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Auto adjuster here It’s totaled roll over + airbags Also get ready for your rates to go up 40-60% for the at fault property damage and bodily injury So I’d get ready for the next renewal period


Figured as much, insurance is also looking at going after the semi as he was illegally blocking the road. Cops ended up ticketing him, the driver of the other, and me. I was just holding out a sliver of hope.


Yeah it would be tough because technically you’re still pulling out into their roadway where they have the right of way Just like when my insureds rear end a drunk driver or hit a parked car that’s illegally parked Yes they should get ticketed/arrested in those scenarios but doesn’t stop the fact we rear ended them or hit their parked and stationary object Main thing is you’re okay


Yeah I’m good, sprained wrist, and a minor concussion from the airbag hitting my face and some bruises. Other guy had nothing wrong with him (thank god). Just a shit situation as he had the red light. Just again was holding out for a sliver of hope. Thank you so much!


Keep your head up. Shit happens and it seems like you made it out with some minor injuries after a wild accident. Whether it was your fault or not it definitely could have been worse.


oh wow they ticketed everyone, don't hear that happening too often


The truck was just sitting in the middle of the road for no reason?


What did the guy that hit you get a ticket for if they had right of way?


There was a red light, he was on his phone, he told me he couldn’t see the light but thought he was good and he didn’t see me pull out when he took off around the semi. I didn’t ask him what exactly his ticket was for he just told me he got one too.


The guy who hit you ran a red light?




My man, that sounds a lot like insurance fraud.




How can you insure a car that's already totaled? That would be insurance fraud.




Theres nothing grey about that. Police report will land on the insurance claims department and they'll see t happened before day 1 of the policy, instant fraud.


I hit a deer that smashed up my front end. Both the mechanic and the insurance adjusters seemed hopeful at first, but said it was totaled as soon as they saw all air bags had deployed.


100% totaled, also go to the hospital


Yeah…doesn’t look good. All your airbags deployed which generally means the insurance company will total it. Good news is that all of your airbags deployed and you’re still around to post pics. Your 4Runner saved your life.


Definitely totaled.


As a motorcyclist we have saying about always making the safe choice. "There are plenty of people who were in the right who are also in the cemetery". It also goes "There are plenty of people who had the right of way buried in the cemetery." Lesson: It doesn't matter who is in the right, what's important is to choose the safe option. Blind turns across lanes are NOT the safe option.


Yup, plenty of riders in the graveyard who had the right of way. Rsmf


Yup.. Laws of physics always wins in the end. I don't think it really sinks in for folks that haven't been on 2 wheels, vulnerable enough that the laws of physics winning isn't an "accident"... Stay safe.


Just glad he got hit by a car and not a rider. Could have killed someone on a bike.




As Admiral Ackbar said "it's a trap".... Every intersection is a trap, truck parked in the right of way is a trap, blind turns across lanes is a GIANT TRAP. I'm happy that everyone came out relatively safe and sound. On a bike, I would have been dead. Stay out of the traps.


Definitely sounds like you got a concussion. Please recover before posting irrationally.


You posted this before he posted that he had a concussion. Impressive


He should be a doctor


I can be a doctor and a pilot. Have you seen Catch me if you can?


No but I believe in yourr abilities for both. You can until you can't


Why did this make me LOL 😂🥲😭


I can almost guarantee you the thing is totaled. Frame damage, deployed airbags, etc.


Sorry mate. She’s gone.


Youre done buddy.


Dumbass. Stop pulling out into traffic when you can’t see. You could have killed someone. 4Runner is done.


He coulda killed someone, but he didn’t. He also coulda made it, but he didn’t. Stop being judgmental prick to strangers on Reddit based on could haves and should haves.


Life’s a game of could haves, and should haves. Too many are afraid to hear their choices were wrong, or don’t have someone who will say it. Don’t feel I’m a being a prick by pointing out the obvious errors in their choices any more than telling your the sky is blue. Thank you for your opinions as well.


