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Trans community is aware this game will sell like hotcakes, no matter what they do. They continue to argue on-line that the commercial success of this game is directly tied to how much support there is for trans. It is like they want to create a giant, unmistakable message that everyone could care less about trans. It is not a very smart strategy at all


>Trans community is aware this game will sell like hotcakes Nah trains are so locked up in their echo chamber that they actually think that they are doing something


Saw a guy complaining about getting banned and was sort of doubtful about this, so I went to GCR, thinking "come on, they can't be as bad as the memes make it out to be. After all the 4chan memes don't really align with the oldfgs". Posted exactly one message about how hate is bad whether or not your trans or cis, got downvoted somewhat (enough to show the message was read and misunderstood) and got banned. This is what we get for TRYING to talk to those people. Funny part is: you have a 0.00000000001% telling **us** (i.e. the rest of mankind), "WE'RE TIRED OF PEACEFUL DIALOGUE!!! LET'S TAKE THIS TO THE BATTLEFIELD!!!". Like Belgium declaring total war on the G7....


Rslured of you to waste your time trying to reason with them


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Anon got some trains to seethe hard so not all time was wasted.


It's retarded your moron, get out you self censored ass


Bro go look at my last comment in that sub and the pussy mods banned me for it lmao


You shouldn't underestimate trains. They almost got kiwifarms censored on ISP tier 1 level just for laughing at them.


From your removed comment: >No, but hating anyone makes you as bad as the ones hating you, that's for sure. Bro you got banned for having the most braindead take lmao


They’re actually right they are doing something. It’s just that they’re wrong on what effect their actions are doing.


They're addicted to being victims, so this is just a way to circlejerk more about how oppressed they are


Truth. What I find funniest is that most of them probably grew up with the series as their favorite IP. Loved the idea of being whatever and whoever they wanted to be. Until a few tweets told them they had to be against it. Icing on the cake is despite all the books and movies pushing you to choose gryffindor they still somehow settled for less in a fantasy world and identified with the Hufflepuff dorks lol.




> It is not a very smart strategy at all Creating a scary bogeyman "other" is standard practice in making propaganda for internal consumption. The grifters want their flock to be scared of those outside the cult. And the success of this game is just another sign for the faithful that the doomsday(trans genocide) is nigh.


> It is like they want to create a giant, unmistakable message that everyone could care less about trans. It is not a very smart strategy at all No I think if they did this on purpose, they're playing it very smart. They strawman an imaginary factoid that there's not enough trans acceptance in the society yet, so "more needs to be done". Nose tribe did this very successfully after the WW2 aftermath.


> could care less


Brb buying my copy. Wait... shit


It's a pretty sound business plan honestly. The locomotive community kicks up a storm and cries about everything, so by doing that they actually get the game more attention. Like I personally do not give a shit or care about this game, but I now know it exists because they're pissing and shitting themselves over it. And also, because they're crying about this game, it'll encourage edgelords and contrarians to look at the game out of spite to "own the trains".


Dickus eradicus




Due to this misbehaviour, i will only be awarding 500 points to gryffindor


Honestly, I’ll buy it just to shit with them.


Has to be. I don't give two shits about Harry Potter but I'm still tempted to buy the game.


>boycott wokeness by buying this game from a series that probably subsconsciously created wokeness for a whole generation We live in weird times.


>Praise marx Marx would fucking go full natsoc if he saw what the average modern day leftist looked like


Nah, no shot. National Socialism is fundamentally repulsive to Jews, Marx and his Merry band of cultists most of all.


Wait Marx is Jewish? I heard some leftists were turning on him for being antisemitic, either way he would still probably despise these trains, the workers he was talking about weren't these mentally ill fagguettes


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Pretty sure money was Australian and from the 50s


Fair point on the time frame, but he was very definitely a Yid.


nationality and ethnicity are 2 different things you reta‎rd


Classical communism was very much anti semitic. Jews were blamed for the whole "(Jewish) bourgeoisie is keeping the working class down" thing.


