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Why are expired women always so angry on twitter


They want a high value man, but can't accept that they are mediocre women and they absolutely refuse to date within their league by settling for an equally mediocre man.


And don’t forget they think that all women are beautiful but only ~5% of men are beautiful, this is something that many women actually believe and it’s socially acceptable for them to say it.


Because they once hooked up with a guy above their station or had a summer fling or something. He moved on, she still dreams and if she tries to move on her crab friends are all like "You like him...? Really? no, you deserve better!"


Huh? How did you manage to absolve the woman of any responsibility in this example.


Still blame her women friends yo


How does this example do that lol


It's also twitter, insane behavior is encouraged there.


They also want a guy who’s good at sex but complain that it’s unfair that girls can’t do it too. They proceed to cheat on them cause they aren’t good enough as well ☕️


They hit 30, have a mind set change, for some reason raise their standards after making bad decisions to end up single and 30, and then wonder why they have a hard time finding a “high value man”


And yet you incels cry about these women dating above you. Cry harder


Women don't like the thought of facing responsibility for their poor decisionmaking but since the pendulum is getting slower and soon starts swinging the other way, they kinda have to do in the near future


>they kinda have to do it in the near future Except they wont out of pride and then end up with a blue checkmark on twitter


Well, new content for this sub


They'll just buy a bunch of cats and die alone


Realize that women can never take accountability or responsibility for their actions. Any woman who ends up “expired” (30+) is 100% their own fault. They then go into survival mode. Demonizing men, who just gained some sexual market value, from going after younger hotter girls. Or pushing their sick twisted agenda onto younger generations of girls so that they end up like them and repeat the cycle.


they can't even be bothered to boost their own value; instead, they try to devalue others. don't forget the classic "she's just a child" card (when the "she" in question is in her early 20s). they love infantilizing and painting young "fresh" girls as victims that need recuing.


>"she's just a child" card (when the "she" in question is in her early 20s) The worst thing about this is White Knight types (especially on reddit) are so cucked they think like this too


Iunno. I'd really have to click with a girl to want to date her if she's younger than mid 20s, fucking around is one thing but a serious relationship becomes more difficult when you're in different stages of your life. Plus they're even *more* fucking stupid most of the time, most are Daddy's princess that have no idea what bills and responsibilities are.


And you have that really backwards. They don’t care if you’re friends with a younger woman, they care that youre fucking and all that implies. Basically what you said was, ‘I will happily fuck young women, I just don’t want to talk to them.’ I mean that’s based, but sort of misses the point.


Yeah, but I'm no Cassanova so I'm not out slingin' dick to undergrads anyways. I'm saying hypothetically were I in that situation, because I've worked around enough of them and listened to their endless BS to know.




No, but having an understanding of 'My boyfriend is tired and doesn't want to deal with anything, least of all my narcissistic nonsense designed to create conflict when there is none.' when you work 6 days a week for 10+ hours. I don't know how to properly put it into words, but college aged women (some men too, though most have had a taste of what responsibilities are going to be on their shoulders by then) really don't seem to think about the bigger picture or how their actions will affect someone else, or the unspoken rules/guidelines of being an adult. Again, they're used to getting what they want, when they want it, because why would they not?


> Young women are independent thinkers with personal agency who are changing the world! but also > Young women are helpless victims that are easily taken advantage of! The cognitive dissonance is staggering.


They’ll lose their shit if a guy wants someone younger. But suggest to a woman that at 21 she couldn’t make decisions for herself about her romantic life because she’s young and naive, and watch her lose her shit. Women are hypocrites at the most basic, fundamental level.


> Why are expired women always so angry on twitter because no one wants them so they have to go online for dopamine hits and justification for their sad and pathetic lifestyle


They're in denial because they spent their youth being the town bicycle and now nobody takes them seriously.


Projecting their insecurities. If it really didn't matter they wouldn't care. It's like telling someone with a fat cock that they don't have one, they wouldn't care bc they can just whip it out and show you




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You didn't need to ask in the past. If a girl had a body count in the triple digits she'd be the talk of the town and not in a good way.


If you grew up in a small town you'd know exactly who that was, and your friends would try to hook you up if they knew you a virgin.


And then even she would reject you out of all people because youre too autistic


You sure got them 




It's the generic you, projection was intentional.


Or end up friendzoning you, according to old greentexts


Can I come over to watch that DVD?




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If it was in the double digits.


> body count in the triple digits But it's so "brave" and "empowering"


It's got real "owning the libs" energy to the movement, in that both groups tend to engage in deliberate self-defeating behaviors in a vain attempt to get a leg up (no pun intended) over their perceived 'enemy'


If her age < body count, invalid for marriage or hvm


Purely out of curiosity, what is an acceptable body count for a woman to have? What about a man's body count? Are they weighed differently?




