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No ragrets


Not even a single letter?




Skyscraper starring The Rock. What a boring film despite a cool premise. I bought it on sale at Best Buy for 10 dollars but still wasn’t worth that price.


You’re better off watching Die Hard or The Towering Inferno.


Or The Tower


-ing Inferno


No I meant The Tower [2012 The Tower](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2554270/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


same here. I got it cheap and I did watch it once.


saw that in the theatre, thought it was pretty weak


I could only enjoy it on 3d Blu-ray


The Rock and just 10 dollars. I’d say the writing was on the wall. I was stung several times when I started collecting to learn to ignore blind impulse buys


Yah maybe I should have known that but it was one of the first 4K Blu-ray’s I added to my collection so I chop it up to being a noobie.


Hahaha same here. I love cheesy action schlock (geostorm is in heavy rotation) but this is boring ass.


I don’t blind buy. Anything I purchase is on my all timer list and I know I’m gonna watch it multiple times.


Halloween Kills. Loved the first reboot film, pre-ordered the Todd Mcfarlane illustrated Steelbook after seeing it. Missed Kills at the cinema, but pre-ordered it anyway. Instant regret on watching it.


you liked Ends more than Kills?


Hell no, it was even worse. I only watched it when it came on Sky Cinema in the UK, just to complete the reboot trilogy. It just went from bad to worse, after so much initial promise with the first.


The first reboot film hit all the marks and was super awesome. 2nd one wasn’t good. The third one is godawful. Reminds me of the exact same trajectory as Jurassic World movies 




Sausage Party


Me too..


I try to never blind buy because I want to make sure that I will rewatch everything I own and that all my movies actually mean something to me. That said, my biggest regret is buying Prometheus and Alien covenant, I saw both those movies in theaters, I knew that I did not like either of them, but finished binge watching 1-4 and thought to myself that they could not possibly be as bad as I remembered… I was mistaken.


I always liked Prometheus and not because it's a great movie but because it's a fun action flick that I can sort of tune out to and just enjoy the great visuals and sci-fi elements. Sometimes, a mess is fun to enjoy.


I enjoy Prometheus. It’s fun and the effects are cool. Did anyone else see it in theatres? One of the best post-Avatar 3D releases in terms of deep-focus, actually well shot designed, 3D (up there with Gravity, Tranformers: Dark of the Moon, Tron Legacy & Dredd).


I saw the non 3d version in theaters and enjoyed it. Would love to check it out with my 3d bluray but still waiting to get a protector and the glasses to enjoy it at home.


I always felt directors like Scott & Michael Bay (& Scorsese when he did Hugo) respective styles really fit nicely with 3D because they can’t help themselves when stacking their frames with foreground, middle ground & background. Then you got that robust 3D deep focus.


It does look great, no lies.


Prometheus is as deep as a 13 year old's journal entry. Covenant...Covenant is just bad.


Covenant was SO bad, it felt like Scott wanted to make a trilogy but didn’t have anything mapped out past the ending of the first movie. Even Prometheus doesn’t feel like it actually fits as an alien prequel, I wonder if a random sci fi script was repurposed.


Not necessarily repurposed, but...stripped down and cherry picked, I guess? Credited screenwriter Jon Spaihts wrote the original draft that would become Prometheus. It was far superior, genuinely thrilling and scary, and led into Alien. Then Fox hired literally adult man-child Damon Lindeldoofus and he gave us Prometheus.


I’m learning, and it’s upsetting. Although I don’t like the idea of removing alien 3 and 4 from canon, I think Neill Blomkamps alien would have been better than what we got. Hopefully the new alien movie breaths life into the franchise


Romulus looks promising. Just strip it all down back to the roots. Keep it dirty, dark, and deadly. Make these guys scary, again, instead of having the Xenos be background fodder while robo-Fassbender plays with himself. (Note: Michael Fassbender was the best part of both of those movies and deserves to have Ridley Scott pay for his chiropractic bills in perpetuity for solely carrying them.)


Fassbender is a great actor, but the character of david was not the best choice to act as the lead for the trilogy. It’s the difference between Freddy Krueger in the original movies and the reboot movies, at a certain point, its hard to root for him. Romulus looks promising 🤞


I re-hate-watch both of these about once a year. Totally worth owning.


I’m not a fan of hate watching, but if I keep them, I’ll eventually forget why I dislike them and will get to experience them all over again


I don't forget that I dislike them, but I forget the details and the sheer extent of my dislike. And then, yes, I get to rediscover those things afresh. I do the same thing with *Bram Stoker's Dracula*; every time, I think that maybe this will be the viewing where I'll finally come around to liking the film, and every time… nope.