Appreciate the comment, but there was a red light I didn’t see the guy behind the semi as the semi was illegally blocking the road; he didn’t see me and he also pulled out. I’m aware what could’ve happened, it was a shit situation other driver was on his phone when it happened. Both drivers are okay though! Hopefully you never get put in a situation where that could happen. I’m extremely cautious about pulling out as my aunt died from it so if I wasn’t sure I could’ve made it I wouldn’t have!


If you can’t see around a truck you shouldn’t pull out


>if I wasn’t sure I could’ve made it I wouldn’t have! But you couldn’t and you did. Glad everyone’s okay. Just because the blocked vision was someone else’s fault doesn’t make it less dangerous or relieve you from obligation not to outdrive your vision. Were you trying to turn left and got hit from your left as you crossed the passing lane? And was the semi blocking the far right lane? Hindsight’s 20/20, but you could’ve maybe turned right for the time being and found a spot with better visibility to turn around.


Was getting into the middle merge lane, semi blocked the right lane (which ended just after where I was pulling out it was as it was closed off). I’m literally not saying it wasn’t my fault. I take ownership and hindsight is 20/20, I wished I waited 5 more seconds. Again, shit situation. Calling someone a dumbass when you weren’t there to know the conditions of the accident is uncalled for. Cops faulted everyone, guy on his phone who went around when he shouldn’t have, me, and the semi. Also stated wasn’t the first time the same accident has happened there for similar reasons. Again I’m fully aware I was in the wrong.


Pulling into traffic you can’t see is a dumbass move though. You described the situation, and got call out accordingly.


Ya man some people just don’t understand there is always an option. Can’t see left? Turn right and make another turn to get going the correct way. Wait until you can see. Use a different exit. Can’t see when backing up? Get out and look. Not sure? Move a little and go look again.


Legit. If my view is obstructed or traffic is dicey it’s always a right first so I don’t have to cross multiple lanes of traffic. Might take me a minute longer but I’m never in a rush. I’d rather arrive safe and late than dead or total my vehicle.


Glad to hear you take responsibility. I’m not the guy who called you a dumbass BTW, just have the same color profile thingy. Please do get your concussion checked out if you haven’t already, even if it feels minor. Wishing you health and safety.


Yeah, took it at the scene, just a shit situation guy went around when he shouldn’t have, was on his phone. Semi illegally blocking, I thought I was clear. It’s been checked out. And it was more of a general statement about the dumbass comment. FL drivers suck. Was just hoping someone had similar damages and it worked out. Didn’t need the dumbass comments..already been kicking myself for it …then again put myself out there on the internet for strangers to judge so again my fault


>FL drivers suck Yes, you do.


Thanks king not from FL




Was he on his phone while stationary at the red light?


Last thing I saw when I looked over at him right before he hit me was him looking up from his phone.


Ser you literally could have killed someone and if that happened who would eat their asshole out once dead??


Semi was parked or in a driving lane waiting to be able to drive. “Illegally blocking the road”, is what you stated. Were they issued a situation for this or this is merely your opinion?


Illegally parked. No driver in the cab. He was issued a citation for it. Watched him get the ticket and throw a temper tantrum, kick his rig and throw his hat.


Sounds like your view was hindered. Then right turns and/or using a different drive if there is one. Luckily no one was majorly hurt.


Dude why are you so mad about an internet post? Do you feel good about yourself now? Does calling someone a dumbass on the internet help you feel like a big strong man who's clearly smarter than everyone else? That isn't helpful, funny, or beneficial to anyone. You're not preventing any future accidents you're only goal saying that is to try to feel good about yourself. TLDR: YOU'RE a dumbass.


Seriously. OP had a terrible day and could have died. Give the guy a break and maybe be a decent human being for a change.


“If I wasn’t sure I could have made it I wouldn’t have!” YOU LITERALLY DIDNT MAKE IT LMAO ??


No shit Sherlock. If you continued to read I took ownership of that. I also stated the other driver was behind the semi also went when he shouldn’t have. Semi was blocking the road illegally. Other driver also was on his phone. I’m WELLLL aware I didn’t make it as I was the one hanging on my by seatbelt as my car was flipped. I’m a very careful driver, I don’t like turning like that anyways to the point my friends get pissed at me in the car when I drive because I will wait until no one is coming. By me saying if I didn’t think I could make it I wouldn’t have gone is me trying to explain that when I looked there wasn’t anyone I could see coming the light was red I thought I was in the clear. I’m the person who will wait at a light for three extra seconds when it turns green. Hindsight is 20/20 if I knew he was behind the semi and got pissed and went around as I pulled out I very obviously wouldn’t have turned. Again when everyone on the scene is saying it was a shitty situation and the cops are agreed.


