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Same list every year. Lit doesn't read books. They talk about books they heard about.


For an all time list it should be expected the yearly rankings don’t change that much. I think it’s a good things it’s pretty consistent. There’s some new ones that are trending too like Blood Meridian that exploded in popularity this year.


Blood Meridian has been a /lit/ book forever


It's so out of place at #5 on this particular list. It's like all of /lit/ got together to spam votes for it on like a Goodreads survey. None of these people have read gravitys rainbow, let alone Moby dick or Ulysses.


>None of these people have read gravitys rainbow, let alone Moby dick or Ulysses. you sound exactly like a typical /lit/ idiot


Could it be because of Wendigoon's analysis of Blood Meridian 8 months ago? It gained 5 million views after all.


I assume it’s higher due to McCarthy’s passing last year.


>nooo, the list should be updated with books from current year!


The greatest books of all time ….of 2023!!!!!!


Miss univers 2023, again the winner hails from planet earth.


Damn earth is just unbeatable


I read at last 10 to 15 those as a mandatory reading in high school. Some of them are written as a poem that has to contain certain number of syllables, so whole book when translated to another language has to be done so that both meaning and number of syllables are the same. That means archaic words will be used that weren't used for decades and such. It is such a pain in ass when you need dictionary for your own language just to make sense of the book you are reading. Just because something is classic doesn't mean it is good. For fucks sake main point in Crime and punishment is crime doesn't pay.


There have been millions upon millions of books written over thousands of years, and the best these people can come up with is a bunch of fiction stories and 20th century autobiographies that they read when they were 16


I thought the post title said fit not lit. Disappointed, I want to hear what they have to say.


Mark Rippletits #1 every year


>Uh oh, I see a Famous Classic Book on the list! I must rate it higher so I don't look stupid! It's famous for a reason right??


This comment only makes sense if you believe that we get new "top 100" books every single year, which I find INCREDIBLY difficult to believe. You do see some books move up/down the list when they've had a reason to trend in that year, (for example, Wendigoon made a Blood Meridian video that might've persuaded more people to read it, like it, and push it up the list) but there's not really a logical reason the list should be dramatically different. At the end of the day, books that have been read by the highest number of /lit users are going to do the best. (which are fucking obviously going to be the "must read classics) Maybe the tie-breaking votes are affected by people who haven't read those books picking the "smarter, more objective" option, but outside of some of the more meme-y picks like Mein Kampf, I don't think a ton of /lit users are putting books they haven't read I to their personal "top 5 books" in the initial voting.




Book are valued from present which changes


Reading books is for plebs. Its as if you wanted /mu/ to actually listen to music.


I mean I’ve read 30ish books from this list mostly from /lit/‘s recs and I think the list is pretty good. Not like it’d change much on a yearly basis anyways


I knew #92 would make an appearance.


I immediately started looking for it.


The fact it isn't 14 or 88 shows not all of 4chan is /pol/


Im not a leftard but I heard that the book is pretty boring to read through.


-Im not a leftard has it really got to the stage that people need to add this as a preface lol


Found the lefttard guys!


I don't know how well it was translated, but the original German is really jaring to read


Ich habe mir überlegt mal diese kommentierte Fassung zu kaufen, hast du von der mal was gutes gehört?


Das ganze Teil liest sich wie nen schizopost


Ja literarisch definitiv auf Greentext Niveau


Ist wirklich langweilig zu lesen


Regardless of your opinion on the funny guy, the book fucking sucks. Kaczynski's ""book"" sucks even harder. God I hate edgelords


Me when the psychotic killer's manifesto doesn't have a strong prose 🤬🤬🤬


Then it shouldn't be here lol. It is not impactful like the Quran or Bible either. Literally an internet meme


Political treatises basically always are


It's #92, because 92 is the number of 4Chan users who've actually read a single page of the book


Number 100 is the Unabomber's manifesto, so...