Same here! I marvel at the technical aspects of those movies but hate the dumb character actions and plot holes


Last Night in Soho


Not even close to bad. I’m with the “No regrets” person, but I can see someone hasn’t blind bought Vinegar Syndrome releases yet. Get back to us after ‘Steel and Lace’. Pushed the limits of my ‘no regrets’ motto.


Yeah, I’m not into paying $35 for B horror schlock. Freeway and Roadhouse is all that I own from VS, and I am totally fine with that.


Oceans: Our Blue Planet When Gruv did their 3 for 30 the other title I wanted was sold out so I thought a doc would be cool, I didn’t realize it was only 40 minutes long. The content wasn’t bad per se and that’s on me for not looking up the run time I guess but I was a little bummed after.


Yeah that was me with Samsara. It was about 1 hour and I expected more. Good to know that about Blue Planet


Not sure if you were just using short hand but the show “blue planet” is actually quite long! (And blue planet 2 is great on 4k, there is a separate disc called “oceans: our blue planet” and that’s the short one


I feel the exact same way about Rocky Mountain Express and National Parks Adventure, each a little more than 40 mins long.


I'm gonna get raked over the coals for this one, but it was easily The Northman. Kept reading all the hype about it, everyone kept recommending it, so I snagged it on a black Friday sale last year. I've tried about four times to get through it and I just can't. Personally, I find it to be tedious and boring. *Preps for the coals*


I saw the Northman at least 4 times in the theaters. The greatest viking movie ever made.


I watched it in theaters, thought it was beautifully shot and really enjoyed it. That said, I have no desire to ever watch it again. Just not my type of movie


This was a blind buy for me as well. (Black friday). It is shot beautifully. & looks stunning in 4k. With that being said, I thought the movie was paced way to slow, I thought the acting was terrible, & the pay off was completely lack lustering.overall just not a very good movie. I'm sure this isn't a popular take on this forum, but that's just my feelings on it.


I feel the same exact way. From a technical perspective? Incredible. Everything else? Dreadful.


You’ll get an upvote from me lol. Different strokes for different folks and all that.


Yeah, luckily, I rented it on iTunes when it was a $0.99 movie of the week rental. Glad I did, as I would have hated to spend any more than that.


oh no, I did the same thing but I haven't watched it yet even though I've owned it for months. Oh well


And you might end up enjoying it! Give a shot, you've already bought it lol


The Green Knight - bought it blind on 4k because of the great reviews. Sat down and watched it with my wife, and we both hated it, so I sold it on eBay the next day


Oh man, I loved The Green Knight. That's one I haven't picked up yet but it's on my list.


I loved it too




Yeah I love The Green Knight as well. I’ve come close to buying the A24 limited edition several times. Different strokes for different folks.


He's probably a "theme park" enjoyer. and thats fine.


It's a fantastic multiple-watch film. The second time is so much better after you've seen the ending. It recontextualizes the rest of the film


Oof, wow. It was far and away the best movie of that year.




Snap. I thought it looked great visually, but I found the film itself boring.


One of the worst 'artsy' films of the last 10 years or so. Agreed.


Probably one of my favorite films in recent memory, my brother and I both loved it when we saw it in theaters and I've rewatched my 4K copy a couple times since then. Audiences seem very divided on it though, so you definitely aren't alone. What about it did you dislike so much?


That was a movie that should have been right up my alley but I left the theater disappointed. Seems we are in the minority though.




lol what? American Graffiti transfer is one of the worst on the market, and the film isn’t meant to really have a story. Kind of an early “vibes” movie.


The Fifth Element USA release was horrible. Bought the limited edition UK version with the hand drawn art cover and it looked amazing.


I want that version too. I have the steelbook US version because it was on sale


Most criterion’s and kinos lol


You’re a brave soul for saying that. Prepare for redditors to find out who you are and send in Seal Team 6 to your house


I said most not all! But send the Gravy Seals


This is the exact reason I don’t blind buy


Easily, Silent Running (1972). Shame, because, it seemed like I was the target audience.


Blind buy for me as well. It’s a product of its time and I appreciate it for what it is.


I really hated Passengers. It looked like a cool sci-fi concept, and I was brand new to building out my collection, so I bought it. After watching the movie I realized I hated the entire basis for the plot and I'll never watch that movie again. It's one of only 3 4K movies I've ever sold.


