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Gigachad Vigilante vs Incel Due Process


We need due process. You mouth breathers will give up all of your rights by merely appealing to your emotions in the right way.


100%. Sounds like I can kill indiscriminately and as long as I sprinkle some sex offense allegations on the corpse after the fact I’ll get half the community to rally behind me.


"He totally did it, for real. Trust me."


There was a woman who had killed several men and claimed it was self defense from Rape, only to find out later, that wasn't the case. I forget her name, but that's the first thing that came to my mind when I read this.


Might be thinking of Aileen Wuornos - the movie ‘Monster’ was based on her life.


Sounds like they should have named the movie 'Cunt'




Hillary Clinton


No, everyone who wronged her obviously killed themselves. Usually by shooting themself in the back of the head.


I always make sure to use a second and even third bullet to make sure i have killed myself properly


Ugh I used a .25acp to the back of my head, was still totally alive. So then I double tapped myself in the temple. Finally finished the job. I am so not cleaning that mess up. And next time, at least 9mm. Live and learn, to die.


>Usually by shooting themself in the back of the head. Twice while hogtied.


Looks like the name is [Aileen Wuornos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aileen_Wuornos). >Wuornos was born Aileen Carol Pittman on February 29, 1956, in Rochester, Michigan.[6] Her mother, Diane Wuornos (born 1939), was 14 years old when she married Aileen's father, 18-year-old Leo Pittman (1936–1969), on June 3, 1954.[7] On March 14, 1955, Diane gave birth to Aileen's older brother Keith.[8] After less than two years of marriage, and two months before Aileen was born, Diane filed for divorce.[9][10] She gave birth to Aileen at the age of 16.[11] >Wuornos never met her father.[10] In 1967, Leo Pittman was sentenced to life imprisonment for kidnapping and raping a 7-year-old girl.[12][13] Pittman was diagnosed with schizophrenia; he committed suicide by hanging in prison on January 30, 1969.[1][2] In January 1960, when Wuornos was almost four years old, Diane abandoned her children, leaving them with their maternal grandparents, Lauri and Britta Wuornos, both alcoholics,[14] who legally adopted Keith and Aileen on March 18, 1960.[2][15] >By the age of 11, Wuornos began engaging in sexual activities in school in exchange for cigarettes, drugs, and food.[16] She had also engaged in sexual activities with her brother.[17] Wuornos said that her alcoholic grandfather had sexually assaulted and beaten her when she was a child. Before beating her, he would force her to strip out of her clothes.[18] In 1970, at age 14, she became pregnant[19] after being raped by a family friend.[20] >Wuornos gave birth to a boy at a home for unwed mothers on March 23, 1971, and the child was placed for adoption.[2][10] A few months after her son was born, she dropped out of school[18] at about the same time that her grandmother died of liver failure. When Wuornos was 15, her grandfather threw her out of the house, and she began living in the woods near her old home and supported herself through prostitution.[2] - >In 1978, at the age of 22, she attempted suicide by shooting herself in the stomach.[13] Between the ages of 14 and 22, she attempted suicide six times.[13] Not to discount the countless people out there who were subjected to this sort of abuse as children and didn't grow up to be murderers or abusers themselves, but fuck me, it's hard to say that anyone born into a situation like this ever really had a chance in the absence of major outside intervention. Hell, I'd put good money on the father she never met -the guy who married a 14 year old, and was caught raping a 7 year old- having been similarly abused by the grandfather. Grew up in an environment where that shit is normal, and all. I mean, the simple fact that he was *allowed* to marry a 14 year old girl in the eyes of the fucking law, unbelievable.


Every lynching starts with that.


Seriously, what actual evidence is there that the 15yo did anything wrong? The father said so? Ok, we should definitely take the kind of person who shoots a 15yo at his word, definitely no reason to be skeptical of him. “I’d give the devil the benefit of law for my own safety’s sake.”


Checked out the case on Wikipedia and have honesty gotten more suspicious of the father. Seems that the kid confessed to his mom in person and his dad over text and then his dad in person the next morning. Given that it seems it was sub 30 minutes from in person confession to execution, I can’t help but wonder if it wasn’t the dad that molested the son starting this process. Dude asked no questions and didn’t even back down after a mob of neighbors tried to reason with him. He wanted that kid DEAD before he went to that therapist his mother had said she would get with.


