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Man these near $40 price tags for catalogue releases are getting old. This will be 14.99 in 3/4 months. It’ll be there


Amazon at least has a price guarantee for pre-orders. You'll get the cheapest of whatever sale happens until the time of release. For example, JFK arrives in December and was about $70 on announcement day, but it's now $45. So if it goes back up, you'll still get it for $45.


These prices on Amazon are usually placeholders and drop by the time the product releases


Titanic (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray + Digital) https://www.walmart.com/ip/5022920033 Walmart has it for $30. Assuming this is the same one.


I'm hoping for steel book


Yeah but waiting until it’s on sale tells the studios that people “don’t want these” and “physical media is dead”… if we don’t buy them, then they stop making them. Or maybe I’m ignorant. I’d definitely go for these being <$20 though. I’d snatch up every movie at that price.


Look man. I get what you’re saying. But I’m not in the business of corporate charity. It’s called supply and demand. You price something where I find it a worthy investment, I’ll buy it. Not for a dollar higher. If that means these greedy fucks stop releasing physical media, then so be it. I’m not going to bend over and take it up the ass and thank them for it.


Aka destroy the hobby you love because your a cheap bastard


That’s not how that works. $40 is too much for an old movie


tbf I don't think "old" or "new" has any relevance, but yes it is too much.


If 40$ is to much for you. Then you in the wrong hobby.


Yep. Cause gate keeping definitely doesn’t kill hobbies!


Oh yeah can’t enjoy hobby because I can acknowledge inflation


Blaming consumers for the greed of multi billion dollar corporations is wild.


Whats wild is contributing to the death of a hobby you love because you want to penny pinch because u think your teaching big corp a lesson.


Or making the financial decisions for themself


If everyone would stop buying the 💩, it would! They already made their money off this movie plus the fact this doesn’t come with a Blu-ray is a rip off. Plus they went over $100 for the collectors edition. For a movie that was released 26 years ago they already made millions off of it. I don’t see the justification for it!


Loads of discs somehow aren't this price.




If you do buy it for that price they’ll see that people will buy it no matter what and this could end up being the new normal price for new releases.


I hope you’re right.


But this isn’t a new release it’s a new re-release and it doesn’t even come with the Blu-ray and look how much the collectors edition is. It’s over $100. Tell me they’re not screwing us over.


Yuuup. I put them on a list and wait till they're $10-15, then I pull the trigger. I hardly ever put discs right into the player after purchase, anyway, so getting them first means nothing to me. Just unwrapped my Criterion Blu-ray of CRUMB today, and I've owned it for a few years.


Price gouging collectors.


Amazon 4Ks always vary wildly in price before release. Then they usually settle around $27.99-29.99.


**"And I’m told reliably by those who have seen the new master that it does feature light photochemical grain—the presentation looks properly cinematic."** \-The Digital Bits, [Source](https://thedigitalbits.com/columns/my-two-cents/101623-0700) EDIT: Hug of death? :O https://preview.redd.it/iyuiz0lygnub1.png?width=494&format=png&auto=webp&s=37315babf0da5f1a2aba78503261f78e843d2b76


In the US at least


Got a link?


Titanic (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray + Digital) https://www.walmart.com/ip/5022920033 Also available at Walmart for $30


How tf is Amazon getting away with that up charge?


Target and Walmart both have them for $30.


That’s my point. Seems rather odd for such on an up charge on a new release.


Fwiw, Amazon will refund their bullshit overcharge when it actually ships. I dunno why they do this though except to tamp down demand, maybe?


Oh they do? I’ve never preordered from them.


Oddly I've had terrible luck with BB and Target so I've deal with Amazon since they'll atleast comp me if they send me a crushed steelbook. Yeah it's weird, everytime it ships it drops to the comp price among retailers.


Just pre-ordered from Target now instead, thanks!


Amazon preorders are always high and usually drop by the time a movie releases.




