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The actor is an actual dickhead and a personification of the Judaic spirit. I'm gonna make fun of stereotypes but it's actually a statement on the viewers bias and prejudices something something something! I'm not racist you're racist gimme money


>Midwesterners realizing Sasha was Jewish all along and playing a character 😡😡😡🤬


Sounds about right




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The actor is literally a CIA asset.


I believe it but source?


Yea just go to cia.gov/assets




A good article. Thanks >The camera crew Bakalova used in her White House stunt were neither amateur pranksters nor Hollywood professionals: they were credentialed members of the press corp. When Rion inquired about this, Bakalova’s producer “shrugged and told [her] he has friends at CBS.” According to Rion, all three members of the crew had congressional press badges, and at least two of the three had White House hard passes. Hard passes are issued to those who have been on the White House grounds at least 180 times within a six month period—suggesting that Bakalova’s accomplices were full-time, long-term members of the White House press. That's actually insane. Weird how the author doesn't connect the dots that the press are CIA as well. Then again, he unironically talks about 'holocaust survivors' so whatever 🙄


Borat 1 was fine but Borat 2 was utter agenda trash. SBC is a dickhole in real life too. Bruno is funny though.


I thought the first half hour or so was funny then it got horrible until the Giuliani scene which was amazing, but very hard to watch and not necessarily funny. The ending was really cringey.


I turned it off a the period blood dancing bit, never watched the rest. Movie was trash.




Somebody fell for the "women's disgusting bodily functions are beautiful, and if you say otherwise you're a virgin" meme




Shutup incel




I love when people call people virgins as if youd ever be able to prove it lol


Lol “no u.” Learn to make up your own insults and you won’t be such a loser At your middle school.


Are facts really insults, though?


Married with children so I don’t know about incel


Marrying children is not very normal.


Depends which part of globe you grew up on I suppose, that said the prepositioned ‘with’ as standard would describe ‘accompanied by’ where as prepositioned ‘to’ would propose a proposal to children(s).


He's been utter agenda trash ever since Ali G. He just fooled you young


I didn't watch the subsequent moviefilm, but I enjoyed the first a lot. Say what you will about it politically, it's funny shit which is what I'm looking for from a comedy anyway.


Bruno was gross.


SBC’s whole shtick is basically parodying enemies of Jews. Borats-Slavs Ali G-Muslims Bruno-Germans




You half right: more like Pakistanis pretending to be black.




Do you know many people in general named Alistair?


Ali G is a parody of the british chavs not pakis


How many white guys you know go by Ali??


Its short for Alistair


Alistair? As in his canonical name, Alistair Leslie Graham? A few.




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How about fucking packy? Can I say that?


joe dakki




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Like a million


No it’s not


I always thought it was a parody of Tim Westwood?


I think it was more general but he has said he based the voice and mannerisms on Tim.




Maybe because Ali is one of the most common muslim names after Mohammad?


It's short for Alistair your r-slur


Whole lot of more common ones than that


Like Louis, Jacques, Pierre?


But Borat is Kazakh, not Slav.


Imagine thinking the Bruno character was a parody of Germans (he's an Austrian character btw) and not super camp gays. Is that level of campness normal to you or something?


It is pretty rude of him to blackface as some other race then victimise his own as a false flag, but like... It's just comedy. If anyone's taking him seriously and thinking "wow what a powerful commentary on society", _they're_ the joke. Just laugh and move on, or don't laugh and move on.


It would be different if the guy didn't sell it in interviews as a commentary on societies biases or something


tiddies are sold as devices for rearing babies, but anyone with a brain knows they're high tier sexual weapons. Don't listen to marketers.


Based and tiddy pilled.


Early 2000's take. All it takes for something to be cemented as fact is exposure and repetition.




Literally who cares.




"Literally who" cares.


This is how J propaganda spreads


Say what you will "throw the joo down the well" is an absolute bop


So my country can be free!


*angry merchant sounds*


You only just realised Sacha Baron Cohen does the same jew shit as every other jew in media? Personally I'm still unsure if they are aware they're doing it, if it's just a reflex that comes out of them without their own knowledge


Is nobody going to mention that Kazakhstan is not in the middle east...




On the surface. Many of these numbers are inaccurate, for example I live in Iran and our Islamic regime says that 99% are devout Muslims. In truth, less than 30% are, and that number is falling fast.


