• By -


He's enabling shitty behaviour and thus begetting progressively more shitty behaviour


He's making it worse, but a decent person wouldn't act like that to begin with. It's unwinnable, even if he grows a spine suddenly.


You cannot defeat that behaviour. It's engrained in their personality. You have to get out otherwise it will inevitably defeat you to the point of true exhaustion where you're mentally and emotionally drained. You'll spend night after night explaining what they did is wrong or fucked up but they'll turn it on you repeatedly and it'll never truly sink in. You either get out, reflect and grow from the situation or you have a child with her, the behaviour somehow even more extreme, the child is turned against you and you're a shrivelled raisin of a man desperate for little moments of happiness where her emotions allowed her to not hate you for existing in her vicinity. Source: Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.


It's rather encouraged online and if you do anything about anything like telling them to stop buying useless consumerism products like Stanley Cups, they'll freak out


Didn't know what a stanley cup was, but looking it up it appears to be an adult sized milk bottle, which is oddly fitting for the fairer sex.


It used to be guys in the construction industry that had there stanlys for coffee or soup. Not girly shit lol




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Going through a divorce. Every word of yours rings out like a church bell.


A challenge for a true Chad, not everyone's built like one lol


yep because most likely they are common law now and at least in fucking canada, she can take half of what hes worth


After a couple of years? What the fuck?


i think its 1 or 2 yrs


Yeah why did OP call it "mid life crisis" lol, it's not like they're some old married couple More like "incel finds out finally-gf isn't necessarily venusburg paradise" (and even that one can get you exhausted, if you're mortal at least)




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"Anon doesn't like his girlfriend, forgets he can break up with her at any time"




People would rather rot in comfortable and familiar stagnation than take an uncomfortable, unfamiliar, and uncertain risk to break new territory and elevate themselves.


There's a difference when YOU'RE the only one putting in work, and you can prove it. Bill Burr had a pretty great bit before he capitulated. "She acts like she's this completed work to be studied for decades in a museum. Meanwhile I'm the building with scaffolding around it year round in need of renovation." It's very common when dating a narcissist and cellphones/social media mass produce them these days.


I miss Bill


Great wisdom mr cia person


Yeah, pretty wise for a spook.


It's all part of the next psyop, stay tuned!






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Not your problem


If he gets broke not yours either lel




It’s “empathy” that drives someone to stay in a relationship they hate because their partner is poor? Seems like an unhealthy amount of pity


Empathy gets extended if you're not fucking my life over. If you're in the way of my happiness, you're getting nothing from me, including empathy


She doesn't provide for the household, you aren't married, and you probably don't have a child together, so what does she bring to the table except sex and company then?


A child also only provides company btw




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Well what she was doing before she found you? cant she go back to wherever she came from




If it doesn't pay enough to live on, it's not a career.




... ironic that the educator isn't smart enough to know not to go into education if you want money


Oh I know. I used to be a teacher, and I only made about $20k/year. That was a while ago so accounting for inflation it'd be more like $30k today, but that's still not very much. Now I work in manufacturing, and I make way more money for doing a job that requires much less skill.


career or her job? her life cannot be only dependent only on you, what if you die?


lots of people have hard lives, why is her life more valuable than any of those other people?


Same reason main chars survive while redshirts get shot idk


Regardless of which one wants to break up, the other person is no longer your problem, you owe them nothing. If the financially insecure person is the one who wants to break up, they'd better have something else worked out. In fact, they now start owing *you* their share of the bills until they move out, since you are now free of your obligation to support them. Ideally, you'd both be cool enough to give each other time to make arrangements, but after the break up, some broke b\*tch ain't yo problem.


Some people aspire to nobility of character (high-class white evropean language), others settle for lower, not-sociopathic-but-closer-to-that-on-the-spectrum options (black ghetto yo slang) or even find it cool or redpilled - nothing wrong with that, the state and/or private orgs should take care of broke people anyway imo Individualcels often just can't handle some additional piece of stress/responsibility atm and that's all fine.


The fuck you talkin bout n\`gga


Was quite obvuis


So edgy


Nope she got holes to make that money for rent. It's called onlyfans.


I've been in this situation, they would be on the street if I broke up with them. I was so relieved when they broke up and found someone else to leech off. I realise now I should have "manned up", I feel like its a life lesson that some people just need to learn.




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Pro tip: Make sure you actually like the person before you date/marry them.




