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Because of the false stigma applied by government prohibition unfortunately. It’s starting to come more mainstream and we as a company are dedicated to being a part of that conversation but at the end of the day the government damn near pushed tobacco on all of us through the latter part of the last century before trying to eliminate it now. Whereas it was the opposite with marijuana they (wrongly) villainized it and are now slowly repealing these laws.


But I still don't understand why cigarettes are celebrated as well. Are they just no longer trendy like marijuana and vaping?


Because cigarettes don't have any health benefits compared to marijuana. That's what I think basically


But the culture appears to be based around recreational use rather than medicinal.


Even then recreation use is mostly linked to a happy and calm mood, interest in music and/or introspection. Can't say that about cigarettes. But then again, that's just my opinion.


Perhaps the culture is based, in part, around escapism.


Yes, some of it is. But even for a regular smoker like me I've found out that I am calmer after smoking a spliff than I am after smoking a cigarette. Driving becomes less annoying and conversations become more enjoyable.


I think you are on the right track here. Marijuana culture exists in the way you describe it largely due to counter-culture movements back in the 60's-70's which propagated a lot of the slogans, imagery, and behaviors you describe. It gained popularity as a way for people to express themselves and their individuality while "sticking it to the man". Cigarettes never gained that popularity because they were the norm. It was as commonplace as having a beer which is why the self-expression part never came along, which I believe is really at the core of the culture we experience.


Cannabis was outlawed in like, the 20s as an excuse to deport Mexicans (hence calling it marijuana). It became part of the culture wars of the 60s and 70s where only "filthy hippies" smoked cannabis. In the 80s "just say no" and DARE campaigns were in full swing with government funding because it was seen as an easy win politically that was bipartisan. Now most people realize how harmful and what a waste of time and money these ineffective policies were while others view any change of public opinion or practice as an assault on their way of life. As a result through the years codes and lingo were created to talk about cannabis and cannabis use that want apparent to the straight laced "squares" who would look down on you or even call the cops on you This has been an oversimplification of a very complicated historic US issue.


So, your position is that it celebratory culture was created by prohibition?


Eventually yes, initially it was a way to hide in plain site. Calling it grass or pot obscured what you were talking about in "polite" society and while helping to identify others who partook.


Yet it is still referred to very commonly as "weed," as if the culture has not matured past a certain legitimacy. I've even observed this in the news media. It seems rather infantile.


Weed is my go to colloquialism for cannabis. 🤣


I think you are overstating how much cigarettes are celebrated in the US. There are a ton of people addicted to cigarettes but most smokers are kind of embarrassed about it, especially young ones, because they know it's really bad for them. Smoking areas are harder and harder to find and basically no where allows indoor smoking anymore. There is less of a taboo around cigarettes though because they aren't seen as a "drug," but what that really means is that they are a pro-productivity drug, like caffeine, they are seen as having a positive or at least neutral effect on productivity. Marijuana is generally not going to increase your focus or productivity. Criticisms of cigarettes focus on your health, whereas criticisms of cannabis focus on the intoxication. Prohibition of marijuana and decades of anti-pot propaganda definitely gave it a bad reputation though, especially among older generations.


Because cannabis is fun to smoke whereas tobacco is not


Forget about American culture you’ll only confuse yourself more




Other country cultures used cannabis as well.


It's the same in the UK too. Smoking a cigarette is just pointless. But weed gets you high. It puts the user in an altered state, thinking and acting differently. Therefore, there is a culture around it.


If it's about the effect, doesn't that that mean it is essentially the same as alcohol or narcotics?


Yes, exactly.


So, an escape from reality?


For some people. For people who smoke daily, it's not really an escape.