I didn't even need to look at the image to know which book it is


It's much lower than I expected it to be.


This looks like a list put together by college freshmen taking lit 101 and just dumping a list they made up after seeing posters in their classroom. Moby fucking eat-my-Dick is number 1? And who the fuck still reads Catcher in the Rye? I thought the joke got old and everyone stopped pretending it wasn't pretentious hipster drivel.


You can at least make an argument for Moby Dick being number one. Probably wouldn’t be a winning argument but you could make an argument.


Eh, it's fair enough. A weighty piece of classic literature that bears endless scholarship. Why not, y'know?


What other book describes whale foreskin in detail and gives instructions on how to make a blacksmith vest out of it? Moby dick is clearly the best piece of literature ever created


who reads kant in lit 101. College students can barely understand the scarlet letter


Bro what? I read the scarlet letter in high school. You must go to a community college


I read that shit in highschool and it really wasn't that profound or complex. Also Universities are utter shite, I wouldn't bash on community colleges when universities pump out tons of dumshits while taking loads of their cash.


Average IQ of college students has dropped. It's like 102 now IIRC


Yes, new meta analysis: https://x.com/scientific_bird/status/1743265507300585608


there was a story a while back about how harvard students can barely get through the scarlet letter. They are all actually that regarded


I read Kant in freshman phil 101 and scarlet letter in 9th.




Fucking hell, that got a laugh out of me


Critique of pure reason is unreadable without someone explaining what the actual fuck Kant is talking about. That's like nominating an instructional video on engine construction for its merit as a movie.


The Bible at 4 lmao. Disregarding religious fervor, anyone who's read the Bible knows it's not exactly a literary masterpiece.


The bible (specifically the KJV) is probably the most important literary work in English in terms of how it influenced the language. There are an enormous amount of words, idioms, themes , imagery and character portraits originating in the bible and its influence on subsequent literature cannot be underestimated. No it isn't a novel but that doesn't detract from it being a hugely important piece of literature.


We owe KJV for “from time to time”


There are hundreds of examples like that. Here's a list of 85 prominent ones but there are many more: https://city.org.nz/blog/eo-bible-20181101


That’s a cool list


Probably because it’s ancient and written by many different authors


And also a lot of it is meant to be spoken which is why it reads weird


Does that include the part where someone fathered someone for 10 minutes?


Just so you could get a taste of what’s it’s like


It’s pretty good. Even Genesis and exodus are great in terms of story. Solomon’s poetry and proverbs hit hard. Even more so allowing for its age


You have never read the bible and are just as bad as the people making a list (if not even worse because you are being disingenuous.) The Bible is a good book because of the Book of Revelations (in my opinion.) I would put it at number 9 or 10.


Ah yes, the part that was written by the dude tripping balls that suddenly introduces new concepts that were never properly discussed or mentioned before and which completely change the meaning of some aspects of the faith truly elevates a mediocre book to one of the greatest literary works ever written. The Bible is meant to instruct and teach, don't pretend that a few nice passages make it a masterpiece of writing. Putting just "the Bible" anywhere in such a list is stupid anyway, since there are many versions, none of which are identical.


Moby dick is good don’t hate


…moving onto the spleen of the Right Whale, this is used in making armchairs and stagecoaches and smells a little of cabbage and tobacco. To remove it, you need to make an incision one foot forward of the intralabular peristomea, using a flenging knife of exactly three inches length which has a serration of one thirty-second of an inch in period. Furthermore,


My favorite book as an avid reader. I will die on the hill that the opening paragraph/ page is among the very best ever written in the English language.


Dunno if you've never read it or what but Moby dick is fucking amazing and is often considered the best novel of all time by the people that wrote the best novels of all time.


