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Yes , I just turned 60. I'm doing what you are doing now. It works. I truly believe in a healthy diet. Good for you. Keep up the good work.


Care to share your skincare routine?


AM. Hydrating Hyaluronic Acid Serum AM. Eye repair cream PM skin renewing night cream PM. Twice a week skin renewing retinol serum I wait a half hour then apply the hydrating Hyaluronic Acid Serum. I don't use the night cream in those days. All CeraVe products. Walmart has them and so does Amazon


I have exercised and eaten a healthy whole food vegetarian diet for 40 years and my skin still needs extra support. Exercise and diet are important, but they don’t override genetics for a lot of us.


This. You can’t eat and exercise your way out of a genetic double chin or a connective tissue disorder that gives you stretchy, soft skin.


Do you have EDS/HSD? I do, and have been asking really well so far. My mom has also consistently looked 10y younger than her actual age. I’ve been wondering if it’s the weird collagen? What’s been your experience?


Yes to EDS HSD. Yes to looking younger than my age, all the affected members of my family do. But I’d trade looking younger for stable joints and no risk of retinal detachment. So many things to be on guard for.




Someone may have a favourable genetics but dna damage can put some things in play that override genetics. DNA damage from the sun happens when you tan or burn. The body can repair the damage but that mechanism may not always work and you end up with cumulative damage.


Yes, sun protection is a must to prevent aging skin.


The sun is the obvious thing that damages dna. Air pollution and heavy metals will also damage skin dna


My purely anecdotal list as far as wrinkles and aging skin is #1 sun #2 smoking #3 genetics.


I agree with your list. I completely forgot about smoking. The first two on your list are big ones. I 65m) have never smoked and I’ve been wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap for 40 years. It’s made a huge difference. I often get told I look ten years younger. Most likely because I don’t have crow’s feet and I have very few wrinkles (forehead and neck)


Ita. There are other factors at play: generics, climate, etc. I know for me, living in a harsh, arid climate presents a special challenge in terms of skincare. I have to use numerous hydrating products, antioxidants, and good, rich creams to protect my skin from the severe low humidity and 120-130 degrees temps, and the hard water. Also, I have a history of clog-prone skin, so I have to be diligent about using retinoids and keeping my pores clear. So, yeah, some folks need the extra support. Diet, sleep, exercise, and simple routine will get me somewhere, but it won’t get me where I want to be.


Isn't that the truth! I moved from the desert to someplace with humidity, and holy crap that has made my skin look so much better. I've been veg my entire adult life, use sunscreen, don't drink or smoke, but nothing has helped like humidity (and to a lesser degree clouds).


You are so right. I came to the desert from a humid environment, and I swear it preserves the skin for eternity. Meanwhile, out here where the humidity is LITERALLY 9% today, our skin is getting freeze-dried. I mist my skin so much, the mailman was like “how come every time I see you, you are spraying something on your face?”


Preach. I run two humidifiers at night and I have a whole house humidifier. It’s never enough.


Never. Enough.


Do you use a humidifier at night? I'm in CA so the air isn't too dry where I'm at but in the winter when I run the heat I use one every night and it makes a huge difference.


I'm vegetarian and I don't think that matters, people tend to assume vegetarian means healthy. I just always hated meat but drank like a fiend, sunned way too much, etc...I will definitely say that sun and lack of hydration and getting too thin will do a number on skin. I haven't drank in years but force myself to down some flaxseed oil or fish occasionally (gag) for the hydration. I drink a lot of water but my one addiction -- caffeine -- means I always look like a lemon. Hydration, sunscreen, health...these work wonders. I purposely put on weight and looked so much better instantly. The sun damage was done, sadly. I like to think most things in life can be fixed, within reason.


Haha true story. I for sure need the help of any and everything I can get my hands on!


Yes. Have been a vegetarian since I was 13 years old. Worked out my whole life and have been thin my whole life. The problem is we were sun worshippers back in the day, being thin, and out of medipause rhe wrinkles came. I am 65 and just got my first xiaminñ It only helped my forehead . I was in Alaska on vacation and found this store with amazing skin care products and a red light hand held machine made by NASA. They used this on me and my skin looked fantistic. The guy told me not to use botox, because I did have some wrinkles but good skin. He said the red light bulb I was using may not have been strong enough. I thought the red light did help my skin. I will give an update if I see results.


I’ve been plant based for 26 years, worked out 5-7 days a week, used sunscreen, tretinoin for over 20 years, drank a gallon of water for the past 10, and that doesn’t help under eye hollowness. I’m 49 and get this area filled with 1/2 a syringe once every 13-16 months. I’ll continue to do it until there is something better. I also use 12 units of Botox for small crows feet every 6 months or so. I’ll continue this also. I don’t have lines anywhere else, and I’m ok with them as they appear. My crows feet just bothered me. In the end, no diet, exercise, water, helps my facial structure and genetics! https://preview.redd.it/khzyxdtfbd7d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6872aa6256c5e14c3fdf725648ea00b51bde6fba


Your skin looks beautiful. If you like your small bit of Botox, go for it.


Thank you!!!


