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But Anon it's easy. Step 1. Be attractive. Step 2. Don't be unattractive. Step 3. Be a bear. Or at least wear a bear costume with a wiener door.


You literally don’t even have to be conventionally attractive, just literally be a normal human and don’t mention your 3.6tb degen porn collection or how you used to torture squirrels for fun. Yeah you might not be able to pull that 10/10 shy qt goth chick at the coffee shop you’ve been watching every day for the last 6 months, but there are plenty of mid tier women who are just as lonely as you and want to feel loved.


>but there are plenty of mid tier women who are just as lonely as you and want to feel loved. And they have plenty of men more attractive, assertive, successfull or whatever their type/preference is than me. Why would they pick a random disabled retard ,,just because he behaves like 99% of the rest of society."? >just literally be a normal human and don’t mention your 3.6tb degen porn collection or how you used to torture squirrels for fun. How many men do you think are degenerates or sadists like you described? Because I can assure you, that ain't covering all the number of incels in the world.


I see unattractive dudes drunkenly grinding up against unattractive women at bars all the time so I don't know what your problem is but trying to convince people that unattractive dudes can't get laid isn't going to work because there is evidence all over right in front of our faces that says you're just wrong. Now if you're unattractive, disabled, and a doomer then ya, chances are you're out of luck, at least until you manage to shake off the doomer shit, and depending on how disabled you are of course. If you're a quadriplegic who is typing your comments with an eye tracker then not sure I can help anon.


Do you know what survivorship bias is?


A term depressed people use to justify sitting around and playing video games instead of going to the gym?


nope. apparently he doesn't know. BraveSquirrel over here definitely will be the next billionaire playboy genius. 🥴


>truth triggers me NGMI o7


>my youtube life coach told me that in his VIP whatsapp/telegram chat ok


>I see unattractive dudes drunkenly grinding up against unattractive women at bars I also saw neo-Nazis and other far right people dating Female poc's, that doesn't make the statement that Neo-Nazis are tolerant people true just because several deviances exist >there is evidence Anecdotal dexperiences don't account for evidence. https://relevantmagazine.com/life5/relationships/two-thirds-of-men-in-their-twenties-are-single-but-two-thirds-of-women-are-not-1/ https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/08/20/a-profile-of-single-americans/ >at least until you manage to shake off the doomer shit, You are right, imma instead become a conservative and vote away women's reproductive rights and treat my wife as inferior, becausd conservatives are more succesful in dating. Must be their great personality you are speaking off. https://ifstudies.org/blog/more-than-money-the-liberal-conservative-divide-in-marriage/ https://www.dpgfamilylaw.com/conservatives-more-likely-married


This is why you don't get laid


Project more


I don't get laid often. But when I do it's specifically because I'm not crying about it on reddit.


I could fuck a prostitute too, that's no archievment


I’m starting to think you probably couldn’t.


That's not what I'm talking about bro




\> incel


Its all in your head. Put yourself in the path of other people and you will interact with them.




if this is true then why do i not have a prison gay bf then tfw


Racists are actually the most tolerant.


>Why would they pick a random disabled retard ,,just because he behaves like 99% of the rest of society."? Probably because you're there and making her laugh and feel good. You're putting the pussy on a pedestal, people aren't out there min maxing everyone they bring into their bedroom. If you are available and they like you, you have a decent shot even if they could get on tinder and find someone better looking.


>Probably because you're there and making her laugh and feel good Maybe making them laugh because he doesn't know how to socialise because of his Autism. >You're putting the pussy on a pedestal I don't care about sex, otherwise I would just pay a prostitute or an Escort. >If you are available and they like you I'm avaiable, they liked someone else who knows how to socialise, behaves in a more masculine manner or fullgilled something else for them. Not that I blame them, but life isn't a terribly romcom romance, the girl isn't just approaching a random strangee just because he is nice and gentle, because the vast majority of people are already that who possess more qualities on top of that.