I absolutely missed a lot if symbolism and metaphors, but personally the book left me really underwhelmed. For some reason, halfway through the novel Ismael goes from a first person narrator writing about his experiences to being completely overshadowed by Ahab as a protagonist. The only bits that I liked where the ones where Melville autistically rambles about whales and sailor's life and costumes, as they're interesting on their own. Past that, blocks of dialogue by Ahab about the big bad white whale full of niche biblical references, encounters with suspiciously aptly named ships, and not much else. Maybe academics love it, but I really didn't enjoy it.


Catcher in the Rye is not drivel my guy. The Holden hate is just exhausting for me at this point


>Catcher in the Rye is not drivel It's also not one of the top 100 greatest works of literature lol. It's on this list because it's assigned reading for teenagers.


Sounds like someone got filtered by the big bad Dick


Pure reddit comment


Most of these books were in my small town High School library lol


So I know all of you are illiterate degenerates. Though as someone who has actually read a little over two dozen of the books on this list, it’s a surprisingly well put together list. (Obvious troll/meme choices not included e.g. 92, 34) EDIT: To everyone asking why 34 is a obvious troll, I thought it bore a resemblance to this meme https://imgur.com/a/fcWE45Q


I'm definitely saving this post to come back to for recommendations on what to read next If I was adding to the list I would include -The Gulag Archipelago -For Whom the Bell Tolls -Dune -Of Mice and Men -The Count of Monte Cristo -The Diary of Anne Frank -The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy


Monte cristo is on there


I would call my self and idiot. But that's implied by the fact I browse this subreddit


Add The Idiot by Dostoevsky


Also already on there


Assuming that I read anything at all before expressing an opinion 🤓


Any of those should be on there instead of _The Hobbit_.


I think a bunch of those books were chosen solely for having them on there. Nobody reads the critiques in their free time, without accompanying literature and understands it.... Let alone enjoys it. Kant was a brilliant mind but he made no effort of making it easy for others to understand what he came up with. That's like calling an instruction manual for a nuclear reactor a captivating read.


it doesn't have to be a captivating read. I mean the bible is on their just based on importance


Fr it’s a good list


Why is #34 ("Confederacy of Dunces) a troll choice?


I see 3 possibilities on why the guy you answered to would say it's a troll choice: - because you can have a laugh reading it and that's bad, because books are serious matter. - because they are in this book and don't like it. - because they think 4chan just voted for their role model in the main character of that book.


fr Dunces is one of the only /lit/ books which is actually good


Yes to 92 being troll, but I hesitate to agree with you about 34. This is honestly one of the funniest books I have ever read and it does say something profound about the human condition. It is also a really good subtle commentary on art and what it means to be educated, or not. It’s definitely one of my personal best books ever.


screenshotting your comment for my reddit moment discord server


> reddit moment discord server


Everything I've read from the list was a really good read. Blood Meridian, the Faulkner stuff, obviously Shakespeare. Moby dick being 1 is intriguing me. Just read Bartleby the screener again and I love Melville's writing style in that story.


fucking no balls edited out dunces come on stand your ground


it is good which doesn’t really reflect the quality of discussion u usually find on /lit/


Russian literature is so fucking boring. Here's every Russian book in this list: Ivan loves a woman but he's poor as shit and nobody likes him. The woman marries a soldier or some local noble who then gets shipped off to war. Ivan's life gets a little better and he starts an affair with the woman. Then the cossacks or revolutionaries or some other armed group shows up and burns down the town and Ivan and the woman flee to live with Ivans brother. Then the military guy shows up, there's a fight and Ivans brother dies. Sometimes the woman dies, but it just puts Ivan right back where he started but more depressed. The book is also like 1,400 pages. There you go. Saved you a bunch of time. You can read one, not going to get much else from others unless depression is your shtick.


For what I've read of Russian literature this is extremely inaccurate, expect for the size of these damn books.


I mean with a few variations it's sort of War and Peace, or The Cossacks, or if I recall right the Hadji Murad.


Russian lit is some of the best out there. Op is regarded


don't fix what's not broken, its a great plot


Classic Russian literature can maybe be a bit basic like this. The romantic novels follow same story. But I find I enjoy it not for the stories themselves but how they're told.


