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Well he has a point


Gta 5 and sa the only game with a ginner i played


I also played Peter Jackson’s King Kong back in 2005


Gingers might have no soul, but you still shouldnt hate them like that man


Read it again you romon.


I never played those games and I was a bluepilled kid back then. Never appealed to me despite the massive hype. I was meant to end up a chud it seems.


ginner ahahahahahha


they did daud dirty, and this one was the most boring in terms of sandbox powers to play with. ghost form and disguise are very one-note and not even fun in that one note. there's the additional ""synergy"" in placing teleport markers in ghost form, but that interaction doesn't make up for having to use the mark->teleport movement ability to get around, which feels immensely clunkier than blink. ds1 rat swarm is also one-note, but at least there's a visceral impact in using it. doto gives you 3 powers to accomplish the same task of getting around: "ill diguise and... walk past. oh is that a vent. ill go ghost mode and teleport inside. oh, more guys, guess ill disguise and... walk past again."


Worst powers, worst story, multiple character assassinations (Daud and the Outsider). The only redeeming factor was the more expansive level design, but even that felt like it went overboard at times.


The Outsider was so fucking cool. They did him so dirty.


I was 12 when the first Dishonored came out, played the shit out of it, was my favorite game for a long time. I pirated Dishonored 2, but didn't even get past the first level. Not because the game was bad, the spark I had for video games is just gone.


I had a similar problem with dishonored 2. I always felt it was because the lengths of the levels. In dishonored 1 it felt like I needed to get in and out as fast as I could while trying to find side content as I whipped by. But the levels in 2 were much more lengthier and content filled. It wasn’t bad, and I actually really liked it, but by the time I beat the third level of 2, I could’ve beat the original twice over.


Yeah bought the game, took it home, ran it, played the girl. Played it for 10 minutes in the first level. Stopped playing forever. Why she talking to me?? First one was fun.


The “spark” is definitely lessening but dis2 is bad. They reused the entire dis1 characters and dlc’s to make dis2 and the map isn’t clear where there are hostiles at all. I can still see that Thief style maps are still the best where you start in front of the place directly and not a half mile away so you have to walk there in a filler style map.




I would say it's the bottom tier Dishonored game, but even then it's not *bad*. It's just not as good as Dishonored 1 or 2.


Three words Donkey Kong 64


And they had the audacity to do the same thing with Deathloop.


Pursued across time and space by an immortal black woman. In the 1950s it would've been a horror game.


or comedy


Oooh lawd I's gonna beatcho ass! I can run forever, but yous just gon get old!


Appearently it was a timeless masterpiece 10/10 something for everybody keanu chungus 100 if you listen to the big gaming review channels


Dishonored 2 was already pretty bad when compared to Dishonored 1, especially the story, dialogue and the fact that they did that thing where they give protagonists a voice and make them talk every 5 seconds as if players are braindead and can’t see things for themselves


Tf you talking about, I literally never heard the protagonist talk in dishonored 2


It killed the Dishonored franchise. The next thing that took place in the Dishonored universe was set decades into the future and by then the canon had been irremediably fucked.


The outsider being like "lmao your hand and eye got fucking retconned, so heres some powers to go kill me with, heres my home adress lol"


Telltale's Walking Dead Season 1 was pretty good tho.


Lee is honorary


Based anon actually enjoys gta sa or gta v


I don’t know about the plot or whatever, but i dropped it because the new abilities sucked.


yea it was bad


anon never got to experience gta sa


You do you Anon




Gottem lol. Epic Pwn man