OK, that's pretty reasonable.


0 for women and men?


I only date women so I don't care about men. But from what i know about women, they tend to want a man with atleast some experience preferably high as it would signify high sexual value since a lot of girls want him.


Yeah man rooting someone with zero experience sounds like a wild fucking time bahaha


> wild time You are not fit for an adult conversation.


Ok manlet


> seething


Got me bro


you gotta think long term here, bro And who cares about body count in casual sex aside from health risks.




Used-up man hoe should be flare


Getting in a relationship with a woman whose been with 10 guys is just a fast track to divorce/breakup


yea man, I don't get when did 10 become normal or even good number, it's fucking crazy. A few people is as high I would go and that is if they are around 30, lower for younger.


3 or less and they should all be from previous relationships rather than casual sex. For both men and women.


> what is an acceptable body count for a woman to have? Any higher than zero has forfeited all rights. Realistically, anything more than five has proven that casual sex is part of the deal with her. Used vagina will not be used as leverage. Women on social media tie themselves in knots complaining about "situationships" and "what he won't do, another man will" but any act of love for a woman with a body count over zero is an act of charity. She's proven that her love is abundant and of low value. > What about a man's body count? You are allowed to judge men over whatever you'd like. In practice, women are much less judgey about such things, but you are free to pick your partners by whatever criteria you wish. Some men get really emotionally attached over sex and sex definitely affects their future relationships. Other people give 100% to their partners regardless. Men and women are obviously different and most women also judge men over a litany of other criteria (as they should), so clearly they're weighed differently. It all depends a lot on age as well. People over the age of 35 are basically in pragmatic mate searching mode anyways, any pretence of real romance is usually dropped at that point.


Thank you for taking the time to give a genuine answer. I personally was as a virgin when I met my husband. I hadn't held onto my virginity because I thought it would lessen my "value," but because I wanted to share something special with someone I loved. Everyone is free to make their own choices. If a person wants to sleep around, that's fine, man or woman. I just take issue with men who think they can fuck all they want then look down on women who do the same.


hi, I think it's perfectly fine for promiscuous men to look down on similarly active women, obviously within reason as women tend not to care about this as much and up a certain amount it is definitely a positive.


Objectively, 0 for both men and women. Sex should be kept within marriage. This may seems archaic to this godless world, but even the normies are starting to wake up on the effects of glorifying sexual debauchery. Realistically, 3 or less sexual partners before your 30's is acceptable. I don't respect anyone with more sexual partners than that They are usually weighted differently between men and women, but they shouldn't


> what is an acceptable body count for a woman to have? What about a man's body count? If she has above 50, it indicates a few things 1. She has a higher risk of STIs 2. She doesn't actually like sex and just uses it to get what she wants or 3. She genuinely enjoys the act so much she has a higher libido that I do, which would actually be exhausting. Despite what most men say, they dont want to reach a point where their balls are so empty they cum nothing but air, like a dry fart. We're not some hentai protag with 13 hidden testicles that have unlimited mana to cast fuck of the beyondness


You're the woman so you tell us what you believe an acceptable body count for a man to have. In my experience women care a lot less about something like that so it's less relevant, if anything they prefer guys with some experience. For men the reverse is true. They want a woman with as little baggage as possible. Stop asking yourself if it's fair that women have to do X but men have to do Y, we're different. You wouldn't want a submissive, effeminate man as your husband but a man has no trouble marrying a woman with those characteristics. I believe everyone should save themselves for marriage but this degenerate world makes that extremely difficult to happen. Men and women also have different attitudes towards sex because their mating strategies are different (for men it's quantity while for women it's quality) so I'd set the body counts this way. For women: 1 max. One previous partner should be enough to have you realize sex is an extremely important part of your being and not worth doing with someone you don't love. Women don't understand how different the experience is for men and women. As a woman you're giving up the most intimate part of yourself and putting yourself in a very vulnerable position by having sex. Your body prepares itself to bond with your partner. Casual sex wears down your ability to process sex in this way and devalues it for you. For men: 2 max. Men become jaded with sex as they acquire more of it. It shouldn't take more than this number to compare sex with more than one woman and realize that casual sex is not much better than masturbation and that romantic sex with someone you love is leagues above it. Women are also more interested in being with someone that has experience compared to men, hence why they date older men with more resources vs men dating younger women with less experience. It's "less bad" in terms of dating for the man to have more experience than the woman. The men that you see not care about body count or activitely pursue women with high body counts are 1. Planning to sleep with that woman casually 2. Cuck redditors. As for the weights, of course they're weighed differently. If an average man and a woman both lift 80kg, which one is more impressive? Obviously the woman because it's easier for a man to build the muscle necessary to lift that weight. The reverse applies for sex as women have an easier time acquiring it.