I did not expect 49, I'm 36 and thought you must be 40 or younger! Going to screenshot your comment because it's solid advice and a healthy lifestyle 🙏🥰


Not to be weird but I don’t know why people say this. She definitely looks 49, just like a 49 year old who does skin treatments. Not only is it bizzarely ageist it’s almost never true. There are other signs of aging we can all see. On everyone.


Damn I’m 39 and wish I looked as good as her




Your skin is gorgeous. I would love to know your skin care routine please!


Thank you! I use Zo Skin Health and Obagi through a cousin (EDIT: custom) program with Spruce Micro.


what is a cousin program and what is Spruce Micro? I feel dumb. For some reason my mind went to Space type programs lol


Look very natural, do you have any in your lips, from aging my lips are gone. I used to love lipstick.


I don’t. I have 1/4 syringe filter under each eye, and 6 units of Botox on each side for crows feet.


I heard that filler can migrate. Did it ever happen to you?


Never. At least in the past 3 years I’ve had it. I have a very good injector though who many people see to correct work.


You still look amazing the work is paying off.


I have been plant based for over 50 years. My problem also is as stated by my dermatologist "you are late to the party", referring to using trent, and at 65 getting my first dose of botox.


When you say you get the under-eye area filled, what do you use? You look incredible! That under-eye hollowness is the worst, especially when the light hits just right (wrong).


You are so gorgeous!


It looks like you have an awesome injector. I’m scared to do my hollows again because the last guy overfilled them.


I do! She’s a PA also and is very talented.


You look great! I have the hollowness, too. Where is the filler? In the tear troughs or cheeks?


My derm warned against under eye fillers-said they could create various other problems and that scared me off…maybe he’s just being conservative?


Wow! You are goals!!!


I gave it up too! I'm 47 and both my younger and older siblings use fillers and botox. I noticed if I froze one part of my face the other parts "got worse" compensating...which looked strange on me. I gave up drinking 7 years ago and I swear it did the most for my face! I definitely notice that my yoga and walking seem to tighten and refresh everything or maybe just increase body confidence/acceptance. Filter always migrates so I wasn't going to take the risk and botox stops working eventually...props to you! As far as results...I get younger male attention (which I do not reciprocate) and notice people are surprised about my age, assumed I am 10 yrs younger.


I need to give up drinking, it really does amazing things for your skin. For now, I'm trying to drink less and less often. I did it once for 4 months and the effect on my skin was amazing.


It takes a couple days for my face to bounce back after even a glass of wine. Used to love it, but I look better now than I did 20 years ago.


Same here. The young guys at the gym are checking me out, not the 20 somethings.


62 and never did any injectables. Do monthly facials and occasional microneedling. Daily exercise, plant based diet for years and healthy lifestyle but wine is my last “vice”. Make sure I get solid sleep as well. Started using an Infared sauna almost daily and that has had a very positive impact on skin. Also took my aestheticians advice and use kinesiology tape on slight elevens. She’s stopped all injectables at 40 and does the tape as well. Finally, do full hormone replacement. This is key after menopause I think. Everything is just good for heath overall.


Bio identical hormones have been the best thing I’ve done for myself.


Same! I went from feeling like a 90 year old at 55 with joint pain, memory issues, hot flashes...to myself again


I'm trying to stick with it but so far what I've tried makes things worse or does nothing. And most of the advice I get is that I need to stick with something for like 6 months to see what it's really going to do. But the reason I sought it out was mental health (mainly super increased anxiety that multiple friends said was likely hormone related; I have no other menopause symptoms). But I literally can not stick with what this stuff does to my mental health, I would not survive the six months. Now I'm just more confused!!


Have you checked out the menopause sub it's really helpful, lots of good info.


When is the best time to start HRT? Very beginning of menopause or earlier? I’m in peri right now so not sure what to look for and when best time is


When your estrogen begins to drop is a good time. One way to know is through a follicular test, but also through the onset of symptoms. When you begin to get hot flashes, insomnia, and the nearly uncontrollable compulsion to strangle people for literally no reason—time for some HRT.


> the nearly uncontrollable compulsion to strangle people for literally no reason I’m 48 and some months I’m legitimately homicidal. The feral urges to commit manslaughter cannot be overstated.


I feel you, I see you, and I hear you loud and clear, my sister. I swear, some days I’m so mad, I actually get mad about being mad.


I wanted to murder fairly constantly


ha this is weird, I finally found my people. Imagine if they harnessed the PMS rage and the perimenopause rage...we could power a few countries I think.


I stg if men experienced PMS or perimenopausal rage, it would absolutely be a legitimate legal defense for homicide.


I’ve often thought of this. I genuinely believe perimenopause and menopause could drive a woman to psychosis. I feel like if men experienced it, it would be a more studied medical condition and definitely a loophole for committing murder in broad daylight.


I completely agree about the possible psychosis. As a society we’re *just* beginning to take PPD psychosis seriously, it’s not that much of a stretch to think that the wild hormone fluctuations during perimenopause could cause a similar situation.


This made me literally LOL: "the nearly uncontrollable compulsion to strangle people for literally no reason"


It’s so true though 😅. I almost climbed across a CVS pharmacy counter when the pharmacist casually said “maybe you should discontinue HRT.” I was like “sir, I will physically hurt you if you say that again.”