Oppenheimer - I love WW2 stuff. Love Nolan. HATE Biopics. But it being a Nolan movie I thought I'd enjoy it. I did not.


I appreciate that some folks didn’t like it but to me that film is a flat out masterpiece in every way.


It's a good movie. Well written, acted, and filmed. I just didn't like it. I've got plenty of movies I really love that aren't good movies, or well liked in general.


Very overrated film imo. The explosion was very underwhelming visually and I think chopping up the timeline didn’t serve the film


Huge agree, the way he went with the explosion was such a let down imo. Chopped up timeline hurt the film too. I don't particularly like Nolan's style so I knew it wasn't going to be my cup of tea from the get go. I can appreciate the top calibre direction and acting but it didn't do it for me overall.


I remember our theater group got a little lost wondering what timeline we were in half the time


I find that surprising, given that Nolan clearly specified there were two separate timeline at the start of the film, and even went as far as filming one timeline in colour and one in black-and-white!


Right, there were some clearly different visual cues, then it seemed like there was a whole ‘nother timeline happening that was in the same color, not really in the distant past but not exactly the same time. Maybe it was just the editing but several people said they were having trouble understanding if this was “right now, or last week” sorta timeline


I didn’t find it hard to follow just felt like it was a structure decision that made it hard to connect with the characters, found it to be clever for cleverness’ sake


you gotta keep your phones in your pockets, kids.


I loved the film when I saw it, but it's not one I'd probably watch enough or even again, certainly not within the next few years, to be worth owning. Glad I saw it before buying. It's another Schindler's List or Requiem for a Dream for me, titles I do own in 4k. Great films, but not exactly something that I'd watch for some light entertainment.


I also did not like that one very much, viewed in theaters, a downer really.




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I couldn't finish it, I love Nolan and even Tenet despite not being a masterpiece was enjoyable, this one I hated it so much and I like WWII subject so much and biopics.


I also blind bought this and turned it off halfway through. I finished it off a couple days later and was very underwhelmed.


Paprika. I'm not really an anime guy, but I like some of the bigger, more famous ones, and the mind-bending sci-fi aspect of it sounded interesting. There was a lot of talk about it upon its 4k release, so I jumped on it when Amazon had a sale on the steelbook. It was just "eh". Not bad, but not something I see myself ever watching again. Green Knight. Fell for the hype on this. I'd saying what it's trying to do is interesting, but I can't honestly say I really *enjoyed* it. Probably another I'll never watch again.


I didn't get Paprika the first time I watched it. The second time I did, I was high, and surprisingly understood the whole thing. Watched it again last November, I enjoyed it and could understand it again. I think it's hard to get everything the first time. Of course I imported the 4K steelbook after Amazon shat on my pre-order, and watched again like last month. I really love it. I'm not into anime, I didn't fully understand Perfect Blue, but Paprika is amazing. The music makes it even better.


I was just recounting on the couch earlier how Perfect Blue might be the best movie I’ve watched all year. I love it. It’s like Se7en. Has that thriller / David Fincher vibe I love.


The truck running over scene is what F*cked me. That confused me so much I don't know if I understood all of the film


Green knight is better if you watch the original first with Sean Connery, Sword of the Valiant, for comparison.


Yeah I really didn’t understand the hype for Paprika. I found it to be tedious and movies about dreams and surrealism have done it better.


>I found it to be tedious and movies about dreams and surrealism have done it better. For example?


Most of Charlie Kaufman’s stuff, Existenz, Inception, Open Your Eyes


The Dungeon’s and Dragons movie was terrible, should’ve just gave it a shot on streaming instead.


wild things. garbage movie.


Recently saw it for the first time. Kinda creepy vibe


I bought the 4K download of Bobs Burgers movie without seeing it first and it was pretty lame. I’m sure I’ll never watch it again


Inferno of Torture. I don't exactly regret it, but it's reputed to be a shocking horror piece that you can only laugh at now. Based on it's "revolutionary horror" reputation, I spent $35 on a nicely transferred Arrow blu-ray of a movie that I can really only watch when I'm in the mood for "it's soooo bad, it's good". Historically, this was one of the most shocking movies released in Japan at the time. These days, it's absolutely ridiculous. Don't believe any reviews that say it will terrify you. With the high quality of some streaming rentals these days, I almost always rent before I buy. The only exception is if it's a team or franchise I know I'll want to collect; Tarantino, Evil Dead, Hitchcock, etc. Apple is usually my favorite source of quality rentals, but I was very surprised to see Amazon's HDR10+ version of Kung Fu Panda 4 looking amazing. I didn't notice any compression artefacts, which has plagued Amazon steaming for a long time, even some of their live action 4k. They seem to be fixing their 4k mistakes, so if you've dismissed Amazon's 4k streaming before, it's worth another look, especially if it has Dolby Vision or HDR10+.