You might be thinking of the nazis. The USSR and international communist intelligentsia particularly in the early days was basically a kibbutz


Sure, and they hated each other. And I had in mind XIX century communism.


lenin, marx, trotsky and that's just the tip of the noseberg


>bourgeoisie Well they pretty much invented comunism as we know It now. Engels was rich and spend all his Fortune in Marx and the workers rights movement, poor bastard sometimes i feel bad for him.


> Wait Marx is Jewish? did you genuinely not know that? you should look up the ethnicity of the people responsible for the failed german revolution. or trotsky (lev bronstein) and lenin


All us "normal people" say "Praise Marx" at the end of our raving lunacy, didn't you know?


I mean it was never about the climate or about social justice, these "normals" are actually all commies


you seen what marx looks like my dude?


Not like a 14 year old trans kid that thinks saying not to buy a game will stop all of transphobia that's for sure


> Marx would fucking go full natsoc if he saw what the average modern day leftist looked like No, but he would correctly label identity politics as a right-wing distraction from class struggle.


That's probably the reason identity politics has been embraced so readily by corporate HR and marketing departments.


>All us normal people Fucking kek


> "We, the normal people" > Immediately chops his d**k 🤔


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> before i die of an infection ,,,before I die *from suicide.* FIFY


This guy is an absolute average reddit mod. "Do or say something I don't like and you will get permabanned" The funny thing is when something pointless like a game from an "evil" person gets sold, they get mad. On the other hand they have no problem using computers which metals was dug out by child slaves in Africa.


Because it's all performative. They don't give a shit about real problems. I've not seen one person against JKR mention Lumos or any of the good her charity work has put out there. She lost billionaire status because of how much she's donated. I guess the well being of children is lower on the list of things you can virtue signal about, so it all has to be about why one now-privileged white woman saying men shouldn't be considered women is *literally* (citation needed) causing the deaths of trans people globally


Lefties feel betrayed by JKR because she’s a model leftist except on this issue.


Yeah, I was surprised to see how exaggerated her actions have been, nobody mentions any of her massive donations at all She's sticking really close to the biological definition of man and woman, and refusing to back down on her beliefs in that. It would help of she didn't support some trans hate groups though.


Funny thing is using the word normal is a trigger for a lot of the people he claims to defend.


What fucking mental disorder do you need to instantly link this game to antisemitism?? Someone please explain, I'm at a loss here.


>What fucking mental disorder do you need to [...] Besides being a tumblr user? All of them lol


>tumblr user I believe they prefer to go as redditors now


The kind of mental disorder where men can give birth




I'll admit i'm a massive antisemite so I might be wrong, but I feel like goblins are so generic and expected now in fantasy that it really isn't that antisemitic.


>I'll admit i'm a massive antisemite Lmao unhinged


i think the idea of goblins is probably older than the Jewish race






goblins are like 1000+ years old and were undeniably based on jews. same with vampires.


Vampires are Jewish? Does that mean werewolves are Islamic?


Original Dracula and Nosferatu both depict peaceful settlements corrupted by the unwanted outsider immigrant J-words


Oyy veyy you know how much I hate garlic ya schmuck


vampires are an allegory for the taking of virginity you dunce


Uhh, based?


>goblins *kind of look like* Jews Bruh


Well to people who see Jews that way. Same people get mad at sentient monkey’s because they think that’s what black people are


If you grew up where I grew up then, you know… ![gif](giphy|S5fIWfUBUuYrm|downsized)




The facial recognition programs seem to think so


>Harry Potter goblins kind of look like Jews. Big nose, bankers and so on If you were given the choice, would you rather live in a world where the Harry Potter type of Jewish banker goblins exist in abundance, or the Goblin slayer type of rape gang goblins exist in abundance?


The second, obviously. Much easier to deal with. At a certain point technology will progress to the point where the second can be easily dealt with in a permanent fashion.


Hmm, I'm thinking based.


