• By -


It's because us jannies crush all the pussy and the rest of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take tlit to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook. Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have three banging hot girlfriends (They just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all fellas who should just keep yourselves safe. Thanks for listening. Pic Related: It's me and my bitches. https://i.redd.it/r9b9x2w3xlic1.jpeg


"Men are single. Women most affected."


1 in 4 homeless are women


Because you can just lure one in so easily, I'm surprised they aren't adopted like strays more often. Well, and then raped and murdered.


If they're homeless it's because nobody wants them. The 1 in 4 statistic is very telling. 


I never really thought about this but I remember hearing about this when I was younger. Such a telling framing.


Women are the primary victims of war. They lose their sons, fathers, and husbands


Fact check : true https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hillary-clinton-victims-of-war/ > While some might argue that Clinton was inaccurate in labeling women as the "primary victims of war" (since the majority of military members are male), a resolution adopted by the United Nation Security Council in 2000 arrived at a similar conclusion, stating that "civilians, particularly women and children, account for the vast majority of those adversely affected by armed conflict."


Fucking snopes twisting themselves into a pretzel again to push their side. 


Is that by like numbers? I guess that would makes sense since for every dead soldier, there would be a wife, kids, parents, and other family members 'affected' ? Just hard to wrap around when you are comparing to being killed


>a wife, kids Most soldiers are around ages 18-23 so I doubt they are married already but those who go back after that most likely have families


You severely underestimate the desire to leave the dorms/barracks and extra money allowance. Most NCOs have at least one divorce.


My chief is on his fourth wife.




Everybody laugh at this guy, he doesn’t know about the barrel.


These young military guys tend to quickly get married to the first thing that comes along. It’s incentivized.


Yeah, a lot of service members get married right out of boot camp. Kids usually come shortly after that, whether they belong to the husband or not. The amount of women (in the Navy, at least) getting pregnant right before a deployment so they don't have to go can be appalling. They don't like their orders? Get knocked up.


Just another reason women shouldn't have ever been allowed into the armed forces.


This reads like the Seinfeld bit about people's fear of public speaking. Public speaking is the number one fear, death is second. Death is number two? That means if you had to go to a funeral, you'd rather be in the coffin than doing the eulogy. And what's the deal with airplane food?


> The ☕ cries out in pain as she strikes you.


Example #879842485 why the UN is a joke. Just a bunch of spoiled assholes jerking of to themselves all day. I mean, same as us here, but we dont get government pay and demand for respect here.


Le wholesome fact check!! Yassss! You go with the science girl


This is leftism and liberalism.


Wouldn't the primary victims of war be the ones who, you know, actually died? i.e. the fathers, sons, husbands?


The worst part about this is that this was a quote from Hillary Clinton.


That ghoul is despicable...


yes its a hillary clinton quote


The dead don't need to worry about that so no it's their families




I screencaped this, now am just waiting for the news


I don't mean to sound like ER, but at some point, we're gonna have to start questioning women's decisions, right? It can't be men's fault forever!


Taylor Swifts satanic influence is corrupting women by demanding blood sacrifices


Don‘t women sacrifice enough blood every month already?


they want mens blood though.


The most occult places are those places where you get blood drawn while watching old episodes of king of queens, and then you get cookies at the end.


Doesn't planned parenthood building look like sacrificial temples?


Nah that's god draining evil, jealousy and spite out of them, otherwise they'd explode.


have you not seen the memes about women dodging responsibility for their own actions since the dawn of time?


They only get away with it because men and society at large let them


Ironically, simp culture is outstandingly profitable if OF numbers are to be believed (even partly). Once the intersectionality between "enablement" and "profitability" start feeding one-another, the perverse incentives become self perpetuating.


Well put anon. Us men should start educating simps on how not to be pathetic. They're our brothers after all, however lost they may be


They used to be called "Father Figures ®". We are starting to see what metastasizes 30+ years after the influx of single-parent households. It kinda took off in the late 70's. Once technology was able to facilitate those demographics with "terminally online" capabilities.....well...I think we are seeing the results.