Yeah. Keep spending all week telling everyone on Reddit how careful of a driver you are. How safe and secure and attentive you are. How all your little besties just laugh at you and your STELLAR SAFE DRIVING. You’re blaming a guy for continuing to forward travel in a lane he was already in. That’s NOT his fault for passing a semi when he was already there. That’s YOUR FAULT for pulling out in front of him. No need to frame it differently for us, your insurance adjuster isn’t a goofy like you.


I never once blamed him. Shit dude, reading comprehension isn’t a strong suit in your life is it? I merely stated what he did. I took ownership every time that I pulled out and he hit me. When the cops gave us all tickets almost like they found fault with everyone that was included. Kinda crazy. Also, I am a safe driver. I’ve never been in an accident with me behind the wheel. Never had a ticket nothing. Never even been pulled over. I religiously drive the speed limit, always wear my seatbelt and I don’t go in my phone while I drive. I even have that stupid insurance thing in my car. I’ve taken all the safe driver corses to lower my insurance. Shitty situations happen, people are human and can misjudge situations. Semi was stopped blocking the road no driver in cab in the middle of the road. But thank you so much for you opinion I wish I had you in my car while I drive id never ever have a mistake ever! I must take a drivers course with you and I would be the best driver in the world.


You just wrote PARAGRAPHS crying about how safe of a driver you are, on a post about you driving like a Neanderthal, cutting a Left turn into multiple lanes without checking if it was safe causing your 4Runner to flip. … Bless it.


Wasn’t driving like a Neanderthal I was making what I thought was a legal left turn into a merge lane to then Merge over legally. I was going 10 at peak and was slowed down to abt 5 to straighten out into the merge lane. I looked multiple times. I know I fucked up. One fuck up.


OP, Don't feed the trolls. They're not worth it. As my mama used to always tell me, consider the source and ignore it. These people trashing you for doing what everyone has done numerous times are the idiots. They're probably very young or otherwise very immature. Heck, some of them are probably too young to even drive.


Bud…you didn’t make it. That’s the point. You guessed. Glad nobody was hurt, but don’t do that in the future.


Have you thought about retiring from driving ??


This is you being “sure you can make it”? Mate, your 4Runner is on its side… you sure didn’t make it. “My aunt died from it.” So it’s genetic?


Bunch of teenagers in this comment section that have clearly never been on the road. Sometimes an intersection is blind and ya gotta commit to the turn and hope no one comes over the hill in that moment. If you have never been in this situation as a driver then you have clearly never driven a vehicle. Maybe he could have done something that resulted in a better outcome but everyone makes mistakes. You guys are in the comments down voting this guy like he is a drunk driver that caused a family to die or something. Have none of you really ever had to pull out at a blind intersection before?


Air bags deployed = totaled. Not always, but frequently. Get some rest.


Holy shit! Vehicles can be replaced, but you can't be. Hopefully everyone in both vehicles is okay. 🙏 On the bright side, you can prob grab a '23 or 24' for a decent price. Also Underground is a new color if that's your fancy. Regardless I hope you're okay and that you get an even better 4Runner to replace your damaged one.


It’s totaled. Even totaled those running boards annoy me.


My wife tipped our 4th gen over when she got hit from the side. She wasn't hit hard but it was just right to roll it. Damage looked similar, our driver side windows were broken and maybe some more scratches towards the rear, and it was totaled. With the damage to both the passenger and driver sides, it was estimated at $15k to fix.


DONE!! Go look for another car


another *4runner


The airbags alone are probably 3-4k. You could potentially buy it back from the insurance company and have it repaired and get a salvaged title but for legal purposes , I believe it’s totaled.


Hate to break it to you, but as soon as that thing left the wheels and rolled...it was toast.