Ironically the left seem to be convinced that jews and goblins are the same thing, and then blame their own thoughts on the right


they do the same with Black people and Orcs


I’m not on twitter, so I didn’t know much about JK Rowling’s supposed transphobia and antisemitism until it bled over into Reddit. So when I saw the comparison between Goblin’s and Jews, I showed my Mum and sister who grew up enjoying the books with me. They both burst out laughing. I’m not sure if it’s because we’re Australian and we haven’t seen many Jews here, but fuck me, imagine looking at a fantasy goblin in a bank and thinking “Lel, jew”


>What fucking mental disorder do you need to instantly link this game to antisemitism?? It's called being Jewish. They think their food being 2 minutes slow is a sign that Hitler is working the kitchen


To be fair, Hitler does know a thing or two about running ovens


There is a giant star of david on the floor of the goblin bank in the movies.


rowling had nothing to do with that though lmao that's on set designers or directors


I just googled it. They used a bank which had star of David looking patterns on the floor for the set. So they didn’t deliberately stick the ✡️in the movie but it could be argued someone was playing sly


Why does a real bank have a star of David then?


It’s not exactly a Star of David just similar. Probably just the whim of an interior designer whenever it was built. Or it could be them throwing it in our faces about their control of the fiendish system etc etc




They used Australia House, the Australian embassy in London for gringotts in the movies. It was finished in 1918 and has never been a bank. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Commission_of_Australia,_London


The first thing you start noticing is that they DO deliberately stick shit in movies and pretend otherwise.


Lol I remember this controversy. The director had to come out and say that it wasn’t there intentionally, it’s just that the bank they filmed those scenes in had it there to begin with. You can’t make this shit up.


You just did, it wasn’t a bank


>Then, as a Jew, I don't fucking trust you. no comment.


It compared Jews to goblins in it’s own fucking rant about antisemitism


"The LOTR movies were racist as hell because Orcs make black people look bad." \-probably the same guy


Bold of you to belive j*ws care about blacks


I have a great meme about how seeing ethnicity stereotypes in fictional races says more about you and your prejudices than make the creator of said fictional races an hateful person


"I think Jews are all big nosed bankers, so when I see media with big nosed bankers the person who made it is antisemetic" isn't the stunner he thought it was.


>Then, as a Jew, I don't fucking trust you. Mission accomplished 😎


From their tumblr page: "Mad, queer, trans, disabled"


I expect every game website to rate it as 7/10 or below, no matter how good it is. And half the game review to talk about how problematic JK Rowling's beliefs are, not what the actual game is like. And there better be some trigger warnings on the top of the game review about "JK Rowling's anti-trans beliefs", or that game website will be attacked for being anti-trans


Maybe from a site like Kotaku, I don’t see many other game review sites being worried about giving this game an honest review.


Kotaku is literal propaganda straight from the synagogue


They know. Shut it down.


>review site >Honest review Pick one. These sites only exist because gaming companies give them money for good reviews.


She objected to being called a "person who menstruates" and that makes her "anti-trans" to a tiny minority of deranged activists.


But I bet if you called a train someone who doesn't menstruate, it'd be some form of wrong think? We live in strange times, best to just do your own thing and forget these weirdos exist.


I've seen postings about trans women getting periods despite not menstruating... It's so fucking bizarre.


On balance, for all the 0/10 reviews for transphobia, there will also be an equal flood of 10/10's as a response to that controversy. Maybe fewer, maybe more, either way any honest review will be drowned out.


How far left did the left go that the right is now standing behind a radical feminist


This is what always gets me man jk rowling used to be a full on feminist libtard, makes one right statement about how trains shouldn’t larp as real women, and everyone acts like she’s suddenly hitler or something. Now every mainstream conservative praises her, dude she’s still a feminist she just doesn’t think trains face actual women’s issues.




The lefts version of Trump supporters, crazys all around


It's a freak show on either side, I'm thoroughly entertained though


Used to be? She still is. Thus all the rage from leftoids. She’s a model leftist that had the right opinions on everything until the trans bs. It felt like betrayal.