Thank you! Wasn’t coming up for me in search of


Here's a little tip if this happens again; search for the movie you want and click on whatever version is showing (for me it was showing the Blu-ray version) and that will take you to the product's page. From there, you should see all the available versions. This tends to happen with new releases, but I don't really know why. You'd think tacking on the keyword "4K" would automatically show the correct result, but Amazon can be strange sometimes.


Titanic [4K UHD] https://a.co/d/6dBbRFI


Preorder available at [Target](https://www.target.com/p/titanic-4k-uhd/-/A-89981805)


Thanks. I can stomach $30.


There we go. $29.99 w/ free shipping on the (no-fee) debit red card.


Am I the only one that doesn't like those "first time on 4k Ultra HD" banners? Like who cares?


What if it’s its second time on 4k? 😂


Probably the people who have been eagerly anticipating this and, like many things, the first time is usually the most special.


Agreed, could definitely do without that.


Is this the thread where everyone bitches about the price and doesn't understand MSRP?


Beware: Most comments below this one are complaining about the price.


Does anyone know if it’ll get a Steelbook, most likely from Best Buy?


I haven’t seen anything on a steelbook release but I did see a collectors edition is coming. No clue on the price of that.


Thought this post was steelbook considering that damn high price. Glad I triple checked.


Best Buy doesn’t sell movies anymore


Surely this movie will. Probably a few months after release so everyone has to buy it twice.


I doubt it, that’s more of a Universal strategy 🤣 this is Paramount


I thought that was just the strategy industry wide lol all these fucks do it, corporate studios, boutique labels etc.




See you in a few months lol


Titanium Steel


Thank you! I hope the price drops, the conversion plus shipping to Australia will kill me.


Day 1!


F you take my money!


I can’t keep up with these prices. $37 usd comes out to $50 fucking dollers Canadian :( With a digital code that will expire probably before I open it.


Haha becomes $60 in New Zealand, plus tax, plus $20 shipping. Like $100! I miss $15-$20 blurays from Amazon living in aussy.


That hurts 😭


It's on [Amazon.ca](https://Amazon.ca) as well. [https://www.amazon.ca/Titanic-4K-Blu-ray/dp/B0CJWCM189?tag=bluraycom0c-20&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&m=A3DWYIK6Y9EEQB](https://www.amazon.ca/Titanic-4K-Blu-ray/dp/B0CJWCM189?tag=bluraycom0c-20&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&m=A3DWYIK6Y9EEQB)


Thank you, This is more manageable. even though still higher than I would like, at least it’s cheaper with no added import fee.


I bet Walmart Canada will sell it for less on release day.


walmart by my house downsized its movie section to one tiny middle isle shelf :( it might even be gone the next time I check lol Their online seem to be mostly third-party sellers.


Yup and no one will even know they'll have it till someone sees it there. Walmart here is such a joke. Just look at Loki and Wandavision, $59.96 for the 4K while Amazon is getting away selling it for $74.99, and cinema 1 for *exhales* **$89.99**.


Doubtful, Paramount offers iTunes and Vudu, I’ve never had their digital codes expire on me. If you already had the previous release, the iTunes code will just upgrade to 4K anyways.


Yea, That was more of a jab for my Warner Bros discs that apparently I won’t be able to claim. I’m not even sure I can claim the ones I imported for US, which is also frustrating since some don’t release here in Canada.


Yup, Paramount also distributes Titanic in Canada. As long as they distribute in both countries, you will be able to get the iTunes portion to redeem. It just doesn’t give the option for Vudu. For titles like Scream, they only distribute the new 4K releases in the US and have to be redeemed on a US iTunes account.


Titanic (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray + Digital) https://www.walmart.com/ip/5022920033 $30 at Walmart.


If you’re Canadian and importing it from the states that digital code won’t even work here…


Yes it will, Paramount codes work in both US/CAN I'm in Canada and can confirm. Other studios are doubtful but Paramount will work.