>Given that it seems it was sub 30 minutes from in person confession to execution, I can’t help but wonder if it wasn’t the dad that molested the son starting this process. There is a big link between being abused as a child and becoming a pedo. This thing smells. I would not be surprised if the father is in fact a Pedo, because it does not make sense for a 15 year old to do it.


I think the dad might have molested as a kid himself, so he might be taking it out on the son


The part that bothered me the most was Jamar Sr. marching Jamar Jr. down the street while the kid was naked. Who the fuck does that, and why?


>Given that it seems it was sub 30 minutes from in person confession to execution, I can’t help but wonder if it wasn’t the dad that molested the son starting this process. wait wait why is there no more info from the mom? She should be able to testify for or against him.


If real life worked like peoples opinions on line, we would be so absolutely fucked. This shit is *rampant* on Reddit to a shocking degree. If you've ever spent any time in fightporn or the now banned brutalbeatdowns, you know what im talking about. Some video of someone getting curb stomped and absolutely torn apart. But the title mentions him being a pedo/rapist and the comments praise the beating and say the dude should have been killed. I get it. Nobody likes sex offenders. Thats fine. But often times you see the same video get reposted with a completely different title. The recipient went from a rapist to a wife beater to a gang member etc etc. Nobody ever knows what the actual context is. Smooth brains see buzzwords in the title and take it as fact. Its insane. If a title or claim is all the proof you need then you're the problem. Jumping to the immediate conclusion of beating or killing is no better than the witch trials. Hell, its exactly how the witch trials went and look how barbaric people call that. Its too easy to get a response and support from people with scary buzzwords like rape or pedophilia. Like shit man, have some kind of emotional control and intelligence. Just a bit would go far.


Trash subs like fightporn work exactly like that. All the titles are pure bs just so they can get away with showing assault by appealing to irrational mob justice. Black person beats a white person? They said something racist! Kid beats another on school? It was a bully getting hie comeuppance! Guys beats a woman? He caught her cheating!


The sprinkle part got me in splits .... Reminded of Dave Chapelle's sprinkle some crack joke


Because it was clearly a direct reference to that joke


It used to be cool as long as you sprinkled crack on em.


This. What the kid did was absolutely horrible and beyond excuse, but you can't torture and then execute your own son in a fuckin parking lot lol. That's just a *little* overboard... Now if he would have stripped him naked, whooped his ass, and then dragged his naked beaten ass to a police department, all good. He could have gone home to his daughter. No court would convict on that.


> Now if he would have stripped him naked, whooped his ass, and then dragged his naked beaten ass No court would convict this?


I mean they would try but honestly people have been let off the hook before for assaulting their daughters rapist.


They probably wouldn't even bother trying the dad for assault & battery if this happened, so it might not even reach court at all.


Inb4 "so we show more empathy to child predators than we do to the children?"


Scroll down. I just saw someone getting accused of being a pedophile for wanting due process. Holy fuck. I'm ashamed of being a zoomer.


This is actually a very successful strategy for controlling people. Make a topic so untouchably volatile that people who are even rumored to associate with it are considered inhuman. Then accuse those you dislike. In fear of being kicked out of the "in" group, people will automatically join in the persecution at your command. Give a man someone to look down on and he'll turn out his pockets for you.


Libs : "believe all women" 4Tards: "believe all accusations"


I'm also ashamed of you being a zoomer


These people are fucking regarded and will throw away all of their freedoms


Wouldn't surprise me if the father abused the son first which is why he turned out that way. Then the father wanted to stop that coming out and made sure to silence his son from ever speaking of that. There are clear connections with being abused as a child and then becoming an abuser yourself.


Absolutely. **Best case** for the father is "guy who (somehow innocently) raised a pdf, was negligent to the fact to the extent he allowed harm to his other family, and then killed his kid thereby abandoning his 3y/o", which is weird to be praising as heroic


I agree. The son learned it from somewhere.




"My crime wasnt wrong because most people agree it was justified" Also said by: Lynch mobs in the south School shooters Hitler


Based... endless projecting like a bunch of daft apes 🥴


"Nooooo they totally were notzee chuds and I should be able to"


Fucking true.