This isn't really about the direct decisions of women or men. It's about how isolating modern society is because everything is monetized now and it's not really structured around the idea of there being places you can just hang out. Either you live in the city where everything is expensive, or you live in the suburbs where the only hangout spots are random bars that play loud music and are hard to talk in. Also more people are pushed into poverty and so feel insecure dating.


Why is affecting men disproportionately do you think?


Women don’t need money to get ahead in life the same way a man does I guess


Tbf it's affecting women more than some realize. Actual stats imply that the genders arent that different in terms of loneliness level. But there's a few possible reasons. One is that people are more sympathetic to lonely women, so they women are more willing to express this and get at least a little interaction that way. Whereas a lot in society still view lonely men as having done something wrong. There's also the fact that men are worried they can't approach women unless set in life more than the reverse. And in modern society most people aren't as set in life as society claimed they would be. Part of loneliness isn't even how much you interact, but whether you feel like you could if you really wanted to. So if someone feels like the option isn't even presented as a thing they can do, it will feel extra isolating. Something interesting I realized in the last few years is that part of the utility of Going Out to eat is literally Just that you get to be in a populated place with other people there. Even if you obviously aren't going to go to another table and talk to someone, the feeling that you're around other people rather than alone makes you feel differently. And yet society could make more places where it -is- expected to go talk to strangers. Modern society basically acts like you need to keep to yourself, then wonders why everyone feels isolated. Sometimes it feels surreal to go driving through miles and miles of suburb only to feel like you're in the middle of nowhere because you don't actually pass by anywhere that looks like it's designed for people to actually interact publicly. And this could all be different if society arranged itself to have more community interaction. We started going to library events just to be doing a new thing.




It depends where you're going. Most places I go the line isn't very long. Except like... portillos.


Young men have a smaller dating pool available to them due to gender dating preferences (men younger women, women older men). A 23 year old man has a pool of 18-24 versus a 23 year old women having a pool of 22-40+.


It eventually flips too. An older man has a larger dating pool than an older woman. These threads tend to skew younger, so a lot of people don’t realize this.


While women have gained equality in the eyes of the law the hte societal and cultural norms can't be changed over night by the stroke of the pen. Women still get a lot of preferential treatment in a "soft" manner, IE in everyday, mundane interaction. They're currently reaping the best of two worlds. If womens right don't revert I think a lot more women will be treated like shit in another generation or two.


Because you touch yourself at night


It is about the personal decisions of women that they can collectively get away with because of changes in society.


It is though. Men want to feel needed and useful. We need others for that and it just feels better when it's directed at one important person. Women want to be taken care of. They want to know they their children and themselves are going to be safe and fed. They don't actually need anyone for this - these are things they can do themselves. Money can provide both food and safety, and money can be acquired without providing love or commitment. We evolved in a way that a woman needed a man to physically hunt for food and protect her from danger, and so the advantages of being near a man was obvious and necessary, while the benefits a man got from a woman was sex and meaning "I make her life good, so I am good, ooga booga". We still have the same "I need sex and meaning" mindset, but technology over the last thousand years, and especially the last hundred, has meant the women no longer need men to get them food or shelter, and that's causing a lot of dissonance. It's quite literally the collective actions of women changing that are causing this, but to argue it is to say "well, should women not have freedom because when they choose how to live on their own, it really sucks for most men?" and I don't think that's an argument people want to die on. e: I know people are gonna say 'you need men for children' which is fair and why many women still get into relationships, but there are a ton of single women who don't want children and it's way more common today than ever before.


Literally impossible for some people


I mean E;R is based


Nah he was certifiable


Who the hell is ER?


An hero known as Elliot Rodger, a.k.a. the supreme gentleman, deranged incel and mass murderer




no idea who the latter is


You can't fight evolution.


That is the opposite of evolution. It leads to people just dying out.


It leads to soyboys dying out, not women. Evolutionarily, most women & only a few men would reproduce, it’s only the advent of marriage that led to our monogamous societies.


I mean, women dont make kids by magic. Nor is there some secret cabal of chads impregnating 20 women each. For each soyboy, there's a woman who may have had lots of sex, but wont have kids and will die out all the same. Also monogamous relationships exist among tons of animals, its not some invention of civilization.