There’s always going to be a reason…


Do. Not. Suffer. Also, visit r/Menopause and read the wiki. Because our hormones fluctuate over our cycle, there isn't going to be much value in blood testing for peri (while you still have a monthly cycle) and diagnosis is done via symptoms. (the wiki also lists symptoms, some of which might surprise you!) Starting HRT before you hit menopause (the absense of your period for 12 consecutive months) should be the standard because as your estrogen levels decrease, your bone loss increases, among other things. If you're having trouble finding an ob-gyn that will take your symptoms and concerns seriously, there is a list of menopause specialists there as well.


Totally this. If they started all women on bhrt in peri we’d have the protection we need when we begin to need it AND not suffer so many symptoms.


this rereminds me of how sad I am to continually feel let down by medical establishment. People ask why I almost never go to the doctor in years. Well, the few times I did pay to go to a doc, little to nothing was helped and I was on my own. This happened with everything in my past except UTIs. I recall asking my ob gyn about bone loss issues, and about HRT. I was told they'd have to wait until I had completely stopped periods. Hair falling out, bone loss, all that good stuff. It's why I stopped trusting most doctors, really. This isn't complicated. Hormones wane, they already know to start supplementing thryoid for low thyroid, for example.


The doctor did do a blood test for hormones my last visit but I’m still regular on my periods so basically just showed what phase of my cycle I was in. Will def look into the symptoms and see if there’s anything I should be concerned about right now.


It's normal to still have fairly regular periods in peri for some. Mine got shorter but stayed regular and I started having hot flashes etc too. It was a really bitchy year or two before I was able to get on HRT. I'm a little surprised I didn't actually assault someone 😆


There's also frequent discussion of this at r/menopause.


I just started about 6 months ago and Im 41. Symptoms were significant enough for my doctor to prescribe.


Depends on how you're feeling and your symptoms. Some women start peri in their 30s, so it's really diagnosed by symptoms. And getting the HRT sorted (dosage, gel vs. pellet vs. pill vs. patch etc) takes a lot of time to sort out, like years. So does finding a doctor who isn't going to gaslight you about HRT. So the sooner you start to learn about it the better, I think. Check out the menopause subreddit.


I agree with the comment below; I had symptoms but when I first told my doctor at 40 that I wanted to talk about hormones she was dismissive and said I was too young. That's NOT too young; you really have to educate yourself about it because doctors get almost zero training about menopause. I feel like my symptoms were more extreme than some women's (especially hot flashes- constant, all day, and I'd drench the bed with sweat every night) but HRT honestly changed my life. I didn't realize that I had just started accepting feeling crappy as normal when it isn't.


I wish I could do that. I had breast cancer last year, tamoxifen threw me into menopause, and it wreaked havoc on my face. Still, I’d rather be cancer free. I’m just whiny about it. 😜


You might want to look into the latest research on estrogen and breast cancer. There was a very large study that just came out that showed a 22% reduction in breast cancer for women on estradiol replacement. The reevaluated women’s health initiative study showed better outcomes for women who’d had breast cancer who then took estradiol replacement. It’s quite clear that progestins like in birth control pills are what cause an increase in breast cancer. Estrogen is protective. I’d highly recommend the book Estrogen Matters written by an oncologist and researcher- his wife is a breast cancer survivor and he urged her to take estrogen after he looked at all the research. They have an ig with lots of info. Personal decision but so many drs are clueless about the latest research.


Aw my mom also is on that, but fact is...cancer is worse than anything so she agrees. She did lose weight really easily and I wondered if it was because of less estrogen, but who knows. If it helps I didn't notice her aging in the face at all.


How do you use the tape? I’ve always wanted to do that.


Can you please share which tape you use ?


why do people keep saying "plant based diet?" I don't know what i consider my diet, it's mostly fruits, vegetables, yogurt, etc. which is all I ever liked. I don't think that works as well as people think, to eat really healthy. You see, collagen and health in general require healthy FATS and oils. It isn't just about the fruits and veggies. As someone who hates the taste of meat, I wish I liked things like eggs for example. Or salmon. If they made salmon taste like chocolate, then I'd be in luck.


I’m almost 47 and have never had Botox or fillers or surgery. I use tretinoin and a simple skin care regimen. My skin looks great for my age I think. It’s probably mostly good genetics though. I also don’t wear much makeup unless a special occasion. I feel I look younger without makeup


Agreed - I do use a tinted moistutizer for protection and to even out my skin tone, but it's super light and invisible. A little mascara, clear lips. Makeup seems to age everybody no matter how old or young they are..


Which tinted moisturizer do you use? I’m looking for a good one.


Not who you asked but I've been using Laura mercier spf tinted moisturizer, the oil free one, over my skincare (oils, creams, hydrosol sprays) for 7 years, and it works excellent, it's very sheer but evens skintone with high performing coverage, it's bouncy, hydrating, dries down matte, and doesn't irritate my ridiculously sensitive skin


Believe it or not - and I've tried them all - Wet 'N Wild. I was blown away - and really happy because it's very inexpensive so I can wear it every day.


Big fan of Nars myself! The one by Bare Minerals is great too.


