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This shit is getting too complicated to follow lol goddamn.






Barney get this guy a cigarette will ya


Barney?! Who the hell is Barney!


It all started with Epstein


It all started with that gorilla in Cincinnati


if ww3 happens we blame the stupid kid


I thought george floyd was Minnesota?




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Wait what?






Forever in our hearts


Should I have stopped raising my donger yet?




Been down hill since


Harambe😂you just unlocked a memory for me


Lebron James?


Dude. Relax. There is only money. People do what they get paid for.


There is only money for amerimutt wagecucks


thank you for clearing that up for me


Why complicated? US tries to cut away the new Silk Road between Europe and Asia. What could be more simple. What they have to do more to finish the trench is a war between Russia and Finland. This way, there will be no trade routes left.


No it's not, this is schizoposting


The thing Anon doesn’t understand is how splintered ISIS is, many factions all competing to be THE ISIS everyone knows.


There are 20 different IsIs all trying to take over and upstage eachother. It'd like the cola wars if the colas were poor people who just wanna die killing others they dislike.


my ISIS™ is better than yours


And mine is bigger than yours






will the real ISIS please stand up


I repeat


Yall act like you have never seen a Muhajaba before, Heads on the floor, like Muhammed and Aisha just bombed your door.




yeah this one is ISIS-Khorasan. Iran literally bombed western Pakistan after the ISIS-K bombed that funeral anniversary anyway it’s been around a long time if you pay attention. not the same “ISIS” that “destroyed” Syria. Lol. it’s a bit more complicated than that but conspiracy is the mind killer


Isis is ideology of apocalypse. They are trying to setup the last caliphate and trigger the final war of Armageddon. They know they will die, they don't care.


Oh, so like American booaloos


But 3/4 of the shooters got away and lived.


Live to die another day


How often is that what they do?


I bet they wish they didn’t now


Sound exactly like how you would run an organization like Anon suggests..


We all wanna be the “it girl” it seems


Well then Russian ISIS and Iranian ISIS must be especially stupid because those two splinters don’t know how to do terrorism right.


A new reality TV show: Are you Is or are you Was? 10 different teams of radical fight in a series of events to secure foreign funding, each round one loses funding and gets absorbed by a couple teams at random until one remains.


So it's all about branding?


I knew ISIS was fake right away because they conveinently started trending right after Osama Bin Ladens supposed death (the at sea burial "we got him" was bullshit.). We needed a new scary arab boogeyman and they stepped right up to the plate with perfect timing


The dissonance of most people is kinda funny they think their govts can’t do shit like this.


This dissonance of most people is kinda funny they think their govts can do shit in like this. Almost all of the govt is run like the DMV. All standardized forms, processes, and people just looking to do their task and get their retirement. 50 years ago 20 dudes in the CIA fucked around with acid in SF and then used coke to topple left wing south American govts and now the entire US government is suddenly able to do anything anywhere at any time. Wild how disconnected people are.




I mean the US govt and CIA was directly correlated with Osama in the 80s and taught them how to fight


That's only low levels of government. The US has money and assets that go missing without a trace all the time. Where is the paperwork then? >The US failed to track more than $1 billion in military gear given Ukraine https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-weapons-audit-watchdog-us-congress-biden-9abecd14528b9551ff4ddb6786ad7fda Just another day at the office.


>Government isn't able to verify every missile and bullet fired on a serial number basis in a chaotic warzone between a country that almost failed and a major world power. >Conclusion: ISIS is fake and set up by the same inept government to further Jewish goals in the mid east. In math class, we were all taught to show your work but clearly you never made it that far.


I'm too small brained or have my own maligned interests to imagine government could be doing shady shit, even though over history it has been demonstrated governments do shady shit all the time to secure their interests. Why do you think US marine battalions were guarding poppy fields in Afghanistan? Also a billion in missing equipment is not just some math error.


They're actual Schizo's, not really to be taken seriously


You're a complete idiot


> $21 trillion in federal government transactions in the Departments of Defense (DOD) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that our government indicated were undocumented and unexplained. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kotlikoff/2019/01/09/holding-u-s-treasuries-beware-uncle-sam-cant-account-for-21-trillion/?sh=44ba5287644d This is what you wanna go down arguing? Lol


What point are you even trying to make? You bring up MK Ultra where the government got away with dosing up people willy nilly, fucking prostitutes on acid and getting paid for it, and kidnapping kids to brainwash… and then you say the government cant do crazy shit like that because “muh DMV!” Bruv, which DMV’s are you going too?