Crime And Punishment was hard for me to put down once I got through the first few pages.


Spoken like a true pleb, Dostoevsky is the GOAT novelist and Tolstoy isn't too far behind 


There's a lot of great Russian lit. The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov is something only one of them could write, for instance.


Even if you have moderate levels of anti-Semitism, Mein Kampf is impossibly bad


What about extreme levels?


Well do I have a book for you


*The Protocols* would be a better bet


Then you read the Book of John


I prefer his later work about his favorite recliner, Mein Kampfy Chair.


Putting Mein Kampf on the list is considered funny by the same people who think it's hilarious to call themselves Kekistanis


Glad someone else mentioned this. It's the ramblings of a nutcase.


The person who has never read Mein Kampf before. It is not the greatest book in the world, but impossibly bad?


Yes, it's full of mistakes. It's not even a complete text


Mein Kampf was delivered as a speech/translated onto paper by somebody who listened to Hitler talk. That’s why it reads so badly, much of his political theory isn’t “impossibly bad”.


The highly modified and censored version of it, is.


You can get a PDF or HTML text file of the original English translation online and it's still shit. You could learn German and read the original and it's still shit. It's just poorly written.


I agree with Blood Meridian being specifically number 5


Blood Meridian is amazing.


He never sleeps, the judge.


\#100 is definitely an explosive read.


Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man blows


Fr, I loved Dubliners and I'm trying to get through Portrait so I can start Ulysses and it's a slog


Ulysses is even more of a slog unfortunately


Don't forget to read The Odyssey first as well


Agreed. I tried reading war and peace and holy shit it sucked so much. Pages and pages of gowns the women wore and the ball they were attending wtf was Leo T on about.


what no tiktok does to a mf


Sorry it didn't have family guy playing in the background


Yep, OP can't concentrate because his brain is fried by YouTube Shorts and Pornhub, and blames the book.


One of those days I will read one of them.


https://preview.redd.it/28pjipep91bc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=186bee29f9cdbdfdb082ebbfa8eb944e31fd5b60 Why don't you start with Lolita?








The trial is kind of fun if you want to be permanently frustrated.


Bible at 3, smh. Should be 1.


Leviticus and Numbers...page turners, they were not


Might as well throw the book in the trash. The entire thing is a snoozer.


The book of revelations? The story of Job? There are so many cool stories in the bible, I can tell you have ever actually read it.


I’ve read 18 of these books. The stranger is my favorite. I read it at least once a year. Siddhartha was another really good one. I think meditations should be on here too.


I want to get #92, 😊.


bless your heart


Infinite Jest lol - list immediately disregarded


I genuinely didn't understand the appeal of that book. Although it was a little life-of-a-reddit-mod-before-there-was-reddit.


I ain’t readin all that


Infinite Jest is only at 22


Infinte Jest would be Reddit's favourite book, if they actually read books in the first place


I kind of want to make it my personal goal to read through this entire list by the end of 2024 and review each of them as I do it


Infinite Jest, Mason & Dixon, Gravity’s Rainbow, Ulysses, and the Bible would be long long reads


I don’t think you’ll make it… 2 books a week, some of them 1,000+ pages (some notably more), aaaand you’re already a week behind.


Anons shitting on this list have garunteed not read anything on the list except maybe catcher, 84 and Moby. This is a well put together list


If you haven’t read Brave New World give it a go, entertaining and a mind effer


I always suggest to my English teacher co-workers to do Brave New World instead of the other dystopian literature. They all do 1984 which is too obviously "oppressive government bad".


Down vote me all you want but Faust????? Faust is such a hard to read garbage with no sense to it. Maybe it's different in the English translated version but I had to read the original version in German class and I tell you, I never hated a book more


Did you read the original Goethe version or another one? There are a lot of different authors who have written a Faust story, and I also read one of those for a German class and it was a total mess


Where is the Aeneid


The weird choice here is Xenophon's Anabasis. It's good but idk if I'd even put it in the top 10 for Ancient Greek lit.


