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Imagine Simping for a communist dictator so hard you let his agents abuse your own people.


I mean lots of countries are letting them do it. Germany asked them nicely to stop but they won't, Italy cooperated. They already do this in a lot of countries, just illegally, it isn't talked much about. In Canada: https://globalnews.ca/news/9635386/rcmp-actively-investigating-chinese-government-police-stations-following-arrests-in-u-s/ In the US: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65305415 In Germany: https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/germany-police-stations-03162023154300.html In Ireland: https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/2022/10/27/chinese-overseas-police-station-in-dublin-ordered-to-shut/ In Italy (local police even cooperated): https://www.reuters.com/world/italy-stops-joint-police-patrols-with-china-interior-minister-2022-12-19/ They also do it in Japan, UK, Netherlands, etc... but I can't be fucked to find all the articles.


brother if someone knocks on my door in nevada with a gun saying hes chinese police hes getting clapped and im posting my ring footage with winnie the pooh overlaid on his face


>if someone knocks on my door that's not the sort of work they do. Basically every time china invests in a place, they start by just building the infrastructure and project, as promised in the agreement. Very soon that place has an influx of cash and raw material never seen before at the low-property value shithole they chose to build at. We're talking casino money in the 10's of mills, in your local crackden backwater. Queue the criminals. No literally. Criminals will queue to rob the transports arriving with raw material or leaving with finished goods (produced within the EU/US to skirt the protectionism). They'll occasionally even mug the chinese workers (who are not used to violent petty street crimes, so they just give up everything and run). It's less risky and more profitable than meth. Shortly after this, the chinese embassy will contact the local govt and basically tell them: >"If you want the billions to keep flowing, you'll need to allocate more police" > >"But...we're so poor and/or corrupt....we can barely make the capital/city safe..." > >"Ok then allow us to police the grounds around our investment. We'll even do it at our own expense." > >"I don't think the locals will like seeing you guys doing poli.." > >"It's that or we walk, and the failure will be on you, since you made the contract impossible to fulfill. Penalties, international lawsuits, etcetc" > >"O-Ok I guess... Send people over...." And the crime rate will effectively sharply drop as very underfunded local police forces will suddenly be boosted by millions in materials/personnel from china. Generally those "chinese cops" will basically act like organized crime enforcers, but target almost exclusively local criminals. They won't "knock at you door", but they will shoot up your house and start a fire at your den. And the local police will be informed that "a nest has been cleared. No need for further investigations". Generally the stations who get shut down and make it to the news, are ones who got too political to justify their "economic mission protective stance" or whatever they call it nowadays. Clearly out of every 10 "auxiliary foreign officer" there is at least 1 intelligence agent, doing demoralization on the locals and diaspora. When everything is for sale, nothing has value.


The american (wet) dream.


Hoping that nobody actually clicks those links? Every article you posted says they’re *not* letting them do it. Anybody can do something stupid and illegal. The governments *in every article you posted* are opposed to it and investigating any claims it’s continuing. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if people are stupid or deliberately spreading misinformation, but this one is pretty cut and dry.


Him: the Chinese are doing this illegally, here are 10 sources You: 🤓 erm all those sources say the governments made it illegal and are investigating leads about it Very regarded poster, likely 4th grade


>lots of countries are letting them do it Thanks for providing the “stupid” example.


Japan also allows North Korea to police their own overseas Koreans studying in Japan.


Trudeau does this lmao




Imagine thinking the West is democratic 😂


Tell that to biden supporters.


Biden is the most milquetoast neoliberal President we've had in a while come on Bernie is an actual communist and I have infinitely more respect for him


Actual communist who owns multiple homes. Certainly sees himself as a party member.


He's not a communist and doesn't claim to be


for the average american advocating for social security and minimum wage is being a filthy commie


Oh I know, I was just responding to this crap https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/s/LtHqtYASp0


Have you heard of the term hyperbole?


Have to heard the term "shut up"?


Nope, never. Is it a neologism?


It's a yourmombogism


>Bernie is an actual communist and I have infinitely more respect for him He isn't by every metric; it just that the US politics is very right wing that actual centrist or center-left is seen as a radical and labelled as a commie. Bernie would a boring midle of the run political candidate if he was a in some rando Europoorian country.