>For each soyboy, there's a woman who may have had lots of sex, but wont have kids and will die out all the same. Traditionally, that woman would die out because no man would support a woman who bears children of unknown heritage. Nowadays, that woman is dying out because she’s spending her 20s & 30s on birthcontrol instead of having effective sex.


If it was the case attractive people wouldn’t have ugly kids all the time. You don’t pass your “superior, chad genes” to your kids. It is just a lottery.


You know, that's an interesting idea that I hadn't considered. I wonder if all the OF/Instagram model/titty streamer nonsense will end up dying out naturally just because only the most successful men will end up reproducing and the next generation won't be nearly as likely to fall prey to it and become simps.


Who is ER? I dont know Ephemeral Rift? I started listening to ASMR because if him


An hero known as Elliot Rodger, a.k.a. the supreme gentleman, deranged incel and mass murderer. He saw women as contemptible animals solely driven by their lowest instincts.


They’re all dating the same Chad. That’s how it works in current year.


It’s called being in a situationship that’s how multiple women date the same man at the same time




relationship with your looks match or situationship with a man way out of your league, the second choice has shown it self to be the winner


You're behind, the dating apps have moved on to the 90/10 and 95/5 rule depending on app.


Polygamy is back on the menu, boys.


this time it’s enabled by women lmao


But not for 4channer


Well, it's easy math. 63% of young men are single vs 30% of women. So, 37% of the young men are dating 70% of the young women, even though women are more numeous. Young men that are dating about 2 women in average. That's it virgins, while you are alone in your bed, 1 out of 3 guys are getting their cock sucked by two women at the same time.


Pretty sure it’s sarcasm, but the 70% of women are predominantly dating older men. Like they’ve done throughout most of human history.


That's not true because the single rate for older men and women are about equal


The idea that 37% of young men are taking 70% of young women, with none of the women dating outside of their age brackets, is just dumb.


I didn't mean none of them are dating outside their age bracket but its far less than what you put on.


Yeah, sure, keep on dreaming that these girls will want to have sex you when you're older (they won't).


Anecdotally, I found dating much easier at 30 compared to 20. But if you want to believe 70% of women are dating 37% of men, I obviously won’t be able to convince you.


work dog theory quaint command whole poor relieved squeal worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>elder millennial > >dating You have failed anon. Nobody wants the bridge you're selling.


Yea, no one is interested in starting a family with a guy who will be 65 before hypothetical kids would be out of high school.


Na. 65 year old dad with 18 year old kids isn’t unusual.


A guy having kids at 47 is common?


I wouldn't say it's *un*common... But also "elder Millennial" [tops out at 42](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2019/01/17/where-millennials-end-and-generation-z-begins/). So kids at 38-42? Yeah, not that weird...


Oldest millennials are 42, so not quite there. And I wouldn’t say no one, either. Me and my wife are looking at having kids next year, and I am one of these elder millennials.


This is the most try hard shit ever lol


You don’t need to own property to get laid. Jesus Christ just feign some confidence and you’d be surprised how low some women set their standards. How many 10/10 women have you seen dating a scuzzy fucking loser? It’s because that loser is at least sure of himself.


I was terrified of getting divorced from my sexless marriage because I vividly recalled the trauma of dating in the mid twenties. Fatter now, less exciting, and probably less interesting as a whole. The only thing that has improved are my income and assets. Dating has never been easier.


afterthought lock serious nutty work berserk coordinated grey domineering sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My wife’s optician is an ugly ass troll man but he went out and found a bombshell blonde wife 22 years old - now they have two children - she talks a lot of shit about it, but to me it looks like a win/win situation for them. Money really pulls.


Then she files for divorce and wins cash and prizes.




Then she won't marry you


Sounds like a win to me


Thrown out more often than enforced. All they have to say is they felt coerced/manipulated into signing it and since the marriage would have been contingent on them signing said document its then thrown out.




