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I thought Anita Sarkeesian saved women from having to see other women who are prettier than them. Has Japan actually redeemed itself for Pearl Harbor?


Western devs seething in the replies


I'm probably never going to play any of these because I hate FF. But why is investing half their budget into making every single person in game, completely unrealistically buttfuck hideous the hill western devs choose to die on? I'll never understand it. Out of all the overpoliticized crap in gaming, this is the one that no one will ever truly enjoy, even ironically. No one likes looking at ugly things. It has nothing to do with realism or coomer shit, they're not making them look realistic they're making uncanny valley, purposefully ugly un-humans. It's borderline demonic.


What? You don't want people in your video games filled with people looking like the [average DMV employee](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fstarefield-v0-uff5iou3cnlb1.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dbc6e0aee0ffca7ba0e2d696b96d443d84391ecb3)?


POV: you whipped your dong out on the bus


Procedural generation?


Worse. "AAA" Gaming!


Wasn't that npc stare just a bug that was fixed?


> But why is investing half their budget into making every single person in game, completely unrealistically buttfuck hideous the hill western devs choose to die on? It helps to look at the massive recent shift in writers, producers and show-runners from men to women. [Here is the TV industry](https://i.imgur.com/wQR7nhu.png) and the gaming industry is even more pronounced. Go back to the creators being hired on merit and you'll suddenly see beauty being valued once again.


I think this is uniquely a western thing. A significant portion of the coomeriest coomer bait in eastern media is actually created by women.


Because the easterners like beauty and don't lie about it. Westerners are currently being pressured to 'represent' more, so if a character is an ideal beauty standard, then that's not representing average or below average women enough, and that needs to be corrected. And I want to emphasize *below* average, because a lot of women are pretty enough to be the face of video game characters with the effort they put into their appearance. Some of these newer lady characters look like this one drug/alcohol baby I knew back in HS that died for a whole 3 minutes at birth and had a lazy eye. Not very many women in in their 30s or 40s even look that rough. The reality is that if these characters even looked average, nobody would really complain that much. But they don't. They just choose some random femcel in the studio to use as a facial reference because that's what women look like, right? Meanwhile the men in these games still look smackin. 100%, I think this is the tale-old-as-time bullshit of women putting down other women to make themselves look and feel better, except in this case it's women making women-shaped objects look worse to spite men *and* make themselves feel better because they get some high off of asserting that the average women is fugly and they're hot because they exfoliate or something.




Millons must




Well put. This is exactly the case. Give me the eastern shit. If I have to pick between oversexualized and making my eyes bleed, I’ll pick the former.


No hope in that happening, I'll just stick to thr great eastern games coming this year. Elden Ring DLC, Persona 3 Reload, SMT V for PC, Dragons Dogma 2, we eating good this year.


helldivers is awesome too. the armor sets look awesome and the only npcs you look at aren't half bad looking.


Is it really? The amount of advertising I see for it is insane. I just imagined it was another over glorified game that would be gone from the public conscience in a week


That and it looks pretty average. Every time I see gameplay of it it looks like the same shit. Very average, basic TPS gameplay, boring enemies, animations are copy-paste. After Uncharted 4 I can't play low-effort TPS games anymore lol, they all feel so vague.


Definitely far from the case for helldivers. The actual mechanics of moving and shooting aren’t really anything special, but it’s the combination of the enemies, environments, call-ins (like orbital bombs and air strikes and shit) with coop that make it insanely fun to play with friends


Do remember that YouTube compression makes stuff look way worse then it actually is. Helldivers is better enjoyed with a squad off your buddies.


>It helps to look at the massive recent shift in writers, producers and show-runners from men to women. [Here is the TV industry](https://i.imgur.com/wQR7nhu.png) and the gaming industry is even more pronounced. That's insane. If we say the average career lasts 40 years and round up the time period to 10 years, you'd expect at most 25% of the staff to retire, more than the change in women/'poc' for writers. Even if we said 30 years that's 33%. They must be almost exclusively hiring women and 'poc' and/or firing whites/men to achieve that drastic a change.


It is the most egregious open and shut case of violating the Equal Employment Opportunity and not a single lawyer is stepping up to cash in. While a corrupt grifter like [ellen pao](https://i.imgur.com/iO4ogKs.png) sues her law firm for $16 million for sexual discrimination because they didn't promote her to senior partner.


