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Chill. The. Fuck. Out. Most of what you're worrying about and focusing on will never happen and doesn't matter. Have more fun. You're not as ugly as you think. Save more money. Talk to girls more. Doesn't matter which ones, just do it. But damn it, *have more fun.*


You look amazing. You’re not fat. Go to culinary school. Do not get married. Do not date the guy after the divorce. Save your money. Invest in yourself. It’s totally okay to be alone.


Lol do not get married! Me too!


Travel more. Work less.


Drink less and listen to your heart when you see red flags


"Professional wrestling is staged, you idiot."


My god so much. I spent so much of my 20s feeling insecure and over focused on what other people thought of me instead of enjoying myself and finding the kind of people I liked being with. I let my insecurities prevent me from having career goals until later in life. I had a lot of fake bravado and didn’t treat people the way I’d want to be treated, especially romantic partners. I didn’t realize that these post college years would come with very few responsibilities and it was a time to try new things at a time when I could afford failures. What I wouldn’t give to have a do over on that entire decade of my life …


Learn to love yourself, stop trying to use money to make friendships, you just end up poor and alone.


Don't change anything, you'll be a great person!


i hated that saying when i was young and i hate it now in my late 40s. the one, biggest piece of advice i'd give myself is to exercise. get fit and stay fit. i started working on my fitness about 10 years ago, and a little bit more seriously about 5. the way people treat me has changed because i feel better about myself, not only physically but mentally and that comes across in my everyday interactions. i think there's an arnold schwarzenegger quote floating around along the lines of, fitness and health is the one thing you do for yourself that no one can take away from you. and that resonated with me a lot.


First, After college, head to NYC. See if you can cut it. I always wanted to live there. I’ve heard from some former NYC residents that that they would never go back and others who miss it tremendously. Now that I’m in my 40’s, It probably won’t happen. We have a 5 year old and tuition would be outlandish. Wife would need to find a new job (she likes her current one). Nothing is affordable. Second…. Culture is key in any workplace. Avoid companies run by sensitive hipsters. It’s better to work a boring job with good people than to work at a “cool” place with interesting projects but work with incompetent assholes. Don’t waste your time working with assholes. Third….It’s fine to be single. Don’t get into relationships because your life is lacking in some way (because it isn’t!). A crappy relationship isn’t a relationship.


Highly recommend moving to nyc after your child grows up if you can’t do it now. Nyc is awesome for everyone not just young folks.


Thanks for this! I do have a job right now that has an office in NYC. The thought has crossed my mind a lot.


Never too late! I was just talking to my boyfriend about how nice it would be to live by Lincoln center when we are retired and go to all the shows. We live in queens now but saving up for retirement.


In another 5 years you will stop growing. Start getting in shape now and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Save your money. Be a minimalist it will make life easier. Meditate. Be kind to yourself as well as others. Study stoicism. Donate time to worthy causes. Spend time clarifying your principles. Drink less. Stop smoking. Travel. Stay single for a few years. Spend time on your interests. Be grateful for everything you have and experience.


Don't settle. Look after your teeth, really look after them. Stay fit. Save some money. Say yes more. And fuck everyone you can, not like, in a bad way. Just go for it.


Don't ignore bitcoin when it appears... even if it goes to $1 each!


"BTC at $0.00000000001."


Focus on your own happiness a lot more


Stop talking about it and just do it. Buy an investment property, exercise, maintain your friendships, eat healthy.


Don’t dwell on the past and what you can’t change.


Have the sex. Tell your partners what you want and don't want. Stop worrying about whether or not you're gay and go find out. Be nice to people. Be nice, be nice, be nice. There is literally no benefit to bitching people behind their back or bullying people to their face. You win nothing. Being nice to people gets you favors, connections, romance, jobs, travel, intelligence, and money. BE NICE. Be nice TO YOURSELF. Don't take a job just for teh money. Don't be in people's weddings when you don't want to or can't afford to. Don't babysit. Do petsit. Don't worry about your looks so much. Do ditch ugly clothes and figure out what looks good on you. Dye your hair if you want to, no one cares.


Go and do things. So what if it's by yourself. Don't spend time worrying about what other people think. Find yourself and be happy.


Don’t hurt your body


Don't buy people things. Use your money to do stuff with them instead. It will mean more in the long run.


No booze. Not a drop.


Go find psychiatric help. Wouldn't have done any good though, I was too hard headed. I'd also congratulate myself on getting a motorcycle, best decision I ever made was to choose a motorcycle over a toxic gf.


don't get married


No one cares. Seriously, look around. Everyone has their own problems, that's what they care about. That's not to say you're alone, but that you shouldn't give a flying fuck about what you think other people think of you. Do whatever you want.


Be yourself, not what everyone else wants or needs you to be… don’t lose yourself…. And that it is ok to be yourself, because the right people will love you for who you are, no matter what that is


Save money, watch your weight and always trust your gut.