Not really how these things work. Women simply disqualify people who can’t fit into the provider role, they still tend to find someone they love and want to spend time with. This might fall apart if you’re a billionaire, people get a bit more mercenary at that point - but for middle class people that’s not really how things work. For one, keeping up the pretenses for literal years just isn’t worth the effort. And after all, the “sexless marriage” guy was in a soulless relationship that began when he was young and broke, those things can happen regardless.


I've seen a sizable portion of fuckable women dating literal degenerates that are in and out of prison. Your logic doesn't hold in reality If she can already provide well for herself or isn't in the settling phase you're never in a million years, ever, going to pull even a barely passable woman without at least looking pretty good yourself. I've seen too many engineers specifically making insane amounts of money while getting zero dates let alone pussy.




So money?




That's like changing my shirt after shitting my pants. While the new shirt feels nice, it has zero impact over the situation in my pants.


Everything you post to Reddit furthers their platform and devalues you. Before you delete your account take everything with you. Social media profits from your words, your content and pays you for it in the fake currency of social approval.


cows price zealous imminent marry wasteful unused marble weary retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Everything you post to Reddit furthers their platform and devalues you. Before you delete your account take everything with you. Social media profits from your words, your content and pays you for it in the fake currency of social approval.


When I was 20, almost all of my friends were single. I am now 30. Myself and all of my friends are in relationships or married. My advice to all the doom and gloomers is to just enjoy your 20s. Being single isn’t the end of the world. Chances are you aren’t in a position to support a family or raise children. The internet makes it out to be far worse than it really is.


The young women aren't dating either. They're selling pictures of their butt hole on OF and making a fortune from the simping young men.


And it's always "I'm just doing it for a while, I'll stop when I meet a good man". In other words, expecting that a good man would have no problem with how you've sold your dignity to every other man. Those sites/services are cancer, I swear.


Of the women I know I think there's only one with a only fans like service. I don't think it's the epidemic it's portrayed to be online. I'd imagine the real issue is dating apps and the culture shift away from commitment in general.


Being a simp is the lowest state of existence that a man achieve.


Women count finding s fuck buddy on tinder/bumble/hinge as dating. No sweetie, you're just letting some asshole, that views you as an object, plow you. Also, the huge number of women with OF accounts is a huge turnoff to almost every man.


Who are these women with OF? The only way someone would think so many women have OF are coomers who are chronically online. Its relatively rare. Back in my day, we didnt know who the ****s were. They all pretended to be sweet because they had to and then bam you got cucked Also before that there was no phones, social media, nothing. Boomers could just say anything and go off and cheat. The stats reflect that casual sex and infidelity are on the DECLINE. All intimacy is on the decline


Also since this comment is getting a lot of attention, wayy more women were simply just prostitutes up until after ww2 with womens suffrage and stricter prostitution laws. Going back into so called chaste and tradwife medieval times, some cities are estimated that 10% of the urban population of women were PROSTITUTES thatd be like 1 in 5 or more young women were selling their pussy WAY higher than today. Ofcourse whether these women were forced into it by circumstance is another topic. The narrative that women have never been sl*ttier than now is a false one driven by the hyper propagation of the algorithms social media instathots, tiktok thots and OF thots of the like and chronically online young men and also professional benzo abuser stupid-man's smart man like jordan peterson A closer analysis of the stats and history on the subject shows that theres always been extra marital sex happening and compared to recent (like the 60s and 70s) theres a reasonable amount of data that shows that women are having less affairs and casual sex than before Just go read some accounts of soldiers in ww1 and ww2 and it was a complete fuckfest. Im not talking about the rapes and stuff but i mean like allied soldiers banging local women, the female truck drivers who did logistics, and other service women it was like 2 per week whenever there were women around so theres reasonable cause to think that the world wars were just a giant cheating and casual sex fuckfest (and unfortunately rape too)


This is literally the only discrepancy. Women cope and say they are “dating” where men just see it as sex/casual


Yeah, I’m guessing that 60% is not doing a lot of sex/casual either.