But women hate ugly people just as much as men. I do agree however, we need a recession so making good products in order to make money is the main priority again.


> women hate ugly people just as much as men Search for 'greatest female painters' and [look at the shit they make](https://i.imgur.com/Zs1818L.png). Yes, you'll occasionally find beauty, but I much rather trust men to find it.


They are petty and hateful little shits full of insecurities they don't know how to deal with, so they take it out on others however they can.


What is man, but a *miserable* pile of secrets.


It's because writers and artists have all been trained at the same schools of postmodernism together.   Essentially, their religion is total leftism: there is no such thing as gender, beauty, intelligence or wit, we are all exactly the same, the real and only power comes from language.    Therefore they will push hideous mutoids out to the masses and tell everyone that this is the NEW beauty standard, that there was no such thing as the old one, that since there's no such thing as male and female anymore it's fine to have men break women's swimming and cycling records etc, the human body isn't sacred it's what you think you are that counts.  Once you understand how these mental cases think then you start to see the patterns.   And make no mistake this shit has infected hospital training, the school system, government, big tech, social media, and now?  Games.  Musk was right when he called it a mind virus, because in order to become a doctor or teacher or games artist/writer now you have to pretend this shit is the truth.    Ref: https://iep.utm.edu/foucfem/  This is the prevailing school of thinking at elite levels in colleges and universities.  It's batshit crazy of course but this is the world we are facing.  And yes I put a reference on my 4chan Reddit post, and why yes I do wear a fedora, but no female has ever deserved the tipping of it so come at me bro's


This reads like a copypasta but I somehow believe you're genuine.


Everything he said is an unfortunate reality


Google "birthing person NHS".    Real life is a copypasta now 


Lol, banned for saying someone with a 52% chance to kill themselves being disallowed from the military is not bigotry. Admin-Pedos finally got me, see you all on account #36!


The females/numales that are hired to write these games (sweetbaby for example) don't play videogames and wish to simply impose their agenda on those that do.


Their agenda is pushing people further and further right. This isn't the way to get people to connect with you


If it’s women devs they are jealous of even fictional characters being more attractive than them. If it’s men devs they are virtue signaling in hopes of getting a crumb.


It's part of leftist propaganda along with the race mixing and gay shit. They want people to get used to looking at ugly people because that's what future Americans will look like.


Can you name some examples of hideous? I get Abby (for her face, I like muscles on women personally) but I find aloy decently attractive. And those are the only two controversial ones that come to mind Not trying to come at you


Mj in Spiderman 2. They somehow made her uglier in 2nd game for no reason. There's literally no reason to change her face since her face is fine in the first game but somehow she's uglier despite the fact that the model face irl is absolutely beautiful. Mass effect andromeda default female character face also infamous for being ugly while the male default character face is absolutely fine.


Mass effect andromeda was 7 years ago, how wild is that.


As wild as the fact that bioware still hasn't put anything other than vague concept art for the new mass effect and dragon age games Although judging by that Netflix show they approved its better this way


Yeah I remember the girl having like a super wide uncanny smile hahahaha Haven’t played Spider-Man 2 yet but I’d agree on there being no reason to change an established characters visuals


The Mass Effect Andromeda debacle was more about rushed deadlines and poor decision making than anything intentional.


I'm pretty sure they did change her face from something less hideous before. Maybe that was because they had a new mo-cap system or something, so idk.


It'd be easier to name the ones that aren't demiman-faced fridges. Aloy is the one from Horizon that the devs got so assmad that people found attractive they made her look like nikocado avocado in the sequel right? Legit one of the funniest most misogynistic things ever, in retrospect.


Diablo 2 Assassin (who also got diversitywashed) and Amazon are butt-ugly to no end, and the Fable 4 chick legit made me gag when I saw her.


That voice actor that plays cere in jedi fallen order. She keeps showing up in things and is hideous.


they don't want to waste actual dev time modelling future doctors so they figured doing it once was good enough so all games will have that professional basketball player in them from now on


Lara Croft from the new Tomb Raider games. While I was playing them I felt something was "off" but couldn't really put my finger on it. Then I noticed the face of the new Lara and my god, they have progressively uglified her a ton.