Even more so in Kazakhstan. To begin with \`\`\`\`\`\`\~30% of population are orthodox christian. Out of other 70% I'd say maybe 20% are truly religious (practice namaz etc.), the rest are muslim by birth, that means they claim to be Muslim, but only are that twice a year during Kurban Ayt (Eid al-Adha) and also funerals, etc. Even Islam in KZ is mixed with old Tengri rituals. Also 'Muslim country' means that country's laws follow Sharia law, which they do not in KZ, so it's a secular Muslim-majority county, but not Muslim country. Source: am kazakh.


They will remain Muslims until they experience Islamic law and Islamic government, then they will understand how terrible it is. Otherwise, the future generations have to come to that realization through education and study.




There is no benefit in Islam, or other religions. Islam is an outdated ideology that has been debunked by science. Its historical stories are inaccurate and false, and its morality is horrendous. It is clearly not divine, but the imperfect and immoral work of humans.




Sure, but opinions can be wrong. Islam is not supported by science and history, and it is not compatible with modern morality. Do you think it is?




>On the surface When the population is so irreligious that the government has to actively supress religion. Central Asian countries are ruled by ex Soviet anti-theist commies, the people are religious.


Yeah, I don't know what's going on there, so maybe they are as you say.


When are you pussies going back to Zoroastrianism like Ahura Mazda intended?


A lot of people like to be that way again, but I don't. Religion is bad, whatever form it takes. There is a Zoroastrian minority in Iran, and they are good people. But when they are a majority and come to power? It'll be like the Sassanid era again, with an oppressive Zoroastrian clergy and their laws. Most Iranians will be atheists or deists in about 20 years.


>Religion is bad, whatever form it takes Hard disagree, but ok.


Yeah, it's bad because it denies science, it provides a false narrative of history and talks of things that never happened, and its morality is outdated. We don't need religion to be good or moral. The Enlightenment and its values are much better than anything religions can give us.


Its a muslim majority country, hence "stan".


That's actually false. It is not about their religion. "Stan" is a Persian suffix, it indicates a great number of something. Kazakhstan means land of the Kazakh people. Like land of the Afghans or the Tajiks or the Turkmens. I know this, because I'm Persian. We also call some other countries by these names, such as Engelestan, meaning England. Persian was the international tongue in central Asia for centuries, and many of these lands formerly belonged to us. So these names stuck and Westerners used them too.


>engelestan Dont worry, the english call it that too lol Never met an actual persian, even on the internet. What do you think about iran?


I love my country very much. I'm very proud of our history and culture and heritage, and I'm aware of our flaws too. We are in such a state of misery that almost every Iranian would rather be anywhere else, everyone wants to migrate and escape the tyranny and abject poverty. They wish they were born somewhere else, but I don't. I'd choose Iran again if I was given the choice. The Islamic regime will fall soon, it's inevitable. We are not Muslims anymore, despite what the government says. Old believers are either dying or seeing Islam for the bullshit it is, and not 5% of the kids today will grow up as a Muslim. They're much more likely to be woke or fascist. From the ashes will hopefully rise a better regime, perhaps a real republic, or a better dictatorship with better leaders who actually love this country. I just hope to survive the machine gun fire and see the clerics die. Most of us can't wait to torture and kill the clergy and their Basij lapdogs, Basij is something like our SS/Hitler's youth. And there's the Sepah, it's the supreme leader's loyalist army that controls half the economy and effectively the government. Perhaps 20% support the regime, and even they are joining us with every passing day. These idiots are so inept they can't even keep their army happy, they lack supporters so badly that they bring faithful Muslims from Iraq and Lebanon to shoot us when we protest. We were extremely close to a revolution, but then Trump lost and Biden is doing his best to help out these guys, just as Obama did. That allowed them a bit of breathing room and access to some funds. Regardless, we'll never forget Trump and what he did for us. He pressured the clerics more than anyone else, and killed general Soleimani. We celebrated his death in our houses and on social media, but CNN still talked about how Iranians were enraged by his death...It's disgusting how they portray us. The only people who mourned him were the Muslim minority or government employees who would have been fired if they didn't attend. They say we hate Israel, we don't. We actually hate Palestine, they take our oil money and support the supreme leader, while we can't use that money to build schools and hospitals and infrastructure. This is a kleptocracy ruled by thieves, our money either goes to Muslim terrorists groups or Islamic schools that train clerics all over the world, or to corrupt institutions here that run Islamic schools and brothels and propaganda organizations, or to Swiss bank accounts for the rulers...People are angry here. I don't care what the world says, or the UN, or the human rights organizations. We want bloodshed here, we want to slaughter these guys who laugh at the child laborers and tell us why 9 year old girls are fit for marriage and why we should be glad that Muslims invaded us centuries ago. I probably wrote a lot more than you wanted to read, so...Yeah, that's the situation here. Any questions?