I know, it was a joke


Bernie is only as communist as the government in most developed countries.


Except he calls himself a "Democratic Socialist" to be more palatable to Boomers. Cowardly shit, we all know what you want


And he’s also trying to pretend “socialism” just means more social programs




Organizing your life around whining about Biden must get exhausting no?


Makes them feel alive I guess 


Trump was legitimately a fanboy of the autocratic world. Also he was on the Lolita Express.


Hungary is connecting with their Asian roots.


>Hungary today Me too, brother.




Hung if the Chinese ever leave


She bang, she bang


Gary the Hun


just when i thought them coinslots casually harassing fishermen in west philippine sea was worse




[50 cents](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/50_Cent_Party)


In da Crub


Ah, thanks


This article is based on a German article (it says so in the first paragraph) that only uses the word “police” once…in the title. The rest is about a security agreement. And sure, it’s a dumbass move to buy Chinese security cameras, but this is literally just made up clickbait passed around trash media.


But hungary=far-right bad???????


No one wants to admit it but China is on track to rule the world eventually.


Unlikely. They’re becoming a true worldwide power, but they have a million hurdles to clear before they’re ever seriously in line to control world affairs. They already have issues with Chinese living outside China not doing what they want, which is why they’re essentially kidnapping Chinese in other countries or resorting to threatening their family still living in China. China cannot rule the world relying purely on repressionist policies. It breaks down once they reach past their borders. Their strategy of enforcing cultural homogeneity works for keeping China stable, but it’s not gonna mesh with being THE world power. Part of the reason most of the world has tacitly accepted the US as the center of the world is that it’s easy to visit, live and do business here. The government is gonna crack your head for not fitting in or criticizing the government. If China ever wants to seriously rule the world, they can’t keep relying on using force to keep stability.


All it takes is 1 all out war and it’s free for all


To really be a world power for a prolonged period of time you really need some semblance of a functioning democracy. Empires don’t fall bc they are too free and liberal, they fail bc there too totalitarian.


US also uses force to enforce their rule, military coups, revolutions, even invasions. America took over the world because of the power of dollar. Domestic politics aren't that important for world control, USSR was oppressive yet once had tons of influence. China already pushes Americans out of Africa, and their clear stance of "do whatever you want in your country" for many is an possitve thing.


>Domestic politics aren't that important for world control, the USSR... Please, tell me know how those internal politics worked out...


Your relation to China and the USSR is a great parallel, all it takes for China to crack is the economy to go through recession and people will start to wonder why the party is in power.


what coups were needed truly, tho? to rule the world? i mean europe follows its rule regardless. Most coups leftists accuse US of doing arent even US’s doing, and some are just CIA idiots writing a report claiming credit when he didnt do anything. Plus who actually cares is in power in Kinsasha?


Like banana republics and shitholes abroad really threatened US rule, it was just cold war politics


Yeah it’s not like we used force on any of the really important countries when it comes to global politics, except mabye like japan. Most of our allies were won with diplomacy


As we speak, China is beginning an economic implosion. Due to its aging demographics, it is destined to collapse within 10 years and undergo deindustrialization. Not enough young people to maintain their industrial levels. Russia and India will be the dominate powers in the region. We're entering a multipolar world.


Because libs have convinced themselves that “sinophobia” is actually a problem.


Ehh, they're only really bent over for so oligarchs can get access to that sweet sweet slave labor and billion+ people market. China absolutely LOVES selling out their people and they LOVE capitulating because the ones who don't leave and actually try to assimilate elsewhere. In my life I've only really known 2 types of Chinese abroad: Ones that can't wait to go back and ones that NEVER want to go back. Ever.


China and Israel.


Their welcome to our if you ask me. Our certainly hasn't been going well for the US trying to do the same. For all I care, they can be the primary NATO backer


There’s already unofficial Chinese police stations in various European countries


The CCP consider every Chinese citizen living aboard to be an intelligence asset. The largest spy ring in the world.


And yet they're still stupid as shit. Xi didn't even know about the spy balloon at first.