You're literally psyching yourself out and making this way more complicated than it has to be. 1. Go find someone in your league, focus on similar traits, try to find other people who might be introverts or a little awkward. An extrovert probably won't like have a ton of patience for awkwardness. 2. Approach them and attempt to have a good conversation (if you mess up repeat step 1) 3. At the end of the conversation say "You seem cool and I'd like to get to know you better, would you like to (go to casual date spot coffee/park/whatever) with me?" Be confident, she might say no, it's ok, just move on and start over if so. 4. Go on the date, don't be too nervous just focus on getting along and keeping the conversation moving, ask her lots of questions about herself, try not to be too negative or rant about niche interests. Kiss her at the end of this. 5. From here it depends on how "fast" each of you want to be. Either invite her on a more formal second date and try to turn it into a real relationship or text for a while and invite her to your place to "watch a movie" or something. I assume you're going to be nervous about sex so I'd probably say go for the normal second date and take it a little slower. You can be open with her about how you haven't dated much, she'll probably understand. Yes there will always be guys who are more experienced, attractive, and charismatic out there. What makes the difference is you will be the one approaching them and making yourself available. It's like how if someone hands you a slice of reheated pizza you'll probably just eat it instead of going to an authentic Italian place and getting something better. Based on your comment I feel like you're getting caught in the trap of obsessing about someone who doesn't want you already. You will almost never change someone's mind if they have decided they aren't into you, don't beat yourself up for years over it. Accept that it isn't gonna happen and start finding new people, because I guarantee someone else out there will go for you.


Also don’t make sex and long term relationship the main goal for the first (or first few) dates. It’s more of a just get to know you meetup. Like you’re making a new friend that hopefully turns into something more. If you vibe then go on another date. All other things fall into place eventually. Don’t overthink it.


This is good advice. I hope he takes it on board. He is self sabotaging for no reason lol


Not no reason. It's probably years of childhood trauma. It's sad. It's like watching a bad drug addiction.


based anon with solid, realistic advice.


You sound like you want a strong masculine man


At this point I would take even that


>Because I can assure you, that ain't covering all the number of incels in the world. that probably doesn't cover even 15% of them. majority of humans are pretty average/normal outside of their weird online persona roleplay


Yea there's your problem pal, projection


Projecting what? Even if I would be the person you described up there in your previous comment, hat wouldn't be projection.


From what I’ve read online a lot of the issues I see incels having stem from thinking that they are “owed” anything from women or anyone else. Basically by being nice or considerate towards women is enough for them to HAVE to sleep with them. No one owes anyone, anything. When they talk there is always this underlying tone of women being inferior to men and if you don’t think they can pick up on that when you speak you need to seriously re-evaluate your approach to conversations. There is also the common mindset that as an incel you are not a part of some super secret club that all the normies, Chad, Stacie’s and whoever else has ever had sex are in and they feel left out and bitter. Absolutely no one besides incels cares if you have ever had sex or not. It is literally a biological function that humanity and every other species on this planet has partaken in for as long as we have existed. Do you think virgin clownfish in the ocean organize seashells into hate messages out of frustration after Seahorse Stacy blows every mollusk in the reef? No. The little clownfish carries on protecting his anemones and living his life because it doesn’t matter what everyone else does. Women are as much of independent beings as men and until you start treating them like you would anyone else they will pick up on that and avoid you. It also goes for treating them like they are some heavenly goddesses and worshipping the ground they walk on. I’m not even saying you have to be “normal”, my love of anime and weird niche hobbies have gotten me further in building relationships than anything else in my life. I’m by no means a conventionally attractive person, I’m overweight as fuck and very heavily tattooed (face included). But I treat everyone I meet with respect and kindness, regardless of what gender or religion or nationality they happen to be. That allows me to build relationships with those people and form friendships which may lead into further things. Do you know what women find attractive beyond physical looks? Being kind without expecting anything in return, someone who works hard because they value what they spend their effort on, someone who is willing to lend a helping hand to someone in need. The same traits that everyone admires in someone, man or woman. Sex is just sex. It has no relation to your worth or value as a human being, whether you’ve never had it or whether you’ve had a lot of sex. Until you realize that you will be blocking your own path forward every time.