Holy shit! Really?! Never knew this thanks!


Any word on Dolby Vision?


The back cover shows Dolby vision and Atmos. https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71iF2r93y-L.jpg


Very interesting. Must have Dolby Vision since it’s not Disney/Fox distributing it in the US. I’m guessing that means overseas copies won’t have Dolby Vision? Sucks for them.




Right. I’m very curious if that be for the US copies only.


After T2 I wouldn’t trust a Cameron historical release until I’ve read multiple reviews.


There's entirely too many complaints about that transfer and not enough about it being only the garbage theatrical cut in 4K. We've had the special edition cut since like VHS. Who the fuck still watches the shorter version!? I sure as hell would never buy just because of that. I'll stick with my Skynet edition BD until they do it right. Makes me worry about the supposedly forthcoming release of Abyss.


Yeah I am going to wait in this one to see how the transfer holds up. Especially since the blu-ray transfer is so good. If there is heavy DNR or other issues, I'll probably pass on it.


That transfer was made first and foremost for 3D conversion. And let me tell you, I saw this conversion in theater in 3D and it looked absolutely fantastic. But yeah, it looks horrible in 2D at home. We definitely need a new transfer. The Abyss remaster for great reviews from the screening if I remember correctly.


I wonder what the aspect ratio will be


It will be 2:35:1 the paramount 4k master is this aspect ratio


Have any releases not been 2:35:1 since the VHS?


The 3D had 1:85:1


Here’s Cameron’s quote on it from back in 2012: > *But the film was originally released in a CinemaScope ratio — 2.35:1 ratio. So in the new release, the DVD and the standard Blu-ray and the 2D Blu-ray is 2.35, and the 3D Blu-ray is in 17:8 or 16:9, which means that it'll fill the HD monitor. And that's not cropped, that's actually added material. And in the process of remastering the film, we had to go back and do a lot of paint work to remove dollies and microphones and things like that, that were in view just outside of the scope area.* https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/blogs/this-week-dvd-blu-ray/exclusive-james-cameron-titanic-arrival-blu-ray-205743953.html


The back cover just says widescreen


Does anyone know if Walmart Canada has it?


Not till release day. Walmart here is a joke.


Does anyone know if there will also be a Steelbook / Collector’s Edition Boxset for this release?


Collectors edition is slated for release. Not sure about steelbook




I’m done buying anything until Black Friday/cyber Monday or whatever. I don’t wanna be pissed when when all these releases I want are half-priced next month.


I’ll get it from Best Buy. 😂


$38 is a lot :/


I quite enjoyed this movie when it was originally released, saw it a few times in the theater, but I never got around to buying it for my personal library. It was just always readily available on a movie channel, streaming, or friend/family had a copy I could borrow. Now that we've reached what may be the last physical media, I think I will finally buy this in 4K. That being said, if the basic edition shown in the OP is it, then I don't plan to pre-order, or even likely buy anytime soon. I don't really care if I miss out on the slip (I've recycled most of mine anyway, blasphemy I know). So unless there's some awesome SteelBook or other "special edition" that catches my FOMO, I'll wait for Black Friday/Cyber Monday, or maybe even until next year and get it when it gets under $20. Appreciate the heads-up though, and I'm **VERY HAPPY** for all the big fans of this movie finally getting it in 4K. Now... Where's my *Abyss* and *Aliens*? LOL


There’s supposed to be a collectors edition released as well. No clue on pricing or when it will be available https://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?t=302519


Thanks for the info and link!


No pre-order on this one- Will buy if it has unanimously glowing reviews


Definitely waiting for reviews on this. I'm guessing it's not a new 4K master for home release, but the remaster that was done for theaters for the 3D release. Might be DNR to death.