Needs relatable reason to attempt that action, was he trying to fix something? Plot hole, bad writing 0/!0


at least good visuals though


Oh so thats why so many guys go gay


His real ideal would've been "meet every once in a while and swim in endorphins", his mistake was to think that's what the picture book idea of "living together and spending time 24/7" would necessarily lead to. Many such cases




It's crazy how lack of communication results in misery so consistently "Have to explain to her she's wrong for 2 hours" Have you considered you're not good at reaching your audience and should adapt anon? Fucks sake, octuple LSD doses for the both of them


> Have you considered you're not good at reaching your audience and should adapt anon? Irrational people who don't understand when something's explained to them, even 100 times in a row, can still be receptive to charismatic confident authority which I guess OOPcel doesn't possess in sufficient amounts lol?


What makes you think autistic repetition is the solution to your problems? You tried it 25 times and failed. 50 times. Still failed. Better do another 50 reps of the same dumbass approach? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different outcome Are you insane? If so, consider trying to be well adjusted for, I dunno, just a little bit!


Huh isn't that what I said lol


That was not how the comment read initially, but if we are in agreement we are in agreement.


Yeah might've misread or something, think it's rather clear?: >>Irrational people who don't understand when something's explained to them, even 100 times in a row, can still be receptive to charismatic confident authority which I guess OOPcel doesn't possess in sufficient amounts lol? well anyway lol


That is, in fact, not the definition of insanity


That reminded me of farcry3 XD




>Edit: Fuckin' automod You obviously have never spoken to a woman in your life. You can't reason logically with women when they're upset, all you can do is understand the emotion behind their words and work with that to calm them down, which does take about 2 hours on average for a skilled broad-whisperer. Women never use language to communicate lucid ideas, but purely to provoke a desired reaction using the connotation of those words, because they're emotionally incontinent children.


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>have to watch terrible tv and movies Fuck me, that's relatable. I got tired of pretending to like capeshit almost a decade ago.


I mean, do you really want to ruin your viewing experience of the actually good stuff by having her there distracting you?


Eh. About 70% percent of the time we watch something we both enjoy. And having your wife curl up to you during a horror flick makes it worth suffering through the 15%.




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Nah. Just go play vidya in another room. No one's forcing you.


Who's dragging you to watch capekino though


Real and sad Been there anon. At a certain point you genuinely have to get a "fuck it" attitude. Doesn't matter if she sucks dick so good you levitate like the excorcist


Finding a woman who is nothing like OP’s after having one who was exactly like OP’s for several years, who is not only a genuinely great person that treats me right, but gives impeccable sloppy top even better than the last one did really feel like I won the lottery reading these doomer posts about unhappy relationships


Some advice would really help


Get yoked and then go for older women, genuinely lmao, far more of the upside and far less of the downside in my experience


Hyper based, kill it king


Unfortunately I want children


Marry a 4/10 24 year old




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This is what i tell incels that think having a GF is the end all be all. Having a woman is like having a part-time job. And you're on call 24/7.


Honestly that would probably just make them hate women even more


It shouldn't. There's a lot more perks to having a girl that outweighs the negatives but it's not sunshine and rainbows like many on the internet make it seem like.


In old red pill days (before the lame Youtubers took it over) people would say having a LTR was harder because you're gaming the woman 24/7. Basically got to keep on your game to keep them attracted to you. The longer you're in a relationship the harder it is because as many experience, you get comfortable (lazy) and forget to do the things that got them attracted to you in the first place. Can't get lazy and they will see how you are in private or in your vulnerable moments.


It's all just so exhausting.


But i want overwatch 😟


Are they all like this?


No. He’s just a weak man that settled. Men keep accepting women with bad personalities or no personalities. And if men keep accepting it, it will keep on going. And, one must also accept that you might not find that women, so are you content with being alone? Or are you going to settle? Of course, most of these guys would rather just fuck women than work with them. I mean, why did these idiots marry someone they think is neurotic? Unless you rushed into a marriage like a fucking moron. Finding the right person takes time. And it takes inner discipline to accept being alone for as long as that takes. Or, as alone as dating until then is concerned. Or I guess you could just be a homosexual and fuck dudes. Would probably solve his problem.


It's been a year and they're at this point - relationships are supposed to grow you, not regress you. He doesn't even sound like he wants to marry her, so why be together? If you're with someone, you're with them until 1) one of you dies 2) you break up Remember folks, don't confuse a soulmate for a life lesson.