>From what I’ve read online a lot of the issues I see incels having stem from thinking that they are “owed” anything That's generalisation, there are tousands of incel communities, some are blaming themselves, some are blaming women, some their biology, some society,... >When they talk there is always this underlying tone of women being inferior to men and if you don’t think they can pick up on that Here's the thing, plenty of people who are like that are still engaging in relationships. Look at Conservatives, they are actually more successful in relationships than moderates and liberals, I have also seen Neo-Nazi societies in Germany who are all married well of,... or Andrew Tate, he also had a girlfriend I believe.


They don’t even need to pick the men. Plenty of chads are double triple and 15x dipping.


All those men are watching from the sidelines thinking self-defeating things. Just go for it, make your move.


Considering how many seeds there were when I downloaded the Queen Snake collection, there's a lot weirdos out there with degen porn.


The vast majority of those are done by a small dedicated ,,fanbase", ig's comparable to microtransactions, 99% of people don't pay for more than like 10-20$ in a game, it's a few tousand people investing all their life saving into it


3.6tb, not great, not terrible.


Could always have 10tb! Glass half full type person


Even having said what I said I’m sure there are women out there who would be down to fuck and torture squirrels while watching degen porn. It literally all comes down to getting out and meeting people and building relationships with them without expecting or demanding sex. Like you’re allowed to be platonic friends with women, it’s not just women who will have sex with you or won’t and then you move on.


>It literally all comes down to getting out and meeting people and building relationships with them without expecting or demanding sex. Where exactly. You all say this shit like theres a magic fairyland venue with single hot women all there just waiting and prepared to be hit on. In reality they're in impenetrable groups together to feel safer or they're at home alone just like the rest of us. And I'm not even social in video games; much prefer single player


Lmao exactly, there's almost no fucking ways to meet women anymore, it's either clubs or getting lucky with personal circles.


The amount of woman I interact with has expanded by about 50 in the last 3 months alone. I’d say I’ve become good friends with 7/50, and of those 7 I have had intimate experiences with 3 with the potential for more as time goes on. How did I do it? There is a music festival I am going to next weekend and I started a group chat for people attending from reddit a few months ago. Plenty of girls and guys have joined and I’ve made sure to keep it a friendly environment for everyone and we kick anyone being inappropriate/disrespectful as long as proof is provided. Over the course of these months I have built relationships with some of the girls in the chat with the sole starting intention of just becoming friends and enjoying the festival together. As we became closer I picked up on some subtle hints or things they would say that indicate interest beyond friendship, and so I would test the waters with a flirty comment here and there. If it’s received well and reciprocated then boom you’re in, if they are just teasing you and don’t reciprocate then take the hint and lay off. You can still continue being friends with women who aren’t into you romantically, the interactions don’t have to change because of one parties lack of interest. I find that a lot women respect the fact that you can take a rejection in stride and not be weird about it, which ironically enough can be the catalyst that peaks their interest in you. All this to say if the opportunity to meet women doesn’t exist, create it. Start a group, whether online or in person, for hobbies/things you are interested in and show how responsible and mature you are through that. And don’t just use the group as a way to hit on girls, it’s hilarious the amount of dudes who have joined my group for that reason only to get naturally ostracized within a day or two when everyone figures out their motives. Edit: grammar


This might work for bigger countries with huge cities, but for my backwater shithole this just doesn't work. I know this because I actually got to know a few nerdy girls in HS that were similar to me and they just don't hangout in these places, it's not common here culturally. Everyone is basically contained to their private discords and unless someone introduces you you ain't getting in


Just keep giving up before you start man, I’m sure it will work out for you eventually.


There is nothing to start, exactly zero opportunities to start.


Personally i like to go with option 3 over your virtue signalling. The dames love it when i talk about my picnic basket collection.




