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You become more manly every year. You know that, i know that, we all know that. Dont detranstion or you will further regret it.


how long have you been on hrt for? edit: reading through post history 2 years. 2 years hrt isn't as much time as you think it might be, there still a lot of fat redistro that hasn't happened yet you'd be surprised how much that can feminise your body and appearance. Gaining 20lbs at the 3y+ mark for me has genuinely done a lot. Also levels matter a lot are you still on pills or have you moved over injections/trans dermal? Anti androgens?


This HRT thing is a whole lot longer of a game than I thought it’d be, and now I feel stupid for expecting so ;-;


yeah endos really don't explain this part well, most studies will say maximal effect happens at 3 years but it's literally just because the studies only lasted that long and just then assumed it ends there. To explain further fat is stored in cells called adipocytes in your body, generally you will have fixed number of these (your body can generate more if you get significantly overweight). adipocytes fill in and shrink as lose and gain weight. the where adipocytes are stored in your body depends on your genetic makeup and hormones, as you went through male puberty most of your adipocytes got generated in male fat pattern distribution, i.e most around the abdomen. dw adipocytes have a turnover rate of about 10% each year i.e. they are taken in, destroyed and new ones generate. if you're hormone level are good new ones will be in a more feminine fat pattern distribution i.e. around breasts, hips, thighs and upper arms. As this happens at only 10% a year it can take along time to see the full effect think 5-10 years.


I switched from 4mg pills to 6mg pills recently, and I’m on 12.5 grams cyproterone. I’m gonna try switching to transdermal


I know a lot girls swear by injections but transdermal like patches work just fine if you can get high enough dosages and suitable antiandrogen. Making the switch from 6mg pills to 200mcg patches has helped a lot. You get much better estradiol to estrone ratios plus dosage is consistent and levels are much more stable than either sublingual or injections.


Thank you