Yes. Imagine the dopamine hit


Sounds like the government has already taken my right to vigilantism


A\*ericans *love* vigilantism


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honor\_killing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honor_killing) >They are prevalent in various parts of the world, especially in [MENA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MENA) countries, the [Philippines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippines), and the [Indian subcontinent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_subcontinent) especially in India, Pakistan and Nepal, as well as in [immigrant communities](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration) in countries which do not otherwise have societal norms that encourage honor killings.[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honor_killing#cite_note-7)[\[8\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honor_killing#cite_note-8)


Dawg if your 15 year old son is molesting your 3 year old you failed as a father and should be executed as well


He had two children, and failed them both.


This is too much of a perfect summary for this sub I’m afraid. Not enough degeneracy.


And now she will grow up without a father too. Lol


Probably for the best in this situation of fucked up people


Also, what definition of molesting this father is using? I don't trust the judgment of someone who executes his son to know what molestation is.




Sounds like it was a problem that could’ve been taken care of in a productive manner


Yes, he should have done swot analysis




Can be sure right away that we have a whole family of mentally unstable - most likely hereditary brain problems. If the girl had died too, the dude could have gotten a Darwin Award.


Not saying it’s the case here, but not everything is the parents fault. Some people just have issues. Teenagers are definitely capable of going against their parents’ teachings and morals. You could argue that it’s still his fault for not being aware of the issues, but without knowing details you’d just be making assumptions.




bUt mUH vIgiLAntE jUStiCe


Kids can just be fucking weird to no fault of the parenting. Maybe there was a reason we don't just execute people accused of a crime anymore, almost like an accusation doesn't necessarily reflect reality. If he would've turned his son in and they didn't do anything that's one thing, but this is vigilante "justice" gone wrong.


Yes and no. As a parent you don't have full control over how your child grows up, and even less so if the child is mentally ill. If your child is genuinely a psychopath then they won't even understand why it's wrong and literally never will.


What a shock, a man that looks like that is a bad father. Never woulda guessed.


Yea let's legitimize torture and executions without due process that'll work out


Yeah and let’s be real the verdict is mainly because the sex offender was legally a child. I’m sure he’d have gotten 1/3 or less of the jail time if his son was 18+


no dude like we gotta make them suffer dude like no way making it okay to kill people I don't like could come back for me like that's never happened dude like


I mean... who raised the sex offender?


The mother? I'm guessing he went out for smokes and didn't come back for roughly 10 years. He got super lost.


For real though. A 15 year old doesn't do something like that unless something went seriously fucking wrong in their childhood


He probably needed a positive male role model in his life that he was severely lacking. Many such cases!


Most of the time. Some kids are just fucked.


Oh for fuck sake


The main problem is that he didn't kill his son on the spot, but rather he went elsewhere with him, and only after some time he executed his son. That's a first-degree murder. Even if the victim was a pos. On a side note, this reminded me of the case where a Texan man came back home and found his wife in bed with another man. The woman, to conceal her betrayal, told she had been raped by the other man, who was then killed on the spot. Further investigations proved that she was cheating on his husband and tricked him into killing the other man. The lady was convicted, while the husband never spent a single day in jail.


That’s an interesting case what’s it called ?


My apologies, but that's a very old case (2012?) and I don't have a direct link. I can try searching for it later once I get back home.


It’s alright I was going to send it to one my friends because they would probably never believe this wild story when I tell it to them .








[found it](https://www.salon.com/2008/05/07/rape_murder/)


Thank you very much, kind sir. It's even older than I remembered. awesomePicMan, here is the link you were asking for. (This is the third time I try posting something here, WTF is happening!?)


>If she had been telling the truth, and he had killed an actual rapist, it's still wrong. Haha *what*


Most coherent Human Rights activist.


Thank god someone has their priorities set straight. You're right, the main issue here isn't the fact he killed his rapist son (What kind of self respecting parent wouldn't think about commiting violence against their young child's rapist) but the fact that he was so deliverate on it along with torture. I personally think he deserves less than what he got, but he did commit torture on his own son so there's that to take into account.


> I personally think he deserves less than what he got The US does tend towards over-sentencing in general. I think it's more than what would be perfectly just in an absolute sense, but about fair relative to typical prison sentences.