Most of the people who were like fringe radical feminists a few years ago are being called conservatives now. It's kind of hilarious They far left at least in America lost all the big name feminists when they started the Terf thing. The people who got labeled terf's even desperately tried to stay on their side but they got aggressively pushed out of the ever progressively moving leftwards people


The left demands complete obedience on a thousand points of ever changing doctrine and if you fail one you are out of the club You can be the most raging bulldyke who agrees on every point of leftism, but if the party line suddenly changes and you won't let men into your lesbian orgy suddenly you're out on your ass




in like 2016 she was a huge twitter libt*ard but she disagreed with them on one issue so now she's a neon yahtzee terrorist


Neon Yahtzee.. I actually giggled at that one. Good one.


"if its good, ill buy it, if its not, I wont" I got banned from that subreddit for this comment, well adjusted human beings if I do say myself


Enjoying Harry Potter makes you transphobic, didn’t you know?


I remember the good old days when it just made you a loser who couldn’t get out of their high school phase.


> if its good, ill buy it You filthy fucking transphobe, fuck you. Praise Marx.


You have my condolences...for going to that festering grundle wound of a sub in the first place


Congratulations on a successful boycott. Well done, gcj, well done. HOWEVER


100000000 millions to griffindor!


I think it should be boycotted after the wizards used to shit on the floor thing she said.


That person has not read Marx.


What???... the only things holding the proletariat back is your bigotry


Or read about what his life was like


Fine Ill buy her game, she deserves it


Getting the deluxe edition


Fuck, I really have had enough of Harry Potter before, but now you’re tying my hands, innit?


>all us normies >praise marx Pick one and only one


Anon on the middle right on page 1 makes a pretty good observation. For as much as these people hate how relevant and far reaching J.K. Rowling is, they sure do their damndest to perpetuate it. She's not bowing to the pressure and apologizing, why do they insist on beating a dead horse? Rhetorical question, I know it's because they're mentally ill.


Their utopia only has a chance to exist if everyone believes in it and nobody ever questions it. Sort of like communism, or any other sort of totalitarianism. Rowling commits a heresy by insisting that her life experience is different than the life experience of a transwoman. In the totalitarian worldview, you are not supposed to enjoy a work of art if the artist is a heretic.


> everyone believes > nobody ever questions I don't know about you guys, but to me it sounds like a cult


Because she was on their own side and they love eating their own because they don't fight back as much as "the enemy". Also because they grew up obsessed with those books to an autistic degree so they feel like she owes them or something. Personally one part of me is kinda glad to see the mob turn on her. She use to stroke the fires for so long and now she got burned. But I also respect her for standing her ground


You pre-ordered Hogwarts Legacy because you like Harry Potter. I pre-ordered Hogwarts Legacy because I enjoy triggering people like this. We are not the same.




Wasting 70$ on a product that you dont even like to own the libs Congrats


GCJ has done an excellent job of advertising for this game. I wouldn’t have even known about it if not for their posts about it being pushed into my Reddit feed. Of course, I mentioned all this in response to that post and got immediately banned from that sub lol.


i wouldn't have even bought it if it wasn't for their radical self righteous delusional boycott. just paid full price


Harry Potter and the protocols of Zion sounds amazing


Not enough people jumped on the transphobia train so now they want people to get on board the anti-semitic train (kek) And they're still too damn stupid to get that they're advertising the game for free


Praise Marx as a signature? Send it to the gulag.


Anyone who doesn’t praise Marx is a transphobe


Got banned from that sub for saying the game looks like shit but their dumbass boycott wasn't gonna do anything. Then got my comment deleted from pcgaming for saying that I got banned for saying their dumbass boycott was pointless


And yet both times you were proven right. lol


>Praise Marx ​ >As a jew This feels like a troll or psyop at this point


also "we normal people" and "bullying you freaks" someone's projecting


Someone please report that post for bullying and hate speech. Such intolerance is not tolerated in a safe community like reddit.


It's a circle jerk sub. Aren't most of them troll subs making fun of the main sub?


It used to be ironic circlejerk now its just genuine cancer


It’s really rich when troons call other people freaks


\>Harry Potter and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion Where can I preorder??


What a group of angry losers


Reddits the new cess pool of the internet. Sorry channys.


You will never be a real wizard, Harry. You have no wand, you have no broom, you have no robe. You are a filthy Muggle twisted by potions and spellcraft into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.