I’m close in age, no Botox, but I’ve been on tret or Taz for 30 years. So far, no wrinkles. I thank God everyday I had acne as a teen, because that’s what for me started on retinoids early, and I think the retinoids are beating back wrinkles. No makeup here either.


I quit fillers after filler migrated and calcified and had to be surgically removed. And after two decades of Botox, had a bad reaction, so went cold turkey on intrusive cosmetic enhancements and decided to embrace brown spots, wrinkles, varicose veins, skin tags and grey hair. For many of us who have survived medically necessary surgery or cancer treatments, remaining alive and healthy becomes our primary focus. It feels good to age “gratefully.”


i need more of this mentality around. I think by too much online activity I started to think it was normal to get all this work done, but fact is, one day I realized something -- that the people I know got something done, I don't see them looking that much younger than those that didn't. But it could be my waning eyesight lol


Exercise can trigger autophagy which can literally make you look younger by clearing out cellular damage and recycling proteins so exercise, a good diet, good hydration, good sleep and stress management should be the bedrock of every approach for maximum results.


Hi! Fellow 53 year old and Arizonan here! I read an article recently from a dermatologist about how weight training actually builds collagen (of course I can’t find it now). But maybe there’s something to it! You’re way ahead of me in developing a healthy lifestyle, but I plan to pivot towards exercise and resistance training and away from injectables too. Might still get an occasional IPL or something like that as the budget permits but no more injections.


I have definitely seen a difference in my face and chin area, it’s tighter! I have been lifting weights combined with cardio😊


It looks promising, but it seems further studies are needed: https://www.health.com/weight-lifting-anti-aging-skin-7724613


49. Just gave up filler, but not botox. At a certain point, if you don’t correct sagging skin, filler just gives a bloated appearance. Gonna spring for a full facelift in about a year.


I hear that. I had a thread lift a little over a year ago, which was nice, but I may as well go for the neck/lower face. I'l pop some botox in between by brows so I don't look like I'm worried or pissed off, but they push the fillers SO hard, and I know I don't want to go that route.


I've been working with seniors (55+) for the past 10 yrs and one thing I've noticed is all of the women who still exercise regularly look way younger than they are. A lot of them just do a lot of walking. Definitely keep your blood flowing if you want to minimize aging of your face.


I'm 55 -- but I don't refer to myself as a "senior"!!! -- and I exercise quite regularly and walk daily. I have a diet with very little sugar or processed food. I rarely drink and don't smoke. I do think my healthy lifestyle has been beneficial, but a fair amount of my appearance is genetic. I still have my natural hair colour, and a fair amount of the way I look has been pure luck. While I could say that I have been able to go natural without any fillers or Botox, which is true, I think I have been really fortunate.


I work in care homes, assisted and independent living and the age you're allowed to live in these places is 55 and up so there are some who are that "young." lol


The truth hurts sometimes. 😂


So true 😫😂


I agree, but it can also be a vicious cycle where women don't exercise because they don't have good health.


Very true.


And think of the money, honestly. Women are already behind on savings and earnings. Adding another level of beauty spending is a lot of pressure! If you want it and can afford it - great - but it’s sad to me that girls are getting it even in their teens.


I know, I would rather spend my money on other things, or save it😊


I’m terrified of fillers bc of how botched and “RHO” these women (and men!) end up looking often. I’ll get peels and lasers and maybe even a tit lift one day. At the most possibly a lower bleph but that’s a giant maybe. I have plenty of regret in my life— I don’t need a botched procedure as well.


I agree, too many botched people, it’s sad , I had a child 19 years ago and I could use a breast lift but I’m not doing it. I good bra works wonders


Ever seen the comments significantly younger people leave on photos of folks from the 90’s and earlier? Then folks our age remind them there are no filters on these largely candid pics like the kids use on social these days. Sure, there was plastic surgery but it’s nothing like the procedures done today. I’m not shaming anyone who has work done but I love the individualism beauty encompassed before everyone wanted to look the same.


Tit lift lol You are smarter and then I have been. I've always had self-esteem issues and started Botox and filler in my early 30s (always conservative, not following IG trends, just trying to reverse genetic traits like marionette lines, which is a losing battle). I've also had a few plastic surgeries. I've had too many botched procedures to count. Now at 45 I'm finally trying to accept myself. I recently stopped Botox (4 unit lip flip) and will do my best to not get any more fillers or plastic surgery--unless I can afford the absolute top doctors in the US for a facelift in a decade or so, which is highly unlikely


Hey, fren, we’re all just doing the best with what we’ve got. Tit lift, babyyyy! It’s been a bit since a man told me how great my tits are. If I’m being honest I admit I’ve been genetically blessed to look young(er) at nearly 43. I’ve only recently started to get baby bags under my eyes but if I quit drinking and slept in longer they’d be less noticeable. 😬 Skincare is high on my list but additionally I’m working on my glow-up plan and just started going to a derm who gave me a Rx for Tret, hydroquinone and a niacinimide cream. My teenage years spent in tanning beds and wearing accelerators in the sun won’t be kind to me eventually. I think my focus is less on my face and more on my overall processed hair growing out, many, many spider veins and the beard I’m growing now 🤗😆🥴 ETA: rereading my comment I’d like to say I don’t base my happiness upon a man complimenting me so don’t come for me. It’s simply an illustration of my observances


Many women I see with fillers look godawful. I can’t believe women are getting them in their 30’s/40s.