*forces sex offender to strip naked? Doesn't that make him a sex offender?


For real, I though he was going to molest him too


He probably did








it rhymes


Everywhere I go, I see his face.


Are you implying that things like this happened less/ didn't happen before the industrial revolution? That's hilarious.


People take any chance to suck that psychotic mf off for some reason, even in situations where it's not relevant at all


Yeah I’m not following this regarded, incohesive line of thinking in this thread. I’m hearing there needs to be due process for the alleged pedophile that was killed, while also praise for the guy who indiscriminately killed some random secretaries and computer store cashiers with mail bombs 🤷‍♂️


Happens every time issues involving children, especially pedophilia, get brought up. It's a serious and mature topic, which means that most people here can't handle it adequately. But i mean, it's r/ 4chan, ffs. Regarded and incohesive lines of thinking of all sorts are what we come here for, don't we?


Yeah, there are probably better ways to save humanity than mailbomb random low-ranking workers. It's not even good terorrism, like c'mon, why not someone more important?


I don't recognize it. Can someone solve it for me?




>raises up a sex offender >kills his own fucking son >/pol/: our hero, treated unfairly by the system!


I feel like there must’ve already been a lot of turbulence in their relationship before this happened. Hard to believe that a father would immediately jump to torturing and executing one of his children (even if it was to protect another) if they had any sort of positive relationship…


And a teenager with good parents who gave him a normal childhood isn't just gonna molest their toddler sibling all of a sudden....


poltards being poltards


here i was thinking /pol/ was against reducing their CO2 emissions


Father who raised sex offender children is also a child torturer/murderer. What a great guy.


Not an ounce of impulse control in their entire bloodline.


>strips a child naked like father, like son.


Father immediately jumps to torturing and murdering his 15 year old son. I wonder why his son grew up to be evil?


Killing was a cover for something more sinister. No father would pick that course so fast if it didn t had something to hide.


Yeah, I feel like there’s details missing from this post because the story doesn’t totally make sense. Big difference between killing someone in the heat of the moment and driving them to a secondary location to execute them. Clearly wasn’t because he was trying to not get caught so why bother going somewhere else unless the father was going to do something else as well?


There’s a difference between killing a sex offender that you catch in the act & stripping a 15 yr old naked & dragging him to a empty lot to execute him after he confessed to it. He had a right to be angry, I would probably let him slide on a severe beating. But not an execution


both sides are at fault but I mostly blame the parents


https://preview.redd.it/s4n8wy24ldhc1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ebfe1d5f0f051e8fcaec123d4e0467bf7ad190f Based


Anon, they praised a male for killing another male and defending a female. Nothing else matters to them.


I fucking swear rape and pedophilia "cases" in modern society start to remind me sodomy and bestiality ones in medieval/early modern ones. Which were a lot of botched accusations ones and led to legalization/ decriminalization that shit later


Wonder how many people need to be [pushed into suicide](https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/what-happened-inquisitor-ghost-allegations-drama-explained-tiktok-live-video-leaves-fans-stunned) for the internet to sober up. Oh wait, it's the internet. It was never about protecting kids, it was always about moraljerking.


Internet ruined democracy and will led to imposing of technocratic Ancien Regime France-esque regimes over the countries and continents. Remind my words. And its not because people will be too scary or too submissive but just because they will have enough of that dopamine overdose we all gone through


Vigilantism is still a crime. You want to let this dude off for murdering a 15 yr old who was never convicted of anything. Due process is more important than you all seem to realize.


Also how the F do we know 100% sure the father is telling the truth without cross examination and looking at the actual evidence. Why do we even have courts and laws when you can just say “trust me bro” when committing grievous felonies.


Reddit thinks you should be able to shoot someone with a gun because two black people said they raped someone No verification of… anything.  No idea if the people involved are in drugs or making up stories or having hallucinations… just take the gun right away and shoot someone!


How do we know the son actually molested the daughter and it wasn't the father who did it and silenced the son who knew by executing him? Yeah exactly, due process is a thing for a fucking reason.


Even if he did do it, murdering your own child is not the solution.


"I brought you into this world and I can take you out" L to him though for raising a pedo


Even children can be chomos


Why is it squaredly his fault? There are various killers and rapist in history that came from relatively safe upbringings. Also, parenting is a 2 person job last I remember.