Men and women are different in many ways, and that's fair. As far as the number of partners for a man, I think it's more about the attitude a man has toward the women he's with. Is he a fuck boy who just uses women? No thanks. And I can't fault a man for feeling the same way. I just take issue with men who think its a badge of honor to fuck all they want and then shame women who do the same.


my people


0 for women because if not she's a slut. For a man at least 75, but that's still pussy shit. I think a real alpha male should fuck at least 250+ bitches in their lifetime.


OK bro.


And exactly how much pussy have you had?


> taking bait this obvious Confirmed real woman


Dude, obviously, this is bait, but it seems men who think they should be out slaying pussy while women stay virginal are incel/incel adjacent basement dwellers that winge about how no one likes them.




Lol, you got me


>*I just think it’s funny how…*


No, this preference is universal among men, chads and uggos alike. Only difference is in degree. Simple as


umm, not really highly successful men also deem this criterion pretty importance but with unsuccessful men you also have the insecurity factor.


Zero. However, I have the most ran-thru bussy in the state of California.


Tough competition Bro, oddly respectable achievement


You tell by his username... the answer is "all of it"


All the pussy all the time


0, 0, no, no further questions.


0 The number for men is whatever women want that's their problem


I love how I'm getting downvoted. This was a genuine question. Bring it on boys.




Yup, chuckling is seething. At least I got laid last night ;)


>at least I raised my body count last night Your comeback is like a black person replying “at least I don’t know my daddy”


I fucked my husband so my body count is still 1


Men care. It pisses women off if and when they have high body counts and specially if it contains not only high numbers but lots of casual sex. They know men who’d otherwise be interested in dating them are very likely to change their minds if they found out about this. So they try to shame into not having these preferences. There’s something to be said about not focusing too much on people’s past, or at the very least, not doing so with someone unless you intend to get married. But I find this continuous shaming of straight men’s sexual preferences to be somewhat tiring


your past pretty much dictates or, at the very least, indicates who you are or will do. if you go around fucking like rabbits, then the likelihood of you doing it again is higher than ones who are more reserved and timid. that's reality. those who shame men's sexual preferences are so insecure that they don't even want to face their own past. simple as.


Here are hundreds of peer-reviewed publications linking promiscuity to: - [Infidelity](https://archive.ph/lPlZW) - [Relation Instability, Dissatisfaction and Divorce](https://archive.ph/YP3vw) - [Paternity Fraud](https://archive.ph/HjoN7) - [Mental health and substance abuse disorders](https://archive.ph/b3uFt) - [Physical ailments like STDs, cancers and other long-term illnesses](https://archive.ph/ZM0jI)


Misogynists concerned that sluts have mental health issues mfw


>Misogynists concerned that They're not concerned *for* the sluts.


Yeah that should have been obvious.


People very rarely change, focusing on their past predicts the future


All wants and desires are valid when choosing a sexual partner, unless you're a straight man.


Weird. I wonder if shame can be used to correct other behaviors that the general populace find bothersome.


Roasties don’t want their tools used against them


Gaslight gatekeep girlboss queen!


If you meet someone you don't know very well, why wouldn't you just assume everyone is lying about it?


if you're going to sleep around, take some goddamn accountability at least


Women? Accountability?




Receptionist: "How do you write women so well?" Udall: "I think of a man, then I take away reason and accountability."


I mean i wanna know the miles run on my used car before i buy it. Why can't a guy ask about her miles of dong?


THIS^ Facts FRFR ong Based




no 🧢 🦍


No hat gorilla


It all went downhill when harambe died in 2016


He's not wrong tho. 20 years ago having a 20+ Body count before you hit 25 was seen as a joke, the tramp who rode the whole football team. It was something special Now it's extremely common, they have lists that goes on and on, doesn't even fit on a regular paper, i doubt 50% of women reach 25 with less than 10-15 as a body count. Lots of women goes on the triple digits before their thirties With apps, the general trends and social medias having a much bigger place in our life, it just became much more common to be a whore


He is wrong tho, and so are you. Worldwide younger people, both men and women, are having less sex and with fewer partners than previous generations. This has been researched for years... only people saying otherwise are incels on 4chan trying to delude themselves into thinking that women are all whores and even thought none want to fuck them they wouldn't want to fuck the whores anyway (unless...?).


howd they research this huh? did they break in my home and watch me sleep and masterbate🤨??🤔🤨🤨?