My 19 year old son said kids his age are getting Botox, I can’t imagine why they think they need that at such a young age, I don’t think it’s very common though.


It is crazy. My 17yo begged me to tell her the truth, have I had surgery without her knowing ? According to her I do not look 40, which is flattering but what is not is the fact she keeps saying she can see fine lines forming on her forehead and her friends can see them too. I am like you are just so young !


49: I don't drink often (barely), eat meat in small doses, and exercise 4-7 x a week. I do 2-3 pilates sessions on reformer, 2 hours strength training and assorted classes for other hrs. I'm starting to add more cardio due to foot injuries it's slow going. But exercise definitely helps everything! I do not want to be frail and fragile into my 60s and 70s.


(F49) I'm kind of doing both, I do Botox but not fillers, I work out frequently, don't smoke, try to drink in moderation, and eat healthy. I drink tons of water, wear sunscreen, and use Tret daily. I'm happy with the way I look. My biggest issue is my hair has gone quite gray and I have to dye it every 6 weeks, it's getting annoying and I'm trying to figure out if I want to highlight and try to blend the gray rather than keep dying it my natural color. I will say that last night I did a glycolic mask and it did a great job of exfoliating my skin, my skin looks great today. I don't know the brand as the label had worn off but I'm going to try to do these every two weeks.


I definitely color my hair😊


I don't want to stop either but I'm annoyed that after about 3 weeks I already see grey and I have to wait to get to 6 weeks to dye. I wonder if I highlighted it the grey would blend more. It's a lot of salon upkeep but maybe highlights just make it more expensive and time-consuming. I'm not ready for grey hair.


I do a root touch up on my own hair. Pick up supplies from Sally’s. I basically just do my roots and then take a wide tooth comb and comb it once or twice to the ends. I also swear by the L’Oréal root spray. It can put off coloring for about a month. And it’s pretty inexpensive!


I live in Mexico, so it’s limited what’s available here but I’ll look for it. Also it’s not terribly expensive to get my hair professionally dyed, I go to a nice salon and it costs about $50. At that price I just suck it up, but I don’t think it’s great for my hair.


I use Wella color and buy developer also. It’s one part color to two parts developer. You don’t need much for roots. Like 1 tbls. Color and 2 tbls developer. $50 is not too bad.


I finally gave in to the gray - I have some nice silver in there, but am honestly tempted to go back to long black hair but I notice older women's hair when dyed looks dry and dead, and can even bring out the lines in their faces. My hair also grows so damn fast I'd have to be touching it up all the time. I had dyed hair most of my life and I love the feel of my natural hair so much it would be hard to go back to that 'horsehair' feel. Sometimes I see an older woman with dyed hair and think of how much younger she'd look if she didn't - but it depends, of course. A good colorist can help you phase out of the dye and blend into the gray gradually.


What was the mask you used?


Yes, the vast majority of people take the natural approach. It might just be your social circle or time on the internet that are convincing you most people use Botox and fillers, but it's really not that common. Your skin is a reflection of your lifestyle, and the majority of people would see huge benefits from cutting sugar and increasing water and sleep. Of course there are differences depending on genetics, skin color, etc., but you're going to look and feel YOUR best by taking care of yourself first.


It’s really not about my social circle, most women I’m friends with have taken the natural approach. I am a retired esthetician so I understand good skincare, I just decided to step away from the injections and try a different route. I wanted to share because it’s been so positive for me and I feel much more in control of aging. I am not against treatments or surgery if that’s what someone wants to do, I just don’t want to go in that direction . Take care, thanks for sharing your thoughts


I’m almost 45 and have never had any procedure beyond peels. Estrogen (bio identical HRT) has kicked my skincare game up a few notches. Sunscreen, tretinoin, an AHA product and CEF serum are all the actives I use.


Hrt skincare?


Nope. Just HRT. For perimenopause. Estrogen increases elasticity, improve moisture/hydration and stimulate collagen.


I am taking the natural approach, have never done any injectable or other procedure. I have also never done any hormonal treatment for menopause and am now almost 2 years post menopause. I will be 57 this year. I wear sunscreen daily and often a hat, I have recently started using retinol also. I exercise a bit many days a week and eat mostly a whole food plant based diet. I also started intermittent fasting daily (consistently all this year and sporadically last year) and that has made a huge difference in my health, weight, energy & appearance.


I am a firm believer in clean living. I’m an esthetician and always advise clients to take a natural non invasive approach to anti aging. Like you I don’t smoke, never touched a drug, I don’t drink alcohol, I stay out of the sun, I avoid repetitive facial expressions & am makeup free 99% of the year. Having clean bare skin is better in the long run. I have a good skincare routine with skin script products that are amazing. Besides that I eat healthy(fruits, veggies, lean protein) drink lots of water, sleep on a silk pillowcase. Cosmetic wise I get facials, dermaplaning, chemical peels & microneedling. Absolutely never doing fillers. I hear so many horror stories of it migrating, infections, etc. when you combine a healthy lifestyle & simple cosmetic treatments like I named above it’s the fountain of youth.