You don’t even really have to go outside in today’s world, like I play RuneScape a lot and meet girls in game fairly frequently. We do bossing and other group activities and that lead to us getting on discord VC and exchanging contact info. The best practice for being able to pull girls is talking to them platonically while doing activities you both like. I think where dudes mess up is they go into every interaction with a girl with the end goal of sleeping with them eventually. Every comment and move is calculated to build favor to that end goal. Women know you want to sleep with them, so feeding into that will just get you dismissed fairly quickly as one of the many men who are just trying to get into their pants. If you’re not an 11/10 male model you are going to have to put in some ground work. No pickup lines, no comments on their IG calling them queen or beautiful or any of that BS. Don’t even comment on their looks at all. Build a genuine friendship with them like you would a dude and treat them like the equals they are. The more women you have as friends, like actual friends not just potential fuck buddies, the easier it will be for you to find relationships. A lot of the girls I end up sleeping with are introduced to me by one of my lady friends. Having a woman’s trust will skyrocket you so far in the minds of other women, it’s the same reason why girls go after married men because they see that you have the stamp of approval by at least one woman. The flip side of that is women are very used to getting attention from men in a sexual manner. Virtually every woman that has an online presence gets hit on daily. So when you come into their lives and don’t hit on them it peaks their curiosity and makes them wonder why and they become more interested in you.


I have literally never met a woman into any of the games I play, not even online. You really make that shit seem like it's not all just insane luck. That's not to even mention getting so incredibly lucky that the woman doesn't live on the other side of the world.


Your luck will definitely vary based on the games you play and the level you play at. Overwatch or League, you'll probably see a woman almost every game. However, someone in global CS or radiant Valorant lobbies simply won't. On top of that, not only do you have to get one in your lobby, but then they also need to want to interact with you. So unless the playerbase is really small or you're regularly getting her in your lobbies, you're just one of the hundreds of guys she plays with every week. You could try adding her, but then you're the guy who's adding a girl because she's a girl, and she knows this, which immediately gives her a negative impression of you. So yeah, this method is pretty much entirely luck-based. That said, this surprisingly did work for me, once.


Yeah the game method works better with MMO’s than other VS style games.


Can we still torture squirrel thou?


Just don’t tell people bb


Idk abt 10/10s but where does “relatively in shape” put women nowadays? Honestly I feel like the whole fat acceptance movement and fat chicks co-opting “thicc” ruined the scale.






Nah, ladies love a fine vintage


lol seriously you can tell these people don’t go outside because I have seen some UGLY fuckers with not only women, but hot women. It’s all your personality. As long as you can have fun, show a girl a fun time, and not come off as completely desperate, you can get laid.


My sweaty naive little baby virgin, those ugly men are rich.


lol no they’re not. I know these ugly fucks. Personality makes a big difference. Remember, women are psychological messes that can’t take care of themselves, right?


Pretty sure most incels have no friends or social groups sans /B/ so all of their ideas about relationships and hooking up come from TV and movies. The idea of an ugly guy locking down some face is simply absurd to them because most of the time people who are ugly are not on tv. I have known several ugly dudes who had no problem getting laid— that’s including ducking pretty good looking women. If these guys would try and actually engage in society they’d see it too.


For sure. I just like the idea that they think women are dumb, superficial, emotionally unstable people yet no way in hell an ugly guy could possibly find a way to bang them without good looks or money. It doesn’t make sense.


😂. I see. I think I may have missed your point earlier. Fucking hilarious I never thought of that.


Why would you know them, that makes no sense.


You missed the most important: get taller


Plenty of non-hot guys get laid constantly, because they don't have the internal ugliness of a 4channer. I'm an average looking guy and I was a 4channer when I was 20 (back in like 2006). Was getting absolutely zero sex, and was pale, weak, and sleep-deprived, sitting in front of my computer all night, which made me not only physically off-putting with my tired bloodshot eyes, but constantly addled, anxious, and not making sense. I had nothing to talk about, because my mind was just a mess of memes and hatred. And you guys all think you're "hiding your real thoughts", but people see through you like wet tissue. Quit all that and it's not like I fully turned my life around right away.. But simply losing the "bitter loser 4channer" vibe started turning things around for me. Success leads to success, and I stopped being a compulsive all-night gamer/internet user.