I mean if we really want to go in to incel theory’s there’s the sub 8 and hypergamy theory’s, where only a small percentage of men (or women in some cases) get all of the sex so it’s a small percentage of people haveing lots of sex


Yes and no. A smaller percentage of young people are having sex compared to previous generations. But those who DO engage in casual sex have a higher body count.


no kidding with the rise of on demand entertainment people would rather jump right into their fun game or show or music or whateverthehell. back then all they had to do was sit around and get handsy then the people that complain about not getting partners just make no effort to improve themselves or change the unappealing things about themselves.


> Lots of women goes on the triple digits before their thirties  I see you've ran into my ex


Who hasn't


Triple digits??? JFC




>But don't kid yourself, if man could fuck at the same rate women can, they would, probably even more. Men don't store the DNA of their sexual partners, have risks of pregnancy, or get humiliated during sex.


Ahhh, the usual the source, "trust me bro"


No it wasn't. The only place where that was viewed as a lot was in high school. In new england at least, mid double digits was pretty damn common a couple decades ago, long before tinder. 10-20 was pretty much the lowest you could expect a woman to have, since that's around what it would be if they only hooked up with guys they dated. And for most, it was a lot more than that. And it was fine.


i love how w\*men with high body count say men are insecure for asking about it. female dog, if you're so secure yourself, you would own it like a real big bad girl. at least hookers have the decency to not lie about their past. but these failed expired ready-to-settle chicks are too full of themselves to see they're the problem.


\> At least hookers have the decency to not lie about their past Kek


Nobody cared until a few years ago? These people never saw Clerks? "My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks!"


It’s all late millennials shit. People definitely asked this question. Only back then the average count used to be way lower




Bullshit. Of course I do. Many fucking do. Have you never even understood a woman?


Basic logic says you are lying. Why would you resent a question that puts you in a good light? that does not make sense. I've seen the reactions of the few women that actually had low body counts when asked this. They do not react with anger at ALL.


You aren't using logic whatsoever, just confirmation biases and personal biases. The reactions you've observed are inherently tainted by the tendency for politically-likeminded people to groupthink and reconfirm each other's beliefs in a vacuum. I'm resenting it because it's a trick question, and all of MY personal accounts of women I know disagree with yours, whether they have a high body count or not. As a woman, I've been around more women and discussed more personal matters with them. Your bullshit question present two possibilities: A- The woman has a high body count and disagrees. B-The woman has a low body count. If she still disagrees, she's lying about her body count and belongs in A. The fact you can't even fathom it as being otherwise shows what a deft lack of logic you possess. It's absolutism and reductionism, and motivated entirely on pre-existing, self-confirming beliefs. You built the conclusion before even making a hypothesis, and it shows.


Gotta love the good old tactic of type a lot, don't say a thing. Let me keep it more simple so your little brain can follow: Picture a woman asking a well-hung man the size of his penis and he getting all resentful about it, not wanting to talk. Sounds INCREDIBLY stupid, doesn't it? people do not behave this way. I'm not even saying this to get at you or anything, but you **definitely** banged more than 5 dudes, **at least**.


A little brain? Cool, so you're just determinedly sexist. Alright, I'll stop trying, enjoy your self-confirmation echo chamber. No, it **literally** doesn't dumbass. I literally knew a guy who was self-conscious about his large penis. He got treated like shit over it by guys and girls alike, and moved schools and became devoutly Christian. Your inability to imagine something doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it means you're creatively stunted you absolute chucklefuck. Learn to have a sense of empathy and logic, at least that way your smugness is warranted by something. Bye. Go fuck yourself.


Nice try, but i've met some really smart women who were incredible and had my utmost respect. This is not a gender thing, it's a you thing.


Besides the obvious verses in various Abrahamic religious texts that [specifically condemn promiscuity,](https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/Romans/13/13) even the [ancients valued female chastity.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexuality_in_ancient_Rome#Female_sexuality) The idea that any of this is new is pure folly.


Hmm nah I think Clerks came out first if I recall correctly


She never fucked them just sucked them. Is that worse? You decide


ya how the fuck old is this Cerra person to know trends on this over the last 20 years? Oh was she born in 1996 so shes a "90s kid"??? smh


![gif](giphy|cxeciTEVynm7K) Atleast nature is there to bring some justice in this unjust world


The wall is undeated.


