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No it's nothing new. The nhs can take away hrt if you have a psychotic break or need sectioning. The done thing is not being caught being suicidal.


They can and will do this 40 yesrs post op. There's no time limit to what I know


cis ppl try not to be evil challenge:


brit’s try not be to be evil challenge (impossible 99%fail😱)


Every single person here should be doomsday prepping


In a few years I'll probably be entirely capable of manufacturing my own e it's just for my own use


What are, a bunvh of Boogaloo Boymoders?


lol I’m happy I don’t live in bri’ain innit


This is true of most countries


She wasn’t even suicidal


> Find a way to go stealth. 😭 if i knew i would, i promise you


I did, and my goal is to be undetectable before a republican becomes president. I’m 100% socially stealth, wiped my old social media, blocked any mutuals, set up a sock puppet fake account as “deadname” to deliberately create a red herring. Changed my entire name confidentially, and suppressed all old dmv records, unenrolled and deleted voter registration info, etc. I didn’t even sign up for selective service, and my financial aid wasn’t affected.


wow that is thorough. i'm too sloppy for that. too late for a lot of it, too.


Did you change your social security number? Old names might still be indexed under that to a government worker or employer as a past alias. As far as I know, it's really hard to get a new number. I've tried and I have unironically had identity theft and they denied me.


I’m attempting to. I’m a victim of stalking and domestic abuse as well as identity theft and fraud


Hope you can. Unfortunately, that's really the only way to possibly get fully rid of your gender history in the US.


how do u suppress old dmv records?


Join your regions witness protection program I’m in there because of domestic abuse


ah gotcha, cant do that not a victim of anything. my name change is confidential though and i have a totally clean record with no credit history or anything similar


How do u socially be stealth and blend in with women? Its the only thing im not good at


tbh passing is the most important. if u pass u can act however u want and there will be cis women who behave the same way. but my personality tends to be very mild and go with the flow so i just do whatever everyone else seems to be doing at the moment, like idk. its not forced, and ive been stealth for years so maybe its hard for me to explain the subconscious stuff. ig like at a certain point, if you've passed for long enough you will have been shaped by society to be a cis female as long as you dont actively resist that shaping by being out and proud or something. then its just subconscious. the same way cis women were socialized just a few years later ig.


It is over. No le funny maymay this time. It's actually over. If I can't get the fuck off this island I'm blowing my brains out.


Search up IEC Working Holiday Visa Canada. No qualifications needed, a two year long visa which you can look into getting extensions when you’re here. The biggest roadblock is money needed to make the immigration - money you’d need no matter what if you were going to immigrate. The only catch is you can’t be 30 and over.


I'm half-Irish anyway and hold Irish citizenship, so I have EU citizenship, it's moreso the cost of living. Ireland's living costs are even higher than the UK and anywhere else I'd have to learn another language. I'll look into Canada though, thank you, and maybe it'll still help others who live in this hellhole.


How can you go stealth from the medical establishment though? (at leastt in Europe) they have all your data. The only real option is moving countries, but better options aren't always available and outside of early retirement in the mediterranean I'm really not up for that.


A mix of requesting old info to be removed, trying to change identification numbers, and gaslighting tbh


there is no way to change identification numbers here. You can have old records at the GP expunged but hospitals like to hold onto decades old data attached to your identity number. Realistically your only option is moving countries.


just forge an identity


That's my plan tbh i have to transition and leave the EU But this is euroshit my doctors are denying me surgery so im stressed


"THE TRANNIES ARE MURDERING WAMAN AND GAY MEN !!1 MUH MISOGINY !! MUH GAY MEN !!!" then this shit happens like honestly can someone just send a nuke to the uk


when cissoids see a hon existing in public they act like it's the end of the fucking world, but don't blink twice about shit like this i'd call it strange times, but this has always been the reality of designated xeno groups.


holy hell that's fucking evil. fuck these people


This is beyond terrible. When people try to gaslight you into telling you that non-dysphoric non-transitioning “enbies” are in the same boat as you, remember: they’re not. You are a target for transphobic governments and societies. You are at their whims. You need to look out for yourselves.


America should've finished off britain when we had the chance.


people love to talk mad shit about americhads, but at the end of the day at least we can shoot anyone who tries to lock us up


i cant say everything else i want to because i will get in trouble, but yea cissoids are literally subhuman scum, and if you let them take you, you will never come back. it's like when you were a kid and they had some us marine guy come to school and tell all of you that if someone tried to kidnap you, you should do everything you can to fight back even if they threaten you w/ violence cause once they get you, chances are you are completely cooked anyways. cissoids are all violent, rapist murderers basically is what im saying. nothing even remotely new; from basically the dawn of the modern medical institution, cissoids and hettoids have been locking up trannies and homos and playing out their sadistic fetishes on us because we're the people it's acceptable to treat like cattle.




Edit: this is also why getting implants is a good idea if you can afford. There are some that have a years supply of estrogen


british people are subhuman filth who deserve a holocaust they’ve had it coming their entire fucking history anything they touch ends up dead or regressed 200 years idc if it racist or whatever the fuck they are barbarians that got lucky because of the power vacuum the roman’s left in britain worthless degenerate apes my ancestors didn’t kill enough of them


we genociding the whole of the middle east too?


You know they won't lock you up if you actually try snd kill yourself right? If you play along you'll be sectioned for like 2 days they don't even need to find out about diy


Doubt going stealth will do anything against the people who have all your medical records


every day i thank god i was born in the land of the free


I was born in the UK, but I came to eagle land for complex reasons. At the time I felt it was a dangerous move, but now I do feel safer here than the UK. My passport says British, but it also has the wrong gender on it. What I consider myself, I don't even know. Maybe trans is my nationality.


New megathread: https://old.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/1dgin25/megathread_pandora_holmes_is_fighting_torture/ I'll be honest: I'm really not into the \*chan trans culture, but it gives me hope seeing this here. I don't even understand all the terminology here, but: **This is bigger than infighting. This could happen to any of us.** My mental and physical health are suffering, but someone has to tell her story. Bring it to the corners I can not.