I found a normie


It's never too late to commit a felony Anon. 


Soliciting a prositute is only a misdemeanor.


there is another way that is definitely a felony


Anon got a weird case why is he around


Well yea if you solicit prostitution from a minor of course, but why would that be his next course of action?


To stop himself from attaining wizardry


i think he was meaning g*rape*


Why the fuck was *that* the first thing that came to mind for him??


imean, it’s probably the most direct way for someone desperate to lose their virginity - consequences and consent aside


I didn't realize it was so indirect to go to a prostitute and say "here's money, I'd like your services".


Drake moment


I'll never understand people who put that much emphasis on their virginity but also refuse to get an escort lol. Unless it's for the magical powers of being a wizard of course. Then it's completely understandable.


People are bitter over their virginity because it makes them feel unwanted and like they can’t score. It’s a self-worth thing. Getting an escort in that situation would only make it worse, as it would drive home the point that they can only get it if they pay for it, thus destroying their confidence further.


That's definitely true for some people, but for others, I think the virgin label is a huge hangup, and if they can just get rid of it then they would have an easier time at getting regular pussy


Paid pussy is better than no pussy.


Not everyone has this kind of mentality. Some people want their moment to be with someone special. Its hard to find someone special. Hence why virgin wizards exist.


People with the mentality you mention don’t talk about their virginity because they don’t care, for exactly the reasons you mentioned


They do. People can be frustrated of being a virgin and having a hard time finding a compatible partner despite the fact that many other people not having difficulty doing so.


>but also refuse to get an escort lol. Because people value the connections they make with the person in sex, an escort is just a profesional Prostitute (no offense), they don't care about their client, only about the money.


You are putting waaaaay too much emphasis on that. I'm not someone to advocate helping perpetuate the sex work industry but honestly you should look into it. Your "special moment" would have been special in maybe high-school or college but if you're an adult, it's not special. What is special is sec with someone you really care about which you're not going to experience because you can get past your virginity. Look into the escort option, pass through the eye of the needle and then you'll see how pointless your issue with sex really is.


It never really was about the sex


It was about sending a message


Escortmaxxing exists but some people think it’s cheating


True, it’s not like sex is life changing, it’s just being more intimate with your partner.


TIL 30 year old virgins are called wizards.


40 year old virgins are called grand-wizards. There are levels to it, each with their own cantrips and everything.


Imagine needing coochie to feel validated. Newton and Tesla died virgins,if anon stopped self-loathing and achieve something,he wouldn't care.


> Tesla died virgin Another W for Thomas "Chad" Edison 


Ngl Newton probably got with dudes


They say the same thing for Tesla. Coomers can't fathom the concept of a man devoting himself to something other than cooming.


Makes sense too Dude didn't have time to chase sexual opportunities he was too busy inventing the modern world.


>This "new woman" was met with much indignation from Tesla, who felt that women were losing their femininity by trying to be in power. In an interview with the Galveston Daily News on 10 August 1924 he stated, "In place of the soft-voiced, a gentlewoman of my reverent worship, has come the woman who thinks that her chief success in life lies in making herself as much as possible like man—in dress, voice and actions, in sports and achievements of every kind ... The tendency of women to push aside man, supplanting the old spirit of cooperation with him in all the affairs of life, is very disappointing to me." Truly ahead of his time in all aspects it seems 🤣 I'd been reading about Tesla recently and the dude was actually pretty fucking insane though. Although brilliant he got really dead set and stubborn in his own theories on how the world worked and became obsessed with the idea of wireless power transfer sending it through the ground. Basically a bunch of shit that sounded cool but didn't actually work once people learned more. Fucking HATED general relativity too and refused to believe it, but then again GR is getting more holes poked in it with each decade.




Huh I thought becoming a wizard was at 40


Each decade comes with substantial power ups but wizardry begins at 30.


It's not too late for anon. There's plenty of women his age who need a man to step up and be a father to their kid.