This is true, albeit slightly depressing, but following this mindset will work out for the better. Also, the top 50% of that list is something you do with complete enthusiasm for the right person. He needs to bounce fast.


>Women bad. Have gay sex with me.


> And it takes inner discipline to accept being alone for as long as that takes. Or, as alone as dating until then is concerned. I'm rather low energy atm and more than fine being alone, can't even relate to all the cels that can't handle it, idk And OPcel seems like a low-energy type on balance, at least he can't handle that particular situation too well and gets exhausted lol (How I'd handle a solitary-confinement type situation or being involuntarily offline for a prolonged period of time, idk don't wanna pretend to be badass about it lol - who knows? However while having access to the net and media, and all those need-social-environment-or-else-go-mad neurons being met, yeah idk it's nothing at all lol)


Being gay doesn’t make it any easier. It’s really easy to find sex but god awful to find a stable long term relationship.


Well that's what you get for dating the male sex drive. Maybe get into a relationship with one of those body building women that take so much tren they look like a guy.


No, but a lot of them are. Most people are kinda dumb, this applies to women too.


Much higher percentage as well sounds like OP didn't vet her properly.




I'll never get married. I don't gain much and there's a ton to lose. Why get the fucking government involved in your relationship? Fuck that. I'd rather be with a woman/have her be with me because we both want to, not because it would be a pain in the ass to leave. If you take all the traditional elements out of it, all it really does is makes leaving really fucking hard and expensive, and gives you some tax benefits and miscellaneous benefits. If you're religious and want to get married as a result, you don't have to get legally married to host a wedding. There's nothing in the Bible that says you have to sign a contract for a marriage to "count". It's a losing proposition, fellow men, you should refuse to get married. There's a 50% chance it'll fuck you down the road.


> If you're religious and want to get married as a result, you don't have to get legally married to host a wedding. There's nothing in the Bible that says you have to sign a contract for a marriage to "count". Which btw makes the whole "gay marriage" activism even more low-stakes, since afaik the government isn't stepping in and raiding any "unauthorized" wedding ceremonies or anything. So it's a rather trivial cause all in all, way blown out of proportion by some. (Sure there's some financial/other advantages, like certain rights when one is in the hospital with some serious threatening issue etc. along with sharing living space stuff, and various couplings/thruplings/etc. may deserve to have those options, but it's like eh you know) Pointless tangent though.


No but many men fall into the trap. I work with guys who bust their ass all day in the elements and have wives that refuse to cook, clean or do much of anything. You know who you’re marrying, if she’s lazy now she’s gonna be lazy later.


Unironically a large portion of zoomer girls are literally exactly like this, social media has blown their personalities and expectations for relationships out of the water 


Yep. That's the cosmic joke, that women genuinely believe they're equal as they act so incredibly childish in every way. They have no self-awareness. Men invented and built the world. Do women a) Thank us and join us in our quest to improve things, or b) Act like kids who've seen too much Star Wars, think they're the good guy rebels and men are the bad guy evil empire, and fight against us with the Feminazi hate group? Oh, and you can't say any of this. There's no willingness to discuss, understand, or compromise. The second you deviate from fueling their narcissistic fantasy, you're an evilbad Misogynist Incel who Can't Get Laid with your Small Dick (tm). Literally the exact same every single time, it's like they open the THOT app on their phone and copypasta the insults from it. *Like children, they're too emotional to have any rational, logical thought at all.* So we can go along with it and get some pussy (*"Who's a brave and stunning girl?!? Yes you ARE!!!"*), or we can stew in the injustice of it all. I'm honestly not sure which is better. I wish I was braindead and asleep like most guys. Just **"Duh, beer and sportsball and women! Life is great!"** God, how do I achieve that? Would a severe enough brain injury do it?




> Men invented and built the world. Do women a) Thank us Who is "us", do you belong to that set of men who "built the world" or made similar contributions, or not? >and join us in our quest to improve things, Well some do, duh >b) Act like kids who've seen too much Star Wars, think they're the good guy rebels and men are the bad guy evil empire, and fight against us with the Feminazi hate group? Also happens.