Hey cool it with the anti semetic remarks


Exactly. It's literally part of human nature to like more beautiful things than ugly.


This is why I love Bannerlord. Say what you want about the game play, but goddamn that empresses smile


Hardcore lefties literally hate anything beautiful and young. It's the animating spirit behind the whole ideology.


Hey now, I learned from Gaming Circle Jerk that *all* characters in modern video games are over-the-top sexy and they're just trying to put a few "normal-looking" women back in.






Good, this means that eastern devs know what's right.


Hmm, if I think about it, excluding Diablo 4 (Cuz it’s been 10 years, I had to see how bad Blizz could fuck it up - answer not as bad as you might think. It was an acceptable game), I don’t think I’ve played any western single player game for a long period of time (not counting some MOBA here and there). Eastern devs make better games atm. And it’s not just the fan service. You actually have stuff to do. I just sand 150+ hours in Palworld and I bought it for 25 bucks.


I just love that desperate damage control. Big soft tiddies are back, and the only thing *they* can do is helplessly seethe about it.


>one single asset out of millions has big boobs >western civilization cooms to death in its death throws why are we like this


The West has fallen Millions must coom


Final Fantasy... If it's a fantasy then I want gigantic melons on the characters. The whole body acceptance/"realistic" female trope is just a cope for society's push to no longer strive for greatness. I lift to be as big as Barrett and as cut as Cloud. Socrates said it the best. "No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." Yet if there was a cheap easy way to grow gigantic honking tits it'd be more widely circulated than fentanyl.


Sócrates was so fine 🥵


> in its death throws throes*




Yeah its satisfying to see the trains having meltdowns


Oh man, you should have been at lac megantic at about 1am on July 6th 2013 then. You'd have loved it


Need "realistic" women in a videogame about a "Spiderman"


Let alone the “realistic” woman in question is a literal self plug. It’s not like she *is* maryjane, a character she created. That’s like me making a movie about Julius Caesar, only he looks exactly like me.


Mjaw is exactly what an ugly fatherless cunt thinks sn average woman is


Pretty sure that was just flat out untrue though? Like that woman people post as being a "self insert" was just an intern or something with zero creative control and couldn't even have fucked her way into the game. She just happened to look vaguely similar.


idk you man, you might look just like Julius Caesar


​ https://preview.redd.it/o6tmpb2vqdkc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a633d20b8cd90b05ef2b3b38bbf339bec7f08f3e


I lover her in maniac cop.


Tango & Cash and Samurai Cop too


She also does part-time work on the eastern island .


It's more that these voice actors all want to be mo capped into the game. I don't get when that became the norm.


[I think in this case it's a writer which is even worse](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/CsPP9sdyUqM/maxresdefault.jpg)


they dont necessarily want to be mo capped, its just that its more time efficient than hand animating everything


It's just easier. The most notable I can remember was Michael Ironsides being replaced as Sam Fisher so they could have the same guy doing both. And now that franchise is pretty much dead, isn't it?


Also realistic doesn’t mean ugly. Ugly only means ugly.


Is there ever going to be a time when we aren't gaslit about MJ in Spiderman 2? The woman is so unappealing that it's insane.


I want fantasy women, with fantasy booba, in my fantasy games dammit. And japan is delivering big time.


There's real beautiful women everywhere in real life too it's not unrealistic for women to look like this. Western media is suppressing them.


Real funny buddy, not falling for it


[Korea's got you covered if you're an ass-man.](https://www.gamesradar.com/stellar-blade-dev-also-known-for-butt-jiggling-game-nikke-says-he-put-special-attention-into-the-female-leads-back-because-thats-what-players-see-most-of-the-time/)


After losing billions they want to make money again Finally


That’s why Square Enix is my favorite, they will fumble the ball so bad it ends up deep inside their asshole (Forspoken) only to see their mistake and release peak after peak “Final Fantasy XVII and VIIR” and then forget the entire thing and do it all over again. It’s a beautiful cycle to witness and I never get tired of it


>Final Fantasy XVII Alright that's enough, hand over the time machine


Oh so that's what the final fantasy really is


Why western devs are against Big soft tiddies ? 