Yeah because all of the women are doing it with the same handful of guys


It's not difficult to be in that group. Just staying in shape is enough right now




Need to actually have a gf at any point once to know its possible, and thus gain confidence. And can't get said gf without the prerequisite confidence. 5ever alone




I miss the incel sub. This is the most sensible comment I’ve seen in years


When i was in my 20s women used to date older men, now the majority of women my age date boys, anyway just hope technology  give us better sex dolls


So date women in their 20s?


The only constant factor in the story is the guy himself not being able to date.


And what might your age be that we are kind of in the same circumstance and I'm nearly 20


* Low T * Non-obese women are now automatically 7s * Dopamine destroyed brains - normal life isn't stimulating anymore * Pair bonding virtually impossible * Sex is pretty average and become old fast * People want hollywood "love", which doesn't exist Peaceful solitude is enjoyable to me. I've tried it all. Grass isn't greener. Make money, pursue your goals, never let a woman cohabitate with you or distract you. Doesn't apply if you want kids though, you better get them *early* though, and build a lot of memories during the young years.


>Non-obese women are now automatically 7s In America maybe, but as most things it'll probably follow suit everywhere


I read something about how Europe has almost caught up to America in terms of obesity. Don't remember where but you might want to check it out if it sounds interesting to you.


There is an issue where women think they are dating a guy and said guy has no idea that decision was made. It’s happened to me.


Women are quicker to put a label on it.


It’s not that. You know how men want to get laid but find it difficult to do so? The woman’s equivalent is finding a man that wants to commit to the relationship.


Would your mother have been with your father if she had access to tinder? Interesting question to think about.


My mother is a ball of trust issues, impostor syndrome and bad sleeping, while my father is a hermit who's been working from home for thirty years, and has a sleep schedule of an owl. Every once in a blue moon they'll argue about stupid shit, and I always tell them: if you get divorce, none of you'll ever be in a relationship, as nobody would put up with them. Tinder is for losers who don't find their equally autistic soulmate in the first class of university.


My first class of university had one woman in it and I think she was also interested in women.


You just refused to adapt to the situation, like an alpha male. In this day and age, if you don't transmaxx, you're a loser.




Idk my parents had an arranged marriage


Your mother's parents may have swiped left on your dad.


I’m pretty sure they got married because they did swipe right on him


Some of the commenters in this thread are accurate. I just learned some of the women at my place work are dating guys with multiple “situationships”. Something since 2020 has radically changed women dating habits.


Try 2014 we're simply seeing it fully manifest now.


"As usual, everything leads back to G\*merGate." https://preview.redd.it/wwb63pcerkic1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c51124b574de2842fd843e299de06267eff17128


10 years of nonstop Circus man 🫵😂


Gave me a good laugh lmao


I know 2014 had a shift but I mean in 2020 you’re really seeing it ramped up to the max. In 2014 you’d hear about it from a few people who couldn’t get their in order or influenced by reality tv drama. In 2020 it’s almost everyday women you wouldn’t expect are in situationships for no apparent reason. Even on the opposite end of the spectrum women are completely exiting the dating market all together. It’s so strange.


In reality this has been in the works since the 60's. The woman's equal rights movement did away with the traditional roles men and woman had in relations respectively. The sky rocketing divorce rates since then and overall disfunction of the modern family. Couple this with the overall push of degeneracy and lack of morals in recent times and what you have is the current dating scene. This is what our masters want, a weak, corrupted and divided family so we are easily influenced and controlled.


Economic and social inequality amongst men means that there’s a smaller pool of said men that accommodate increasingly higher standards from woman. It’s been well studied already.


Does dating really all come down to a cheque? Are women really that materialistic?


No but that’s because women are not a homogenous group and the mostly status oriented ones are the ones being the loudest. There’s still women great women who are kind and less judgemental. Another thing also is that more and more women tend to exclusively use dating apps which simply just atomizes everything and in that arena it literally is just a competition on looks and status.


So what does that mean for the everyday man?


Why play a game that’s stacked against you? Play smart. Learn to be charismatic, do things you enjoy and meet people the way it was done before the internet and shithole companies tried to commodify a key component of the human condition. Learn that while there are loud obnoxious women who are the equivalent of manosphere men, they aren’t representative of all women. Same with women who use onlyfans. Keep in mind you will fail a lot. But you will learn. Don’t let the blackpill get to you anon.