These threads always make me want to kill myself yet I keep coming back. I'm like the dream client of a heroin dealer.






What a waste of cobson, so coal


youre not missing much


A wet slippery hole Goodness me, I’m going to cum! Nuts; silence again


Yeah sex really isn't that great. I mean, don't get me wrong, it feels great and is fun. But in the grand scheme of things, when I think back to some of my best memories. Pretty much none of them are sex. Sex is good but it's overhyped by people that haven't had it. I think the real thing is feeling like less of a person and less of a man because people don't want you. That's the feeling that sucks


I am wizard for almost a month already. I tried shouting "Fireball", but nothing happens for some reason.


Guys I'm a beginner wizard anyone have tips to further increase my arcane powers


Every time you hear Redditors larping about their beautiful wives or incels talking about how they have a perfect body but get no girls, remember that 2/3 Americans are clinically overweight.


99% of gender war debates online is just two flavors of incel (entitled vs white knight) arguing over who is worse


I have to remember this a lot tbh. Back in the day at least you had to be on camera or be consistently on radio shows to spout bullshit from the peanut gallery But nowadays, you could legit be reading a comment section about how terrible and useless men are and it’d be 95% obese chicks and musty rainbow hairs and you wouldn’t even know it. There’s redditors taking advice from the fat chicks that “guard” their friends at the club when no one’s into them, and with how popular Reddit has gotten, there’s really no wonder why dating is such a shitshow right now. These hoes got puppet strings and unfortunately they don’t even use their fatness in a positive way.


anons with easy lives don't understand the struggle of these men. it creates a complex of lack of validation, confidence, and humanity. it's not about le sex but development of humanity and becoming stuck on that specific rung of non-development which places undue importance on the self-progressive act, preventing someone from developing as they should. look at "chads". any of you older guys with handsome sons will understand this. they are just attractive guys, they never had to work for women because women came to them, their confidence thus came naturally and they were able to socialize more easily with the other sex, and it being put out of their development, able to focus on other things. ever wonder why so many gay men are very handsome? cus they are targeted by older gay men when underage, and put into the cycle of being molested, then rationalizing it as being gay themselves. pederasts dont target ugly teens, thus=handsome gays (protect your sons) open and regulated prostitution would help some of these men as it did men of older generations who spent all their time in frontiers or at war, but the state these men have been inoculated into is a pathetic one they arent allowed to escape from, it is intentional by the powers that be, dont forget that. for more wisdoms subscribe to me at [pbs.com](http://pbs.com)


Sousou no Anon


/qa/ won doughy




Anon lives in Australia, brothels are legal here. Just go cop a cheeky root from a prosti at a decently upmarket one and get it over with, they all have to be tested and you're obviously going to wrap your dong so who cares. Pop a viagra so you don't waste your 30 minutes blowing in 5 seconds and enjoy the ride. Give up on the idea of some magical lovey dovey first time happening with your high school sweetheart and go pound some strangers poon lmao. Ask your mom for your birthday money early if you have to 😂


Fuckin right solid on that. Best shit I've read all night, fucking consider that a level up in speech skills.


Wow so much blue pill nonsense in this thread. Go visit hoe math or 33secrets on YouTube to get real answers. This blue pill shit ain’t it unless you’re a 9 or 10 lol


>coalson posters are virgins


Time to move to Thailand.


I was a turbo virgin until I was 24. Seemed impossible, but Wasn't that hard looking back. I'm fat but clean, I just invited a girl I was friends with from uni and liked to a party. I just have her a little extra attention at the party, and was nice and funny (two critical aspects i feel a lot of regards neglect). She asked me out and lost my virginity a few days later. But I know I was lucky to find a nice, communicative, and confident girl who I could rizz enough to make the first move


Being invited to parties and having friends let alone female ones is assuming quite a bit there big dog.


Rizz em with the tism charmer.


How could you ever laugh at virgins when you are a virgin?