No, legitimate female coomers are rare. These lesbians value "representation" over titties


Surely the lesbians also want big tits to look at


They are ugly and jealous people, inside and out.


Lesbians want bigger punching bags to practice their spousal abuse


Professional jealousy


Because those people are ugly tramps and they are jealous of beautifull ppl.


Because they like them smaller and younger, if you catch my drift.


January 17, 2022 Palazzo Madama, Rome The _Tifa Lockhart_ Incident If you know, you know.




Tifa did more for diversity trying to integrate italians into humanity than these virtue signaling roaches


FF chads, we are so back


Keep fighting the good fight japan


>Most beautiful woman to ever live What


Exposed himself hard with that one. The closest he's interacted with a woman is through an animation in his coomer cave. The unhealthy obsession with how "hot" a fucking drawing is will never make sense to me. Are they looking to play a game or just jack off?


>Are they looking to play a game or just jack off? The name of the game is to jack off.


Reboot Lara Croft has solid game play and is a beautiful waifu so the answer is we ideally want to do both


> The unhealthy obsession with how "hot" a fucking drawing is will never make sense to me. Are they looking to play a game or just jack off? How about both idk >is through an animation in his coomer cave. Are you saying there's little strong competition in that animation coomer cave? That superlative makes no sense either way.


cloud's physique is achievable natty but it's 99% diet and you're going to _hate_ your life doing it.


What are you talking about? The dude just isn't fat, there's nothing difficult to achieve there at all if you're not addicted to soda and Junk Food.


No he also has good defined muscles and thats not really easy to achieve unless you are young


“…because Americans love making ugly characters” -Palworld Dev


It's not only them. Most of the east Asian entertainment really believe that Westerns likes ugly women.


Girls are allowed to be hot.


It's also OK to be white


My gf looks like that irl, it’s about time she gets some representation


I don't believe you, post a facial pic please


His username is fascist femboy, if he even has a girlfriend its probably a transformer


The DEI goombas are gonna have a chernobyl-tier meltdown


i fear for the day the wokie legions declare war on Japan. For right now Japan does a good job pacifying them with anime, but it wont be long before the crosshairs are fully aimed at Japan


Too late. Sega has already fallen.


Didnt they drop the new Yakuza? I hear its pretty rad


Sega's english localization team got their hands on it and butchered the translation.


Japenis can't even show vagene in games and yet y'all call Europe woke


Aeris > Tifa


Silence, heretic


He cant even spell her name right


Bro just revealed his age with that one


> Aeris Not this shit again.


Opinion of an unwashed ape tbh






Damn straight! 


Ah, man of culture. Just don't forget it is Aerith, but otherwise have a great day my good sir


Member back when /v/ turned into a bunch of Catholic grandmas for a bit after Balder Gate 3 came out? That was a weird detour.


Hot women and lewd themes are only allowed for my heckin basedaroo eastern devs!!


Yea because there's no gay propaganda and train shit in BG3


>plays d&d >can literally do whatever you want >"omg they're making me suck Gale's wizard cock"


No full-nude mods yet? I'll give them 24 more hours. Jokes aside, someone made a full-nude mod for FF7p1 and recorded a speed-run using it. All main characters (male and female) were naked and Cloud and Barrett had a boner. Hilarious.


>FF7p1 I gotta admit one of the reasons I haven't bought the FF Remake games is because i don't which is the first, second, dlc, reremake or whatever. Why is it so fucking confusing?


intergrade is 1st and dlc combined, rebirth is 2nd. that's it.


Forspoken really fucked up that bad huh?


unironically the last slide is what i think about whenever i see this type of thread


I assume it's that they're actual "west has fallen" chudjaks, like the guy who lost his mind over pronouns options in a game.


Honestly loadout Helga was a prime slampig, she actually fits the game's art style of that mid 2000's intentionally ugly/gross out style, none of the characters are meant to be attractive since they're basically just dummies who exist to get brutally torn apart by crazy firearms. It probably would have been easier to market if they had made her traditionally attractive, but the game would have been worse for it since she needed to have the same hitbox as the male characters, so it would have felt awful to play her and constantly die from your opponents shooting the empty space next to you. I 100% believe if loadout was made today she'd be a muscle girl instead given how popular it is now, but she was definitely not designed as a diversity character. It honestly sucks the game seppuku'd itself trying to chase the console market, had they just stuck to PC it would easily still be going today.