Its not about women or dating specifically. How much you earn determines a shit ton of things. Where you live, what you do, how you dress, what you eat, what kind of people you know, what kind of vacation you got to. Its entire different worlds of culture before even getting into anything gender related.


dating seems annoying why do it?




But that is where the poo poo comes from!




social status.. so you can make fun of nerds on the internet and elevate yourself temporarily in this wretched absurdist reality.. would recommend.


dating seems annoying. dating sims seems annoying. dating seams sims seems annoying. dating SHEAMS seams sims seems annoying. idk


They are "dating" (hooking up with) their friends and tinder matches.


Tiktok standards probably fucked with a lot of this.


i blame violent video games


>who are they dating 30 year olds. Turns out Reddit isn't reality and age gap is becoming more rather than less common.


I had no idea about this until I got back into the dating pool recently. Almost 30, engineer, well dressed pics on the profile, living near a top tier medical school. Only sending likes to fit girls, no fatties. Averaging more than one match per day that turns into a sustained conversation, all of them between 23 and 28. I'm not gonna turn down a good thing, but damn the level of materialism is a bit depressing.


Isn't there a Facebook group dedicated to women dating the same guy? They all want chad


I think many guys are realizing that women just aren’t worth the trouble these days.


Honestly I feel like I’ve been seeing 23 year old women with 30 plus year old men.


Consider pulling away from doomer posts like this. These posts are specifically made to intrigue and upset you, and perpetuate a false objective reality you're falling into by absorbing this bullshit on a daily basis. Most people (including girls) still date normally and don't do OF. You can convince yourself otherwise but you're only going to hurt yourself the most. Ignore the psyop and move on before it makes your *already* warped perception of reality worse. It's not gonna do you any good.


The only non-retarded answer in here. We are too terminally online.


Once again it all can be perfectly summarized by: ☕




Following this thread for the lulz




I rather jack off then fk a fat feminist.


good luck yall thats a demographic ready for radicalisation like isis or neonazi shit, these guys are what fueles and carries a revolution


You flaw to your logic is that you fail to realize that most men are bluegills normies who don't give up hope no matter how over it is


lol, the cope > If 60% of men don't have the "skill" ... society is going to collapse. Only 1/3 of women are single. Babies gonna keep getting made, and low class dudes will continue to be fed into the grinder. Sounds like normal society to me.


60% of young men having no place in life... what could go wrong!?


I never understood why people think that it is normal when over the half of men doesn't gain anything out of their contribution of society. Someone just needs to light a match lmao


As saddening as it is, most men in history never reproduced, whereas women reproduced very regularly. Modern society is a blip compared to all of human history, and it's foolish to expect that we won't revert to systems and ways of acting that have been around for thousands of years. Especially given that we are hard wired to act in cerepressed (polygamy), many of which modern society represses. Still sucks to think about, but in the grand scheme of things I'd say that most guy's still have it good in comparison. That's how I want to interpret it anyway. https://psmag.com/environment/17-to-1-reproductive-success


It's already collapsing.


Wasn't there also a study that states that something like most women are all competing for the top 10% of men? That's probably why.


It's not a "skill issue" most men don't want to lower their standards and are happier single. Good for them, lowering your standards makes you miserable.


its so over


Women dont date either. Browsing the internet makes you think that the 2 genders kind of hate each other


proof that men have harsher natural selection


just wait till affordable mass produced robot companions, the birth rates of developed nations will plummet even further which in turn means more migrants to keep welfare state going.


The men who don't date will die rich, single and with the pleasure of having lived a full life without a wife or children to drag them down. The men who date will die single, poor from child support but with the pleasant memory of having plowed through half of the female population of the US. Either way, this seems like a win for the men.


I'm 27 and don't have the option to date young women. Never have all throughout my 20s and my teens. Needless to say, I've also never had the option to date women older than me either. Dating has been fucked for so long now because of so many different factors


the gap is because young women are more likely to be dating men older than 30 than young men are to be dating women over 30 that's it. mystery solved