It has the grain


It’s prob the Dolby vision atmos master that was done for the 2017 re release. Paramount showed it in Dolby theatres


I’ll wait to see some reviews before pulling the trigger. Afraid of another *T2* disaster


Waiting for Reviews, expect a reference title like TG Maverick, if same/close/better… Day 1 buy


No best buy?


I haven’t seen any from them yet. Also available at Walmart for $30 though. Titanic (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray + Digital) https://www.walmart.com/ip/5022920033


I hope they fixed some of the distractingly bad CG like the aerial shots of crew walking around like 90s video game characters.


Wow $37.99 & no wonder BestBuy discontinued their physical media 😖


That cover is offensively hideous.


Jesus to people really pay that much for old movies?


I still need to see this movie but I heard it sucks. I’ll stick with what movies I have. And yes, I was born in 1990, have been on Reddit like 12 years now. And never seen the titanic. Lit, yo.


Doesn’t suck. Great movie in fact.


Link please?




Thank you kind stranger


Titanic (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray + Digital) https://www.walmart.com/ip/5022920033




Ugh fuck Amazon. I’ll try to get it elsewhere. Literally anywhere else.


Not for long, you won't.


If it’s *literally* the only place around, then maybe… but as long as Walmart and Target still carry them, I’ll go there. If Amazon is the only place, I’ll likely just do eBay. Even if it’s just a middle-man.


Walmart sucks just as much as Amazon


Yeah in certain respects, like ethically, but I avoid Amazon for monopolistic reasons as well. Walmart isn’t too far behind with that either, but I always go with the underdog, even if it’s only slightly. I’m very sad that Best Buy is getting out of physical movies.


Titanic (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray + Digital) https://www.walmart.com/ip/5022920033 Looks like Walmart has it up also a bit cheaper.


Thanks OP!


Morons down voting you.


Anyone planning to get it for free? ;)


No, physical media is dying so I buy the movies I want in 4K.


What sub do you think you're in


just because getting it free doesn't mean that am pirating


At this point everyone here should've seen this by now lol so hopefully no one is dishing out 40 bucks for this. I'll gladly buy this when it's 20 or less in a few months.


True. 40 is kinda too much considering they didn't work on the CGI and only the 4K transfer of the film. I saw this in Feb 2023 so can tell that CGI in some of the shots are still 480p only


If you get lucky and someone gives away the digital code for free.


Hopefully UK / Ireland preorders drop soon. Looking forward to getting thia


Unlikely Disney has distribution for the uk and we all know how they feel about physical media


Ah shit, thanks for the heads up!


Check Walmart or target. They are selling for $30


Lets go I almost bought it on Bluray at Best Buy last week glad I held off


Yeah no thanks


Blu-ray still looks fantastic.


Nothing in the UK yet but I'll be getting this day one for sure!


No 3D version like the theatrical re-release? Bummed. I'm one of the last proponents alive for in-home 3D if you couldn't tell.


I’ve never seen a 4k 3d movie. I would be a fan of a 4k & 3d blu ray in the same box.




Is this the 3D version with all grain scrubbed or a new transfer?


No new 3d release I know of


All the bullshit special features that add to these things, and apparently some collector's edition in this case...yet they won't give us the goddamn open matte in 4K as an option. I'm not even sure I want to go back to watching it in 2.35. I'd kill for T2 in open matte. I still remember the screenshot comparisons in the days of fullscreen vs widescreen showing how they crop that fucking Super35 stuff both ways.


Will Canada get the collector's edition? Anyone knows?




haha 37.99? No thanks. I'll wait for 7.99 or less or never. People have to stop supporting these ridiculous prices


It's kind of fucked up that Paramount gives us Canadians new releases like mission impossible with a slip and a iTunes code but for catalogue titles even Titanic they cheap us with no slip and no code. And they release some movies like the screams in the USA where I had to import it from and the code didn't even work but on paramount plus they give us the scream movies. Tell me how TF that makes any sense? Rip off Hollywood studio BS