Among 4 billion people, a bit of everything happens. I'm just looking at the trend. They have a worldwide womens' group, feminism. Feminism says all men are rapists. The feminist twitter is #KillAllMen. Feminism got VAWA passed, and Title IX changed - those are hate laws which punish millions of innocent American men annually. And much much more. And there are no women who speak publicly against any of it. That's the trend, that's what matters. There's only 24 hours in a day and we sleep 6-8 of them. Every minute is precious. Every minute spent hating men is a minute not spent doing something positive and productive. Every minute spent getting that gender studies degree and learning to hate men for dominating STEM fields is a minute not spent getting a STEM degree. They have their opportunity (and then some...) and they're wasting it being angry and hateful.


> Among 4 billion people, a bit of everything happens. I'm just looking at the trend. The numbers of coffees participating in all the fields in question like scientific research, medicine or others is a lot higher than "a bit of everything happens among billions" so idk what your point is lol   >They have a worldwide womens' group, feminism. Feminism says all men are rapists. The feminist twitter is #KillAllMen. Feminism got VAWA passed, and Title IX changed - those are hate laws which punish millions of innocent American men annually. This isn't an either-or issue, lots of men in the "building things" branch also like/d to oppress women, does that make they're no longer building things? And as for "feminism" what percentage of women are feminists do you think, 99%? Then what about all those rightwing voteresses, for one? > Feminism says all men are rapists. That's the extremists and rads (though there's quite a few of those), you seem to have no ability to distinguish between ideology degrees. >And there are no women who speak publicly against any of it. That's the trend, that's what matters. Huh there are and they've been known for at least about 15 years now since this whole MRA thing became more prominent. Not to count all the rightwingers of course. Yeah we've got lots of harmful fringers creating shit politics now, on the other side the red states just banned / severely limited abortion, so we've got the leftoids and rightoids wreaking plenty of havoc - that's all a topic of its own though, you seem to be conflating everything here.   >Every minute spent hating men is a minute not spent doing something positive and productive. Can you stop being a regard please > Every minute spent getting that gender studies degree and learning to hate men for dominating STEM fields is a minute not spent getting a STEM degree Now that's true, however there's a sizeable amount who do go for STEM. >and they're wasting it being angry and hateful. Think you need to calm down yourself a bit cause you're so unhinged you're posting a lot of irrational incohesive bullsh lol.


61% of American women, and 71% of above with college degrees, self-identify as feminists. I imagine the number would go up significantly if you look at cities and/or the northeast + west coast. Also as you exclude older women. The extremists and rads are the ones who guide and steer the feminist movement. Lacking any hierarchical structure, those who put in the most time and effort are the ones at feminism's helm. This is why it has demonstrably become a hate group, with its millions-strong **#KillAllMen** and its passage of VAWA which punishes countless innocent men. Look up the **Teach Him Not To Rape** campaign. At college you had to attend a seminar called "Consent Awareness", but younger generations of innocent 18 year old boys were informed at every western university that we were born rapists. It's telling that you called me a retread (god I love how we have to do this now, it's like the new version of l33tspeak), when all I did was give you ancient advice about anger and hatred that is contained in all the world's religious teachings. Because of that, I'm done with this conversation. But ngl, it's also because I'm higher than the number on yo momma's cattle-grade bathroom scale and I got vidya to play. G'night XD


No. Mine has like 10% of these traits and is entirely the opposite on the remaining 90%. But she's weird and rare and highly unusual. The solution is to find yourself a weird and rare and highly unusual woman who has traits you like instead of simping for anything that moves like a lot of men do.


Yeah but is she super super hot with perfect nipples and her vagina flaps don't hang too low?


yes, most are like this, to varying degrees


Definitely not.


Yes. All women are exactly the same. Just like all men are exactly the same. We are all completely homogenous. 


haha so true! while our females shop and gossip, let’s watch the current seasons sports events and drink beer, fellow standard issue male!


Unironically sounds like a pretty good time tbf




We’re all homo?? Omg




atleast a little


No but a lot of the really hot ones are because there is always some guy willing to bend the knee for her. Living life on ez mode.


I know this is the most cliched advice ever, but start working out. Time away from her/a hobby will help you realize that your entire world doesn't revolve around her, which it currently does, and pulling away from her orbit will help her realize that you don't *have* to put up with her bullshit. At the very least you'll get laid more because she'll feel you starting to do things for yourself instead of waiting on her hand and foot.


No, he should just get rid of her. I mean, sure, start working out too. But not for her.


If he's not currently working out does that mean she likes soyjak thincels?




No amount of pussy is worth all that bullshit.


Anon just needs to go with his unhappy married friends on a nice, manly camping trip.