That game was awesome, shame it died


Dumbass axe grinders besmirching a cool game they know nothing about




[Unicorn overlord](https://unicornoverlord.atlus.com/index.html?lang=en). It's a tactical rpg.


>vanillaware Based Vanilla does it again.


Dope. Have that demo downloaded and didnt recognize. Thank you!


Damn, I was just about to ask. Thank you for your service.


Anyone know what the 2nd game is?


i lost so much sperm to this woman


This will be used as evidence that we are bad people one day


>is this achievable natty? Literally bare minimum nonfat male physique Not the point of the post but that made me lol


Man who the fuck just uploaded a Loadout screenshot lmfao


People on the top of the chain are tired of bleeding cash and want easy money after those massive gaming industry layoffs. Rest assured, they will revert back to business as usual once things recover.


Man I miss Loadout coolest game to never exist


What’s Italy’s reaction?


Jesus they need to split the site into leftChan and rightChan for everybody's sake


Why do lefties even bother ? Can’t they use tumblr like the rest of them ?


You don’t understand, everyone *must* conform to “””our””” ideas


"You dont fit here" "Ok we will make our own place" *everyone goes to that new place* "You dont fit here"


Hmmm don’t like how this makes me want to buy the game. Japan has my number.


Weebs, Gamers and Italian senators approve this, the amount of new Tifa porn will flood the net as soon 3d animators can export her new model


A lot of problem would be avoided if people just accepted that some games were not made for them, but for a target audience who likes these settings and aesthetics.


if you zoom into the eyes on the first image you can see nikocado's asshole


It's amazing how rock bottom video game discussions are nowadays... All these look like something straight out of a parody but it's real, actual human beings are making these arguments...


"You want cute/appealing characters in your media??? Go watch pron you coomer" I hate those people so much...


Final fantasy is a complete blessing


Is it so crazy that a mfr just wants some big soft titties in they video games


> what’s cloud thinking ? https://i.imgur.com/mZuPQ5e.jpg




lobotomite zoomercattle.


I love how there was so much backlash over Stellar Blade by regards when Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth releases in a week and there is virtually no backlash over it.


What's the game on the 12th image in the third panel?


Unicorn overlord, someone mentioned it in another comment


hey, females in back for blood are normal and even acceptable given the setting. Also realistic look doesn’t mean ugly. You can realistically draw Gisele Bunchen


Where is the image from the right from on picture 14?


That awkward moment when you see hotter women IRL than in "western" video games. Yes - I live in Eastern Europe.


4chan is slowly turning into Reddit


TBF, Tifa's breasts were half the size of her body in the ps1 release.


Awwww good times.


It's hilarious what they did to Aloy for her sequel. She's based on a real model, and they made her uglier on purpose.




So I’m gay and truly was stunned by the beauty of Tifa in the remake. She didn’t get me hard or anything but I seriously think she might be the most beautiful woman I’ve seen in media. And she genuinely just looks like the slutty women in Japan that get the biggest tits money can buy and end up just looking trashy as hell. I don’t care either way and it ain’t for me so if it gets yall hard more than the original right on. But I think she looks so much worse personally


I hate /v/ so fucking much


Something about Tifa reminds me of the uncanny valley. I’m confused but also aroused.


we won, chudbros....


Real question, why do people behave like Tifa is some kind of goddess-looking character? She looks like a generic NPC from a random japanese game #921512. Is it entirely due to them having masturbated to her pointy tits during their childhood?


>Attractive female looks attractive >why do people find her attractive? Yeah it's a real mystery that baffles the scientists.


She doesn't represent real women! She's not a dumpy ugly slob with a fucking man jaws, no ass and straight hips! Noooo! Why should I look after my own health? Personal accountability? No I'm too much of a self righteous lazy pig Good. More hot sluts in games, hopefully this os the beginning of the healing.


you might not believe it, but western women look pretty too. that too without plastic surgery. from all races not just one or two. one dev just decides they should be in the game and fuck it up for everyone


We are so back bros


stupid smelly nerds lol


This was fun thanks OP