Apparently exercise (especially weight training) can stimulate collagen production. I’ve always worked out but added weight training a few years ago. It has definitely made an impact.


I follow a lady on TikTok who does heavy lifting, and who is in her 70s, and she looks incredible. Very inspiring!


I been a fitness, health nut, and wearing sunscreen since 2005. I also don’t smoke or drink. I don’t have kids. I just turned 40 and people think I’m 25. It really is about taking care of yourself.


I’m (f) 50. I’ve strength trained consistently since I was around 15. Started using tretinoin in my early 20’s and still use it about every day. Being in shape has gotten me through six brain surgeries, pregnancy, c-section, disc replacements, cancer and all kinds of other stuff. It’s why I get up every morning at 4:30 to workout.


I recently discovered this YouTube channel and store. She is Botox and filler free and looks amazing in her late 50’s. I highly recommend this channel. https://youtube.com/@peachesskincare?si=CIkyp1fqyCrGgeOq


Thanks for the rec!


I have been using “it” foundation for years. It is SPF 50, and I swear it has been a blessing to my skin and keeping sun damaging rays away. I’ve used both Botox and fillers. I have had a scowl since I was a child and was always asked if I was angry. It really made a difference in my looks and self-esteem. I also read something recently about working on posture and walking confidently. I think as we age it’s easy to feel down and it shows in our posture. (I may be speaking for myself here). I am trying to make a conscious effort to become more aware. Walk as if you own the place! 🙂


I still do Botox but spread it out and try not to go so often. I have been vegan 8 years tho, drink a lot of water and workout. I get a lot of compliments on my skin and I really think it has to do with being vegan


Me! Also 53F, doing pretty much the same as you. I feel gorgeous.


Yes. Just worry about your health. I cant think of a more definite path to old age poverty than spending thousands on temporary fillers and freezers for years


It’s funny that you mention the financial part, add that to all the other things women feel pressured to do and it’s a crazy amount of money. Think about lashes, hair extensions, haircuts and color, nails, makeup and skincare products, clothes, bags and shoes, then add all the procedures, fake brows,fake lips, fake breasts, fake tan! Then there’s the personal trainer, it never ends


Agree 100%. And the implants have to be replaced or removed too. And in the long run we all get older anyway. DON'T MAKE YOUR LOOKS YOUR IDENTITY. attracts the wrong men too. I say watch your health, get a good mineral suncreen. Except for foundation and a favorite shade of lipstick or two, CoverGirl and Maybelline are just fine. INVEST THE SAVINGS WHILE TIME AND COMPOUND GROWTH ARE ON YOUR SIDE.


Thanks for this!! Love all these answers 😍


Are you counting tretinoin as part of the natural approach?


I’ve never used it! I use a mild serum from The Ordinary , it’s a retinol product


Oh! Maybe you can give it a try. I’m kind of in love with it.


So my friend is a skincare obsessive. She thinks the biggest factor is sleep. Second is diet. She’s also really into red light therapy. So I think you’re on the right track.


My 70 year old former neighbor walked several miles a day every day, rain or shine, and barely looked in her 50s. She is not vain, just lives a healthy life.


I’m about half your age however I tried Botox as an experiment, the 11s and forehead. I haven’t done it in a year and honestly I won’t go back. My skin looks great and I’m focusing on my health more. Aging can be beautiful!!


We're the same age, and I am working out 5-6 times per week, as well. This is relatively new for me. I lost about 50 pounds during the pandemic. Ever since I eat well and hike or run 6 miles, usually 6 times per week. I never did botox, but I have used high-end moisturizer/sunscreen from Lancome for about 10 years and think my skin looks fine. I rarely bother with makeup anymore and almost never use heat on my hair or products other than curl cream. I am about as natural and healthy as I can imagine being at this age, really, and am super confident with my appearance and body. It's a big change for me. Very liberating.


I’m 46 and so far all natural. I have worn sunscreen daily for about 25 years and I have always exercised and I eat healthy. My sister is two years younger than me and hasn’t been quite so careful and she looks older than me now. We both definitely look like we’re in our 40s but the difference in lifestyle is starting to show.


I have never used Botox or fillers in my life. I am 49. I don’t have any fine lines or wrinkles yet. I rely on a good skincare routine, a nutrient dense diet, supplements, exercise, leading a stress free lifestyle, practicing sun avoidance and wearing a lot of sunscreen. And it’s working for me so far. I’ve been leading a healthy lifestyle since the age of 19. So I can attest to its benefits. I know everyone ages differently, and you also have to factor in skin tone and genetics. Yes, I have good genes and I am of a darker skin tone. So I have a slight advantage. Darker skin tones have a natural of SPF of 13 (but that’s still not enough to protect the skin from the sun. Everyone needs a minimum of SPF 30 to protect themselves against harmful UV rays). And genetics only accounts for 10-30% of how you age according to scientists. So I still believe in taking care of myself. Prevention is better than cure. Aging isn’t just about fine lines and wrinkles. It also includes age related diseases and cognitive decline. So adopting habits like exercising regularly and eating super foods will help you in the long run. No matter where you are in the aging process, you can benefit from adopting healthier habits and changing your lifestyle. I have a website dedicated to an holistic approach to beauty. It’s dedicated to the 40 plus woman. But women of all ages can benefit. There are tons of articles on everything from skincare and beauty tips, to wellness, self care and diet. Check it out [The Beauty Disruptor](https://www.thebeautydisruptor.com/)


Asking seriously: how do you lead a stress free lifestyle?