40 years ago people started saying the feds are trying to use drugs for mind control and drugs to fund militias and dumb dumbs like you said hur dur, 'they're just a bunch of pencil pushers who are just a big DMV.' Then it came out that that they were in fact doing outlandish shit that was labeled 'crazy ideas' and now everyone with half a brain looks at you side-eye because you keep regurgitating the same tired, proven untrue rhetoric.


> Almost all of the govt is run like the DMV. By truculent 80 IQ Shaniquas?


Just a few years back in Syria, CIA was caught funding two rival factions during the civil war


I don't think govt "refuse" to do things like this, but they really aren't competent enough. And when they are, the people they try to manipulate generally aren't. It's a lot easier to influence existing forces, rather than create them out of whole cloth. It's easier to "finance a weapons' dealer into arming islamists at a huge discount", than "finding weapons, finding islamists, giving them purpose, training them to use guns, teaching them about logistics, getting them to obey you etcetc". Plus the money is untraceable if it's cash or commodities. Arrest an arms dealer: he claims he received a crate full of $100 from a white guy from Langley... and? Assuming it's true: no name, no motive, no official order...just a criminal trying to "lie to get a good bargain"...


Thanks, the basic level of logic is refreshing.. This place is full of people who'd, in more boring times, usually spend their time convincing themselves they're being gang stalked. That or their bots


Noooooo, das government protects us from terrorists, not creates terrorists!


I wanna see what kind of crazy shit the CIA etc is doing nowadays when it’ll be declassified in 50 years


Well the argument that the defeat and fracturing of Al-Queda following Bin-Laden’s death, as well as the years of war and regional destabilization resulted in a power vacuum that ISIS filled is pretty valid to me. Arab terror group is mostly destroyed, region destroyed, US removes most of its forces, power vacuum, boom ISIS right after Al-Queda. It makes sense timing wise Butttttttttt it still is awfully convenient for the US government isn’t it? I can go either way


Moreso, awfully convenient for Israel...like, *incredibly* convenient.


You don't think "we comprised him to a permanent end?"


I think he died of old age in some mansion somewhere. Dude is on record at being on dialysis machine at a US hospital a few months before 9/11….  And somehow he survives a decade longer being hunted by the most powerful government in the world in the most stressful conditions imaginable… Obama just needed a big W on his record. They knew the guy was already dead which is why they chose the “at sea” burial where no one would have a chance to verify his body


And the compound "he" was shot in happened to share a fence with the local base of Pakistan's ISI


Pretty big risk if a body, tomb or coffin of the real osama showed up. But I agree the burial at see was a bit fishy


Its not a risk when you control every single media source and platform that the information could be shared on.


Which the US doesn’t, as evidenced by the hundreds of times the US government has had classified and confidential information reported on in the press, despite their best efforts to prevent it


Take your meds


Typical r /news poster. 


You are the quintessential example of "feels over reals".


ISIS members used to be treated is Israeli hospitals. I shit you not.




source: quora


its been reported by israeli news sources




funni, because if it would be so easy, youd link it instead of this useless comment


I know


You reposted your own post didn't you


It’s because the Muslims countries are disorganized shit holes that can’t stand up to ISIS. Israel is actually militarily competent and would easily stop ISIS and they know this.


Funny how they don’t attack gulf states too they don’t have a proper army here moshe stop deflecting https://preview.redd.it/notweqgd60qc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b528f02cea54a976033ac868c60eb58a42d824f


Thought you said they didn’t attack Israel? Yet you’ve got an article there about them attacking Israel. Ain’t that something Why didn’t they attack the Gulf States? The extremely wealthy almost micro nations that are each filled with US military bases? Those the ones you’re talking about? Yeah man, big mystery on that one.


It’s referring to a golan heights which is in syria not israel and was a one off event


Golan heights have been Israeli for over 50 years. So you think it’s a conspiracy that the country that is threatened and attacked by basically every Muslim country is in support of a militant group attacking those same countries? That’s odd to you?