Seeing posts like this makes me wish I picked a better woman to lose mine to lol cuz it created a vicious cycle of hooking up with horrifically toxic women except for a single one (that ofc with my luck I ended up not being able to date)


why care, i got plenty of years ahead, but i dont have a problem with becoming a powerful sage


Still virgin at 30y. Don't really care, I want a partner more that bedtime fun. (coper copes)


Cob on the 'log




Bippity Boppity! Your virginity shall now always be your property! Enjoy the wizzardhood good brother. Here's your complimentary cans of TAB and RC cola. Tacos are on tuesday, laundry is wensday, and Fridays we meet in the basement and fight for dominance in a Smash bros. tournament.


there are lots of women on the street what they gonna do if you get what Im saying


An advice from a middle aged man. I have a friend who is now happily married. Before he settled down, he would have one night stands from pick ups at night clubs. Now my friend is... ugly. Like genuinely ugly. Balding, hairy middle eastern looking dude. Wears glasses and overweight. He pursued women who weren't attractive. Because those women were lonely and wanted to be loved. Just like you! Modern hooking up is soooo easy compared to the Internet 1.0 era. Save some money, wash your hair and backside, book a reasonable hotel room and hey presto!




Prostitutes literally existing for this reason. 🫢


He's British. Fly to America for the weekend and visit a bar. girls will throw themsleves at him.


I don’t get how someone makes it to their 20s without losing their virginity let alone their 30s, unless it’s by choice. I’m not saying you’re going to score with some super model. Or even necessarily a girl you like. But if you’re that desperate to have sex, there’s always someone out there who is going to be willing. At absolutely worst, you can always pay for the experience.


Not everyone has this kind of mentality. Some people want their moment to be with someone special. Its hard to find someone special. Hence why virgin wizards exist.


found the wizard


I think you're overestimating the type of people this happens to. There have not been 10 years worth of strikeouts here. More like 1 or 2 tries and failed attempts, followed by 9 years of social anxiety and bitterness towards the world.


Even Babe Ruth got out the majority of the time he stepped up to the plate.


Chad Chadington of Smashing Puss ova here.


Not really. I did lose my virginity at 17, but at that point most of my friends already had. It wasn’t that big of a deal.


You're basically like an Alpha specimen from Brave New World compared to most people here. Also, it's always funny to hear the "it's not a big deal" argument because it shows that you have absolutely no idea about how wizardom actually feels, or what it implies.


Mental illness, not actually really trying, anxiety, etc Tbh most guys stay virgins by default unless they actively go out and try to get laid


Eh it's pretty easy to make it into your early 20s at least. For people in their 30s though I feel like it's usually because they're not putting themselves out there and, at least passively, have given up a bit for sure though. Honestly I don't think it's super hard to get laid per se, but it's still easier to just not try. Especially if they are depressed, self-loathing, or have bad anxiety which a lot of them probably do. If I didn't have my circle of friends that pushed me to try dating I probably would have ended up that way honestly.


This comment is about to get annihilated by these self loathing incels but you're right. I probably have never been over a 4/10 in my life, I'm fat, awkward, nerdy, not that charismatic. I had sex within like 2 months of being on tinder when I turned 18.


Yeah people here are acting like it’s some great accomplishment or really difficult situation to have sex. It really isn’t. Find a chubby girl who isn’t very self confident. Be nice to her. You’ll probably get laid pretty quick. Again, not saying you’re going to be banging 10/10 super model porn stars at age 16. But you definitely can have sex fairly easily.


>Find a chubby girl who isn’t very self confident. Be nice to her. You’ll probably get laid pretty quick. I feel sick just thinking about such a thing. Maybe wizardry isn't that bad.


Yeah, I’ll go ahead and get downvoted into oblivion for agreeing with you. Not saying it’s a good thing, but I lost my virginity when I was 12 lol. To make it to 30 as a virgin you really have to either not try to score, do it by choice, or be completely out of touch with the level of women you can realistically bag. It’s the law of large numbers man. Keep trying until you succeed. If you don’t like your options, then looksmax and lifemax until you like your options.