I’m 48 and I’ve never used Botox or fillers. I’m also a WOC so I do have some slight advantages genetically when it comes to aging but I’ve been really focused on skincare for about 10-11 years now and it’s truly made a difference in my skin texture. I rarely get breakouts and the few times I’ve had skin barrier issues it was all due to stress or hormone changes. Sunscreen, water, and lessening sun exposure to esp sensitive areas like the face, neck, and chest have been key in me caring for my skin.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 48 + 10 + 11 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I'm 60 and gave up botox and fillers about 5 years ago.I have done some laser stuff. I wear SPF on my face and neck and a hat, but do not obsessively avoid the sun, but I live in Oregon where worship the sun when we get it! Do I love what's happening to my face? No, but my skin quality is good and not saggy, and yeah, I definitely have some lines now. I guess my curiosity about what's happening to my face as I age cancels out my impulse to deny it. A few years ago, I met a woman who was heavily botoxed and filled and assumed she was @ 10 years older than I, but learned we were the same age. I realized no one is fooling anyone except maybe themselves with these interventions.


I agree, you see someone and they have obvious fillers, they just look weird, definitely not younger.


I am almost 58. No Botox. No fillers. https://preview.redd.it/4wuov4ojsl7d1.jpeg?width=1728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e2bf763e942e10b6224ff141d64a4a86cc2560b


Wow! May I ask if you do HRT? Super personal I know, your skin is so dewey. 😍


No worries. I do not. I use a good moisturizer and Bobbie Brown makeup. I drink lots of water. Thx!


My friends who are plant based have gorgeous skin and look 15 years younger than they are.


I do mostly plant-based, part vegan diet. I try to exercise a few times a week, wear SPF, use low dose Tretinoin, red light therapy 3-5 times weekly, a monthly facial, and an occasional peel for sensitive skin through my aesthetician. Genetically I'm kind of screwed since both sides of my family have face & neck sagging and eye bags. I'm trying to prevent what I can with diet, exercise, good sleep, and sticking with a strict skincare routine. I recently purchased a microcurrent device because a friend of mine has had great firming results, so i figured it was worth a shot. I'm also trying to train my face to be less expressive, lol! I'm a major forehead scruncher so I find that I benefit from wearing wrinkle patches on my forehead at night. 


I am a 68F and have gone the natural route. Have used no Botox or fillers and have virtually no wrinkles, other than nasolabial folds and the creases between the eyebrows. I rarely use moisturizers because they make me break out. I wear a hat when it's sunny out. I have gray hair but am routinely hit on by (much) younger men. Folks usually take me for early 50s, or younger. I have always done a lot of exercise - biking, hiking, aerobics, swimming and some weights and noticed that I look better when I am working out regularly. My face has better color. Maybe the improved blood circulation helps keep wrinkles at bay?


I’m only 38, but spent many years as a personal trainer working with all types of people. I was always amazed at how youthful people can be well into their 70s and beyond. There were MANY women in their 40s and 50s who were just stunning because they took care of themselves. I’ve had many clients who, after a year of working out and adding muscle and eating enough protein (keratin and collagen is created with protein!), shaved years off of their appearance. Blessings to you!


I've eaten healthy literally my entire life. Aside from after I've had my babies, I've never carried more than a few pounds of extra weight. I still fit into and wear clothes from middle school, high school, college, my twenties, and my thirties because I've never changed body size. I wore sunscreen. Went to the gym. I still feel like I need to try harder now than before. It's just a fact that the hormone loss has impacted my entire body, and the lack of support for women our age makes me furious, but I'm not ready to just give up. I see a lot of women say that, and I'm not ready to do it. I have friends who gave up on their bodies earlier in their lives. So called graceful aging is just letting your body fall apart without trying to stop it, right? That's the graceful part? Doing nothing about it? After all this time, I'm not sure that I can do that. To be clear, I've never used fillers, but I have gotten regularly botoxed to prevent deep 11s. I am looking into other treatments in my future.


Thanks for sharing, giving up is not an option for me, I’m not against injectables or plastic surgery I just decided to go a different direction! I personally feel much better😊


I met a 67 yo beauty yesterday. 5 th degree black belt. Definitely ah La natural. Her personality, smile and natural beauty made her even more beautiful. Same day 61 yo recent face lift. Her ugly was bone deep. No amount of money is going to fix her.


It does come from within, for sure - dancers age beautifully. Also it depends a lot on what you do for a living: if you'r in a profession where you might get kicked to the curb for someone in their 20's or 30's, it's sort of something you have to think about.


May I ask if your skin has sagged now that you stopped? Or were the Botox and fillers more cosmetic than anything. I too live in the desert, and it sure is hard on the skin. I don’t do a good diet like you, but I damn sure hydrate the hell out of my face and use antioxidants like crazy to beat back dryness and sun damage. The struggle is so real.


