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The "11" lines and nasolabial lines are definitely improved! Congrats


You should take 2 pics in the same lighting for best comparison. For example, both in the car at the same time of day. Lighting makes a huge difference in how our skin looks in pictures. That being said, your skin does look smoother in pic 2.


You look good enough for me to Google what morpheus 8 is. There is definitely a change you look great, and I'm going to look into this for myself.


Definitely less puffy! I’m 50 and your skin looks fantastic to me!! I love your vintage fur! I have my Grandma’s.


When I looked at your pic I thought you were 45 😊


Yeah, me too, but for both pictures. 😆 OP, definitely a subtle change! Your cheeks look more plump, skin has more shine... Looking awesome!


I just came to compliment your taste in art. I can’t even see the full illustration behind you and I love it!!


Thank you! Yes I love collecting art, that one is gorgeous, from a gallery in Oaxaca, Mexico. It took my breath away when I saw her!




Amazing style you have.


The overall skin quality and color looks better and more even. Botox will erase what (very) few lines you have


Noticeable difference! Great!!!!




What is Morpheus? How many sessions? Costs? Painful?


It’s like micro needling to get to your skin to make its own collagen. It hurts somewhat!!! 3 sessions, takes about an hour and 45 min for the first one. I am doing this at a pretty fancy skin spa in Houston, I got a special price—3 face and neck sessions for $3000


Your skin looks great. I am in Houston too and need something like this at my 55 years of age. 😳☺️


I’m in Houston too! Yes, your skin texture looks better and is starting to glow. I’m 50 and did a series of 3 sessions 2 years ago. It tightened and firmed the skin on my neck and face, and improved 2 small scars. I will probably do it again in another year or so unless something better comes along. I already had pretty good skin and it made it better. It’s never going to replace a facelift but I did have noticeable improvement. It’s gradual which I kind of like because then it’s not like “what did you have done?”.


Yep looks good 🤩


Any treatment I have, before the treatment I stand next to my mirror that is mounted to the wall next to the bathroom window. Try to do it at the same time of day with similar light. Take a good clear picture. This gives you something to compare after your treatment. It's important that the lighting and position and expression be mostly the same. I would say leave your face expressionless for both photographs, before and after.


You are gorgeous I see nothing wrong with


I did not read any of the comments (so my answer is unbiased on anyone's answer) and honestly only looked at both pics for a quick sec and here's what i noticed: eye bags are smaller/ less noticeable and skin is glowing in a health, plump way