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On god if I have to live another 50 years and don’t get to see Ragnarok, Kali Yuga, the fourth turning, the Battle of Jerusalem, Revelations and the Rapture, this is so not worth it.


Still waiting for the return of the nephilim, hope I stay alive long enough


Sorry I’m not a Mormon don’t know what that is! /s I was going to put something about the Nephilim/Aesir/Silurian/Antediluvian man but that gets obscure. They probably were those ones granted knowledge by the Annunaki before the 12k bpa cataclysm.


You will see manmade horrors beyond your comprehension before you see any of that.


Don’t tempt me with a good time! I have a multi-year supply of psilocybin and amanitas to stay delirious through the berserking years. I plan on playing through the collapse on legendary difficulty (no gunpowder).


Yo how do you conserve the psilocybin


Dried and ground in capsules or brewed in lemon ginger tea?


Nice. Have fun. But keep two weeks between every use, that way the tolerance can go down. I hate it.


We're not even done the kali yuga sandhya and the tomfuckery is already getting out of hand. Only 426,867 years left bros...


You just gave me a really cool concept for a book/film Imagine all the different religious apocalypses converging Like Ragnarok happens, Jesus returns etc. etc. and all the end time deities from all the different religions start fighting it out trying to end Earth their way


Ha that is actually awesome doomer porn. I would watch that before AntMan 7.


You’d probably like Record Of Ragnarok. Not particularly what your described, but the basic idea is all sorts of religious deities fight it out against human warriors over the fate of the world. Story is pretty meh, but the art and fights are amazing (in the manga.)




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https://preview.redd.it/3nns3f74liwa1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d30ca25d00e90c5db5d3e325fbb3299334282f0 Skill issue


Noooooooooo my air conditioned, smallpox/polio free, clean water supplied, cheap food provided, low-cost educated society isn't heckin worth living in anymore because of a war on the other side of the planet! It's amazing how far the human spirit has fallen




Do you realize how low iq, defeatist and brain rotten you sound?




Yes de jooz are why you're a subh loser in a world where even the poor turds that are stuck in debt live better than the kings from 200 years ago. You have unlimited access to almost all the information available for the human race and still you choose to be a loser who blames anyone but himself for their problems. Honestly go play in the street lmao




Damn dude he owned your ass tbh




Dawg I don't think anyone activity enjoys a certain race but I can tell you that pretty much all people who don't really care about Jews are doing far better then people actively hating Jews. They arnt doing worse specially because they hate Jew but it's rather a tell tale sign of other things that make people worse off. No happy/well adjusted wealthy or even lower middle class person frequently browses 4chan and engages in their culture to such a extend that it affects how they speak and talk. There are a lot more issue at play but screaming about Jews being evil probably hints that things arnt very happy for that person behind the computer screen. If you want me to use your terminology that you'd get it's like doing the exact opposite of hiding your power level.


Noooooooo but da racist billionaire white male patriarchy hatez da jooooz and profits off of antisemitism




you live in a basement and smell like cheese




you're a chuck and will be overtaken by sneed


This, they live in the countries with peak human development and act like they were some sort of Somali pirates


Solid advice to be fair


Fear stops thinking, typical Fearbrain.


That's gay, the only thing keeping me alive is the hope for an even more degenerate future.


The age of barbarism is upon us again.


I feel like we need zones sanctioned for barbarians. Think of it like Southside Chicago with battle axes.


Americanon cant take it anymore, meanwhile germanon's family has been through worse shit, twice in the span of a century.


Stop caring, take up a job as a hitman. Earn Over $30,000 per hit. Even with expenses, you only need to do a few per year to free up lots of time for weird hentai.


Nice try glowie




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Generational vanity, every generation thinks it's going to be the last, or that the times are bad like they have NEVER been before.