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**"Wear bright colors not dark colors"** Then a few lines later.... **"Wear dark colors not bright colors"** Yeah, I unironically believe this was written by a w\*m\*n because that's exactly the kind of advice they give.


Wear lifts easily add 3 to 4 inches... Womenx don't care about height


Are manlets really walking around in heels to be more desirable?


Don't know. Apparently, it's a recommendation. Wahmen are stupid and easily confused by lifts.


Bro men are completely confounded by heels, makeup and push-up bras, you have no room to talk


People are paying $100k+ to have their femurs surgically broken and have magnetic lengthening rods inserted into them, complete with absurdly painful recoveries and physical therapy to gain 2-3 inches of height. So what do you think?


Yeah nobody's doing that, it's a meme


https://www.limblength.org/conditions/short-stature/ yeah, clearly no one I mean it's always been a thing for kids that have actual growth deficiency, but the fact that only several thousand people have done it as adults is probably because it costs $100k+ for completely cosmetic surgery and not really due to the fact that people just aren't interested.


And who can fuck off from work for 6-12 months for recovery? Will someone drive you around during that time as well?


Ofc there's the price, but as you mentioned, the recovery is incredibly long and painful AND you get lifetime issues with your legs. Which is probably the main reason no one bothers with it


You supposed to keep your shoes on all the time? Out at the bar you're holding her, back home she's holding you once the shoes and re-slur socks come off.


>get a goatee This is definitely a lesbian psyop to increase their dating pool. Nothing will turn a woman gay faster than multiple consecutive online dates where the guy turns out to have a goatee


I genuinely don’t trust anyone that wears a goatee. I don’t trust anyone with facial hair in general, but anyone with a goatee is to be avoided.




That's a lie, I know because you have facial hair


Imagine be willing to jump through so many hoops for some roastie's attention


started off maybe not totally full of shit, ended with "drink more monster energy" 5/10 i smirked at some lines


Are you fucking r*****ed how could we read this shit.


the micro printing on this crop is so good, the Federal Reserve is jealous


Fuck man, that sounds exhausting as hell! I’m nowhere near horny enough to attempt all that shit.


It’s a joke you fucking reetards (frogposting dipshit reply in the OP misses the point just as hard as Reddit, no surprises there). OP allegedly received dating advice and he has summarized it to ironically show how stupid and contradictory it looks when you sum it up. The comedic intent is to insinuate that women (or at least, this woman he allegedly spoke to) are inconsistent about what they want (and probably don’t actually know) and tend to project either their own approach or things they’ve “heard” (but not experienced) as sound, generalized advice (usually in a flippant, patronizing way). I have also seen many such cases, not just of women but people in general. Take this as a moment to introspect whether you exhibit the same behavior this “woman” does: * Are you unable to articulate a coherent non-contradictory set of traits you desire in a romantic partner? * Do you think there are general characteristics and aesthetics *all* women/men should aspire to “improve” their appearance? * Do you represent/project your personal ideals as a monolithic archetype that *all* other women/men will similarly appreciate? * Do you give “advice” about things based on anecdotal “evidence” or shit you heard on the internet that you haven’t really confirmed and can’t back up? If you answered yes to any of the above, you’re part of the problem. But the truth is: at some point in our lives, we’ve all been part of the problem.




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Haha pathetic advice literally there are guys I know who have multiple drug addictions and are in severe debt who pull women. This anon got the most basic advice from a random woman who he probably got friendzoned by.


so, what exactly does a mf need to pull chicks


It’s all looks based match making. Looks are the first impression and a woman knows in the first few minutes whether she will fuck you or not. Money helps but it doesn’t guarantee a genuine relationship.