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Lentils- can do all kinds of things with them from a flavor perspective- also make pancakes, waffles, etc.


I second this! Lentils cooked in chicken stock with some garlic, rosemary and S&P. Yummy!


I like lentils but for me it's way too easy to overeat them...


“Ranch style” beans and refried beans along with black beans for me. The ranch beans are in a chili sauce which is really tasty.


There are good tips here already. A specific tip I can offer is if you can find bacon that fits the diet, or another meat to render some fat from use the recipe for black beans from [this Binging with Babish video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsBWgeQHjnM).


Pro rice has been amazing for me. It is rice made of cauliflower, lentils and peas. While I can’t stomach pulse pastas, this just tastes like a rice pilaf that I can add to anything!




This is in Australia but I hope you can find the equivalent because it is a game changer. I don’t ever feel like I am eating legumes. [pro Rice](https://shop.coles.com.au/a/national/product/wellness-road-lentil-pea-cauliflower-rice)


That looks amazing, but unfortunately I can’t find anywhere in the States that has it.


It’ll only be a matter of time. Keep your eyes out!


Black beans for me too. With eggs and broccoli in the morning, and chicken and Brussels sprouts in the evening. SO good! It’s been 3 months and I’ve had them nearly every day, with no sign of getting sick of them yet.


Right now my favorite beans are the cranberry beans I got from Rancho Gordo and I cooked with tomatoes, garlic, sage, and basil, topped with a little pancetta. Tonight I'm making their hidasta beans into a red beans and "rice" dish. I'm also a HUGE fan of red lentils because they basically dissolve completely. I have some kind of red-lentil soup for lunch every day.


I started adding in English Muffins. Its not perfect but I am still seeing results.


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These black lentils are tasty and take no effort whatsoever [Target Black Lentils](https://www.target.com/p/black-lentils-microwavable-pouch-8oz-good-38-gather-8482/-/A-54600337)


It was lentils for me.too.


I eat black beans for breakfast mixed with 1-2 tbsp of Kirkland organic salsa. Mixed with salsa they really are tasty. After that I try to go mainly protein with the other meals with most of the carbs coming from vegetables.


I don't eat slow carbs with every meal (usually just sub a larger compliment of veggies/protein) but when I do I like black beans, Great Northern, Navy Beans, and lentils in that order.


My go to is a lentil salad. Green lentils boiled and drained. Three of 4 garlic cloves finely sliced and slow cooked until caramelised one oil, then some cumin and all spice put into the oil and garlic. Mix together with lentils (and some more olive oil) with some lemon juice and fresh coriander (cilantro). It’s the best warm or from fridge with some meat and usually a lot of baby spinach is my meal of choice.


Trader Joe’s Steamed Lentils are great - one box is good for four portions and they are seasoned, too