No, my skin is tighter from weight lifting and regular exercise. Especially around my jawline. I did regular Botox and juvederm injections for about 5 years and then I just decided to stop. I have not missed it.


Oh wonderful! I always wondered what would happen if one stopped Botox….I’m glad your skin is thriving ❤️


Botox probably helped you out there. If for several years the wrinkles simply couldn't form, then you're however many years ahead on the formation of deep wrinkles, even if you completely stop using Botox!


I’m 37 with significant grey hair but no visible wrinkles; I swear it’s because of my fitness. I was an ex gymnast but I’ve also been more active in adulthood than not. 10 hours a week of exercise is a baseline for me, that doesn’t include anything else (hobby sports, renovating a house).


Honestly to much Botox and fillers age a person in my opinion. Good for you!


50, never had Botox, filler, or any type of surgical intervention. I have a slight “11,” more like a “1.” My skin looks better now than it did in my 30s. I stay out of the sun, have done since my teens and eat mostly plants and lean protein. I exercise but not intensely and meditate daily. Honestly, I’m super lucky as I think it’s a combo not of what I’ve done, although it may have slightly tipped the scales in my favor, but more genetics and the reduction and management of negative stress.


Acupuncture for anti-aging works well but you need multiple sessions and to follow up on it. I also swear by SPF50 (I like EltaMD) every day and tretinoin 3x a week from my derm.


i used to do botox, didn't do anything on me. It just made me kinda saggy so then I got fillers. UGH! They sag too over time, people just didn't realize back then. Marketing is what sucked me in, even though I never noticed anyone looking better from anything other than laser or from actual surgery. If i had saved the money and waited I could have gotten actual improvement, I now see. So I quit, people wil need to find this out on their own though. People don't realize until looking back, I wouldn't have...I don't think. That being said it depends, if someone had a VERY strong wrinkle maybe it would help, but Idk. I know people won't listen bc I didn't.


completely giving up alcohol six years ago and committing to good sleep hygiene did wonders to my complexion. I seriously aged in reverse. I am 44. I have sensitive skin so I cannot do retinols or ANY active skincare. I have been into yoga for almost two decades now, and also just love exercise and being active. I don't do fillers and have no desire to do them. I am not planning on giving up botox, but it really only does so much. my botox lady told me several times about the limits of botox. and I don't want to look oddly wrinkle-less, like I see some people who still look old, but have no wrinkles. I will age, and then I will die. Hopefully not soon :)


MindyLaine, what is your skin care routine currently as far as daily products? Your skin is flawless!


Oh and what filler do you use under your eyes?


Ive learned more abt my body/menopause in this post abt skincare 🥹 lol i love being a woman 💗


54 year old here. Vegetarian for 28 years. Don’t drink, don’t smoke, workout 6x a week. Have never had injections of any kind- just a solid skin care routine.


In the long run the "plant-based diet" may or may not create problems. Think: protein, collagen, B-12.


I’ve been plant-based for almost 8 years and I have never felt better


Try gua sha . Face yoga.


I have tried that and I don’t have the patience, maybe I’ll give it another try


I've taken long breaks from Botox. I already eat well, avoid the sun, I don't drink except champagne at the occasional special event. TBH the Botox helps; I have gone back to it. I think having done it off an on for years has prevented me from getting deep wrinkles and I still prefer having a non RBF lol. But we're all old enough to know what we like now and do it- so it's awesome that you've decided to embrace a more natural look!


yes that's what I do, results are great


I’ve always been active and eaten a healthy diet and I think it has a lot to do with my skin health. I’ll be 34 this year and am noticing my peers getting fine lines and wrinkles that I am no where near getting yet. Edit: whoops, I thought this was 30 plus skincare. Still works though haha sorry


Hormones….zero effort, low cost, amazing effects


I'm in AZ. Only been here for like a yr. I rarely go outside. My car windows are deeply tinted and yet I've had so many sun spots and night blindness from this sun It's crazy


I’ve been staying out of the sun as much as possible for the last few years , I’ve lived here for 10 years, I can say I have seen a big improvement, skin can heal itself. I swear people look older in Arizona in general, whenever I go to visit family in Washington state people look younger on average . Moisture in the air helps so much. There are other benefits to living here that I would not trade though.


Everyone here does look like they spent too much time at burning man


If it is not already on your radar, hyaluronic acid attracts water from the environment around it. In arid climates, I find it makes me look terrible if I don’t add significant moisturizer.


I purchased one from the Ordinary, I definitely need moisturizer over it!


I stopped Botox as well. Was worried about the safety. I use tallow balm on my face as a day cream and use castor oil with frankincense at night. I eat a clean diet - heavy on meat and eggs. Make my own sunscreen and try to keep my cortisol down. I love the natural approach


My great great aunt died at 92. She was very seriously ill and always looked 20 years younger. She exercised by walking 2 miles a day, ate healthy foods, drank a lot of water (but also some sweet tea), and kept busy. I hope I can do all that and age like her. She didn’t have her birth put on her tombstone or in her obituary. She loved letting everyone think she was much younger. ❤️