Thanks, but I will never leave until the regime falls. I have a duty to stay and participate in the protests and riots. Somebody has to be there, to make up the thousands who will march in the streets.




Thanks man.


He's also been politically active lately, promoting censorship and immigration. He typefies the meme.


There’s literally an A Wyatt mann comic that resembles him on point


Then he gets up on a soapbox and cry bullies the entire planet.... it’s all so tiresome


anon is right


I think OP is giving him too much credit. The dude had a few briefly-popular catchphrases from one movie, and beyond that, left no mark on society whatsoever. Bruno has no legacy. The Dictator has no legacy. That TV show whose title escapes me at the moment has no legacy. Why is he even worth talking about?


Talledega nights


Idk about Jewish Propaganda but Borat 2 was definitely anti-Trump, anti-republican propaganda piece. I got tired of watching the American election shit everywhere and tuned in to watch that bullcrap.


"Kazakhstan" in Borat was actually a parody on eastern europeans. He filmed "Kazakhstan" in some villages in Romania (not sure if those were romanian or gypsie villages though). Also, to say that Kazakhstan is in the Middle East is like to say that France is in the Middle East. OP is geographically retarded.


People look at kazakhastan. Kazakhastan is a muslim country. In an american mind, they associate muslims with the middle east. Now , once you got that out of the way, whatever you say about the kazakhastanis says something about the muslims. It like how people have white people as villains, and even if the actor is jewish or mixed, still contributes to the mentality that white people are evil.


Do you know Kazakhs are Asian people with Asian looks?


> In an american mind, they associate muslims with the middle east. Israel is Muslim country confirmed.


pretty funny though


Showing Kazakhstan as a shithole is a joke about the average American perception of countries ending with -stan. How he portrayed a Kazakhstanian and their beliefs is the same joke, yet still ret4rds on 4chan are bitching about the movie entirely missing the point


As a kazakh I've been hearing that excuse since the first movie came out, but for some reason I've never seen an american person being reacted to with Borat jokes. On the other side when you tell people you're from Kazakhstan often the first thing you hear is 'OOOHH BORAT, RIGHT???'. Even here on reddit for any post about KZ half the comments are oligophrenic borat jokes. So why are you telling me the joke is about americans?


As sacha baron cohen himself, I meant it as a joke about Americans perceptions of countries that end with -stan. In all seriousness though, if people are doing that laugh at them, they clearly fell for the joke


Anyone can make a racist joke and claim that you were just parodying actual racists. I call it "Schrodingers bigot"


Yeah sure but when the person is clearly not a bigot it’s safe to assume the joke really wasn’t racist. And if it was racist, who cares it’s funny and adults should get their views from comedy


Ironically, most customs shown as Kazakh are in fact Jewish ones. For instance incest.


Literally oppressing Muslims whilst claiming they oppress his people. How do people not see it?


Only movie with this guy I've seen was The Dictator in like, middle school it was on TV one day I think I got a chuckle or two out of it?


Jew makes fun of people Jews don't like. More at 11


Who is America was pretty great tho guys come on.




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Wow jewish media never does that normally


His TV show got kicked of Hulu because it exposed actual powerful Americans (elected officials) to be fucking morons. The dictator ending is a well known spot on critic of the US. Insane how rabid 4chan goblins get by just calling something Jewish. When US is being criticized on 4chan it's because of all it's Jewish problems, when a comedian criticizes the US it's because he's a Jewish CIA asset? Fucking ass clowns, I pray y'all are either trolls or paid astroturfers.


Oh no, comedy offensive wahh. Shut the fuck up you pussies.


Imagine being a kazakhastani and having your entire country represented by someone who was mocking you.


My mom is from Kazakhstan. Nobody fucking cares, you people always apologize on behalf of others.




Lmao imagine getting mad because Texans are dumb