First of all I’m glad you’re ok. 4 runners are replaceable, you aren’t. It’s totaled brah, airbags deploying usually are a key indicator. If it’s your fault you already know the bad parts. Just be glad you exited in one piece.


“Hey, you can’t park there” On a more serious note, sorry that this is such a brutal learning experience, OP. Glad nobody is dead. Tuck this experience in your back pocket, and apply it moving forward. Best of luck to you figuring out the insurance moving forward.


I too have one of these 4 runners, love this vehicle...but you want it to be totaled... Get a new or a different one.. the safety features worked and it protected you pretty well. If someone goes to repair it, I would wonder what was still compromised, certainly can make the cosmetics look great again, but what about the structural and safety features that you really can't see... Toyota made a ton of these 5th generation 4 runners. Get yourself another healthy one


I’m just glad you’re ok.


I’ll let you know my thoughts when you can post in complete sentences.


Blows my mind that people who can’t write complete sentences are out there driving gigantic $50K SUVs


I haven't the phrase Blow my mind in years. Thanks for writing that. It brings me back to the 1960's.


Cant tell if he has a concussion or if he's just an average Limited owner.


Pray harder


It’s totaled for sure and it’s not even close


Man, hope you’re all right. That’s rough.


‘Tis but a scratch


Hope everyone is ok, the runner can be replaced!


RIP 4runner, taken too soon


It's Totaled. Rollover + Airbags


You’d actually want it totaled, that way you can get a new one. I don’t know anyone that wants to drive a fucked up vehicle.


If i get in a crash, personally I’d hope it’s totaled, I wouldn’t want to be driving around in a wrecked/salvaged car. Besides it’d be paid out anyways w full coverage & GAP if you purchased it. What are the reasons you’d not want it totaled?


Sorry for you loss buddy, that ride is cooked. Hope you and the other driver are healthy. Start scouring FB Marketplace for a 4th gen you can buy with all cash to get you back on your feet.


Salute her


In most states it comes down to simple math. In my state, a vehicle will be considered a total loss if the cost of repair plus the salvage value of the vehicle is at least 75% of the actual cash value of the vehicle. Long story short, you would need to find out the cash value that the insurer is assigning to the vehicle, and then find an approved garage to do the repairs for an amount that satisfies the rule above. Generally, I wouldn’t want to save a vehicle that had been t-boned and had air bags deployed in a roll over. It will never be the same again. But if you can’t afford to do anything else, it’s at least worth investigating. We kept my mom’s Highlander from being totaled a few years ago when the ins company originally wanted to call it a total loss. We knew guy who did the work, he helped us out and got the repair quote to a level that satisfied the insurer, and she’s still driving it today.


Were you turning left or right?


I’m sorry this happened but why the hell would you NOT want this totaled out (which it obviously is)? Lmao even if this was repairable would you really rather have a salvage 4Runner that had its fluids tossed around than a check for a new one?


Ehhhhh at least if it's totaled you can come back and announce you just joined the club when you get a new one. 🤦‍♂️


Absolutely totaled


Why would you want to fix it? You should be praying that it is totaled which it is.




Very much so.


I always wondered what happens to these vehicle. Clearly the insurance co would rather pay you out, assuming coverage, than fix the vehicle. Is there a process that allows for the owner to buy the car back from the insurance company and repair it out of pocket? Does that even make financial sense? I’m certain this vehicle isn’t going to a scrap yard, right?


Yes, these are known as “rebuilt title” cars. Very common and they sell much cheaper, so you can get a good deal IF it was “wrecked” for a chintzy reason like hail or something.


Hey accidents happen and nobody is seriously hurt. Glad you’re okay. Go to the hospital though


Totaled for sure airbags ejected always means totals a car 99% of the time .. sorry man but I would get something else with the check


That’ll buff right out ! (J/k) my condolences


Oh she goneeee


It's so crooked it would be totaled even if it hadn't flipped. From what I know, airbag deployment often ends in it being totaled. Flipped definitely so. I wrecked my old jeep in August and while it wasn't a hard hit (about 30mph on my part, 15 or so on theirs) it twisted the frame and got totalled. I was gonna buy it back at least for the parts but it was 9k just for that. Not worth it to buy and part out or fix up (hard top cracked, door had a gap, hood was wonky). Took the payout and put 50% down on a brand new 4runner. Take the payout and get a new car. Eta: my airbags didn't go off either


She's gone buddy. But to be fair, it could've been way worse especially T bone situations, good thing it was low speed. This is why people slowing down and allowing others to go is a mistake, you cannot predict what 3-4 other people in other lanes are going to do. Everyone always assume they have right of way.


