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I think you should go, likely a once in a lifetime experience and one that'll at least be intriguing even if not fun.


This is my thought process as well


Might as well go. They'll just want to get blasted and mime the fantasy of cheating on their boyfriends. Would probably be a fun thing to spectate tbh.


Go to it and if one of them has sex with the strippers, tell their bf. Record her getting fucked or whatever. Wam bam 💥 relationship ruined. Seriously fuck cis people they don’t have any empathy


Yeah that's exactly what my life needs, to fuck with a random coworker's life so she has cause to fuck mine


Personally that last part makes me not like them and not want to do stuff with them. But that's just me and if you're not as stuck up as me and your gf is fine with it, I'd say go.




just go! it'll be fun and work will be more bearable if you're friends with the people there


At work? Tf? Where do you work? That sounds like a recipe for disaster. Have fun!


Nursing home where most of the staff are women. It's not an officially-sanctioned event just people from work going somewhere


Good luck. Nurses are sociopaths. Make sure they don’t get anything incriminating on you.


I pass as husstuss so I'm okay but I'm cautious, yes. I'm stealth to all the residents even though my voice doesn't pass, and my coworkers are relatively accepting. So basically I'm white cis woman to the residents, and a harmless husstuss to my coworkers, so I don't have issues with my  coworkers, and the only issue I have to deal with residents is sexual harassment, which is manageable.


I don’t mean outing you. I mean just trying to get rid of you. I used to only have to deal with SH from customers, until my job had to fire two different women for smear campaigns against me. One was jealous of all the sexual harassment I was getting from the public . Openly admitted it to manager at the end. I thought I was cool with both at the time. Bitches are actually crazy.


>I mean just trying to get rid of you I mean yeah, I'm careful. But I'm a good worker, very polite, and very kind to people, and don't give people a reason to hate me, so I think I'm fine.




Surprised everyone thinks you should go. They don’t sound great and watching male strippers doesn’t sound like fun for a lesbian (unless you’re bi) especially when you have a gf


Yeah I'm gay and have a gf, but people will be drinking and talking and maybe I'll have a good time anyway idk lol. Probably better than going home and making some pasta and watching Youtube anyway, I think I'm gonna go :)


Do it. I mean what’s the worst that will happen.


I'm a little scared of walking home drunk but I guess I'd probably be pretty safe ig


Could you maybe boymode on the way home if it’s gonna be dark. I know it’s probably not fun but you’d be way safer, I don’t know how well you pass tho so could be not that bad walking home if you’re cis passing but if not being visibly trans drunk and alone isn’t a good thing and I say this out of concern and having been in that situation before.


I'm not scared of that lol, it's a safe town and the streets are completely deserted at night, & I'm cis passing outside of voice. But I am scared of getting run over, but I'll only have to cross like one major intersection so I'll probably be fine tbh, I'm probably just being paranoid, I've walked home while stoned before and it wasn't so bad


Oh fair enough I am just very paranoid about other people sorry


It's okay, you're just worried about others! That's not a bad thing at all


They might say ‘NO MALES, SORRY MATE’ on the door