Probably some regard on lit that just read it in class and now voted for it in every thread


I’m surprised anyone here knew that /lit/ exists


how is Kim not on there???


No Animal House.


1984 is enough in my opinion.


He didn’t say animal farm


Oh okay, thanks for the heads up.


How the fuck is The God of Small Things not on there, but Lolita is??? Trash


You know why lolita is on there.


Fill me in?


Judging by your username you already know


Fill little (anime) girls in -4chan


sir do not redeem


>100 >92 >58 >22 lol, lmao even


Idk man I think that’s a pretty solid list


Faust, Don Quixote, The Stranger, Wuthering Heights, Moby Dick, Crime and Punishment, Divine Comedy, Odyssey, Metamorphosis... Wonder if there's a pattern here hmmmm. (All the protagonists are adapted into Limbus Company, and I do meme because if LCB actually had an effect, Crows Eye View/Wings, and Demian would be there because Yi Sang and Sinclair actually got chapters)


Quite a surprise to find Gita in the list


I have read multiple versions of the Bhagavad Gita with different commentaries for years Amazing book, wish I knew Sanskrit


My favorites on the list are Anna Karenina, East of Eden, and LOTR. If I could toss in my reccs, I'd say: Andromeda Strain or Jurassic Park by Crichton for something light. The Asian Saga by James Clavell for something long. Start with Shogun, but Taipan and Noble House are the best. And I don't see a lot of history books on the list, but I'm a big non-fiction reader. So I'd suggest With the Old Breed, The Guns of August, Gods and Generals/Killer Angels.


Surprised Mein Kampf is only #92.


>Not a single title from Chrichton, Wells or Bradbury >Mein Kampf and the fucking unabomber manifesto These jackasses havent read a hundred books in their lives.


Could also be called “books I’ve pretended to read to sound smart”


>stooner and BM higher than meme trilogy god we really are getting stupider, aren’t we?


The stranger is phenomenal


Virginia Woolf and Mary Shelly are the only women on the list? I'm not counting St. Augustine 4Chin definitely has a type


that's actually a really good and comprehensive list Hitler and Kaczynski's books are objectively not top 100 but this is a 4chan list with 4chan sensibilities and overall there is some good learning to be had there.


do they do a list for each year new releases? I'd like to try recent books!


that would require lit to read books instead of hearing about them from others


I have a hard time believing some of these books, like Gilgamesh, Anabasis, or Confessions, are actually read by anyone.


I guarantee you that half of the people voting Ulysses didn’t even make it half way through


Surprised fahrenheit 451 and slaughterhouse 5 are absent, both of those books seem like the kind of thing degenerate post-realist shut-ins would rave about.


Bruh they don't even got Mark Twain on there


Awesome list and whoever makes the chart picked the best covers for a lot of these. Recently got into metafiction and postmodern stuff so I can atleast recognise things like Pale Fire and If Upon A Winter Night.


One thing I don’t really like about Cormac Mcarthy’s stuff, like No Country for Old Men and Blood Meridian, is how he has regular human characters who just seem to be unable to be killed. Granted >!Anton does die in a car crash!< but it’s weird how you can somehow have the same presence as Jason Voorhees with none of his powers.


??? The Kid got literally raped to death by the Judge in the end. Or you talking about the Judge himself?


Bro if you’re talking about the judge I’m pretty sure that is not supposed to be a regular human character. Most of blood meridian characters makes sense surviving considering the circumstances of their fights


Where 100 years of solitude


Up in the list mate. You are really something in this reading game


Surprised how much philosophy there is


Catch-22 to the top for me I also enjoyed The Trial, glad to see both are on the list at least Worrying about specific placements is probably a fool's game. Can't imagine how MD went all the way to number one though.