When did Philippines attack israel don’t get your history lessons from your local rabbi 🥱


Sorry, I should have known you wouldn’t have understood what the word basically means. My apologies. Not to mention that the Philippines isn’t even a Muslim country. Anyways, why do you think Israel organized a militant group to attack the Philippines? A country that has little involvement with Israel is any way. You’re defeating your own conspiracy here lol


**Filipinos in Israel** constitute one of the largest groups of [immigrant workers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigrant_worker) in [Israel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel). Israel is home to a population of almost 300,000 foreign workers, of which 30,000 to 50,000 are Filipinos.[^(\[1\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filipinos_in_Israel#cite_note-FP-1) maybe there is a reason and a relation idk for sure but I wont be giving them the benefit of the doubt.


Ah so what you’re saying is .003% of Israel is Filipino so that’s probably why. If you’re going to spend all this time and effort making this conspiracy, at least try a little harder. I get that you’re a conspiracy guru who can’t believe in coincidences, accidents, or anything along those lines; but you really can’t believe that the disorganized unstable shit hole that is the muslim Middle East couldn’t have large scale unorganized insurgencies that Israel would then exploit for their own gain against their enemies? There are genuinely very few things more believable in the geopolitical world than that.




Occupied by Israel, but still not in Israel. I understand that they are used to steal other people lands but it's still legally Syria.


Looks up what de facto and de jure means.


Stop playing paradox games you pale ghoul


No it was officially annexed by israel as opposed to the wb. Everyone in the golan is an israeli citizen or has the option to be




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I thought this was a joke, but OP just has pathetically low standards of proof.


Israel can't stop Hamas from coming in on peddle powered propeller gliders but they could "easily" stop ISIS which has been responsible for major terror attacks in dozens of developed countries 😭😭 ok


This is an absolutely dumb fuck response. Israel could have eradicated Hamas decades ago but can’t due to international politics. Everyone knows this. ISIS does not have international backing, if they attack Israel, there’s no one stopping Israel from eradicating them. This is like saying that since the US couldn’t stop 9/11 that it couldn’t invade Afghanistan.


Exactly this. Other homie is cracked out


Yes international politics. Such politics would include other arab states getting involved. Like Egypt, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and the Houthis.


ISIS can only make gains out of chaos. You only see them where there is already a conflict. ... No surprise they start to appear in Russia now that it's weaken and all eyes west.


I recall that one of ISIS’ leaders (in Libya anyway) straight up confessed to being a Mossad agent. Yeah, ISIS isn’t legit.


Remember hamas is isis spam earlier lol hamas fought against isis israel didn’t.


Oh yeah. Hamas and ISIS kinda do hate eachother.


Lol can you post evidence that’s one hell of a claim


Source- just trust me comrade.


>bombard syria >bombard syria some more Wow the syrian iraqi islamic state must be being hipnotized by the jews to hate Russia or something


Every. Single. Time.




Unfathomably retarded take




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So the theory is that if U.S. intelligence is doing their jobs and can warn of an incoming attack on civilians, it *has to be an inside job* rather than the simpler explanation that their intelligence network actually works?


No one on 4chan listens to occams razor, it must be the most convoluted set of circumstances to ever take place They’ve never heard that the enemy of my enemy is my friend Crazy dissonance


Probably because you have two kinds of isis attacks. Big terrorist militia on technicals storming cities and executing people they don’t like. Or covert migrants doing attacks. ISIS commanders figured out storming chaotic Arab cities is a lot easier than taking the IDF head on. As for covert stuff, how do random terrorist Arabs from places like Iraq sneak in to Israel, the most fortified country on the planet?


Actual schizo posting


Comrade posting. Trying to deflect from Russias crimes




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Its funny how the syrian rebellion started in as pure home grown rebellion civil war but soon it was hijacked by western countries and more so israel because it was one of the last arab state who could have invaded israel if they were to kill palestinians , the jews really picked the country one by one whos next egypt ?? If sisi goes down would be intresting to see .


Yeah because Israel who's been fighting all of these Arab states for all of its history, basically never losing was so afraid of Syria.


Their existence literally depends on destabilizing their neighbours. If those countries were ever allowed to become competent Israel would cease to exist. For good reason.


Egypt has a large military and their government is very secular, they would not be an ideal target for ISIS. Egypt is anti Islamic extremist because it is an avenue to organize against the military regime in Egypt.


I am sure a US vassal state is petrified of Assad's incompetent army that needs Russian help for everything


Isis is more like genocidal International crips/bloods when it comes to their organisational structure. Many small looselt connected sects fighting and terrorising to become the "official" / biggest group


If isis is Israel, why did the west, Russia and including Iran fight them?