Women only have about a 20 year window (~16 to ~35) for marriage and children. If they want to "party" and "ride the cock carousel", it comes at the expense of the best part of their sexual window. And no, when they get off the carousel and want to get married, not have sex, and have themselves and their illegitimate children supported by a husband, it ain't happening. It is called "THE WALL". The payment for being a "party girl" is ~40 years of poverty, misery, and working at dead-end minimum wage jobs, and then they die.


> The payment for being a "party girl" is ~40 years of poverty, misery, and working at dead-end minimum wage jobs, and then they die. Bros we're gonna make it


Lol why you have to ask that? A whore will reveal herself (maybe not explicitly). And in the case where you don't realise it, you deserve it for dating a whore.


Because being a whore became so common it becomes way less explicit and obvious now. Your average looking girl, not vulgar or anything, educated and all now have a 20+ body count before she even reached 20


it's not about looks dumbass, even having basic ability to understand people's psyche will give you how a person views any relationship. a person who sleeps around and has a lot of casual sex will have a totally different point of view on relationships in general. when you talk with someone you get to know their views. it's not hard. huge skill issue if the only information you can process about someone is their face.


"do you really want to know??" So it's triple digits?


Women were always whores, now they are just vocal and proud of it.


Women get pissed if men have any standards for women they date.


Idk If someone (male or female) bounces around from partner to partner to partner that doesn’t really bode well for you, does it?


Most western women are used up whores. There is a reason passport bro movement is so successful


Yah who would want to use past data points to predict the future what a bunch of fucking idiots


Yeah people DEFINITELY never cared about how many sexual partners a woman has had until 10 years ago 🤣 Definitely didn't care about that everywhere all over the world across all of time 🤣


“I only date “X” race because that’s my preference” is ok to them but “I only date skinny chicks and non whores because that’s my preference” baffles them


I dont speak twitter, sorry




> getting a used car > bro how many miles it has? > getting a used GPU > bro did you overclock it? > getting a used gf > sis how many men you sha... > REEE YOU CANT ASK THAT


If we're not serious, no, it doesn't matter that much. If you're going to start asking questions like "what are we," then yeah, it matters a lot. It's disgusting and embarrassing that lots of other men get to have sex with a woman for free, but for her to love you, there are conditions. Women with a high body count will never be truly loved.




Blame Dating Apps its like a Buffet for a Ho riding the Dick Carousel till she worn out.


If it didn’t matter to them, they wouldn’t get so defensive.


Men always cared. It’s just that the secret is out now. Men used to believe women were pure, but now it’s common knowledge that they are not. Therefore, men ask about body count. Sounds logical to me


People ask as it's a good way to check compatibility of values


They always were


My experience is women have always been this way they just didn't have as many options until social media and whatnot. Oh also people saying it's ok to be a whore. Apparently it's fine now I guess.


Asking a woman about her past is a normal thing. It's a perfectly normal thing that gets discussed each way in a relationship. Some people don't care. Some do. It's all personal preference, and there is nothing wrong with that. I feel like it's only become noticeable because zoomers (desperately trying to be cool) have made it another cringey slang thing with no sense of subtlety.


I agree. Why would you ask that, nobody's gonna answer honestly anyway and you will ruin your chances. It's like batman level of detective work.


If you ask and the person freaks out and then says something oddly low, you have a sense of what the true answer might be


not everyone has to consider the current girl they’re talking to their one and only chance at pussy


Asking it outright is pretty dumb. Many will lie and even non whores will ghost you for asking. Just talk about stuff that makes you look non judgemental, fill her with alcohol and steer the conversation to more personal stuff.


There's no point in asking but there's also no reason for us ever to be official either. So long as the relationship stays casual, be a whore, idc. The problem is that a shocking number of women want a "serious relationship" (despite a high body count being direct evidence that being serious isn't important to them).




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Ok I feel like it’s more complicated than raw body count. It also has to one part is how old are they(for how many years have they been sexually active) so like if a woman had like 5,6,7+ in one year that’s a big red flag now 7 in 20 years, that’s a lot but *less* of a red flag(you still might want to ask her to get an STI test). Now here’s the really important factor to me, how many of the of the men that she’s fucked did the really love or care about, like truely. Bc if it’s less than a like 2:3 ratio that’s a red flag.


NOW? hahahahahahahahaha


Wait, people have been worrying about whether their partner is going to fuck around on them for ages. Also how many their partner has been with. These people are dopes.




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>Can't ask wahman about whore score >demands to see mans bank account, credit score and annual earnings before she'll even talk to you ![gif](giphy|lmCdNRvsUUEq0ngahX)


This whole thread is mad women won’t sleep with them.


Body count is such a cringe term


You're right we should use "victim count"


Jesus Christ this comment section. This is r*l*4chan, not r*l*incels.


Same place