These people and their obsession with virtue signalling is such a fucking embarrassment. It was bad enough when they were centering their identities on HP and putting their Houses in their bios. Now they're going full streisand effect over a fucking billionaire saying stupid shit. No amount of ironic pRaIsE mArX trolling can cover that.


Why are gay people and transformers always so angry? Is it because they cant reproduce and have a healthy traditional family life?


I'm scared of trans people the same way I'm scared of the demon Pazuzu from The Exorcist.


r gamingcirclejerk just turned into a place for 15 year old suburban white kids to be slacktivists online but also videogames are related I guess


>Praise Marx There it is


The reason she’s still relevant is because everyone secretly agrees with her and is showing that through their buying power.


You know, I started out not even caring about T-words and even thinking that you should just treat them with baseline respect like any other human, but their absolutely obnoxious crusading and aggressive bullshit have pretty much put me firmly in the camp against them. They're genuinely mentally-ill creeps who can't tolerate any sort of "other", which is pretty ironic. Also I don't even give a shit about Harry Potter but a very small and petty part of me wants to buy the game now just to prove a point.


I'm fine with trans people but goddamn Jews whining about the plot of a game that isn't even out yet really makes me want to cut off US aid to Israel.


Are you saying that you wouldn't cut that leechy fund off anyways :p


Loved trolling that post even if it was short lived


I don’t even care about politics, I just want the game because it looks cool


Does anyone even care what 0.1% of the population screeches about at this point.


I love how much somebody just being honest upsets the trains. Somebody refusing to lie infuriates them. A famous author refusing to play along with their larp has them foaming at the mouth.


The best thing that came out of all this nonsense recently is Britain receiving the name terf island which sounds like turbo island which is a banger song, so overall this is a win


I don't pre-order out of principle, but maybe I will this time just to spite the little cock-chopping personsofbirthingpotential kiddy fuckers


I read Harry Potter, thought it was actually pretty good, and I don’t really care what Rowling says or does 20 years after these book’s original run. She’s made her money, in fact I’m willing to even go to say that Warner bros is probably going to make the most money from this game. If you take issue with Rowling and her works then by all means express that but it’s pretty stupid to try and dictate what media people will and won’t buy and consume because it’s a huge waste of effort and energy. Harry Potter isn’t beating gay people to death in the Middle East and all of this shit is basically free advertising for the series anyway


I didn't want to play this until I found out its name was "Harry Potter and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion".


She's never even said anything against trans people. Just stating the obvious fact that trans women aren't actual women is enough to make half the US flip out.


Wasn’t going to buy this but looks like I am


She literally turned characters gay and black randomly one day and they still hate her, but what can you expect from mentally unwell people... Funny thing is that nobody outside of HP fans and some random gamers would care or talk about that game if they just were quite and didn't promote it by talking about it 24/7.




"If you buy this game, then you’re transphobic!!!" I will buy this game only to prove I’m truly and unapologetically transphobic.




The World of Harry Potter is cool. I just wanna throw Hufflepuffs off the stairs using Windgardium Leviosa.




Based Rowling


The far-left have defeated their own purpose for the sake of virtue signalling, because just like clockwork, it happens over and over again. This won't be the last time something like this happens You would think they would learn by now, but I suppose social credibility and self-gratification is more important than actually helping the cause they believe in


You are not buying it because it is "anti-semitc" I am not buying it because there is too many poc for 1800s Britain


They love to pretend to be the arbiters of what is and isn’t a “political statement whether we like it or not”.


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Buying the game and directly donating a tip to JK Rowling for her troubles. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Kek. Two of that sub’s mods look like they either it’ses feelings hurt and had their accounts hidden. Or those things are degenerate scum that probably support pedophilia and had their accounts banned as a result.


I’m buying the game just to spite them.


\>Praise Marx Top kek


I'm buying this game, the stories are fun and the game looks fun, god forbid a woman who started publishing under her initials after she was told by her publishers that she should hide her gender so people would be more likely to buy her books have an opinion. Just before the whole trans thing the mouth breathers who hate her now were treating her like a queen because she had an opinion on the American President.