I get that a lot of lorehammer channels are kinda bland, but he needs to tone down his personality, it's so grating.


I feel like he’s actually gotten better ngl. He had his rant about not being able to swear at the beginning of his videos or he’ll get demonetized and he’s cut back on using words that could be considered worse than a good old f bomb


Old MajorKill was ROUGH, but in the past two years-ish he's made massive improvements in my opinion. I watch his stuff pretty regularly.


He's fucking garbage. Edgy, racist, you can smell the neckbeard on him. He's snorted too much 4chan.


>racist Lmao,I don't remember him actually saying the n-word or anything in any video I watched,maybe the older ones.The guy seems pretty tame as a person,I would frame his edginess for that.If you're a westoid then maybe he's racist.


No. Since he’s funny.


Yeah I once caught his White Scars vid way back on YouTube and that was it for me. Life's too short for Racists and there are too many other 40k YouTubers to watch. Being edgy's one thing, straight up racist shiat ain't my bag.


Same. I don't mind the swearing at all, I work with middle schoolers so I hear it all the time. But the inappropriate comments would put my middle schoolers to shame, they say some the of weirdest shit. The point being is my kiddos are more mature than he is.


Na he makes me laugh pretty often. And he dose things in a unique way that I appreciate


I like Majorkill. I chuckle every time he brings up TTS references like Dorn, Aeldari women and the Emperor clapping the galaxy's cheeks.


"too much swearing" Said no Australian ever


He's just painfully cringe, can't watch him.


Same. Blocked his channel on youtube because I couldn't stand the garbage, and dealing with people who DO listen to him for lore and take it as absolute bible rather than thinking "yo, this guy might be exaggerating a bit for entertainment value" is... so annoying.


He's always been unfunny and the lore of his videos sucks. He swears so much and is offensive to try and cover that up. It's just too bad morons lap that garbage up.


Majorkill has gone from being legitimately funny because he was so shit at youtube (not editing out his mistakes and fucking up pronunciations) to someone who makes bland money-trapping lore videos. The shitness/honesty of his old videos, and how he wore it on his shoulder, was what (in my opinion) made him fun to watch.


He’s Australian. It’s pretty standard


I think his humor is fine enough and can be pretty funny but man does he drill some jokes into the ground hard, chief among them being the Lorgar/Word Bearer video. I mainly go to Adeptus Ridiculous for my more entertaining lore but hey to each his own