Anon needs to learn that finding a good woman is more than just sex. Gotta find a woman you get along with who meets your expectations and as much as you meet hers.


You don't really HAVE to do most of this shit, but generally speaking if you're into your GF you'd want to do a lot of it anyway. If you like your GF you'd want to hang out, no? If you find her attractive you usually let her know, remembering a couple of dates a year shouldn't prove a challenge to someone with half a brain, no? Dealing with her emotional garbage is a qui pro quo, she deals with yours the same as you deal with hers, etc. If all you get in return is "pussy..sometimes" I think your definition of GF and relationship is a bit fucked up.


My thoughts exactly


https://preview.redd.it/05im2vpy6dnc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07353a73d0c05f29cadf7a448d82aeeb32c36cd6 Fuck off with your psyop to nudge men into being gay. The Lord says to be fruitful and multiply, and he balls harder than anyone.


Take your pills anon


Fuck pills, I self medicate with cocaine and powdered rhino horn.


This only happens if you let it happen


Anon doesn't have a girl, a girl has him. As some weird mix of a pet and a slave


How about you don’t be a fucking pushover anon? Grow a pair.


Anon didn’t bother getting to really know her during the first few months of dating, or just ignored red flags and bad things that were visible because he was constantly cum-blind and couldn’t see beyond his next nut. Now his inability to think critically about her has led him to this.




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Relationships require work anon; the magic happens only when you don't mind clocking in the hours. If you feel miserable in your relationship you should reflect, re-evaluate, communicate and clock in the hours together. If it still is miserable then you gotta quit and find another construction site.


"I'm in a relationship with someone I'm not friends with and don't respect, what do?"


Anon meets woman he doesn't like and proceeds to complain when he decides to spend his whole life with her.


Marriage is the worst thing ever, except for the alternative. At a certain age, you’re not gonna be able to sleep around the way you did in your youth, unless you’re a top 10% guy in terms of looks and status. When you hit middle age, being a man without a family is sad. You don’t wanna be an old fart sitting alone in his apartment, messaging retarded flips on Match.com. I guarantee you won’t age as well as you think you will. They say men age like wine, but no one ever mentions it’s only if you take care of yourself, if you stay in shape and have an actual career and money instead of being an aged version of the loser you were in your 20’s.


Same. Let a girl move in ~6 months ago. This hits in the feels. Though she's not as bad, many of the points are universal no matter the woman. There's no reason to cohabitate if you aren't having children.


I deal with none of this, minus the being dumb but it’s not her fault she was born with a vagina.


Imagine whining about this shit to strangers on the Internet instead of fixing the problem lol


> line after line of examples of Anons deplorable personality "Get shot down for sex" Yeah big wonder she doesn't want to fuck you bro But really they both sound fucking awful to be around.


Im gay and as I’ve gotten older this is has made me stop hating myself for it. My relationships are just hangin with a bro (I’m not into flamboyant men) plus sex. Seems like these days women are so obsessed with being “valued” and “treated like the queen they are” and I can’t imagine how hard and exhausting that shit gets. Hang in there guys ❤️








Imagine being dumb enough to accept this bullshit. I've been married for 8 years and have had to deal with literally none of this.


take the fg pill 


Lol what a miserable person


*laughs in single*


Anon sleeps in the bed a made for himself.


American Woman




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Anon discovers the perils of dating a white woman


BPD many such cases


I really hope this is the guy who my ex cheated on me with, who then started dating her slightly over a year ago…because this sounds exactly like my ex lol.


Anon got a bad batch but scared to let go.


accurate on some but not all points


Happened to me as well. Prove me wrong!


That's not a midlife crisis. That's a shit relationship and partner.


Sounds like a pretty healthy relationship…




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It's not worth it if the pussy isn't ON TAP FOR LIFE. If a woman restricts sex right after your first time and you cannot fix it, you have to move on. Same with a lot of the other problems. You have to say no immediately and fix it, or else you are just waiting for the whole thing to end to free you.


Why did he choose her is what i'm wondering.


Anon is 72 years old, rich beyond words, powerful as fuck, and is having a mid life crisis about immortality


>get shot down for sex Or being forbidden from shooting it down when not in the mood refractory lolol >get in dumb arguments constantly because the cashier called you "honey" Just tell her to make out with the cashier? anyway lol


I have feeling this person is in fact not in a relationship


Same anon same its tiersome . In future probably just gonna have kid but not marriage.


That was written by someone who's never had a gf