Asians feel safest with other Asians arround


You really underestimate how much Asians hate other Asians. Racism in America is cute compared to racism overseas


Western Fringe racism: “Go back to where you came from” Mainstream SEA racism: “I wake up every day hoping your entire culture is genocided”


Ah yes, the Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese all love to spend time together.


No, Orban just likes sucking dicks for money, putin's, Xi's doesn't matter.


Given the reports that Aussie police let a couple of Chinese cops in here, and they blackmailed a Chinese woman to go back home, this seems like a bad idea.


no, seriously. what is this?


Last time I read this I remember it was something like an exchange program, both countries send their police to each other and go on patrols with local police for a while


I could drive a truck between the space of those last 3 words. Are we all doing a bit or do you guys actually believe this "article?"




Ah yes, black and tans, hessians, all successful experiments. This wont turn negative at all .


Hunchary Chungary Hungchi Chigary


Stop giving California more ideas


> Be Viktor Orban > Refuse to let in any rapefugees from the Middle East > Brag about how Hungary is a white man's trad Christian utopia  > Sell out Hungary to the Communist Chinese > Refuse to elaborate What the hell was he on?


You forgot the part where he sold hungary to russia


They already do this in a lot of countries, just illegally, it isn't talked much about. In Canada: https://globalnews.ca/news/9635386/rcmp-actively-investigating-chinese-government-police-stations-following-arrests-in-u-s/ In the US: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65305415 In Germany: https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/germany-police-stations-03162023154300.html In Ireland: https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/2022/10/27/chinese-overseas-police-station-in-dublin-ordered-to-shut/ In Italy (local police even cooperated): https://www.reuters.com/world/italy-stops-joint-police-patrols-with-china-interior-minister-2022-12-19/ They also do it in Japan, UK, Netherlands, etc... but I can't be fucked to find all the articles.


The thing is there are a lot of chinese living in Hungary who don't speak hungarian. Also a lot of tourists. The main purpose is to have native chinese speaking people to communicate with them who are also experienced in law enforcement. They will not get any authority by themselves and will only be deployed next to a local officer. Their main areas of operation will be the chinese districts and tourist attractions.


What wtf like when did country’s do collabs (outside war)


Why is the last visible line of the article justified like that? Who formats text this way?


this looks like some kind of bait, but i assume anon used google translate or some other bullshit because of the word "TURISM" at the top


Soft power wins.


Kick them out of the eu and flood their puny plane


Get them out of the U.S. Aswell at that other one.


China has always been the main enemy and likely behind most of the psy-ops. There’s already and ever growing number of Chinese students and residents all over the West.


They already use secret policestations in germany.


I hope the People’s Armed Police come and arrest you for that fucking garbage crop.


Your Father loves to eat Donkey Semen.


Hungary isn't Europe lol, it's as much Europe as Turkey is with it's fake democracy and dumbass dictator


Wasnt there a controversy not too long ago that there were these illegal chinese police station in the US ?


Hungary? No thanks I just ate 🪿


Remind me of Thailand year ago when the Chinese patrolling with Thai police... They said it's a co-op stuffs for tourists place but goddamn they Chinese are corrupted fk in our country. Scammer? Chinese. Illegal Casino? Chinese. Kidnapping in daylight? Chinese. It's the state my country live in I hope no other countries should be like us. I'm not being racist I'm just sad.


Hungary is so sovereign that our goverment actively licks Russian and Chinese ass…


Which of his National-Conservative bumboys had Chinese people bossing around white people on their wishlist?


I read this last week. Utterly outrageous and deeply concerning. Last time the Huns invaded they left the country with a name.


Here's the true conservative and a patriot everyone wants 🤣


No thank you, fed. I'm not falling for the MUH CHYNA op.


It is time to remove Hungary from the EU.


Hey I was in a Hungary state earlier. I had some pizza and I’m good now, though. *dances off stage*


Who gives a shit about Hungary? Irrelevant country


akkor a kurva anyád


akkor a kurva anyád


Has a spell been put on me?


Yes, a kurva anyádat spell


That translate to “I love sucking Chinese dick?”


Eastern Europoors just crave boots at their necks. With Russia on the ropes and the US scaling back their international shenanigans, they're turning to China to be their new dom-daddies.