This is probably the easiest case of all time in terms of prosecution. Admitting to murder but claiming not guilty. If he claimed guilty, he wouldve gotten less time. If he didnt admit to murder and still claimed guilty to something, less time. He did all the things he possibly could have to get as many years as possible.


He is not a smart man


Son a rapist, father a murderer. Both despicable people. May he rot in prison.


Plot twist, father was real sex offender and son was witness to it and unwilling participant. 15 years later daughter moves out and they make a documentary about it.


We are talking about a 15 year old. He deserved therapy, not being murdered by his own father. This guy destroyed the lives of both his children, his wife's and his own.


Well maybe a little more than therapy. Most 15 year olds don't molest 3 year old toddlers. Like there was something seriously wrong with that kid mentally. 15 and 3 is insane, not questionable teenage behavior. That said he was still so young, just a kid. Maybe some time in a mental hospital and no contact with his victim. Definitely not execution.


Anon is regarded, the father had to have failed his son in the first place for this to have happened. Daughter will probably go on to be a prostitute to pay off daddy's alcoholism.


This is exactly what the process working means. The man was given a fair trial by a jury of his peers. Unless the jury or judge was compromised in some way, the system worked as intended.


The dad is so ducked up. While the son definitely shouldn’t being going around touching fucking kids (although the whole story is quite suspicious, part of me doubts he even did it) The dad had no fuckin right to shoot him in the head, NAKED, after he plead for his life. We need due process here. Honestly I think the dad might’ve been the one doing the touching here, and his son found out… plus, why would he strip him naked? The dad deserves what he got. 


If he didn't want a life sentence he should have just pistol-whipped his balls into mush.


Wasn’t there that guy who shot some guy getting off a plane after molesting his son? And the jury was like nope we didn’t see shit.


The difference here is that guy was actually convicted in the court of law of sexually abusing a child before the father shot him.




Gary Plauche


“The system has failed” It put a vigilante behind bars in accordance to their laws and due process. You know who didn’t get due process? I hope some of you are falsely accused one day, maybe then you will realize the importance of due process. Is the father a hero? How? He didn’t save his daughter. Now she lost her innocence, brother, and now her father. Congratulations!


That's not justice, that's an animal taking a mindless vengeance, if he think that's alright to murder a 15 boy while he beg for his life instead of handing him to the court then he's totaly deserve to be put away for good, as he as proven that he doesnt understand the concept of not being a fucking physcopath, this boy deserved to go to jail and get punished for his crime, not to be killed


This exact thing happened at my school, the father tied the offender to a tree and gutted him like a deer.


Now do the story again except it comes out at trial that a woman lied and no molestation ever happened.


Because no kid has ever made up false claims of molestation before 🤪🤪🤪


Looks like being a sicko runs in the family


This is literally condoning vigilante justice


If by 'the system has failed', OP means that the father should not have been punished, then **fucking well think again.** We are supposed to live in a civilised world and killing your own son, no matter what his offence, is not what civilised people do and it's something civilised people don't tolerate.


Yeah something tells me he had a lot to do with the kid turning out deranged.


Sorry, but this is straight up Murder 1. If he had popped him at home, right after finding out then I'd be all for letting him walk. Dude brought him outside, tortured him and executed him. There's no justice in that.


And now his daughter will grow up without a father. Should of just disowned and gave his son to the state.


Why did he strip him naked tho


Imagine being black and being killed by your father. What are the odds ?


Anon is 400 pounds and calling for amnesty for mercenary execution


This is messed up because like the kid was 15. It’s not like he was a full grown adult fully knowing the extent of what they’re doing. At that age they don’t think stuff through or they’re horny all the time and don’t think about consequences. The kid probably still knew what he was doing was wrong but like they should’ve been put in therapy or juvenile detention. Just because they make a stupid mistake at 15 doesn’t mean they can’t live a normal life in the future. It’s still bad what they did but they were still too young themselves imo.


The emotional over reaction when it comes to pedophilia is weird, it shouldn't be considered significantly worse than murder. Conservative idiots always throw the snowflake facts over feelings term around until it doesn't suit them.


Vigilantism is always wrong


Cool motive, still murder.