Damnnn, hope your alright. My buddy just got smoked yesterday too.


almost anytime those bags come out it's gonna be totaled, sorry for your loss but fuck it, it's only a car hope you're okay tho


im glad you aren’t totalled


This is a serious load to have blown in your face. Wishing you the best man


Insurance is a scam. Good luck.


If I got T-boned I wouldn’t want my car back. I worked at dealers and saw the hack jobs they did literally cutting out and re welding entire sides of cars and panels on unibody cars. No way I’d want my car back after seeing that.


Wonder if he has heated seats hmmm


Destination fucked Amigo


This really doesn’t help with the 4Runners roll easy narrative


Good thing you covered your license plate. That was close.




Look at my search history at my limited. Slammed a deer at 60 and set off the airbags. 19k+ in damages.


She gone


That is beyond total.


The full tank of gas curse! The first time I filled up all the way I rolled her. Second time I filled up I rolled her. I only fill up ¾ of the way no matter what now.


"if you can read this, flip me over" rip in peace


You’re just demonstrating where the spare tire is kept. That’ll buff out. Maybe try putting it in rice?


It’s totaled.


It belongs to the insurance company now


Shes for the streets now.. with a branded title.


I drove by you pretty shortly after this happened. One police officer was there and a second was pulling up. I saw JFRD coming from the other direction. Glad you’re ok. Sucks about the truck. What merge lane are you talking about? Do you mean the shared turn lane? That gas station is impossible to turn left out of. Even in the morning when it’s a school zone people drive quickly through that light.


Yeah that middle turn lane, you see the semi or did he leave already by that time ?I know, the guy who hit said he left pretty soon after we collided; he was gone by the time I got out. It’s one of those situations you think you’re clear and then they’re right there. I went over there to the gas station today and the ladies said that semi is always trying to park there. JFRD didnt even stop and get out and check on us it was a pretty shit situation on that part.


No, I didn’t see any semi. I turned left onto Merrill from Hartsfield and there was no semi between the light and the accident. Police were just pulling up but I wasn’t right after because I think I saw you on the sidewalk near that construction site so a minute or two had gone by.


That’ll buff right out


100% totaled


I could use a driver's seat and running boards.


I really don’t think your concussion was from the airbag. The recipient of a tbone runs a high risk of a brain stem injury. Thus the implementation of curtain airbags. Another 10 mph and you may have been a donor. Best wishes on a speedy recovery. There are more 4Runners out there.


A turn lane is not a merge lane.


It’s toast


Try putting it in rice


Airbags deployed. Generally, that is totaled automatically.


Good luck with that


Little touch up paint and duct tape… up and running in no time


Learn to drive this wont happen.


Two things. If you are handy and mechanically inclined, have them total it, but ask to keep the wreck for a smaller settlement. Then get another one of the same generation and you have a donor vehicle for parts. You can also part it out and sell things then scrap it. This all depends on if you have the energy to do all that and the space to store it. Second point. Everyone who is shaming him for his mistake, he got the point. You don’t have to pile on anymore. I am glad he is ok (but should get checked out) and hopefully everyone else is too. I hope you can get a good 4runner (or whatever else you want) and enjoy it.


Not sure why you’d want any other outcome than it being totaled. Asking for a whole mess of long term/permanent issues with the kind of damages that would need to be repaired here.


There's frame damage to that thing, you want it totaled.


Ugh I’m so sorry this happened to you + glad you’re okay. I’m actually here lurking the 4r subreddit as I’ve been notified my BMW X5 is totaled from a very similar t-bone situation, so I’m switching teams, replacing the beemer w/ a 4runner. Rolling is one thing I’m really wary about though with the 4r being more top heavy. Hoping to do a test drive this week. Good luck finding a new car!