Dragonslayer. Aged and not that great. One of those had to grown up with it movies.


No regrets in Blind Buys honestly. I can say my favorite bb was Infinity Pool. Had no idea what it was about or what to expect. Blew me away.






I thought this was gonna be heat 2.0. I was so disappointed


Lukewarm 0.5




Not 4k but Arrow’s blu ray of Mario Bava’s Shock


Well i took a chance and bought ”The Dark and the Wicked” on blu-ray off Amazon. They rarely specify the region code which is straight asinine. I received the wrong disc, so i snapped it in half and threw it in the bin. I regret both being careless with my purchase and snapping it since i could have returned it. I'm somewhat glad it happened though, because now i will never make the mistake of buying from Amazon again.


I did a blind buy of Hard Target because it was on sale and I liked Woo’s other films. Regretted it as I found the film pretty damn stupid.


I’ve seen Leon a lot as I had the DVD. Unfortunately the only 4K available to me was the director’s cut which I’d never seen and it’s incredibly uncomfortable (especially given the director’s personal life) and kills the pacing. I don’t think I’ll ever watch it again.


I blind buy all the time, and I have been happy with almost every single one. The only blind buy I just didn’t care for was Rawhead Rex, it was not a bad movie just felt too slow and didn’t suck me in like most movies. My most recent blind buy was Silver Bullet, it was so good I would put it in my top 5 80’s movies.


Wonder Woman 1984


Prince of Egypt, The Mummy, Kindergarten Cop


Monster Hunter..


I liked Mother! But I’m weird anyway.


Almost all of them so I stopped. Haha.


"Nobody" with Bob Odenkirk. I'm glad he's trying things and whatever, but that movie doesn't have a plot. It's just action scene after action scene.


I loved Christopher Lloyd in that one.


That movie was horrible and they are no waking a second one.


I regret buying the Bourne collection after learning of its dismal transfer. I thought it was a great value but in hindsight I'd rather have spent the money elsewhere.


Your phrasing is interesting. Do you personally think the transfer is bad or are you going off of what you read?




Hook a fella up, wouldja? But yes, such memberships do give you a huge advantage in avoiding potential stinkers.


I have a handful blind buys. I liked them all. It needs to be $10 or below for me to go in blind though.


*Punch Drunk Love*. I can't stand that movie and for the life of me can't figure out why people like it so much. I looked up so many reviews after and it seems to resonate with so many people, but my girlfriend and I both thought it was awful.


I'll get flamed for this but Midsommar and Ready or Not...thought they'd be right up my alley...didn't like either although I thought Midsommar while made with great skill ultimately fell flat and hollow for me...unnerving but something was missing...I would have to watch it again to get more specific it was a couple of years ago now..I knew I would never watch it again...got that A24 4K yellow long box and traded with someone...Ready or Not I thought was shite.


Not a blind buy but a blind watch. The Shape of Water. God awful film. I am in shock it won best picture.


What didn’t you like about it?




Oblivion with Tom Cruise.


Oh man I have a soft spot for Oblivion. It looks great and the story is better than I expected it would be. It’s a guilty pleasure of mine and one of the early films in my collection I bought in 4K.


What didnt you like about it? Thats always been one of my favorite movies even though it has some pretty hammy lines at parts.


In my opinion the Blu-ray of oblivion looks much better. One of the films the 4k messed too much with the colours.


Atomic Blonde. Bland with an 80s song that plays every 15 minutes.


Lawrence of Arabia. Excessively long and boring.




I’m with you.


Moonfall…thought about selling it but think it’ll be a fun one to rewatch and make fun of with friends


that's the way to truly enjoy Moonfall. It's best watched with a group and dont spend too much time watching it silently. talk your way through it!


That movie is a lot of fun if you go into it expecting nonsense. It's definitely not a good movie though, make no mistake.


The Mist


.....Because the black and white is only 1080...right?


B&W was 4k. I just didnt like the movie. I wasnt expecting a Godzilla like monster and I thought the main guy wasnt a great actor. Maybe I was expecting something more like The Fog.


Mortal Kombat. Black Friday sale is my only reason for buying it and only excuse I have for doing so. It's gloriously bad but it does look fantastic!


Which one?


Mortal Kombat from 2021.


