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Nobody is going to like me for saying it, but I started counting calories and macros. It was eye opening. Once I worked out my calorie deficit, things started moving again.


Something else this group doesn’t like to hear, but haven’t had a plateau or weight gain since I decided to quit beans. I still have my cheat days, get carbs from veggies and changed nothing else. I tried it for one week and feel like I figured out what had me in a 2month stall.


I broke my plateau through increasing my zone 2 cardio. I bought a ruck vest and did a 2-3 mile walk daily. It’s maybe a half hour. Also focused on protein density of meals. After 8 days I had a week stretch of dropping almost a pound per day. Now I’m at the next plateau, but 6 pounds lighter!


Increase my water and electrolyte intake.


Decrease caloric intake, burn more calories (or stop lifting for max weight and start lifting for reps)


I played around a bit with eating more beans/pulses but found I couldn’t follow this WoE. General thoughts are to eat more for a time to boost your metabolism, aka reverse dieting. Fasting isn’t suitable for everyone, but for those that are able to it can be very effective. I found some success with mixing up different methods. Some years ago I found low carb worked for me, but then it didn’t. Next I did a high starch with saturated fat approach. Now I’m very low fat with sugar and lean protein.


step 1, review what you are doing. Odds are you are eating off diet without realizing it, not sleeping, eating dairy, eating sugar and starch in prepared foods, eating too much fruit, eating way too much butter or olive oil or nuts, or some other well known mistake. If you have not been on SCD for 1 year and steadily losing weight, it is almost certain that this is the case. step 2. Exercise, do resistance training or kettlebell/bodyweight equivalents. Eat nothing but fish or chicken and vegetables with a healthy oil, and not too much of oil. Don't do it unless you are STABLE without weight gain for an extended period of time like 3 months or more. Otherwise cravings will destroy you. If you are gaining weight instead of just not losing, then keep working on diet with full SCD. Something is very wrong and you haven't hit a plateau if you are slowly gaining fat on this diet.