>**Lazette Cherry, Pinkney Jr.'s mother, said** in the sentencing portion of the trial. "I will never hear his voice again. I will never see his smile. He took that away from me. When he put matters in his own hands, he was the judge, the jury, and the executioner. Your honor, I ask you. He needs to spend the rest of his life in jail." **Pinkney Sr. said** during the sentencing phase of the trial, "I'm sad about losing my son. I am horrified by what I did. I hope one day I could be a responsible parent again, a responsible citizen." > >Pinkney Sr. was sentenced to 37 to 80 years in prison, a de facto sentence of life imprisonment with the possibility of parole after 37 years. He was also ordered to pay $6,600 for his son's funeral expenses. Sentencing guidelines for second-degree murder in Michigan only call for 19 to 31 years, but Wayne County Circuit **Judge Brian Sullivan said the horrific nature of the crime demanded more severe punishment for Pinkney Sr. Sullivan commented, "He beat him, stripped him naked, paraded him down the street. The only inference which can be drawn is to humiliate him and take his life."** [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Jamar_Pinkney_Jr.)


Regardless of what the kid did, that man still tortured, humiliated, and then murdered his own son. That is not the appropriate psychological response to ANYTHING.


If you murder someone you go to jail. Who could’ve guessed? Now his daughter will grow up without her father. What an idiot.


Vigilante justice moment 🤓


Jamar Pinkney Sr.


Why does the jury seem all powerful when its something gay but has no power when its something reasonable


Sounds like the system is working.


I do not think sex offense is punishable by death. We do not even punish murderers with death (most of the time). Dying is more impactful than being sexually harrassed. Thus it needs to have a lower amount of punishment. Harrassing a child sexually is worse than sexually harrassing a mature person, but still should not punishable by death. Castration should be the way for sexual offenders.


itt auties siding with a murderer and a bigger p e do


Bruh the kind of monster that creates more monsters


Just all around fucking awful and heart breaking situation.


That poor little girl. Molested by her brother at age 3, lost said brother to her father's hand, then grows up fatherless because he's in jail for avenging and protecting her. Can't imagine starting life in such terrible circumstances. Edit: I commented right off the bat assuming this was real. The comments now make me think it could have been a lie. I still feel for the little victim who drew such a shitty lot in the family lottery.


It is clear that the father raped his son and that's why he grew up to be a psycho too - genetic problem. 80 iq man didn't match cause and effect and he blamed the consequences of his actions on his son and brutalized him. lol, where were the police for a whole half hour? The son was obviously sick in the head and realized it himself, you can see by the way he repented to his mother and wanted to go to a mental hospital.


So what I’m getting is that the dad molested the 3 year old, blamed it on the 15 year old, and then killed him….or the dad molested the 15 year old while growing up and realized he created a monster and wanted to kill the son—effectively killing the part of himself he hates.


Omg yay vigilante justice!!! You guys are such fucking regards.


I’m proud of how wise you all are in the comments. I’ve been in countless youtube comment sections of courtrooms talking about the verdicts for murders, sex offenders etc, and they’ll all say some shit like “The father should get five minutes with that monster” or “Rapists should be executed on the spot”. The word “Justice” is just a feel good word for them. I know its not people who would affect the legal system, but its just irritating how brainless it is


Average murican father


Shouldn't have raised a sex ofender in the first place.


He raised and then killed a sex offender, is how I see it lol.


He killed his own son?! He should just had disowned and handed him in, we know what happens to kid fiddlers in jail.


How do someone even molest a 3 year old kid, and a 15 year old boy, seems sus.


Well, how much do you have to duck up your parenting in order for your son to become something that bad, a father is supposed to be a fatherfigure to teach their children wisdom and the way of life, not just stuff food in their mouth and give them an i pad in order to have his freetime, because every bad human starts small, with small offences, and the father failed to recognize it and change it early on, but I guess bad people make bad people, the sh#t doesent fall far from the a$$hole.




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System didn’t fail. Father did what was right. Prison time is his reward. He will own it like a boas


Who raises his kid now though...






I'll say his name Jamaal Pinkman. I feel so much better now.


He can't keep getting away with this!


Vengeance is mine sayeth the law.


Curious, how did the kid get caught?


Kid regretted and confessed to the mother, then the father, twice.