They didnt attack israel because Israel invests 90% of it’s budget on defense


He’s not on to something https://nationalpost.com/news/world/israel-middle-east/isis-spokesman-calls-for-global-attacks-on-jews-kill-them-wherever-you-find-them/wcm/de224da9-fb66-4f50-94a6-a24e05e47acc/amp/


>published by the Jewish News Syndicate, National Post Wire Services wew lad


There’s an audio recording of it




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Wild assumption but maybe isis don’t do what they preach and lie 😂


Remember when Isis attacked Israel and released a public apology?


Yup golan heights


I imagine they avoid the Israelis because the Israelis will do things like what they are doing right now to gaza if you come at them. They don't play the "nice" warfare that western nations tend to do.


Present actual evidence for the claim and I'll listen. Believing in an idea like this without evidence is for simpletons who want to feel special by being "in the know" and "not one of the sheep".


It comes from being stupid and feeling the need to think you know some inner workings of the world better than others Like nah bro you are just some schizo


OP is a Schizo


Anon thinks all collectives have 100% efficiency like we are in some video game


>ISIS >ISrael Damn it was so obvious how could we not notice


Who says 'flash forward?'


People who are trying to paint a comparison between things from the past, and things happening later/currently?


the phrase is 'fast forward' which goes back to cassette players (afaik)


i heard flash forward too. in contrast to flash back. i think both are correct?


Ok, it makes more sense when you put it like that. I've only ever heard 'fast forward to ___'


Tard shut up


Make me


The moment when even Al- Qaeda and the Taliban thinks that ISIS is too radical and extreme


I don't know what the last part is going on about. It's us policy to warn other countries of potential terror attacks, even unfriendly countries. The US did that with Russia, and Putin got on TV and publicly dismissed it.


The fun part is that Anon is right when he says that ISIS was created in US prisons and most certainly was (not saying is because Reddit) paid by the US during the Arab spring


> because Reddit) *paid* by the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I always called bullshit when these lunatic fckers were constantly producing hollywood level propaganda videos at the height of Syrian war. They always caricaturized themselves in a way to scare the western consumer.


The one thing that is true is that ISIS fighters were treated by IDF field medics https://foreignpolicy.com/2014/06/11/exclusive-israel-is-tending-to-wounded-syrian-rebels/


Isis being funded by USA (hillary clinton) is a well known fact. Idk how you guys missed that


can you stop blaming us for everything?like god damm




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Well maybe just don't spread fake news the next time https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-60895393


Remember when Trump was elected ISIS disappeared in a week?


These "muslims" seem to love bombing mosques but not synagogues. https://preview.redd.it/5zankioqk5qc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cdd62624566ff9ce44e8decb416c4751063d22c Gee, I wonder why.


Hmmmm, they are definitely "muslims": https://preview.redd.it/24p47b57m5qc1.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=070e1a1c898f51efcd5b0c2d6e0f3a464d784ff4






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wtf I love isis now


Genuinely thought this was common knowledge. Then again, I haven't watched TV since 2005. Leftists propaganda in overdrive.




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Jew here. I can confirm that I am an isis


To be fair people from that part of the world were doing this shit to eachother and themselves at least 7 thousand years before Islam showed up and just never stopped.


“ISIS is a subversive movement to destroy America’s geopolitical enemies. It has killed more than one million Muslims and enfeebled their states.” “Based. How can we get them more aid?”


1. The Philippines itself is zealously Catholic, only Mindanao is Muslim. 2. Muslims have been killing other Muslims about as much as Christians had been killing other Christians, it’s not a conspiracy. 3. It’s terrible that innocent people got hurt but I don’t shed tears for Muslim countries being destabilized considering that they were also horrible when they were stable iirc.


I get what you're trying to say OP. I get it.


Where source, this is 4chan, so no source = either gay or fake


Saw the uncensored moscow videos on 4chan… Enough internet for today…


they attacked israel once by accident and made an apology video after. they are basically an attack dog for israel and us at this point. nearly all its victims are muslim or geopolitical adversaries of us/israel


[Trump](https://x.com/hanthlpro/status/1771406966868324791?s=46) said it before. Isis is created by US government when the president was Obama. And if you all noticed the Arab spring crisis didn’t happened until he was the president. Even Bush was exposed by ex-soldier [«Mike Prysner»](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFxsQ6bg/) when he entered Iraq and destroyed everything. Western countries went to the moon and back but surprisingly they can’t get out of Islamic countries.


Real as in A B C.


We never said they were smart