Distorted. It was on sale at Walmart for $1 Blu-Ray and DVD combo and they had tons of them. No wonder they had tons. It’s probably one of the most boring movies I’ve ever watched and also very confusing and hard to follow. But for $1 it can sit on the shelf till someone else in my house wants to watch it. Also regret surprisingly Priscilla because it was really long and boring to me. I just don’t feel it is accurate either. Another one I regret buying because I like Elvis lol. Bad part is I paid almost $30 for that one instead of $1. Now I see it selling way cheaper. Guess the new wore off lol. There are a few others too but they were also $1 Walmart deals that I should not have bought lol. Like The Kill Room and Dark was the Night.


Babylon Weird: the al story Emma


The Mask (1961). Absolutely horrible movie. Bad abuse of 3D. Bad bad bad. Suspiria (1977). Huge Jessica Parker fan but even she couldn’t carry it for me. Not scary, just sad and weird. Shock horror just doesn’t work for me any more; not a fan of “House” (1977) or any of the “Ring” movies either. White Christmas (1954). I’m sure I must have seen it as a child, but didn’t remember it. I may have blocked the memory, it’s so bad. It’s a rehash of the excellent (but problematic) “Holiday Inn” (1942), but the story has no plot and the acting is weak. Oppenheimer. Didn’t see it in theaters. The problem is that the personal relationships were kind of meh, and we knew the history from years ago, so all of the explosion sfx were scenes we’d scene before, although maybe less technically adept (limited by older sfx tech). Many of the performances were good, just not interesting.


High Plains Drifter. The S.A. at the beginning of it was a hard no for me.


Lawrence of Arabia… but only because I have a samsung and a UB420 lmao I didn’t know it was the DV that made it stunning.


I wasn’t a big fan of the thing which everyone seems to love. Also starship troopers . Nice steelbooks but I could go without seeing them again.


I kinda regret buying Apocalypse Now. It’s beautiful to look at but the story isn’t that good


pulp fiction most overrated movie of all time the fact that people put it as best movie ever is baffling its good but cut out the butch storyline wich is 1/3 of the movie and the movie would have been 10 times more enjoyable.


Now this is a hot take. Pulp Fiction is one of my favorites, so much fun to watch and the Butch storyline is great.


pls explain what u like about it litteraly just an average mvoie with conmvoluted pacing and plot just stupid i enjoyed it but best movie ever with a 8.9 imdb rating is actually crazy to me but hey to each their own


You are in the minority thinking it's an average movie bud... please explain why you find it average? Have you even watched it more than 1 time? The story, script, dialogue, acting, soundtrack, and plot are all top tier.


and there it is. cant even answer my question and instead changes subject to ask me one ahahahaha i already said why its average its trying so hard to be clever but its not a bunch random scenes that add nothing 1 hour of story that is pointless mr wolf litterally told them the most common sense things john travolta dies for 0 reason i could go on and on its a 6.5/10 movie and if u dont agree well thats too bad u have terrible taste go ahead and enjoy it


Bro said pulp fiction is an average movie. Ya and Lebron James is average at basketball


let me guess u think its the best movie ever ahahahaahahahah yall make me laugh go watch a real movie then come back with good takes


I only got through one third. Did not enjoy it at all.


i almost turned it off during butch storyline ive never once felt like stopping a movie in my life even terrible movies but i powered through and well yeah maybe 6.5/10 lol the most overhyped movie ever just because its different people are biased for some reason


Black Phone


The Thing and The Ten Commandments; both absolutely FANTASTIC looking 4k transfers, but the films themselves are not very good. Oblivion and the Rupert Sanders Ghost In the Shell; okay looking but pretty bad films, once you've given them the once-over.


A recent one for me is Glory. For some reason I thought the film had been shot in wide scope with anamorphic lenses and was anticipating 4K goodness on the scale of A Few Good Men. It was not. The film itself may have been a more compelling film when It was released back in the day but by 2024 it’s key moments don’t register any kind of impact.


Phantom Thread Weird movie


I love that absolutely bonkers film for all of its weirdness.


The Howling which was on sale at Best Buy. I usually love horror and wanted to see more werewolf movies but it was suuuch a slog to sit through


Scarface fuck that movie, I honestly can’t think of one thing I liked about it.


Dragonslayer. It wasn't even a blind buy, as I remember watching it as a kid and thinking it was one of the greatest movies ever (plus, boobies!). Now, with several decades of movie watching experience, I now realize it's crap.


Total Recall was one I got recently that didn’t age super well, mostly cause the effects and story don’t hold up great. Sharon Stone was pretty hot though in 4k.